Friday,  September 1, 2023- 12pm

Friday, September 1, 2023- 12pm

Yoga of Happiness.
Yoga of Forgiveness.
National Forgiveness Day today.
Friday, September 1, 2023.
Aries Moon today – getting to know the self.
Venus’s day – Ray 5 Day – the color is golden orange today.
Our God came from Venus.
Venus is Earth’s elder sister. Always helping us.

The Yoga of Happiness.
Yoga – mean the/a Path.

Humanity is being called to “know itself.”
This is the North Node in Aries (1 & 6).
Aries is “self identity” – knowing the self.
How do we begin to work with the North Nodes in Aries.
The knowing of ourselves?
By pondering upon what makes each of us happy.
Talking about what makes us happy.
Then by the study of one’s astrology chart.
Which is the template for “knowing the self or self identity.”

Talking about what makes each of us happy.
“This makes me happy”, we say to everyone.
Why speak of one’s happiness?
Humanity is the throat chakra of the Earth.
Talking about what makes us happy actually MAKES US HAPPY!

The first way to the Yoga of Happicness is to ponder upon what actually makes us happy.
What makes us happy is a guide post.
What makes us happy is the path towards knowing about ourselves.
Happiness can lead to Joy can lead to Bliss.
Personality, to Soul to Spirit.
A triangle.
Within feeling happy is a thread of love.
Joy & Bliss.

What makes me happy?
What makes you happy?
If everyone concentrates on what makes them happy.
The entire earth is uplifted.
We use our imagination. We use our memories too.
Pondering upon what makes us happy.
Talking about what makes us happy.
Doing what makes us happy.
Actually uplifts the environments & people around us.
And them the world.

The Yoga of Happiness.
We can also begin with the Yoga of Forgiveness.
Forgiving all that we have done to others that may have hurt them.
Asking forgiveness of those whom we feel have hurt us.
Offering forgiveness, asking forgiveness.
Pain then is wiped away. Karma too. Like Magic.
Offering forgiveness helps us climb the ladder of the duality of pain & pleasure.
In between the two…after forgiveness in all its aspects.
Happiness appears.

How to forgive & offer forgiveness.
Just by doing it, saying it out loud, in thoughts, in words, in intentions.
Offering forgiveness to the self, to others.
Wiping the slate clean of the hieroglyphics of my pain & sorrow.
The pain & sorrow of others, too.

Yoga of Forgiveness begins w/ ourselves.
The it moves out into families, out into the world.
Everyone is asking for forgiveness, acknowledgment of hurt, of sorrow, of recognition, of Love.

Eight billion people living on our precious Earth.
Over 18 million years, we have evolved into one global village.
A million intricate strands, woven together, a grand tapestry.
The Tree of Life –
We are all unique, individuals – all 8 billion of us.
Disciples understand this.
Offering Forgiveness always.
Establishing the Yoga of Forgiveness, leading to the Yoga of Happiness, to Joy, to Bliss, to Love.

Today –
Our first day of September.
Autumn equinox is 22 days away – Sept. 22nd.
Sun & Mercury (4) in Virgo (2 & 6)
Venus (5) retrograde in Leo (1 & 5) – gathering our inner gifts.
Mars (6) in Libra (3) / Saturn (3) in PIsces (2/6)-
They are 150 degrees apart – an inconjunct which means the elements do not easily work or integrate w/ each other.
Air (Libra) & water (Pisces) – can produce steam.
We lift up to the Rays to see what harmonizes an inconjunct.
What harmonizes Mars/Libra, Saturn/Pisces?

Mars (6) rules Aries (1 & 7). A focus on self identity.
What is the structure (Saturn) of energies that make each of us up? Who are we asks Aries? love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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