Monday, April 22, 2024- 7am

Monday, April 22, 2024- 5pm

Night Light News is updated.
It’s about the Wesak Festival & more.
Asking for prayers for our webmistress, Cindi.
Who had a sudden death in her family.
Death is a liberation for the one who has died.
It is a deep longing shock & suffering for those left behind.
Om Mani Padme Hum.

Today is Monday, April 22, 2024.
It is Earth day today – Earth is Ray 3.
Humanity is to develop its intelligence, which is a level above the emotions. Humanity is to become “the Thinker.”
The words “man” & “Aryan” mean the “thinkers.”

Passover begins tonight at the first sighting of a star in the heavens. The Jewish festival of stepping away from bondage (Egypt) & stepping towards the land of freedom (Canaan, land of milk & honey).



Wesak –
Preparing our crystal bowls.
And tomorrow is Wesak, the Buddha Full moon solar festival of Taurus (Ray 4).
So many events occurring!
Disciples hold multiple realities on the Constitution of Man (spiritual map, geography of the multiple dimensions we live within – seven levels w/ seven of each sublevels) w/ knowledge, understanding, poise, preparation & dedication.



Astrology today
Sun in Taurus, moon in Libra –
What planet do they both hold in common?
What Ray is that planet?
This planet is the planet where our God originally came from.
It is the Earth’s elder sister.
Who will answer the question?

We have a v/c today – at 4:29pm (PT). The moon is v/c till tomorrow morning at 8:30am (PT). Then the moon enters Scorpio. And the Sun of Taurus will be reflected by the Moon (whose Scorpio energy will be hidden).

The Taurus Festival, Wesak at the Full moon (Sun/Moon opposition) occurs at 4 degrees Taurus.
Where is 4 degrees Taurus in everyone’s chart?
What area of life?
The time of the festival will be at 4:49pm (PT).
What time will that be for everyone not on the west coast?

The Wesak Taurus festival has profound significance.
Therefore the NGWS are called to attention & to dedication.
Nothing happens casually during these Festival.
Their purpose is the enlightenment & evolutionary push for humanity.
The NGWS stands between Hierarchy & Shamballa & humanity. These are the three world Centers. Hierarchy & Shamballa & Humanity.
The Hierarchy is grateful when disciples show up each year at the Wesak Festival. We mobilize all our forces to withstand the kali yuga & the burning ground which is our world now. Not entangled in the drama of our world.
So moving together in our journey to the Wesak Valley.

We will gather the light & throw it upon the burning ground.

In the Wesak Valley.
The Trans-Himalayan valley, meaning beyond Mount Kailash. On the northern side of Mount Kailash, in the valley, the Taurus Wesak buddha full moon festival takes place. The gathering of the Masters of Wisdom and their accepted disciples occurs each year according to the sun, moon stars creating a pattern, according to an order, which is geometric. The Christ & Masters in calling forth the Buddha – they will form geometric shapes in the form of a dance – squares, triangles, circles, double triangles. T varieties of geometrical formations will keep happening along with mantrams. As they perform this invocative movement, we will be behind them, some will take their seats on the ground, all of which are pre-allotted.

The valley of Wesak appears & reveals itself twelve hours before the full moon event. Otherwise, it is hidden in the valley. It surfaces itself twelve hours before the event and creates a temple of masonic order with no roof. It is out in the open, mountains on each side, trees on the mountains. It is cool with the touch of the mountain air in the valley of Himalayas. There, the gathering happens and everyone waits.
Breathing in. Breathing out. Preparing.
We will arrive there tonight. love, Risa

Disciples are called to stand in dedication today & tomorrow – Dedicated to receive the Light Will Love of the Father, via the Buddha.
Dedicated to stand with the NGWS receiving that blessing & dedicated to radiating the Will & Love of the Father to humanity & her kingdoms.

We will arrive at the Wesak Valley tonight. It is north of Mt. Kailash. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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