Monday,  February 3, 2025- 9am

Monday, February 3, 2025- 9am

Decoding the Grammys.
They don’t have the right hertz** – they use the lowest vibration possible – lowering humanity’s vibration.
We pray for/with humanity to awaken & recognize what is being offered to humanity –
Prayer –
Lead humanity O Lord from darkness to Light.

Sex Magic, Sex Ritual – the Grammy messaging to the masses.
Everything has dual expression on Earth.
Ray 7 Ritual Magic – creating either dark or White Magic.
Forces of Materialism use Ray 7 for death & destruction.
Forces of Light use Ray 7 to anchor beauty into form.
What we saw in the Grammy’s last night.
The Magician, Ray 7 – important to recognize Ray 7.

And so…
What we saw in the Grammys last night.
The lowest level of Ray 7 – sex magic, ritual, ceremony, (dis)order, darkness, death. No art is left.
The lowest vibrations – Ray 7 is mass ritual.
Ray 7 is the Magician (highest order) & also the Lord of Death (lowest order).
Exposing the darkness through their use of color, sound & symbols. In plain sight!

And so today is Monday, February 3, 2025.
A new week begins – of things yet to be.
And so….
I changed direction as to the subject of my post today.
Everything we see out in the world has an influence upon us.
And it always becomes a lesson in observation.

And so…
Watching dark (sex) magic last night in the Grammys – huge mass ritual to affect our consciousness to remain in INVOLUTION – the outcome being unconsciousness, sleight of hand & death.
Deep manipulation with symbols, sounds, colors.
Triggering what in humanity?

Death is on our minds these days.
There have been terrible recent deaths in our country.
The planes falling from the sky – the many who died in the plane crashes (in the Potomic & in Philadelphia).
Explosions & fire, death to the people.
The news media blaring its false information.
We are awash in darkness. Showing the explosions over & over.
Activating trauma in the masses.

And so back to the Grammys – the dark magic of sex.
The colors red & black. Dante’s Inferno & Purgatorio.
Movements depraved & staccato.
Sex/death rituals at the Grammys – leading to the next mass ritual for humanity – Feb. 9th, the 59th Super Bowl!

And so…
We watched the Grammys last night – Hollywood & the music industry – the dark rituals continue in our Kali Yuga times.
The only part of the Grammys last night was Herbie Hancock’s piano. Otherwise, much of it, including most of the singers, was darkly discordant & cacophonous sounds, colors (black & red), smoke, & movements, quite like a satanic ritual.
There was no art or music or harmony or real talent.

In between the ages, there IS NO ART available.
There is no new creativity. Art falls into darkness.
In the new era, new art forms will come forth.
They are not apparent yet.

Forces of Materialism – how they utilize the arts at the Grammys last night.
What we saw.
Hands & limbs waving in a group like Dante’s Inferno!
People huddled together (a group), writhing together.
Chaos & cacophony – the lowest level of Ray 7.
Black Magic.
The word “cacophony” is Greek for “bad sound.”
I had to look away so it didn’t penetrate into my emotional field.
Ray 7 is Ceremony – Ceremonial order & ritual.
The stars & planets & Rays are NEUTRAL when they enter the Earth.
How the stars, planets & Rays affect people DEPENDS UPON THEIR/OUR STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

Ray 7 – groups working together either for ill or for the good. Offering something to the world. Either destructive or creative.

The highest manifestation of Ray 7, one becomes a White Magician, bringing forth new archetypes for the new Aquarian Age. This is a training ground for White Magicians, the NGWS, tending & caring for, educating humanity.

On its lowest level, workng with unconscious, barely awake people, the outcome of Ray 7 is Black Magic, the manifestation of which was seen last night at the Grammys. It continues an oppressive slave like, cult like ritual system. There is ambition, greed, deceit, selfishness, darkness, with an emphasis on SEX (in great amounts, as sex is deep magic, & the dancing & music portrayed this). Overall it was deeply dark. And DEI was honored!

Hollywood has become irrelevant including much of the music industry. Again, in the between the Ages, there Is No Art. Only the darkest levels of art are displayed. This is part of the Kali Yuga, where darkness is allowed to be seen so humanity can see the dark as well as the light & make their choice.

Everything has a dual expression. Including the Rays.
A higher expression & a lower expression is manifested through the people.

Ray 7 – Ceremonial Order: This ray, in its higher expression, represents the application of spiritual will (Ray 1), unconditional love (Ray 2), and enlightened understanding (Ray 3) to create divine order and structure in the world.
Ray 7 – Ceremonial Order & RITUAL: Ray 7, in its lower expression, represents oppressive cultish, sex, manipulative, systems or ambition (Ray 1), manipulation (Ray 2), greed & deceit (Ray 3).
The darkness (& ritual) was so obvious!

We need to be aware of what energies are coming in, how the energies come in, when, & how we manifest them.
Ray 7 is the Magician – either White Magician or the Dark Magician. We are either building toward & creating Beauty.
Or we are building towards Death & creating destruction.

The award shows are rituals stimulating the sacral level within humanity, stimulating humanity thru sex magic (lowest level of manifestation of Ray 7). Ritual brings heaven down to earth. Rituals either create & lift up or they destroy. Thru words & sounds, vibrations, colors, numbers, etc. to create a reality in form.

The Magician in Tarot – the Magician uses their tools – use the elements, the four elements – fire earth air water – when we look at the outer events – Hollywood, Grammys –

Think on these things.
ICE (#17) – Ice skating, spending freeze, freezing assets, hiring freeze. Plane was an Eagle. Super Bowl Philadelphia Eagles, etc.
Mass consciousness triggered on unconscious levels. A war we are in & it’s heightening, cards being played, factions fighting, a capture from DSinse, very telling – we think we are doing nothing wrong, don’t worry, it’s very apparent that its beyond a war for our minds – F of Materialism use numbers symbols words colors to create a vibration which controls the lower devas & thru these the F/Darkness manipulate humanity into further Involution. White Magicians do the opposite, they communicate with the Solar Devas, lifting humanity up to Life & Beauty & anchor life & beauty into form. Everything is a Creation – whether dark or Light.

Dark Forces activate the personality creating separation & death.
White Magicians brings the Soul into manifestation – live & beauty.

Lead us O Lord – lead humanity O Lord
from darkness to Light
from the unreal to the Real
from death to Immortality
from chaos to Beauty.

Ray Lord – task of Divine Manifestations, making all the Rays appear on Earth. He rides in & out of rapid work in a fast cycle. He builds using Ray 2 cooperation thru the power of thought, thus cooperating with Ray 5.
Tomorrow I will list the 23 names of the Ray 7 Lords.

Tomorrow, then…love, Risa

**Hertz is a measure of frequency; specifically, it indicates how many cycles of a periodic phenomenon occur per second, with one hertz equaling one cycle per second.

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