Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 1 – 7, 2025

Epiphany, Precipitation & the New Year of 2025

Happy New Year 2025 to everyone. It will be a year we remember in history, time and space. The first day of 2025, Wednesday, January 1, is under Libra, offering harmony and balance, qualities needed when something new begins. 

Each day since Christmas day, we have been walking (east to west) with the Magi Astrologer Kings, learning astrology and the Wisdom Teachings, while following the star Sirius. We are symbolically seeking the holy child (promise of a new light in the world for humanity, the Light of the Soul). Our journey ends on Epiphany, Monday, January 6. Epiphany means “to manifest, to show forth, to tell the world the ancient prophecy that a world savior was fulfilled.” Epiphany day is under the light of Pisces – sign of saving the world. Epiphany signifies something new is revealed to the world. 

In those long-ago days, 2000 years ago, the Three Magi Astrologer Kings informed the world that the prophecy of the birth and appearance of the Piscean World Teacher was fulfilled. 

In our time now, at the beginning of the Aquarian Age, there is also prophecy that the Aquarian World Teacher will appear to direct and guide humanity into the new era. Note: at each New Age, the World Teacher appears. This year 2025 is said to be the year the “precipitation” of the Aquarius World Teacher begins!

We are thus quite like the Three Magi Astrologer Kings, preparing for the Aquarian prophecy to be fulfilled. So we can tell the world. We have been building up to a crescendo these years leading up to 2025. The energy of the times has intensified and is severe. For decades, the reappearance of the Christ, the Avatar and Aquarian World Teacher, has been anticipated by the faithful in both hemispheres. The stage is now set.

The gifts we bring to the holy child (the Aquarian World Teacher) are not frankincense, gold or myrrh. The gifts we offer are ourselves – our talents, gifts and abilities, cultivated during Leo for this time now – to help save humanity, bringing goodwill and peace to the earth and helping inaugurate the new Aquarian era of freedom for humanity.




March 21 – April 19:  Try and try again with all endeavors. However, don’t expect anything to come to fruition until possibly mid-May. You can have many trial runs, planning and perfecting activities that highlight creativity, which will be inner focused and not outwardly seen. Maintain optimism and a rhythm attuned to the light and pathways of the Sun. Follow the new and full moon times – a different light is available then. The light of the Path ahead.


April 20 – May 20:  Everything beginning now will be about the correct foundations created so there is a stabilizing of the new upcoming era. It’s about patience being recognized as an asset and redoing everything important. If the work is not prepared with the needed focus on balance, there will be less harmony. Perhaps you need to build that greenhouse, call in the land for the community. Give yourself and others working with you time for love and gratitude.


May 21 – June 20:  Life, people, communications, the mail (postal, texts, emails, etc.), correspondence, messages – all may be a bit disorganized and this leads to misunderstandings until you remember the retrogrades (Mars as action and Uranus the higher level of Mercury). What you must do is step back, have patience, perform small tasks, things undemanding and repetitive including repeating information over and over. You will find your way through these interesting limitations. You’re clever, a wizard, the trickster of the zodiac.


June 21 – July 22:  Attempt to do many different yet simple projects during this time. Allow yourself to go slowly and even at time feel like  you are wasting your time (you’re actually not). Allow time to slide by as if there is no time. Follow up on every endeavor slowly and with care and focused effort. Monetarily make no changes and do not output more money than is needed. Begin to look at garden catalogues. What will you plant around your garden gate in spring?


July 23 – August 22:  Remember that the energies are internal now and so adjustments will have to be made in how you interpret other people’s responses and how you greet everyone. It is important to be a person who is both a giver and a receiver. Some Leos can just be receivers. Then there is no heart connection. Mars retrograde in Leo – careful with fire, sharp tools and injuries to your head and face. Don’t push any river, person, event, plan or yourself. Be the tortoise. Trim your hair.


August 23 – September 22:  Many Virgos will go into a state of relaxation, restfulness and contemplation, delving into the subconscious. It’s good to read about symbols and archetypes, study astrology, the tarot, and the tree of life. Also, Joseph Campbell’s books throughout the new year. You will emerge with an entirely new and different aspect on spirituality, religion, the ages and our (humanity’s) place in the world. The invisible world surrounds us. It’s called the vital etheric. It’s filled with symbols, archetypes and light.


September 23 – October 22:  The world has accelerated and it’s all about the light, a new shade and vibration of light streaming into the world. It can generate impatience in some and a party mood in others. And so for Libra, it looks like the best time to travel to warm and generative place. It’s time to generate festive parties and pastimes that dislodge any prevailing blues. Libra is perfect for initiating and carrying through with these past times. for this. Make the travel and gatherings colorful, abundant, plentiful and often till the retrogrades pass. That means till mid-May!


October 23 – November 21:  What is occurring in your profession, your work world, where you are recognized and applauded? It’s most important for your future to study those you admire, those you would mentor, and those whose success reflects your aspirations for success. Discover leaders who serve others in a true and heart felt way. A true leader always thinks of helping and serving others. This takes the focus away from competition, survival, losing or winning. This is a time (year) of reorienting and repositioning your creative ideals. What empowers you? This is a most important question to ponder.


November 22 – December 21:  There are many paths offered to humanity. The path of the seeker. The path of the aspirant. The path of the disciple. The path of the Initiate. The path of the Adept. Which calls to you? Once the p/Path is revealed you will devote yourself to it, marching forward with courage, strength, curiosity, wisdom and determination. Mars is the inner arrow in the bow of the Archer. With Mars retrograde, the focus is the energy within the self. Mars creates the great tests, great labors and challenges. Sometime later the arrow will be directed outward and up the Capricorn mountaintop. At the top is the Path of Initiation.


December 22 – January 19:  A word of caution and care. Take delicate care with all resources – money, finances, energy, interactions, people, intimates. Focus on details with resources so nothing is lost or laid aside without knowledge. An inner reconstruction and a phoenix-like rising up out of exhaustion needs to occur. Travel to warm places and rest is recommended. Then you can renew, reawaken, revive, relight and rekindle yourself and all that you love. This will set a new foundation for the upcoming new year. This needed rest and relaxation, the warm waters, will be what sustains you in the months to come. Again, be very careful and mindful with money. Ask others to help if needed.


January 20 – February 18:  Be generous with everyone especially loved ones. Ask nothing in return. Work together in close association with others. This creates a strong bond that will assist in rising above possible frustrations. Realize that success is linked to all parties attempting compromise. Always begin every day and every endeavor and every interaction with intentions for Goodwill. It creates Right Relations. This is what the Aquarian World Teacher (soon to appear) will teach humanity. As a leader from the future, you are to go first in this endeavor. Teaching humanity Goodwill and Right Relations through your actions and intentions.


February 19 – March 20:  It will be most important to create and maintain a very regular schedule of diet and eating and exercise as the new year begins. Also, to tend to your work early, best before noon. Know that changes come slowly and behind all intentional change is determination. Everything’s transforming and realigning on inner levels all over the world. Think of everything as an experiment, which it is. It’s stated in Ancient Wisdom texts that when one is in an Initiation they are often alone. Stay poised in this aloneness. Pray within it. And actually we are never alone. The Soul is our companion, our protector, our comforter.

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