Monday,  March 3, 2025- 9am

Monday, March 3, 2025- 8am

Venus Retrograde –
A new week begins!
Time moving quicker & quicker as we enter into the airs, ure architect & atmosphere of Aquarius.
Today is Monday, March 3, 2025.
Spring Equinox is March 20th – in 17 days!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, is Mardi Gras. Wednesday is Ash Wednesday when Lent begin –
Purification days – 40 days & 40 nights.
The purification is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.
Preparing for Easter & the Resurrection Festival (April 20th).
And for the Three Spring Festivals of Aries (April 12th, a very important day), Taurus, Gemini.

Initiating these festivals, Mercury, the messenger has entered Aries (fire), joining Venus (retrograde) also in Aries , the moon is in Taurus (earth), Jupiter is in Gemini (air), & Mars is in Cancer.

The Venus Retrograde
Venus has been associated with war in various cultures and mythologies, including Roman mythology, Mesoamerican cosmologies, and ancient Mesopotomia.
Venus retrograde can be war. And the swords & sabres seem to be rattling towards war. War is the globalists agenda. They make money with wars. The EU is controlled by the globalists. And all those who are supporting Z are part of the support of war. The true prez said clearly to Z that continuing the war could bring about WW3. Z is also under the thumb of the globalists. So many are in support of Z, blinded to the fact that this is an emotional reaction, without knowing what is really occurring.
What happened at the White House was planned by the globalists. The true prez says he wants peace. That is the antithesis of what the globalists want. Z is their puppet.

Roman mythology
Venus was not a war deity, but she had an epithet called Venus Victrix, which was associated with victory in battle.

Leaders allied themselves with Venus, and her temples were built in Rome in the 200s B.C. to ask for her help in battle.

Pompeius Magnus dedicated a temple in his theater to Venus during his first consulship.

Mesoamerican cosmologies
Venus was associated with war, death, and renewal.

Inanna, the mother goddess, was associated with Venus. She was both the goddess of fertility and a warrior queen.
Other cultures
The Mayans called Venus the Morning Star, the Spear Thrower.

And so….
Venus will be retrograde until April 12th.
Mercury retrogrades this Saturday, also in Aries (10 degrees).
Both planets are retrograding simultaneously & side by side in Aries. Retrogrades are good times to review all situations, values, resources, communications, interactions. And to review one’s belief system so that the truth (Venus, Ray 5) can come forth.

Watching, observing, listening, learning, seeking the truth & the facts so that emotions do not cloud our days & nights. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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