Friday,  October 11, 2024- 10am

Friday, October 11, 2024- 10am

Friday – October 11, 2024.
Geomagnetic storm occurring.
We can be affected physically emotionally mentally.

Pluto stations direct on its way to Aquarius, Nov. 19th.
Yom Kippur (Atonement) begins tonight at the seeing of the first twinkling star in the sky.

Aquarius Moon today, Libra Sun – air signs.
We think a lot today.
Especially with Jupiter retro in Gemini.
Mercury inconjuncts Uranus today – Libra (3)-Taurus (4).
What planet brings the two together – Libra & Taurus.
Over riding & calming the inconunct?
Who knows?

And so…
Countdown – 27 days til the election.
Day of Choosing – a Libra task.

There’s really no choice is there?
We know it’s always the outlaw, Robin Hood, who saves the people, saves the world.
We choose the outlaw….

There is really only one choice.
The one standing in the Light, leading humanity within & towards the Light.
The other one stands as a puppet of the dark forces.
Knowing nothing, doing nothing, it is not their job to do.
Leading the world in the Light.

The Intellectuals & the Elites.
The Tibetan said that there are people who are very intellectual.
Often self assured, they can be the “elites.”
They have intelligence and a brain, but they have not developed discrimination or discernment.
Love hasn’t been cultivated yet.
Love is discerning.

Or there are people who also very intelligent are locked into a false ideology, a false set of beliefs & they, although thinking of themselves as intelligent, are really not deep thinkers.
There are also those who are afraid, who are blinded to the dark forces, and there are those who are manipulated by our brothers on the left hand path.
All of the above do not have the mental capacity to discern right form wrong, good from bad, evil from the sacred, light from dark.

How does one make Right Choice?
How does one discern TRUTH from Untruth?
One must have the intention to stand within the WILL TO GOOD & the WILL TO LOVE – and be silent there.

This is a fiery triangle of high sacred mentality.
Then the right discernment, the right discrimination, the RIGHT CHOICE & the RIGHT ACTION comes forth.

When one stands with intention within the
& the WILL TO LOVE (Ray 2),
then WISDOM (Ray2)
flashes within the higher ind
& RIGHT ACTION (Ray 3) is taken.

For Humanity we say these words & invite all of humanity to join us today, Ray 5 day – which is the Ray of Venus, which is truth, true science, true concrete knowledge (no illusion, mayas or confusions). Just plain truth.

Kali Yuga Prayer –
Lead us O Lord, from darkness to Light.
From the unreal to the REAL.
From untruths to the TRUTH.
From death to Immortality.
From blindness to Sight.
From chaos to Beauty.

What is beauty?
Plato says Beauty is what organizes the elements,
provides humanity with harmony & tells humanity that
the Soul is Good. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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