Monday,  October 14, 2024- 9am

Monday, October 14, 2024- 9am

Understanding Christopher Columbus Day.
A disciple of Master Count St. Germain.
Understanding history esoterically.
Monday, October 14, 2024.
Monday, a new week begins once more.
Time is a spiral! Ruled by Saturn, the time keeper.
And so…
Today is Monday October 14, 2024 –
Christopher Columbus day today in the U.S.
Thanksgiving Day in Canada.

Sun/Mars & Venus/Uranus.
Sun opposite Chiron – t square into Mars in Cancer.
We want to heal the wounds. We feel impatient.
Need to move about a lot, take a long drive, see new things.
However, somehow we feel held back, challenged.
Pisces moon – swimming in holy waters today.
Earth itself, its matter is precipitated waters.
Venus/Uranus – a bit of impatience, an inner shaking.
Venus opposite Uranus – something attempting to integrate.
Oppositions tell us there’s something “over there” somewhere, summoning us to recognize it, embrace it, integrate it.
What would that be for everyone today?
Also, care with money, finances, resources.
Tend to them carefully.
We find ways to calm ourselves.

What’s happening today?
Always there is something occurring! Always a surprise.
Things yet to be!

Today is Christopher Columbus Day.
He discovered lands that the European people didn’t know existed. He thought he was in India.
Behaviors of people in previous times are different than behaviors of people in our times. We don’t judge or criticize.
We take int consideration the different times. We observe.
We understand.

Columbus & Master St. Germain & the North American continent.
Work in the American Continent

Due to the pioneering work of a great disciple Columbus, the Aryan (Sanskrit for “The Thinkers) life wave found
the continent of N.& S America (new lands for Europe, as they did not know they existed). Columbus was a disciple of Master Jesus and Master Count St. Germain. Columbus, a very religious & devotional person, and was guided by St. Germain to discover the N & S American continents.

It is St. Germain’s work that enabled the discovery of American continent. The two continents, North and South America, have been ancient most lands (Lemurian lands). They were connected to the east, during the last period of Lemurian civilization (18 million years ago) and the early period of Atlantean civilization. Lemuria has been the land of Gods (where human was first created – the lands in the Pacific, the west coast of N & S America), when The Sons of Will, Son of Yoga & the Sons of Fire descended from higher cosmic circles and appeared on to this
planet Earth. Together they created what is now humanity (18 million years ago) on this Lemurian land. It was like a hot house of growth, humanity a young seedling, tended & cared for in order to grow & thrive.

As humanity grew, Master Count St. Germain (MCSG), along with a team of Great Beings, began to work in & for the American continent. MCSG protects the American continents as a father & as a Teacher. There are also many devas and many intelligences, who work with him, protect our continent, other continents & the entire planet. all overseen by Masters.

Among the Hierarchy of Teachers/Masters, MCSG was entrusted with the N & S America, their peoples & their development. MCSG has been working in America ever since the 17th century, contributing to the growth, liberty & freedom of humanity thruout this cycle of time.

It is/was MCSG’ disciples who brought, sought for, fought for & established the freedoms for our United States as well as to the many areas in North and South America.

Initially, when the Master CSG first worked, he opened many Masonic Temples. Masonry means an activity of building. Esoterically it is the building of oneself into a Sacred Temple.
Learning Centers.
The disciples of the Master CSG are Masons of esoteric orders. They carry/carried the energy of freedom and liberation to many lands and they work/worked out the gradual extinction of imperialism. This land of America was won for the people through
intentional Masonry (sacred building by Masters & devas).

Examples of disciples & lands:
St. Martin was a great mason who brought freedom to Argentina.
Don Pedro, another mason, brought freedom to Brazil.
To the entire northern part of South America, freedom was brought through the leadership of Simon Bolivar. He was also a great mason.
George Washington (the U.S. first American president, Feb. 22nd, his birthday, a Pisces, sign of the savior, Pluto ruled) was a mason of 33 degrees.
Abraham Lincoln was also a mason and a disciple of the MCSG.

The Master CSG has been playing a significant role in both the American continents to inaugurate freedom from authority, and freedom from the misuse of power and rule.
He was behind the construction of the Statue of Liberty – the symbol of the light of freedom for the United States today.
The noble objectives of liberty & freedom & experimentation, including the discovery of new lands, were brought about through the disciples of Master St. Germain. (this includes Christopher Columbus.)

And so, now we know (more).
And do not need to be reactive on this day.
Or make it any other day. It is just what it is & was.
Today – love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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