Monday, April 1, 2024- 9am

Sunday, March 31, 2024- 8pm

Continuing with the Esoteric Teachings.
On Easter Monday –
In the days & week after His Resurrection, the Christ, appearing in the physical body of master Jesus, could be seen in His luminous radiant Sun body. The Sun’s Light is its natural vehicle. The Christ, an Archangel from Sirius, also was in His natural Archangel body of Light – the Capricorn realm being the home of the Archangels. We remember the holy child was born in Capricorn.

There is an interval now between the Resurrection Festival (initiation) & the Ascension & 50 days till Pentecost (fire of the mind, Holy Spirit descending upon the Disciples – giving them all language, all wisdom) & the Ascension (when Christ returns to Shamballa). It is a 40-day interval (remember 40 days in the desert of Sinai, 40 days of Lent, now 40 days till the Ascension). 40 days (4 is a square, the Earth plane) of purification & preparation.

Christ taught the Disciples each of the days from Resurrection to His Ascension. These teachings took place on the inner deep spiritual plane, in the etheric plane.

Only Disciples who were able to function in the higher realms (upper room symbology) could take part. Humanity possesses a number of “bodies” – physical, emotional/desire, lower mental (personality), Soul, higher mind, intuition, Spiritual Will, Monadic (see Constitution of Man).

Christ appeared to His Disciples clothed in His Etheric (subtle light) body. On Easter Monday, the Christ was at the Sea of Galilee, teaching His advanced Disciples how to develop & use certain spiritual currents within themselves. The proper development & use of these currents protect the Disciple creating a shield of armour of pure white Light.

Let us Dine Together.
And the Disciples were in a boat and had fished overnight but they had not caught any fish. And the Christ appeared & told them to cast their nets to the RIGHT SIDE of the boat. And they cast their nets to the Right Side (side of Goodness) & their catch was great..
And Peter cast himself into the sea & brought the full catch of fish to the Lord.
And the Lord had already made a fire & he invited the Disciples to dine with Him.
And the Christ prepared the full net of fishes that Simon Peter drew in the net – 153 in all. There were so many fish in the net but it didn’t break. And Jesus said to them…”Come & dine with me.” And they ate the fishes together on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.


Esoteric meanings:
The sea is the etheric realm (the four etheric atomic light around the physical body).
The boat is the Soul body, where the Soul functions & directs the personality.
The fishes are the Mysteries, the Wisdom Teachings, the Esoteric Truths given out in the Piscean (fish) Age (Christian religion) – offering to humanity the Stages of Discipleship.
Each of Christ’s Disciples represents one of the signs of the zodiac.
The number of the fishes – 153 = number 9 – Initiation,
The Right Side of the Boat – to attune to the positive currents of the Earth, under the direction of Mercury, the God of Wisdom, whereas the left handed currents are under the direction of Mars, ruler of the emotions.
Note: Mars & Mercury are the rulers of Aries.
We note in the turmoil of today that many of humanity have yet to cast their nets to the right side –
To unite Mars & Mercury – the head & the heart of each individual must be united.
Or the personality with the Soul.
The “fire” that the Christ made is the Kundalini fire that lights up the chakras, that rises up with Right Living. This produces the golden body of the disciple.

John 21:1-14
When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred fifty-three of them; and though there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” Now none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?” because they knew it was the Lord. Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. This was now the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead.”

Fish, a dweller of the deep, a religious symbol, used by the early Christians, denoting the Piscean Age, the Age wherein the Law, adding to the Aries Ten Commandments, was to Love One Another, As I, the Christ (the Soul) love you.”

And they ate fish & honey from the honeycomb. When the Initiates has passed certain tests there is a drink given in thanksgiving – a drink of honey and herbs and there is a celebratory eating of fish & honey together.

The days after the Resurrection were wondrous days filled with Divine teachings, with revelations, with intimate & tender communion & closeness with the Risen Lord. Only those who were sufficiently advanced could participate in this glory of an interval between the Resurrection & the Ascension. The interval lay between heaven & earth. The days were holy.

“And there were so many wondrous things that Jesus did & said between the Resurrection & His Ascension. If they were written every one, the world itself could not contain them.” (St. John.

In the 40 days ahead, we are quiet, poised, listening, observing revelations & teachings from the Lord.
We understand these things. We are grateful. Love, Risa

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