Monday, February 12, 2024- 8am
A new week begins.
Monday, February 12, 2024.
Aries moon begins our new week.
Sun, Mercury & Pluto are in Aquarius.
Disciples gathering the Aquarian Laws & Principles.
For the new era – carrying then in our Ark from Pisces
to Aquarius – our gift to humanity’s education.
Tonight Mars also enters Aquarius wanting to join the others.
Tomorrow is Mardi Gras – our last big party before Lent.
Tomorrow is Mars/Plluto in Aquarius – a most intense & powerful transit. I will ask today & tomorrow – where is 0/1 degree Aquarius in everyone’s chart?
What house – area of Life. Careful there!
Wednesday is Valentine’s Day – under Taurus moon.
It’s also Ash Wednesday – which means….
Lent begins on Wednesday.
Who will get ashes on their foreheads?
What symbol is placed on the forehead?
What do the ashes signify?
What words are spoken?
What do they mean?
It’s a new week again in the Ashram.
What are everyone’s plans this week?
Monday is wash day in the Ashram.
love, Risa