Monday, March 17, 2025- 9am
The Shamrock – the Trinity – Rays 1, 2, 3.
Will, Love/Wisdom & Intelligence – the three aspects of God.
And of each of us.
And so…today….
March 17, 2025 – Scorpio moon.
Last days of Pisces Sun.
Pisces/Scorpio – the deep inner waters.
Mercury & Venus retrograde in Aries.
Pisces Sun, Scorpio moon & the retrogrades.
All are good times for study & inner contemplation.
I look forward to people studying the public figure’s chart.
And responding to my questions. All week. love, Risa
Trinity –
Shamrock – it’s inner spiritual meaning.
Father, Mother, Holy Child.
Father/Spirit – Ray 1 – Will, Purpose, Creation.
Mother/form & matter – Ray 3 – Intelligence (Holy Spirit)
Son (Holy Child) – Ray 2 – Love/Wisdom.
Ray 2 created by the love between the Father & Mother
(Rays 1 & 3 – the mystery of how & why we are on Earth).
Purpose of the posts here each day –
1. to cultivate a group mind together thru study,
2.cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of astrology (which helps us know ourselves & others),
3. present a study of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings which lead to spiritual self-transformation,
4. leading to entrance into an esoteric Ashramic Group,
5. and the realization of the unity of all life on Earth & in Heaven.
6. Everyone is invited to participate in self study. Risa