Monday,  October 28, 2024- 3pm

Monday, October 28, 2024- 4pm

And so…
Let the Forces of Light Bring Illumination to the minds of men (thinkers) this week.
What is in the post today?
90 degrees – a new pathway.
Choice. Humor. Quotes from Louis Brandeis on choice.
The color of Dawn – Violet Devas.
The heavens are busy today – transits.
The Week That Was in history.
And maybe more.

And so…
Another new week begins.
New ideas, new events, new people to talk with, new conversations, new opportunities yet to be.

And so…the MSG event/rally – 30 million tuned in around the world on social media. MSG capacity is 19,500. It was full. And tens of thousands remained outside listening last night.

And then in Los Angeles at the LA Times…
The Babylon Bee wrote:
“The LA Times Staff resigned when asked to publish facts.!

Laughter is good.

And so onto our day & week – the week that was historically.
Today is Monday, October 28, 2024.
Countdown! Nine days till the election (including today).

We have a complex astrological day today.
The heavens are busy on this Monday.
Virgo moon – Scorpio Sun & Mercury.
Details, discipline & discipleship comes to mind.

Mars trines Neptune – refinement of our actions.

Venus square Saturn – Rays 3 & 5. in Sag/Pisces.
Truth fills our minds, true knowledge so we can make right choice to bring justice & fairness forth.

New Direction
Venus square Saturn – Squares are interesting.
They take on onto a new pathway, a new idea, a new thought.
Look at the square. We come to a corner. Do we retrace our steps or do we turn 90 degrees & walk in a new direction?
Squares offer us a new course, new pathway, new objective,
new goals, new things to see, hear & listen to.

Venus & Saturn when together.
Venus is Ray 5, Saturn Ray 3. New ideas to ponder.
Saturn restructures us & is the Teacher.
Venus offers us the Truth so we can make Right choices.
When we have true knowledge the atoms and cells in our body calm down. Then a harmony results.
Venus harmonizes all the is separated.

Writing at Dawn
I am looking out at the sky at dawn this morning.
The color is violet – the violet devas filling the sky with their amethyst color, the diamond light color coming from the Ajna center, the place of Aquarius.

We have a 34 minute moon v/c this evening –
From 8:54pm till 9:30pm (PT).
Then the moon enters Libra (sign of choice).

And so again the word “choice” appears during this critical time in our country.
And quotes by Louis D. Brandeis come to mine.
Who was LD Brandeis? Born Nov. 13, 1856, Scorpio Sun; the People’s Lawyer; Assoc. Justice of Supreme Court; supported the Right to Privacy; defended Freedom of Speech, workers; rights, fair wages & hours of work; against mass consumerism & large corporations; criticized power of large banks – Brandeis University in Mass. founded in his name, etc.
More on Brandeis –

Quotes from Brandeis on our present times & this last critical week in our country).

“We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.”

“Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the
government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”

“….to expose ….falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil … the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”

This week leads up to the most critical choice our country’s people can make since the founding the United States. The people need to be educated & rightly informed with the truth to be able to choose. What choice will our people make? The world looks on, the Hierarchy, too!

And so, upcoming
Pre Halloween is Wednesday.
Halloween is Thursday – how will everyone celebrate?
Friday is Scorpio new moon (9 degrees, 35 minutes).
It’s also All Saints Day –
Saturday is All Souls Day.
Sunday Daylight Savings ends in most parts of the U.S.
Monday Sun trine Saturn, Sagittarius moon – the people think in terms of justice. Will the eyes of Lady Justice be unveiled?
Tuesday, Voting Day – the day that goes down in history.
What will humanity in the United States choose?
Freedom or Continued Slavery?

Let the Forces of Light Bring illumination to the minds of men (the thinkers). Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May humanity in our country meet in a spirit of cooperation.
And forgiveness be the keynote.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be & help us to know & to do our part in the world.
Making right discerning choice & having Right Action.
love, Risa

90 degrees – a new pathway, new ideas.
Double pyramid – protective spiritual shield.
Charts: Today’s chart & the transits to the natal US Chart

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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