Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 19 – 25, 2025

Mystic & Occult Powers of Spring’s Fire Initiation, Mercury & Venus Retrograde

Appointments are Open for Readings, Counseling, Mentorship, 
Conversations and Consultations.

Dear Readers, this is Risa. I am opening up our counseling, mentorship, consultation & astrological readings appointments.

If interested, please write me at

Wednesday, March 19th is St. Joseph’s day – mentor and spiritual type-pattern for all fathers. Thursday, March 20th, the Sun enters Aries and it’s Spring in northern latitudes. A new spiritual year begins with Aries – sign of fire, things red and fiery, inaugurating all things new again. 

Spring equinox is an entire day and night of equal light and dark with the Sun’s rays poised directly above the equator. Light and dark are equal at the equinoxes (spring/autumn). 

Spring begins this year with Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries, alerting us to review thoughts, beliefs and values before we begin inaugurating new plans for the new year.

As Sun travelled from Pisces to Aries, we experience a death of the old (Pisces, one of the signs of death), death of winter’s past, and the birth of the new (new growth bursting forth). This death/birth experience also occurs within our cells as each part of our body prepares for the new season of light, ever increasing since Winter Solstice.

In spring (Fire Initiation, mystic and occult powers of spring) nature is germinating, bulbs have pushed green growth up through the soil, plum and cherry trees bloom, Earth’s kingdoms (human, animal, plant, mineral) are energized, a new green fire in the heart of all matter. We are ready for change, for play and for a new story to come forth. It is nature’s resurrection, reflected at the festival of Easter.

Tuesday, March 25, five days after spring equinox, is Lady’s Day (in the Catholic church). It is the Annunciation – Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that it was time for her to fulfil her promise of being the mother of a holy child, Jesus). This festival signifies the participation each one of us can choose, participating in the Divine Plan of Redemption. A promise made and fulfilled in the “season of blossoms and flowers.” The letter “M” – Mary, Myrrha, Maris, Mere, etc. Waters of life. 

As Aries anchors new archetypes to bring forth the new (spiritual and international astrological) year, the Sun’s rays will continue to subtly expand and move northward, bringing greater amounts of light to our northern latitudes. 

The next promise for humanity is summer solstice. In between spring and summer are the Three Spring Solar Festivals (full moon timing) – Aries, Taurus, Gemini – spiritual foundation for the remaining nine full moon festivals. These twelve together are the template for the new world religion, appearing during the Aquarian Age and under the direction of the soon to appear Aquarian World Teacher.



March 21 – April 19:  It’s important to realize that you are fiery, different, more motivated, focused and purposeful than other signs (except Capricorn). You can be misunderstood by peers, associates, colleagues and groups. You have a capacity for leadership. However, often you cannot work with others, needing to create your own plans and systems. One day you will stumble into the field of subtle energies – the etheric field. Here everyone and everything is connected and united. Pisces and Gemini live here. You can too. Happy Birthday, Aries.


April 20 – May 20:  Although no one would ever guess, you seek to subtly and quietly prove your self-worth to yourself and to others. Although you often quietly stand behind the curtains, remaining in the background, there is at this time a great need in the world for the information you possess. Always assisting those close to you, it’s humanity, those young aspirants, minds not yet restructured, with the desire to learn, who also need your intelligence, stability and wisdom. You were once in their place. Remember?


May 21 – June 20:  So, what is your primary emotional wound experienced as a young child? Perhaps it has something to do with self-identity. It seems to be dominating your thoughts and feelings at the moment. This is good. It’s impelling you to move in a new direction, to allow for the crisis that life itself (as spiritual teachings) brings forth. An inner balance can be achieved by joining a specific group, contacting friends on a regular basis, relaxing into a class you’re secretly longing for. You need to be present there as a point of light.


