Saturday,  February 1, 2025- 9am

Saturday, February 1, 2025- 9am

A new day unfolds.
Our prayers continue for all the sudden fiery events
that have occurred these past weeks.
A Baptism of fire seems to be continuing in our country.
Prayers to comfort those in need & those suffering.
Prayers for our new government too that it will bring forth
the Rule of Law & Common Sense for our country & people.

Today is St. Brigid’s Day – February 1, 2025.
St. Brigid’s Day – 400 AD. An advanced disciple, Initiate. Healer, set up a monastery, a nunnery, created a religious order. She kept a flame alive, that fame is kept alive today, & the people in Ireland visit that flame & visit St. Brigid’s well. Today, the people make holy crosses from rushes (plants) in remembrance of the healing gifts of St. Brigid. The holy flame is in Kildare, Ireland. Near Dublin.



St. Brigid’s Day is the Celtic festival of Imbolc, a cross quarter day between winter & spring – it heralds the return of spring – February 1. The Celtic Goddess Brígid was regarded as a goddess of healing and the ancient Celts acknowledged her on this day as the day that signaled renewal, new growth, and escape from darkness.



And so, today is a new day – Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Tomorrow is Candlemas Day – gathering our candles today.
To take them to Mass to be blessed.
Lighting our candles all day on Candlemas Day.
The Light in the darkness – the calling in of springtime.

And so…today….
Saturn’s Day – Ray 3 day – day of intelligence.
The first day of February, 2025.
Pisces moon today until 2:06pm (PT). Then the Pisces moon enters into a time of quiet – a void of course until 5:10pm (PT).
Then the moon enters Aries – sign of initiating all things new.
The Sun is in Aquarius, Saturn & Uranus ruled.
Today Moon/Venus/Neptune (Rays 4, 5 & 6).
Venus – what we value, our resources, what we love.
Neptune – things gently falling away, creating a newer higher refinement within. Both are at 27 degrees Pisces.
Where is 27 Pisces in everyone’s chart? What area of life?
This is an important transit to be aware of.

The Retrogrades
Mars (20 Cancer) & Jupiter (11 Gemini) remain retrograde.
Mars ends its retrograde February 23.
Jupiter ends its retrograde in two days (February 3).
Uranus is no longer retrograde & is beginning to slowly move forward out of its retrograde.
Uranus is at 23 Taurus. It will be moving out of Taurus & entering Gemini July 8th.
The outer planets this year shift from water/earth to air/fire.
This accelerates our growth, livingness & evolution forward.
The Aquarian Era is quickly unfolding.

The next Aquarian Salon is next Saturday, February 8, 2025.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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