Saturday,  Decemeber 21, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, December 21, 2024- 12pm

WInter Solstice, Saturday, December 21, 2024.
Saturn’s day today, sign of time as we know it.
Today – early this morning Autumn became winter.
It is the longest day of dark of the year, the shortest day of light. In the night sky the Ursid meteors can be seen.
And so…
Sun entered Capricorn, it’s Winter Solstice today.
In the southern hemisphere it’s summer solstice!
Today, winter solstice, is the longest night of the year. And in this long dark night,
the new light appears, the solstice light of the new upcoming year. The light of spirit appearing in the darkness.
There is a quiet & pause a state of contemplation on the light in the darkness. a paradox actually. In the deepest darkness, there is Light.
We rest today and for three days, ’til midnight Christmas morning. Then the Sun begins its northward movement. And the Light half of the year really begins. The Sun now moving towards its destiny – that of summer solstice.
Today, the Hierarchy & disciples begin preparations for Wesak.

Solstice – “sun pausing, stopping to rest” in the heavens.
At the time of the Winter Solstice, for a three day period, the sun appears at its lowest point at noon, and appears to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn in its most southern declension – in its annual journey across the sky.

Dec 21, 2024.
A most spiritually potent time of the year.
Shortest day, longest night of darkness.
Appearing in the darkness, a point of light.
And from that point of light, more light emerges
From now on (beginning in 3 days, midnight, Christmas morning) we will begin to experience more & more light on Earth in the mornings.
The sun begins to “rise” in the sky, nights shorten and days begin to lengthen.
On the 3rd day of Solstice, we have Christmas.
Across the Northern Hemisphere celebrating that moment when the sun once again begins its yearly ascent in the sky, on the third day after the Solstice, which falls on December 25, Christmas Day.

It’s Saturn’s day today.
Saturn works with ease as Capricorn’s ruler. It is Saturn’s home and Saturn crafts new plans and agenda, new work for the new year & the creation of the new civilization (Capricorn).
Saturn is time. Saturn is strict, too. We should be careful we don’t become too strict too. Saturn’s communication can be harsh at times.

Magical time, from Winter Solstice to January 6th.
As Winter Solstice begins, Angel Gabriel takes over his task of guarding guiding & protecting the people of the Earth & of the Earth itself.
Angel Gabriel is the great messenger. He informed Mary it was time for her to bring forth the holy child, Jesus, who would be overshadowed by the Christ & anchor love into the Earth.

It is good during these quiet days to retreat a bit into nature, into spiritual practices. To contemplate, pray, recite mantras, to listen to sacred tones, song, sounds, watching for the golden light of the season, the star of Bethlehem. And prepare to offer the holy child a gift, joining with the Three Kings & their gifts on January 6th – Epiphany. We offer ourselves in service to the world. We are the gift to the Lord of the World.

In countries around the world, social rituals evolved at the time of the Solstice which were designed to encourage the sun’s imminent, much hoped-for, ascent, to celebrate the coming “resurrection” of the light, and to affirm abundance and good fortune for the upcoming season by sharing autumnal stores of grain and liquors and by eating newly slaughtered herd animals that for various reasons, could not be supported throughout the long winter months still unfolding.
We have long winter months ahead.
For now, we send our greetings to everyone on the darkened yet light filled Winter Solstice. with love to everyone, Risa

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