Friday, July 26, 2024- 8am
Music & art today.
Venus’s day – July 25, 2024.
Music & Art – Pretty Lights – Yellow Bird –
Color Map of the Sun.
The Astrology Today.
Leo Sun – Aries Moon – two fires – two fiery lights.
One in the head, one in the heart.
Aries moon – Aries = self identity.
Leo Sun = Creativity. I identify myself by what I create.
Venus inconjuncts Saturn (Leo/Pisces).
Mercury inconjuncts Pluto (Virgo/Aquarius).
All four signs have one Ray in common. What is it?
Inconujncts means the elements are challenged to work together.
However a main Ray of Aspect (there are three Rays of Aspect – Rays 1, 2, 3 – the triangle of the Godhead).
What Ray harmonizes the four signs that are inconjunct?
Chiron retrograded this morning.
From 23 Aries moving back to 19 Aries.
From today to December 28th.
We ponder upon our wounds & sufferings. In the pondering we seek healing. As we heal, we turn to the world, recognize others’ wounds & suffering & in our understanding we offer ourselves as the healing. W
19 to 23 Aries. What area of life is highlighted?