DAILY POSTINGSThursday, November 8, 2024- 10m
Today is Friday, November 8, 2024.
Venus rules the day – Venus, Ray 5, sign of Truth, true science, true knowledge, true concrete reality.
The color is a golden orange.
And so….
The question I posed yesterday.
Why is hate speech not free speech?
Who can answer that question?
It has to do with inner freedom.
It has to do with which chakras in one’s body are being activated.
Which chakras does one live & act within?
The question of why is hate speech NOT free speech?
Who can continue to answer that question?
It is subtle & different than most everyone thinks.
The education of humanity must now change.
Part of that new education would define what freedom is.
What free speech is. What hate speech is.
Again, why is hate speech not free speech?
This is a needed & deeply ponderable question.
Two people have answered. I will post their answers after
others have responded.
One answer was “I don’t know, Risa.”
And that was an astonishingly truthful answer.
A wonderful answer.
When others attempt to answer my question I will post all the answers. This is our school, our college, our place of learning together. Where we all become Teachers.
Freedom to Write, Now & Then.
At a later time I will also post what it’s like now, after the election, & what it was before the election (the years before under the previous regime) to be a journalist, to not be able to tell the truth & to be fired. Me & Tucker Carlson & so many other journalists are speaking out.
But for now – the question – why is hate speech not free speech.
The Astrology today –
It’s quite a free day today actually.
The moon is pretty much resting…in the sign of Aquarius.
Which IS the sign of humanity’s freedom.
Astrology, when one knows it, is everything!
It sets us free! love, Risa