ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY AS NEWSEsoteric Astrology as news for week March 5 – 11, 2025
Venus Retrograde then Mercury Retrogrades, too!
Appointments are Open for Readings, Counseling, Mentorship, Conversations and Consultations.
Dear Readers, this is Risa. I am opening up our counseling, mentorship, consultation & astrological readings appointments.
If interested, please write me at
On Saturday March 1st, Venus, the brilliant yellow-white Evening Star stationed retrograde at 11 degrees Aries. Venus began its retrograde four days before Lent began, and like Lent (beginning this week, Wednesday, March 5), Venus is retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights, the time it takes to break a habit!
Venus is retrograde until April 12, full moon day, which is also when Passover begins and it’s the day before Palm Sunday! Notice the festivals of two different religions (Jewish/Christian) occurring simultaneously. When this occurs we are seeing the formation of the new Aquarian world religion.
Venus retrogrades every 584 days (every 19 months). After eight years of five retrogrades, Venus forms a five-pointed star (rose shaped) in the sky. Venus works with a ray star in the Big Dipper called Ray 5 (symbol is the five-pointed star). This is the ray of the scientist, of truth, the ray of concrete knowledge. Ray 5 along with Venus stimulate humanity’s minds to build and create the new Aquarius culture and civilization. Understanding the math of Venus’ retrogrades takes a scientific (Ray 5, Venusian) mind.
What does Venus retrograde represent and signify both on personality and Soul levels? Venus, on the personality-building (mutable cross) level influences money, possessions, values, and all types of relationships. Venus is the intelligent, loving heart. It unifies all that separates, allowing for the emergence of Love, which then becomes Wisdom. Venus resolves duality (through knowledge), promotes diplomacy (Libra). Venus coordinates our intelligence so that we choose to act with Goodwill, which creates Right Relations which, in turn, creates peace in our world. This is an ancient esoteric equation. It is the only way peace comes forth and this is the task of all of humanity. To bring forth peace.
When a planet is retrograde, the past appears and reappears, decisions must be delayed, plans set aside in order that wemay review, reflect upon and assess all areas and subjects associated with that planet (in this case Venus, love, intelligence, money, relationships, possessions, values). We review in order to either renew, revitalize or place aspects of those areas of life aside forever. Note: Mercury retrogrades Saturday, also in Aries.
Below, in the signs, Venus will influence….
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