Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 12 – 18, 2025

Eclipse, Full Moon, Purim, Mercury retrogrades & a Bowl of Shamrocks.

Appointments are Open for Readings, Counseling, Mentorship, 
Conversations and Consultations.

Dear Readers, this is Risa. I am opening up our counseling, mentorship, consultation & astrological readings appointments.

If interested, please write me at

What a week we have ahead! Our last days of winter are busy, festive, astrological, astronomical, religious and historical all at once!  

Thursday and Friday are event filled! The Virgo Moon on Wednesday preparing us for the full moon festival lunar eclipse on Thursday (Pisces/Virgo 24 degrees). 

At sunset on Thursday, the Jewish Festival of Purim begins – a festival of Queen Esther speaking the truth, of saving the Temple of Israel and the eating of Hamantaschen (triangle butter and jam) cookies. 

Around midnight Thursday night, (11:55pm, Pacific time), we have a full moon eclipse and the Pisces solar festival. This is the last full moon before spring. 

Then the next night, Friday also around midnight (11:46pm, Pacific time), Mercury, the messenger, retrogrades in Aries (9 degrees) joining Venus, also retrograde in Aries. They move through the sky, hand in hand, creating ripples of change in our minds, hearts, relationships, self-identity, resources and all communications.  

Monday is St. Patrick’s day. Does everyone know of the annual “Shamrock Ceremony” at the White House?

Our student who lives in Ireland told us on or around St. Patrick’s Day the Irish prime minister visits the White House and presents the U.S. president with a crystal bowl overflowing with live shamrocks symbolizing the close ties between the two countries. The leaders confer and dine together, recognizing the long legacy of the Irish in America and everywhere there is every manner of green attire (even the north lawn of the White House water fountain is dyed green). And it all began with a tiny sprig of diplomatic genius.

Stories: On March 17, 1952, while President Harry Truman was viewing  seahorses at the Key West Aquarium, in  Washington, Irish Ambassador John J. Hearne left the president a small box of shamrocks (traditionally pinned on a lapel or blouse to mark St. Patrick’s feast day). Seventy years later, those humble green shamrock tufts bloomed into a cultural institution at the White House.

The shamrocks presented to the president have roots intact so they can be planted. In March 1964, “Jacqueline Kennedy paid a St. Patrick’s Day visit to her husband’s grave in Arlington National Cemetery and placed on it a cluster of shamrocks, presented to her by Ireland’s then Ambassador, Thomas J. Kiernan. The shamrock (a clover) signifies the trinity of faith, hope and love.  



March 21 – April 19:  Changes, revisions and adjustments will occur this year and they began with Venus and Mercury retrograding. It’s best to move through these weeks with the intention of ‘non-reaction’ so that the winds of change gather and flow around you with no resistance. Maintaining the stance of the observer allows for life to remain calm and orderly. Observe and record all inner realities. At the end of the next three weeks new information shines forth. Find tuning forks and listen to their sounds daily.


April 20 – May 20:  Mercury retro in your chart is creating a double Aquarian influence. You may feel zapped by electrical charges. If this occurs, take the homeopathic chamomile or the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy which is calming. You will review future plans, hopes, dreams and wishes. You will also assess the groups you affiliate with. Do you serve them, do they serve you? How can you do better? You can love more is the answer. The future is looking for you.


May 21 – June 20:  While continuing to work toward the most perfect work situation, hold off any decisions concerning money and finances. Make sure you have created and work with a monthly budget. At each month’s end review your money flow. All things can be adjusted but only when you know what and how your money is being used. You will continue to seek different ways to bring in income. Rely on your true inner principles.


June 21 – July 22:  Thoughts, ideas, and people from the past show up in ways most unusual. At work meetings could be delayed or cancelled. Make no extra plans or agendas. They could feel like a pressure to everyone. And whatever is planned won’t work out anyway. Maintain humor. This will assist in any misunderstandings that might arise when idle chatter runs rampant. Gently shift any criticism. Come out from under your shell. Explain the mysteries to those seeking them.


July 23 – August 22:  Unforeseen changes in plans with others, with money and finances can possibly and by mistake be misapplied, misused, mishandled or misunderstood and this can make for great frustration. Attempt to get to the heart of the matter, be kind, be truthful, forgive. Also, take these in stride and remember they will pass. All things previous to the retro will come to fruition and firm decisions made prior to the retro will actually be implemented. This will be refreshing. Tend to finances during this time. The outcome will be good.


August 23 – September 22:  Careful communicating with those close to you, especially intimates, family and children. There could be arguments due to miscommunication with no one understanding the meanings and intentions of everyday ideas and words. Because you’re reading this and understand the astrological predicament during Mercury retro, be the keen observer and the one who explains the astrology. You can do this. The Mysteries are another word for Scorpio (where you are headed).


September 23 – October 22:  Your keen mind will review, reorganize and reflect upon what the world (and yours in particular) needs and how you can improve it. Notice you’re seeing through a different lens now. Revelations occur leading to deep introspections. Journal these experiences for communicating them could be difficult. More will be understood when Mercury and Venus are direct. For now, contemplation is your main task. Visualize a golden lamp, leading you to the temple doors of Learning.


October 23 – November 21:   The Mercury and Venus retrogrades are affecting your relationship to your creative self. They are calling you. How is this occurring? A searchlight is shining into your life as an artist. Calling you to assess what you hope for and expect but most of all what you can bring forth. Neptune is attempting to spiritualize and refine all interactions. Some relationships will become deeper. Some will dissolve. Vesta has your heart set on something or someone and then the Mercury retro appears. Are you thinking of a past someone? They are too.


November 22 – December 21:  As you tend to your home (or attempt to buy, rent or seek where home is) waves of creativity flow into and through you and should you dedicate yourself to this, a certain wound may lessen and a new fire will burn within you, a Vesta fire like those in ancient temples. Something occurs concerning your base or foundation. It’s being transformed, as is your daily life. What order and organization is needed in what area of life? How is  your garden growing? Create a “folly” for the summer.


December 22 – January 19:  Have daily intentions to focus more deeply upon clear communication because thoughts could go astray and misunderstandings with others could occur. You know not to make important decisions and to pay attention to all plans, agendas and negotiations. You also know not to gossip for then you display a flawed and unskillful Mercury. You are God’s messenger even as you masquerade as Heyoka, the jester/trickster, sacred clown. Careful traveling.  Make plans for a pilgrimage.


January 20 – February 18:  During the next several weeks focus on your values, seeing ways where you are valuable. Become introspective and this will provide insight into how you truly feel about yourself and the progress you’ve made this lifetime. Feeling more intelligent and original you’ll seek greater independence and freedom. After this retrograde, new and unusual ideas about your purpose will emerge. Speak with others also interested in pursuing a new direction. Writing for you is in the stars.


February 19 – March 20:  During the next weeks and months, through May, focus on your self-identity, noting thoughts and feelings about who you are and  your usefulness. You will then become introspective, providing insight into how you present yourself to the world and the progress you’ve made this lifetime. Feeling more intelligent and original you’ll seek greater independence and freedom. After this retrograde, new and unusual ideas about your purpose will emerge. Speak with others also interested in pursuing a new life direction. Writing and art for you are in the stars.

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