March 21 – April 19: There will be much to ponder upon as ideas flow into your mind like lightning bolts providing new information concerning who you are, who you are supposed to be, your choices as you prepared for this lifetime, and how to combine all into a synthetic unity. It’s done by first understanding your family history, then knowing we are our ancestors, and realizing we are here to love and to heal each other – family and friends, including ourselves. Then we move upward. |
April 20 – May 20: Like Aries, thoughts are flowing through your mind like fire from Mars which is presently retrograde and truly they are. Mars is the god of war, but also of passion and hopes, wishes and dreams which we need to move onward and upward on the evolutionary Jacob’s Ladder. You almost seem lost in realms none of us understand, perceive or even vaguely experience. Remain there as long as possible for the information received may well save the world. Do take time for walking, swimming, exercising, tending to the garden and eating correctly, lest you fall down and forget who you are. |
May 21 – June 20: The planets are gathered in Pisces, — your tenth house of world and professional recognition, the place where you offer your gifts to others, and in turn where you receive a cosmic invitation to help create the new culture and civilization. This is a serious, esoteric statement that I know, if you are reading this, you can understand. Chiron in Aries is providing us with new self-identity, one in which we are pushed to study, which rebuilds our mind. Then we aspire to build everything new. You are called to do this. Begin to read Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey. If you have questions, write me. |
June 21 – July 22: An expanded mind is attempting to form within you, a mind that not only contemplates self and family, but includes thoughts on child tending, justice (why is it blinded?) and philosophy (Ancient Wisdom teachings). As you may travel or be considering it, there are five locations that are actually spiritual inlets – New York City, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. The U.S. has five known charkas: New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Kansas City, Missouri, and Los Angeles. Should you visit these areas, greet its protective Deva (overseeing Angel). |
July 23 – August 22: Sometimes readers write me that they are confused and/or suffering. I respond with questions and also tell them that we have many lives and some of those lives we suffer tremendously, and that our God, Sanat Kumara from Venus, suffers too, with us. And that when we suffer we are able to share His burdens of suffering and alleviate them, providing Him a bit of rest and care. I also write that those who suffer understand others who suffer and that suffering eventually makes us healers. Someday, some time, somewhere, this has, is, or will occur for you. We stand with you as healers. |
August 23 – September 22: Reading all the zodiacal signs is a good practice. Our natal chart contains all twelve signs. You actually know this. You wonder what is written for your sign each week. All those planets in Pisces are hiding quietly in your seventh house of relationship, partnerships and intimacy. What is the quality of your present-day relationships? The purpose of planets in the 7th house is to offer Goodwill and harmony to all interactions. Can you do this? Can you have the intentions for Goodwill each day? Yes, you say. Happiness happens. |
September 23 – October 22: I’ve been writing to each sign about new identity and it’s occurring for you, Libra, within relationships as you become more and more aware of how you learn about yourself through relationships. You learn kindness and Goodwill in relationships and how to bring more harmony forth. Consider what is most valuable in your relationships and what you are seeking in each of them. New states of independence, courage and strength are emerging, helping you move forward on your own. Love appears again and again. And you learn to love more. |
October 23 – November 21: Your life may be in upheaval and change, creating a new identity with daily life ideas, plans, agendas and work. Perhaps there’s desire (Mars) to do more and better or you seek to study new ideas (Mercury) that will outline the new culture, architecture and atmosphere (all Uranus) of all that you do each day, how you make money, and how to serve both yourself and others. This is a very involved and complex, yet simple and undemanding statement to you Scorpio. Absorb it slowly for understanding. Then gradually apply it. |
November 22 – December 21: Who you’ve been and what you identified as through your creative efforts (also fun, games and play) is now forming a foundation for who you’re going to be and how you’ll identify yourself in the future. You are in transition. Many things initiated now may not be completed because everything’s an experiment, like trying on new clothes, new hats, new culture, new friends. If you feel everything’s also a risk, it is. Life is trying to find its perfect next fit with you. One door closes, the other gradually opens. It’s in a mist now. |
December 22 – January 19: The family seeks the next level of intelligent love (Venus), a new wisdom (Pallas Athena) and new knowledge about family dynamics, along with new ways to communicate (Mercury) to move beyond any disharmony or misunderstandings. These create chaos and confusion. When you have enough rest and relaxation, when you exercise enough and have time to yourself, you are able to offer this information along with loving harmony. As always, have the intention for what’s needed and pray as a family to find, achieve and become a happy family. |
January 20 – February 18: Notice how you feel more smart, intelligent and brilliant, with ideas flowing into your mind so fast you can’t remember most of them. A great force is falling to earth now under the Capricorn Light Supernal, and then an even greater force (Ray 1) will be available throughout the new year. This year is called the Year of Precipitation for the New World Teacher. Be as attentive as you are able, jot down ideas for later use, study alchemy for inspiration. The new Aquarian art is coming. You’ll want to be the first to understand it, summon it, and thus create it. |
February 19 – March 20: You will think about resources and values in new ways. Whereas most things in form and matter have seemed hidden from you, a new thought form of both preparation and of solutions appears in dreams and symbols. This is the language of the Rain Cloud of Knowable Things. A thought comes to me to understand the biblical transition of the Hebrew people on their journey from Egypt (Taurus) to Canaan/Israel (Aries). And from Pisces to Aquarius. Study biblical history. A new insight is needed. As well as an esoteric understanding of the Bible. You are to be one of the Teachers. |