Friday,  March 14, 2025- 11am

Friday, March 14, 2025- 11am

Making Time to Remember.
Remembering & continuing the spiritual connection.
With one who has died. On their anniversary of death.
Lighting a candle of remembrance.

A story, maybe a few stories today.
Serendipity, things appearing, messages from the other side.

Pi Day (3.14). Mercury stations retrograde, joining Venus today.
And my beloved mother – remembering her.
And so…today is Friday, March 14, 2025.
Venus’s day today.
And Mercury stations retrograde around midnight tonight.
Joining Venus in Aries.

My Mother
Today is the anniversary day my mother died, March 14, 2013.
Remembering her today.
I didn’t remember actually until something came up onto my computer screen which I wasn’t searching for.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Two things occurred.
Someone friended me from there.
And a tiny Catholic Church in Eureka Spring was mentioned in a post from a friend.

It all began with thoughts on creating a journal while exploring places of beauty, the sacred & churches.
It led me to a tiny small domed mysterious Catholic church, St. Elizabeth’s in Eureka Springs, Arkansas (north of Fayetteville, Ark) on the land of the Crescent Hotel (which used to be a college). Nothing is by accident.

As I was reading about this little domed church, what came up was a page of requests to have Mass said for a departed one. I looked at the date of today (March 14) & realized this was the day my mother died in 2013. I was with her when she took her very last breath.
Many of you were “with” me during that process as I wrote about my mother’s death.

Anyway…I was jolted into remembering today was my mother’s anniversary of her death by the appearance of that little Sophia Hagia church. And so I filled out the request to have a Mass said for my mother & sent the church a tithe. I was so grateful to remember today. And I think my mother herself had something to do with it, Nudging me into remembering & having a mass said for her.
We are told that on the anniversary of the death of loved ones to remember them. With love & gratitude.
In her memory I will post my mother’s favorite prayer.
The Memorare. We recited it together each night before sleep.

Pi Day
Today is also Pi Day (mathematical & a real baked pie).
Pi – 3.14, the mysterious number that goes on forever.
Pi defined. Pi defined
Pi is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. No matter how large or small the circle, the number remain the same.
The number of pi: 3.14159265358979323846, a useful number – it helps astronomers calculate the orbit of planets in the solar system and scientists to examine how ripples in rivers carry energy.
Pi is an irrational number—a number that sits in the limitless space between whole numbers “3” and “4.”
Here is a song from Pi –

Pi History –

Baking a Pie
Making a pie today.
Mother was a master baker. She made home made bread each week for the family, walnut & poppy seed strudel for Christmas & Easter, a Coconut Lamb cake for Easter, and a weekly pie. In her honor, & because it’s pie day…here is my pie.
The filling:
Apples & blueberries, lemon juice, sugar, butter, scattering of flour, dash of salt. Mix gently. Add to unbaked pie crust. Top with pie crust, wash with cream. Bake. Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
Remembering my mother with love today.
love, Risa

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