Monday, June 6, 2022- 9am

Sword of Discernment/Discrimination
Gemini Festival Quotes:
Gemini presents humanity with two realities – light/dark, good/evil – the pairs of opposites.
Disciples are to carry the Sword of Discrimination/discernment in order to see the choices offered, to make Right Choice.
In this Kali Yuga time. 3/4 dark, 1/4 light.

Preparing for the Gemini Festival.
Next Tuesday, June 14 is the full moon & Flag Day.
The Wesak waters will be distributed at the Gemini Festival.
The Christ reads the last teaching of the Buddha.
We prepare this week together.
Today is Monday, a new week. June 6, 2022.
A quote from the Tibetan under the light of Gemini – the task of Gemini is to point out duality (Mercury shows us). Then Venus comes forth & unifies all that is dual & separate.

Gemini Festival Quote
Gemini presents duality of good/evil to humanity.
The most ancient of battles.
Humanity must stand with the Sword of Discrimination & Discernment, in order to see the choices & under the Will to Good, make Right Choices.

Externalization of the Hierarchy (p.431 – 445) –
The Task of Implementing the Will-to-Good

p.432 (the Tibetan is answering some questions about the world situation)

2. There are factors present in this battle between evil and good which are so deeply esoteric and hidden from the understanding of the most advanced human being that it is useless for me to enlarge upon their existence.

They are concerned with the ability of the mind, or of the mind principle, to react/respond to truth or to lies; the mystery of this reaction is hidden in the evolutionary process itself.

A point can be reached in human development where acceptance of deception is impossible and clear thinking is normal. The potency of glamor (which holds so many people in prison) is related to this mystery.

Glamor holds not those who are mentally and emotionally undeveloped; they are complete realists and see life in its bare outlines. The highly spiritually intuitively developed are not subject to glamor; they also think realistically but this time with true mental perception and not instinctively.

The thinking non spiritual man, in his process of training, but who is still largely governed by his emotions, is exceedingly prone to glamor, and very often to the glamor of a sentimental so-called loving attitude.
These people do not realize that love is a process of determining action on the basis of the ultimate good of the individual or the group, and that the immediate reactions of the personality are secondary.

In this conflict the Hierarchy is concerned with the final issue, with the future welfare and the ultimate well-being of humanity. They are not so concerned with the immediate suffering and pain of the personalities involved.
Is this a hard saying?

A tiny replica of this correct attitude can be found in the influence, words and actions of those wise parents, those farsighted guides [433] of youth, who see the need of discipline if their children are in the future to be rightly oriented, and to live correctly.
The temporary discomfort of the discipline and the rebellion of the children do not in any way condition such parents. They see ahead.

3. The conflict at present involving humanity has its source not only in human selfishness, but in a situation which has existed for ages between the Great White Lodge of Masters and the Lodge of Black Adepts. This began in Atlantean times and must now be fought out to a finish.
With the details of this struggle (fought on mental levels) you have no concern, except in so far as you and the rest of mankind react to lies or to truth.

Two streams of mental energy or of thought-directed ideas impinge powerfully at this time upon the human consciousness. One is embodied in the lying propaganda emanating from the DArk Forces/ Powers and affecting potently not only their own peoples but the selfish politicians, the intolerant and the racially conditioned people, and the well-intentioned but short-sighted appeasers and pacifists…

The leader of the conflict against evil in high places is the Christ, the Head of the Hierarchy.
What is the attitude of the Christ at this time?

…He knows Himself to be the inner spiritual Commander of the Armies of the Lord. His is the responsibility of awakening the souls of men to their presented opportunity and to the need of bringing [434] to an end this ancient conflict between the Lords of Evil and the Messengers of Light.

His has been the problem of teaching humanity that, in order to demonstrate true love and to provide scope and opportunity for a civilization in which love, brotherhood and right human relations are governing factors, those essential steps must be taken which will accomplish this.

He said when He was on earth two thousand years ago,
“I came not to bring peace, but a sword.”

The sword of the spirit is wielded by the Hierarchy, and by its means cosmic evil is arrested; the sword of discrimination is wielded by the initiates and the disciples of the world, and by its means the distinction between good and evil, with a consequent presentation of free choice between the two, has been laid before humanity, and the lines of demarcation have been made abundantly clear in this world war.

It had been the hope of the Christ and the longing of all the Masters that men would see clearly and make free and right choice, so that – without physical plane warfare – they would bring about the needed changes and the ending of wrong conditions.
But the conflict descended on to the physical plane and the sword of material war (symbolically speaking) was taken up by humanity.

From Risa
And here we are today, once again.
The Atlantean dark forces that brought destruction to Atlantis, that controlled Germany & Hitler, destroying humanity during WW2 are once again apparent, but now they are in the United States. It is a time of choice now once again for humanity. Right Choice occurs when we stand with the Will to Good, Will to Love. Humanity learns thru suffering. Calling humanity to awaken, to choose wisely. The Hierarchy has such patience. We can have that patience too. It takes a long vision, a geologic vision to understand. And to know that there is no time on some planes. When one doesn’t have the long spiritual view, there is disappointment in humanity. Which is not the right view.

Choice – it is ALL of our choices – all the people together.
It is our choices that matter, that helps to “close the door to evil.”

Underscoring the teachings – Hierarchy is concerned with the long evolutionary view of humanity – not the short term suffering of the personalities. Humanity is given an opportunity to make the Right Choice this time. Or we return to this same level of suffering at a later time.

Calling humanity to awaken, & to realize humanity is actually the World Savior. That is who we are to identify as.

Humanity is called to stand with the Forces of Light & hold a flaming sword with the Christ. Standing together. Risa

Addenda: News/notes – Banker Diamond saying we’re heading toward trouble monetarily. June 11 – Venus joins Uranus in Taurus. Venus can be money. Uranus, sudden change. We observe the economy that day. Venus/Uranus Taurus rules money, finances, resources. 14 Libra is the US Saturn. Venus rules Libra. We observe these things. Risa

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