ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY AS NEWSEsoteric Astrology as news for week March 19 – 25, 2025
Mystic & Occult Powers of Spring’s Fire Initiation, Mercury & Venus Retrograde
Appointments are Open for Readings, Counseling, Mentorship, Conversations and Consultations.
Dear Readers, this is Risa. I am opening up our counseling, mentorship, consultation & astrological readings appointments.
If interested, please write me at
Wednesday, March 19th is St. Joseph’s day – mentor and spiritual type-pattern for all fathers. Thursday, March 20th, the Sun enters Aries and it’s Spring in northern latitudes. A new spiritual year begins with Aries – sign of fire, things red and fiery, inaugurating all things new again.
Spring equinox is an entire day and night of equal light and dark with the Sun’s rays poised directly above the equator. Light and dark are equal at the equinoxes (spring/autumn).
Spring begins this year with Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries, alerting us to review thoughts, beliefs and values before we begin inaugurating new plans for the new year.
As Sun travelled from Pisces to Aries, we experience a death of the old (Pisces, one of the signs of death), death of winter’s past, and the birth of the new (new growth bursting forth). This death/birth experience also occurs within our cells as each part of our body prepares for the new season of light, ever increasing since Winter Solstice.
In spring (Fire Initiation, mystic and occult powers of spring) nature is germinating, bulbs have pushed green growth up through the soil, plum and cherry trees bloom, Earth’s kingdoms (human, animal, plant, mineral) are energized, a new green fire in the heart of all matter. We are ready for change, for play and for a new story to come forth. It is nature’s resurrection, reflected at the festival of Easter.
Tuesday, March 25, five days after spring equinox, is Lady’s Day (in the Catholic church). It is the Annunciation – Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that it was time for her to fulfil her promise of being the mother of a holy child, Jesus). This festival signifies the participation each one of us can choose, participating in the Divine Plan of Redemption. A promise made and fulfilled in the “season of blossoms and flowers.” The letter “M” – Mary, Myrrha, Maris, Mere, etc. Waters of life.
As Aries anchors new archetypes to bring forth the new (spiritual and international astrological) year, the Sun’s rays will continue to subtly expand and move northward, bringing greater amounts of light to our northern latitudes.
The next promise for humanity is summer solstice. In between spring and summer are the Three Spring Solar Festivals (full moon timing) – Aries, Taurus, Gemini – spiritual foundation for the remaining nine full moon festivals. These twelve together are the template for the new world religion, appearing during the Aquarian Age and under the direction of the soon to appear Aquarian World Teacher.
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