Saturday,  August 24, 2024- 8am

Saturday, August 24, 2024- 8am

He (RFK, Jr.) did the right thing.
He made the choice for Good.
He is principled & understands power (that subject
is tomorrow here on FB). Power thru love (like the true prez).
And so…
RFK standing next to & with the true prez.

To listen or to read –
The speech is filled with Truth. (video) or its transcript

Today, August 25, 2024 – Saturday, Saturn’s day.
And so…from Phillip Lindsay…

RFK Jr. has thrown his weight behind Trump on Aug.23 – when transiting Mercury retrograde was passing over RFK’s natal Pluto – planet of power.

Although deeply familiar with the workings of power – through his family lineage, RFK is above all about principles.
His speech on Aug. 23 reflects a calm and clear elucidation of those principles and policies – in stark contrast to the frenzy and empty rhetoric of the recent Democrat convention – or any US political convention for that matter! (Well worth watching or reading RFK’s 48′ speech (video) or its transcript )

RFK made his announcement when the sun was in the first degree of Virgo, a sign well-known for its association with health and nutrition – the latter part of his speech was about USA’s health crisis.

RFK’s alienation and suppression by the Dems has put him in an unique position as a centrist and true “original democrat” – in the sense of his father RFK Sr. and uncle JFK. In RFK Jr’s speech, he talked about “joining forces as a unity party”.

Therefore, RFK is potentially a force for change – with the capacity to unite left and right, for something politically new to emerge in the next few years. RFK said that he has “surprisingly” a lot in common with Trump, but that they are fiercely at odds on several issues – as he acknowledged in his speech:

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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