Friday,  Decemeber 20, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 20, 2024- 9am

Temple Teachings. Temple Doors Open.
On our Way to Bethlehem each day.
Our spiritual journey to Bethlehem, House of Bread.
This morning –
Pink & orange colors (devas) at dawn.
Drones across the heavens. Low tide this morning.
Friday, Dec. 20, 2024. Solstice occurs just after
midnight tonight Pacific time.
Last day of Sagittarius Sun. Capricorn Sun begins
at the solstice 1:21am (PT). Virgo moon today.
On our Way to Bethlehem.

Temple doors swing open
For Initiates preparing for Winter Solstice.
A planetary song can be heard, a mantra attuned
To the Earth – I am the Way, the Truth & the Life.
I am the Light of the world.
(to disciples, to our country – :You are to be Lights for the world, too. Follow Me.”)
This is a chant, lifted up to the stars by the angels.
And humans also recite these words, understanding the purpose
Of the season.
This is a Temple teaching.
From the heart of the Master our divine Life pattern
Bends low to Earth & beckons us upon the path of illumination
As the entire earth is filled with the words –
Well done, thou good faithful servant.
Enter into the joy of the Lord.
And the joy of the season.
Mystery of the Christos. Corinne Helene.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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