Monday,  Decemeber 30, 2024- 1pm

Monday, December 30, 2024- 1pm

Under the light of Capricorn.
Lost are we in the Light Supernal & on this Light we will turn our backs.
Today is also December 30, 2024. The 2nd to last day of 2024
Today is also the 5th day with the Magi Astrologer Kings, walking under the Light of Leo.
Today we have our new moon meditation.


A Reading at this New Moon Time.
Before initiation, disciples go thru immense challenges.
And God in His Mercy sends the Comforter, the Holy Spirit (Ray 3), to help with the challenges.
In the Tibetan’s work there is something called the Dark Night of the Soul – Ray 1 (God) into Ray 3 (Holy Spirit – the Comforter).
As an Initiation is being experienced there is the struggle prior to the Initiation – and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are offered to the Disciple. Initiation is a state of expansion which prior to can be of great difficulty.

Today is the new moon of Capricorn. It is the touch of the hand of the Master/Teacher that strengthens the disciple. In the dark night of the Soul, the soul stands alone w/out help & one must remember one is never alone, even when one feels alone. One must remember the Knowledge of the Plan.
One is then given more responsibility in the Work. And joy comes to the one who knows they have served & helped others in humanity. What has been sown is beginning to bloom, even if we don’t register the fact. We respond to the vibration of the Teacher.
The Hierarchy withholds nothing. Disciples are steady centers of light in every land & the strength of the Soul & the knowledge of the Ashram helps us complete the work we have begun. Disciples are steady centers of Light. Then we pass into the clear light of the Ashram.

It’s the 2nd new moon of the month – called a Black (invisible) moon. The new moon degree is 10 degrees Capricorn.
The keynote of Capricorn – the ideals that all of humanity is given so they can understand the keynotes of the new era.
“Lost are we in Light Supernal, & one this Light we will turn our backs.”

We stand on the mountaintop of Capricorn in the Light of the Sun. For a time we are resting, after our journey from Aries to Capricorn. Eventually we begin to hear the sounds of humanity’s suffering in the valleys of the Earth. And we know we will, at the end of Capricorn, turn our backs on the Light Supernal. We will carry the Light we have gathered in our Ajna Center & share that Light with humanity – serving in Aquarius with the Light. And saving humanity in Pisces with the Light.

During the new moon time, we support & uphold the work & endeavors of the New Group of World Servers. We recite the Great Invocation together. Let Light & Love & Power restore the Plan on Earth. Ohm. Ohm. Ohm.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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