ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY AS NEWSEsoteric Astrology as news for week October 9 – 15, 2024
Forgiveness & Our Names Written in the Book of Life
We continue with the Days of Awe, our return to goodness. The ideas behind the Days of Awe are evolutionary, a word that means moving humanity forward and upward. Life can be a spiral of light or a dark closed square box. The Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah (Oct. 2) to Yom Kipper (Oct.11, Festival of Atonement, Forgiveness) are days in which humanity (all religions) is invited to ponder upon forgiveness; to offer forgiveness and to ask for forgiveness in return.
Forgiveness is a way of repairing, healing and restoring harmony to our lives. It is a means towards freedom. Why do we forgive? All of humanity stumbles and is capable of human error. We’ve all made mistakes, failed to understand, lacked love, felt superior, experienced cruelty and hatred and we have all hurt others.
Forgiveness is not condoning or excusing harm. It is a step towards freedom, the keynote of our nation. Forgiveness is based on Goodwill and a desire to relinquish bonds of limitation. Forgiveness means “to give for.” It is a sacrifice (sacred act), a coming from the heart of the matter. In forgiveness, we seek freedom from sorrow.
When one forgives, everyone involved in the forgiving becomes free. Forgiveness is a divine attribute not yet fully cultivated in humanity. The Wisdom teachings tell us in order to enter into the new Aquarian Age (era of humanity, truth and freedom), we must “relinquish and bless the things that lie behind and, with love, press forward and upward.”
Forgiveness is the very breath of life – the giving of all to all and for all. Forgiveness sets up a rhythm of great potency – that of love. Forgiveness creates at-one-ment, a balance, harmony and freedom.
When we forgive, we are “likened to the angels.” On Yom Kippur, G-d looks at humanity in compassion and He forgives us. “For on this day He will forgive us, purify us, that we be cleansed from all sins (unskillfulness, ignorance, inabilities, unknowings, hurting others, carrying judgments, criticisms, non-virtuous ways of being that create separations, etc.) before G-d”
We say, “Forgive us, Lord, as we too forgive.” And then G-d writes our name in the Book of Life. We hear these words at the end of the days “Next year in Jerusalem!” Which means, “Next year we meet in peace.”
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