Monday,  November 11, 2024- 10am

Monday, November 11, 2024- 10am

It’s Monday today. Veteran’s Day.
The BodhiSattva Prayer is the Prayer of the Warrior.
Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity
“May I be a guard for those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened.”

A Question (below)
The disciple of the future will build the new world of culture & civilization with Ray 7 (anchoring Ray, Uranus).
It will be the magical work of creation with its uses of slogans & catch phrases. These bring results, sweeping humanity into mass action. The embryonic use of Words of Power.
We are to study their tones, numbers & potency!
These are magical ways for humanity having been given the gift of speech (Mercury). God’s spoke & the world was made. One word was sounded forth by God – & the world appeared!

Question: What word have we heard the past 8 years that was a magical word! By a White Magician (Uranus, Sun, North Node at midheaven).
That is the question for the day today, Monday!

And so, a new week begins once again.
Events ideas experiences opportunities yet to be!
And so….
Today is November 11, 2024 – I keep typing out 2025.
2025 – the year of the 100 year Conclave (meeting) of the Hierarchy. To discuss humanity’s readiness for the Reappearance.
2025 – the beginning of the Externalization & the Reappearance.
Christ has been in preparation since the Gemini Festival of 1945. A long time of preparation. And here we are now just prior to the precipitation.
All of that on my mind simultaneously w/ day to day events both in the heavens & on earth.

And so…before we continue on to today’s discussion.
I ask that those who haven’t yet to read yesterday’s discussion.
And respond to it.
Another request for silencing the information posted here.
Thinking politics is not sacred or something an esoteric astrologer should write about.
A silencing alson with two responses. I would like to hear your responses, too.

Today is Veteran’s Day. My father was a Veteran.
He was gone for many months of my life. My mother alone lots of months with five children. My father was gone a lot in the wars. Especially when I was born – he was far away in the war. I didn’t know my father until I was a year & a half.
The men of yesterdays are different than the men of today.
It was a different time, a different education, a different way of seeing the world.

However, the CALL is still the same.
And the battle is also still the same. The battle between dark (loss of freedom) and light (humanity’s freedom).
The battle between humanity as slaves (this f/darkness agenda which includes the Agendas of the UN & the false theory of Climate Change) or humanity as free & sovereign.

The battle is focused in our country now.
Previously it was focused in Europe.
But now the main battle is focused in the United States.
Because of our country’s Divine Task.
Who can write out what that task is?

And so….
Today we honor the men & women (soldiers) of yesteryears, and we call forth the warriors of today – to enter into, to stand up & to walk out into the battle field, banner of freedom held high so that our country, our people, the experiment in freedom which is our country & thus the world can eventually all be free.

That is the keynote of Aquarius – freedom.
And Pluto will enter Aquarius in eight days!

And so the astrology today.
A complex day today –
Scorpio Sun, Pisces moon – deep transformative waters today.
Our emotions may be high.
Sun/Jupiter (2) today – an inconjunct (the elements seek to find commonality) – Scorpio/Gemini (4/2) (water/air).
What planet rules both Scorpio & Gemini? – though on different levels? What Ray? Who knows?

1. Friday – Nov. 15.
a. Scorpio Solar Festival Friday at the full moon time –
b. Saturn stations direct Friday, too – 12 degrees, 42 minutes Pisces (water element). Saturn (3) enters Aries (fire) May 24, 2025.
We have a great elemental shift from earth & water to fire & air in 2025. Part of the preparation for the minds of humanity to understand & to recognize the beginning precipitation for the Reappearance.
2. Pluto leaves Capricorn (earth element) & enters Aquarius (air element) Tuesday Nov. 19th. A whole new world appears.

So much of what I write sometimes or often, here & there, is esoteric. But I know my readers will understand. Or they will ponder upon what is written until revelations begin to appear. That is the workings of the mind of the disciple.The call which Scorpio makes to each of us – to Discipleship. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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