Friday,  November 29, 2024- 9am

Friday, November 29, 2024- 9am

Today is the day after Thanksgiving.
What is everyone doing today?
Friday, November 29, 2024 – Friday is Venus’s day.
After a festival of some sort….
There is always a dropping down of energy after
a festival occurs. A picking up of the pieces of our lives.
A gathering of the parts of our lives & putting them together again. So what is everyone doing today?
Under the sign of Sagittarius – fire.
And also, today being Friday, under the light of Venus.
Sagittarius is Rays 4, 5, 6. Venus is Ray 5.
A colorful day today – with Scorpio moon continuing ’til late tonight. Scorpio is Ray 4 – harmony out of conflict & chaos.
The colors today – golden yellow (4), golden orange 5), turquoise sky blue (6).
Sagittarius Sun – our aspirations for service is the sign of the disciple who becomes the Knight on a white horse (the Prince of Peace) with a flaming sword of Archangel Michael.

Tomorrow is Sag Sun & Moon.
A new moon tomorrow – at 9 degrees 33 minutes Sagittarius.
Our new moon meditation in our School of Athens, with our Teachers, our sojourn with our Teachers, preparing in Sagittarius for Initiation in Capricorn.

And so….
We see the goal, we reach the goal, then we see & reach the next goal. Together. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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