June 21 – July 22:  Are you experiencing a separation or the death of something or someone? Do you feel a great lessening of your energy, a turning inward? Do you feel betrayed by a possible loss of desires, hopes and aspirations? It’s important to realize you have the gift and abilities to see different aspects of the subtle worlds and thus attain deeper spiritual understandings. I don’t think you’re able yet to give yourself adequate respect or recognition for these gifts. Understanding them produces Good-will. They provide direction. Enter more deeply into these worlds.


July 23 – August 22:  Did something occur when you were little in relation to your parents? Were they absent, unavailable and wounded themselves? And did these experiences create a veil of protection, a withdrawing and a hard shell around you? Your heart constantly seeks understanding and healing. With others so often you feel disappointed. No one seems to understand your needs. So you draw around yourself more and more boundaries for safety. Wisdom says, to heal you simply need to give your heart away. Who and what do you deeply love?


August 23 – September 22:  Things feel deep and mysterious these days, much having fallen into the dark waters of Pisces and Scorpio. As a Virgo you are very aware of the mind-body connection, of working with your health so that diet and nutrition are most important. You realize you must, each day, keep yourself emotionally poised and balanced, be able to concentrate on and discriminate between what you need and then what others need. You realize they are different. This is a learning curve. Connect with others, not through pain, but through how you/they love and serve.


September 23 – October 22:  Take care of your daily life health and well-being. This is most important now. It’s also most important to recognize the ways your creative self transforms your feelings of health. It’s important also to know the difference between happiness, joy and bliss. Happiness is an everyday, personality feeling. Joy is a Soul experience when we make true contact with others and love is released. Bliss is otherworldly. It comes from Spirit. When and where do you experience these three levels? Observe yourself and identify these three levels of experience. Then you get to know yourself more.


October 23 – November 21:   It would assist you to learn your family lineage, history and heritage. You are sensitive to everything that has to do with family and daily life livingness. However, you hide this sensitivity. When we know our roots, where we came from, who our relatives were, where they were from, we are able to understand ourselves better, gain acceptance of our family system, and realize what learnings still need to take place within ourselves. So many of us don’t know who we are. With this study, never again would you feel a sense of abandonment or loneliness. Life then surrounds you – past present and future.


November 22 – December 21:  Are you feeling alienated and alone, drowning in some sort of memories or past realities? Is there a wound appearing? Do you feel limited and restrained? Perhaps you feel interrupted or maybe eccentric to the point that others no longer understand you. Perhaps you’re trying to write about this. Is there a problem in making yourself understood? Or perhaps you’re not understanding yourself? Someone’s not listening. Is it you? What would be of help to you in these situations? A loved one is nearby.


December 22 – January 19:  Are you fearful that there is not enough money for some family situation? Are finances in order? Are you seeking a reorientation in the home and thus able to access pleasure from resources that were set aside? It seems something has been loosened from your daily life and you have more freedom. You consider the difference between money, possessions, resources and wealth. Defining each one, assessing them, knowing you are wealthy beyond measure. It’s a situation of right value, the ability to serve and care for those in need and self-worth. You are deeply worthy of all goodness coming to you.


January 20 – February 18:  Do not go back to past habits. You would then begin to neglect yourself health wise. Seek your fullest potential in all that you do, in everyone you encounter. Do not return to a past world that was unhealthy. We return sometimes to past realities during retrogrades. In terms of everyday life, make sure all rules are adhered to, all structures for healing remaining in place. Leave nothing to chance. Each day helps you achieve goals and dreams. Then you will assist others in developing themselves. You are an Aquarian teacher. Remain in the present. And pray each night for guidance.


February 19 – March 20:  You must keep yourself strong and healthy. Begin emotionally and then physically. Make a health plan each day. Begin slowly, remain on schedule, using a time if necessary. Be aware of not absorbing other people’s thoughts, emotions and difficulties. You are empathic. Be the observer. Ask yourself how you can help the other. To use this gift of empathy effectively one must be emotionally and physically strong. Work on this. Allow no nervous tension into your body. You are bringing secrets out into the open for the benefit of humanity and your family. Protect yourself through prayer and intentions for Goodwill.

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