Friday,  March 21, 2025- 3pm

Friday, March 21, 2025- 3pm

Story of the Raven the Messenger.
Of Raphael – Springtime Archangel.
Story of the Sun & Moon at the equator.
Each day now we are now preparing for the Three Spring Festivals.
The Sun of Rightousness, rising up with healing in his Wings.
(Externalization of Hierarchy, p. 456+)
The Aries Festival is the first of the Spring festivals.
It is a Festival of Love.

Three Spring Festivals.
The first is the Aries (23 degrees) Solar festival – occurring Saturday, April 12th –
This year, the Aries Festival (April is also Passover & Venus stations direct – a most auspicious spiritual day & night!

Today our 2nd day of Aries Sun.
Today is Sagittarius moon – two fires today.
Moon travels thru the sky today, making contact w/ Mars, Chiron, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto & Neptune. The moon is busy.
We are too! (As we reflect all that is occurring in the heavens).

Today – Friday, Venus’s (Ray 5) day – March 21, 2025.
Ray 5 – the color is a golden orange, the color of marigolds.
Seeding our gardens this year with medicinal & edible flowers.

Venus (5) in Aries (1/7) sextiles Pluto (1) in Aquarius (5/7).
A potent day today of the Knowledge Rays.
Knowledge (odd numbered) Rays radiate outward.
Love Rays (even numbered rays) are receptive. Love/Wisdom.
Love brings all earthly karma to an end.
Love underlies all happenings in our lives, of our times.

Our 2nd day of Spring in the northern latitudes.
The 2nd day of Autumn in the southern latitudes.

The Seasons
It wasn’t until we became human, left the Garden of Eden (the etheric plane on the Constitution of Man chart), that the seasons began.. Until then, the Sun & Moon maintained a non moving presence at the equator. So the “fall” of the Sun, into the Tropic of Capricorn, then the later “rising up” of the Sun to the Tropic of Cancer, reflected humanity’s “fall” into form/matter (substance imbued with intelligence) & later “resurrection” – which is the entire story of Spring (the seasons), Lent, the Prodigal Son story in the Bible, Passion Week, the Last Supper, Good Friday, the Crucifixion, Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday, the Resurrection.

This story is “told” over & over in the heavens with the new & full moon festivals & with the solstices & equinoxes, the four corners of the year each protected by an Archangel.

As Spring begins, the Archangel Raphael (also known as Mercury, as Hermes, as Thoth in different cultures) assumes the task of protecting, guarding and guiding the Earth & her kingdoms.
Archangel Raphael is the healing angel, carrying a caduceus with two snakes – one white, one black with a line of light in the center. This was the ancient symbol of healing. When the Christ, Messenger Archangel from Sirius, came to Earth, the caduceus was replaced by the Grail Cup, the chalice, which held the bread & wine (Last Supper, Holy Mass), which became the “manna” (holy angels bread of healing) for humanity.

Each Age is presented with its new Laws & Principles given by the World Teacher (Who appears at the beginning of each New Age) & offers a new recalibration of all that came before.
We are in this time now.
We have been in the years previously to 2025, in the time of the Forerunner. That is over.

We are now in the Time of the Precipitation (of the Aquarian World Teacher before which there is a meeting of the Masters/Hierarchy). It is their 100 year Conclave [meeting] of the Masters/Hierarchy. In the last Conclave meeting in 1925, the New Group of World Servers & Seed Groups were created.

Note: About Fire & the Raven.
1. Just as Aries fire began, there was a fire at the substations at Heathrow (airport in London).

2. Fire Initiation – which is Springtime – Edgar Allen Poe – the Raven (poem) – raven (as messenger) has to do with fire initiations. Transfiguration, the 3rd Initiation, 3 alchemical phases – calcination (purification of minerals out of body, symbol is the raven – during Lent we purify physically), then transmutation (emotional level purifying our quality of life, bringing love forth), then Transfiguration & Revelation (brain/mind lower mental purification).

In the Bible, ravens symbolize divine provision and care, as seen in the story of Elijah, he is being fed by ravens.

The story of Elijah in 1 Kings 17:4-6 illustrates God’s care through ravens, who bring him food twice a day.

Jesus uses the example of ravens in Luke 12:24 to encourage his followers not to worry about their needs, as God provides for all of His Creation, even the birds. The Old Testament mentions ravens as an example of God’s care for all creatures.

In Genesis 8:7, Noah sends out a raven to scout for land after the flood, but the raven never returns, indicating the land is not yet dry.

During a time of drought, the word of the LORD directed Elijah to camp by the brook Cherith (a stream of water that flows into the River Jordon) where the ravens would bring him bread and meat twice a day and he could drink from the brook (1 Kings 17:4).

The raven is a surprising servant for a prophet as they are described in the law of clean and unclean foods as “detestable” and “abhorrent” (Leviticus 11:13, 15).
The raven is also remembered as the bird that did not return to the ark when Noah released one to measure the receding floodwaters.
As such, daily dependence on these birds for food was likely a humbling and extraordinary experience for Elijah.

We ponder on these many things. Participate & prepare…love, Risa

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