Friday,  January 17, 2025- 8am

Friday, January 17, 2025- 8am

Seeing the Needs, Responding to the Needs.
Building the new Aquarian Communities.
Building the New Commons.
Friday, Venus’s day. January 17 2025.
Capricorn Sun – Practical thinking. seeing the need, responding to the needs.

A Story, A Need, A Solution.
With everyone’s help.

My friend, her husband died, she has been living with friends. But now that friendship too has died. She has no where to live.
Where does she go?
For those of us in similar situations….Where do we go when we are older, when we are alone, & when we don’t have family to accommodate us & friends’ homes are filled already with those who lost their homes & we feel we have no place to go & then feelings of dying, there’s nothing left to do but die, come into play.
With so many planets in Pisces, despair & desperation can follow.

My friend wrote – “If you don’t have a place already set up and you’re older you can just die as a ward of the state.”
That scenario is real & it’s devastating. It’s inhuman.

Again the words:
“If we don’t have a place already set up and we’re older we can just die as a ward of the state.”

My Response:
I wrote: I feel this too. I understand it. You are right. We all need a home. Especially as we are older. We can’t be vagabonds. We can’t live on the streets. We are too old.

How did we get here?
What do we do?
What is the need?
What do the new times call upon us to do?
Who are we asking these questions?

The Commons
In earlier times, in each village a “Commons” (piece of land, a square in the center of the village) was set aside for those in need, for those who lost everything, for those who had no home, no family. They could stay at the Commons & the village people would help them.

We need to return to the Commons, & add something new.
We need to create Communities there. Then we who are in need are not alone.

Communities for the New Era
We need to begin to form communities again. Not the shadow of communes like the sixties (a forerunning time for this time now), but real true Aquarian communities. Based on the triangle of the Rule of Law – the 10 Commandments, the Law of Love & the Laws & Principles of the new era, the Aquarian Age.



These communities are needed.
I wrote to my friend – I think there may be more than you & me my friend who have the need for a community. We can’t rely on the old ways of buying & selling, of mortgages, or banks, of families & families even. Everything has changes, continues to change. We need to build the new structures, the new ways of living.

My friend & I, I don’t believe we are alone in this situation of needing a different way of living.
But it has to be a different home than the way everyone lives.
It has to be the beginnings of an Aquarian Community.

Where is everyone in this? (no platitudes please).
Real thoughtful responses & answers please.
Practical & real.

Resources & Vision
In this vast country & world there must be people who have land, homes, resources with the vision to offer their resources & use their resources to begin to build the new communities. The Findhorn pattern of community was offered as a template for the Aquarian Community but it has recently closed

It is now time for that pattern to be seeded & then begin to flower out in the world. When I left Findhorn I said to the great devas of community living – I want to build a Findhorn West.
Who has the resources & courage to help create that?

Who has the vision & resources to help create this?
Who has land, who has the vision, the interest, & more so, who also has the need?

We, as the NGWS, are to “see the need & meet that need.” Sometimes the need exists with those who ARE the New Group of World Servers.

In this time of transition, in between everything, with prices as high as the sky, with friends & families separating & breaking down, with that which we are used to no longer viable, dissolving, falling away, in this transition time many of us don’t know what to do, what to think don’t know what to rely on, or where to go.

The simple manifestation rules of what do you want don’t seem to apply.
What is/are the need(s) is the real question.
The old ways of living don’t apply either.

Nor the old answers.


A sense of, a vision of, a reality of, a building of community is what is needed. Our energies need to go to creating community, different types, based on needs.

We need to “return to the Commons.” Little cabins in a circle, a hotel, a motel, a big castle, a big house, a trail of caravans, little houses……..on a piece of land, returning to the Garden. Building the new Commons.

Note: To my readers: please share this with everyone you know who reads, thinks, envisions a new world, wants to help, wants to build, needs a vision for the future. With entrepreneurs. To those who love an experiment. With everyone. Because it takes everyone to build the new era, the new world.
It takes loving understanding w/ practicality, and the Right Use of Resources.
It takes those who see the need, have the need & respond to the need. Working together. Love, Risa

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