Monday, April 22, 2024- 7am

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 17 – 23, 2024

Wesak Full Moon Festival – Buddha Blesses the World

The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival is Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
After Sun enters Taurus on Friday, after Saturday’s transit of Jupiter/Uranus in
Taurus (the real beginning of the Aquarian Age), after Earth Day and the first night
of Passover, Monday at sundown, one of the year’s most important full moon
festivals occurs on Tuesday. This is the April Buddha Full Moon or the Wesak (holy
waters) Festival.
During this festival the Buddha appears in the heavens, He carries and distributes
a blessing to humanity and Earth’s kingdoms from the Lord of the World (our God,
Sanat Kumara who came from Venus). Disciples around the world prepare by
placing crystal bowls filled with water in gardens and the open air. As the Buddha
blesses the world, all waters are imbued with this divine blessing.
During the Wesak festival, the Forces of Enlightenment are called upon to remove
hindrances and to expand humanity’s discrimination and discernment. It is the
“will of the Father” that we achieve liberation from materialism, make
appropriate choices to build the new Era (Aquarian Age), and step upon the Path
of Return.





The Wesak festival occurs yearly in a protected valley in the Himalayas (a real
location). Many disciples, seekers and aspirants from many lands) gather in this
valley at festival time. Thee is a great stone with a crystal bowl filled with pure
mountain water. Around this stone, the Great Ones (Christ, Masters, Hierarchy,
Initiates, Avatars, Adepts, etc.) just prior to the full moon time, prepare for and
invoke the Buddha using sacred words, geometrical dances, prayers, mudras and
invocations. At the moment of the full moon the Buddha’s presence is called forth
(into the etheric plane of the Earth) with the words,
“We are ready, Buddha. Come!”
As the Great Lord of Illumination appears (he remains for eight minutes)
accompanied by the Forces of Enlightenment, He distributes the blessings of the
Will-to-Good and the Will to Love. They are distributed to every kingdom on
Earth, especially to humanity.


And so, on Tuesday, let us place our crystal bowls, filled with pure water, out in
the open (gardens, meadows, fields, stones, steps, doors, windowsills, fire
escapes, porches, ledges, etc.). The waters will receive and absorb the blessing of
the Buddha, the Will-of-God. They are our communion with the Divine.
Note: Read the Story of Wesak & more on the Wesak Festival on Risa’s FB page
& website .

ARIES: A continuing theme is your self-identity and now it’s you and your
interactions with friends and in groups. Be aware of what you offer, what you say
and provide, and how to expand the good in both self and others. Your future
depends upon the cultivation and unfoldment of your gifts, talents and abilities.
How to do this? With intention to know what they are. Calling upon the Soul for
guidance. A blessing of knowledge results.

TAURUS: Throughout your life you always sought illumination in what you do, see,
think, feel and explore. Whether conscious of this or not (now you are), this
theme is both your life purpose and life work. As the Buddha blesses humanity
you are to receive that blessing personally then turn and bless others with your
illumined mind and kind compassionate heart. You will then help steward the yet
to unfold future. And great creativity comes forth.

GEMINI: You might consider your actual etheric presence to show up at the
Wesak festival (it can occur with intention in dreams). One must have great
aspiration to participate. The Wesak Festival is deeply involved with Venus, your
Soul ruler, and with Mercury (Ray 4, Harmony Through Conflict), your personality-
building ruler. All these energies combine to bring you to the next state of
awareness and spiritual consciousness. Shall we travel to the festival together? An
esoteric group is now preparing. You are invited.

CANCER: It’s best to maintain quiet contemplation so all information being
received at this holy Wesak time can organize itself into deep understanding.
Realize the gatherings and groups you belong to offer you ways to exchange and

share. Group work can feel new to you, perhaps its outcomes are unexpected.
Eventually they become a deeply cherished experience. Much of your life is
hidden for the purpose of protection. You will soon realize you’re in the deep
embrace of the future.

LEO: Prior knowledge of who you are in the world, your work and leadership
abilities and how you influence others are all being evaluated, reviewed and
reformed. You will eventually reinvent yourself by calling upon hidden gifts and
abilities, adapting to behaviors of those you admire, and cultivating more and
more virtues useful for the coming revolutionary times. Relationships for you are
always with people unlike yourself. They are your shadow.

VIRGO: You have been deeply focused on daily needs and this continues for the
rest of the year. Sometimes your mind turns away from simple daily living as you
dream about a future of comforts, people and possibilities elsewhere. Perhaps
this has to do with work, or prayer, a retreat or possibly a great service to others.
Observe yourself. What are you thinking these days? I sense you are learning new
values or studying something that defines a different future path.

LIBRA: You will at some point in your life seek a greater knowledge of someone
you either don’t or didn’t value or perhaps someone you don’t understand. You
will soon seek a deeper experience of love which comes with a newer inclusive
view of the world. You seek to understand how your life’s purpose intersects with
travel, other countries and cultures and places far away. For now, simply
investigate what calls to you in your present environment. Life is completely
different than what you expect. Come with us to the Wesak Festival.

SCORPIO: Be deeply observant of what you are thinking, feeling and sensing while
encountering and conversing with others. Take care that all those around you
practice Goodwill and kindness, or you will be profoundly affected for the next
several weeks. Allow this festival and blessing to take you deeper into yourself.
Observe what is around you until you and that which is around you are one. Be

exceedingly careful of thoughts and of what you say and do. Reflect before
speaking. Take the most perfect care of yourself.

SAGITTARIUS: This Wesak Festival may take you to places as yet unknown. There
is an arrow of aspiration forming within. Where would you live to travel next?
Should you be concerned about anything seek safe counsel. Response and deep
listening from another benefits and clarifies your perspective, helps you
overcome difficulties and gain the needed detached (dispassionate) view. You will
ponder upon relationships as they relate to your well-being.

CAPRICORN: Work and health – two themes during these times. The work is
mental and physical, giving attention to detail, finding the best techniques,
planning carefully. You always do a good job. Health – for those who criticize a lot
– criticism hampers health. Praise vivifies health. If nervous or anxious
Chamomille tea or Aconite Napellis (homeopath) soothes and calms the nervous
system. Your garden becomes a place of color and of refuge. You understand
these words – the immediate beauty of color. Color is your creativity.

AQUARIUS: Attempt to explain what you need in a neutral kind voice. Then
always say “Thank you, I am grateful.” Gratitude and Goodwill are healers. It’s
important to explain your needs, ideas, perceptions and decisions clearly. You
may think you explained yourself during the retrograde. Actually those words
remained in your head and were not articulated. Others won’t understand your
actions. You need a bit of play – releasing forgotten child-like energy. Listen to
others with compassion and care. Aquarians are faster than the speed of light.

PISCES: It’s good to withdraw, to reflect on what has occurred the past seven
years. It is important also to prepare for what is to come, which is actually
unknown. Simultaneously, examine your daily life, evaluate your possible next
steps and assess what needs have recently arisen. Speak the truth, your deepest
thoughts and feelings, allow no pressures to build. Focus inwardly. Appreciate
your childhood and parents for what they gave (or did not give) – all chosen

before birth. Rest and sing more. “O what a beautiful morning. O what a beautiful
day. Everything’s going my way.”

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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