Monday,  Decemeber 2, 2024- 9am

Monday, December 2, 2024- 9am

Lots To Read Today, many levels.
The Mineral Kingdom & Ray 7 (esoteric).
Travels, the astrology of today, questions, somone travelling somewhere (a pilgrim in search of beauty, the wisdom teachings,
Ray Lords, radiations & more.

Monday, a new week of things yet to be!
And…a last word on yesterday’s information on the Ages.
The Mystic & the Occultist.
The Age of Pisces & the Age of Aquarius – what we become.
The Pisces Age was one of developing faith & compassion & the expression of devotion. Pisces – humanity’s is the Mystic.

The Aquarian Age is one where humanity develops the ability to see the truth, cultivate a true science (physical & spiritual). It is the Age of Freedom & humanity becomes an occultist.
A White Magician.
Aquarius – humanity becomes the Occultist (the Knower).

Note the difference between the two.
Humanity as the world disciple must be both – the Mystic & the Occultist. These cultivated virtues are the purpose of my FB pages here in my writings & all the wisdom teachings presented as well as the astrology.

Today is Monday, December 2, 2024.
Our first Monday in Advent (something’s coming!).
Holly posted below what I was going to post today.
Honoring the Mineral Kingdom for the first week of Advent.
Thank you, Holly.

The Astrology Today.
This morning the Sag moon is v/c.
At 1:09pm (PT), the moon enters Capricorn (practical, grounded, structured via Saturn).
This helps us in the Mercury retrograde (see the degree in the chart for today below).
See also Jupiter’s retro degree in Gemini.

Retrogrades are important to notice, consider, know, & comprehend. Everything’s backwards, upside down inside out.
And we have another retro coming up – Friday’s Mars retrograde!

Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius.
We are travelers, pilgrims along the Way in Sag.
One of my family members is travelling to Europe for 10 days to see the German Christmas Markets, renouned throuout the world. In the multiple retrogrades (Mercury/Sag, Jupiter/Germini & Mars/Leo) her trip will be quite unusual, revelatory & surprising!
Here are links to the markets – quite extraordinary.

It takes a very brave person to travel across the sea in the midst of the coldness of winter to visit the markets of Germany in the snow!

Have fun, Sarah (Libra, who loves beautiful things & has a Christmas tree ornament collection among other beautiful things).


Venus/Uranus today in a trine – Capricorn/Taurus.
Things unexpected may occur w/ Uranus.
Venus/Uranus (5 & 7) in earth signs – Cap/Taurus (1, 3, 7, 4).

With Venus trine (harmony) Uranus – anything may happen as we tend to resources & money & what we value.
There could be a revelatory change or additional awareness of our values.
Like Sarah who values beauty & the Christmas season & all things festive. So she is acting on her values & going to places never been before to discover (Uranus) more beauty (Venus).
Sarah is Libra Sun. & Venus/Uranus are the rulers of Libra –

And so….
The mineral kingdom. Rays 1 & 7.
Each of the kingdoms (mineral plant animal human) has developed over time (still developing) an outstanding quality along with other divine attributes. Notes the assumption here of the mineral kingdom being “alive.” The mineral kingdom has the activity or nature of being static & inert (seemingly) & the quality of radioactivity or radiation. This is its beautiful divine expression. The goal of radiation is to pass thru all limiting substances. Radiation is Ray 1. The organizing principle of the mineral kingdom is done by Ray 7 (anchoring substance/forms on earth).
Human has specific work to do with each of the kingdoms.
With the mineral kingdom, humanity is to work alchemically & magically – what does this mean?
It is the process of transmutation & revelation.
And condensation, traformation by pressure.
From carbon to a perfect diamond – created in the mineral kingdom.
Ray 1 comes into Ray 7 & Ray 1 (fire) radiates into substance (mineral kingdom). Ray 1 comes into the mineral kingdom (Ray 7) & the mineral kingdom radiates (radon). It is the fire of Ray 1 that enters the mineral kingdom & produces radiation.

The mineral kingdom develops in three stages.
From static, to crystal (semi precious & precious stones) to radiation. There are seven mineral substances reflecting the seven Initiations of humanity. And only in the world cycle (Ages) when the 7th Ray is manifesting do these hidden changes in the mineral kingdom take place in the seven groups (of minerals). The 7th Ray increases the potency of the mineral kingdom & radiation & new substances appear. As the 7th Ray passes out of manifestation (cyclically), the mineral kingdom enters deeper into inertia.
Ray 1, the geometrical faculty of the Universal Mind of God, finds its most material perfection on the physical, 7th Ray plane, the mineral kingdom.
Uranus connects both Ray 1 & 7.

The Seventh Ray Lord is taking control of the affairs of the Plan of God at this transitional time so as to stabilize the field in which Aquarius must work. What are the many names of the 7th Ray Lord.

Note when the 7th Ray came into manifestation.
When was that time. Who can tell us? And what was the
great cultural response to the 7th Ray cyclically coming into manfestation? The answer is in Esoteric Psychology 1 (blue books). Who can tell us?

Journal Notes –
Revelations During the Retrogrades.
A note to myself during the retrogrades, a revelation.
To order & organize my entire life, so I can focus entirely on the presentation of the Wisdom Teachings. So I can create a time in which everyone can be invited to the Ashram to learn. I would need help in this endeavor.

There is much to read here, much to integrate.
What did everyone who read today’s post find to be most interesting? This is to become a more active dialogue. Going beyond saying thank you & hearts. What in the writings did everyone find most interesting? Are there questions?
Retrogrades are times where revelations occur. Also questions. love, Risa

Christ offering the Diamond of the Soul.
What is your alter like? Post your advent altar of stones (precious, semi precious, plain), crystals & minerals, seashells
& bones.
Next week – the plant kingdom is added to our altars.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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