ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY AS NEWSEsoteric Astrology as news for week January 1 – 7, 2025
Epiphany, Precipitation & the New Year of 2025
Happy New Year 2025 to everyone. It will be a year we remember in history, time and space. The first day of 2025, Wednesday, January 1, is under Libra, offering harmony and balance, qualities needed when something new begins.
Each day since Christmas day, we have been walking (east to west) with the Magi Astrologer Kings, learning astrology and the Wisdom Teachings, while following the star Sirius. We are symbolically seeking the holy child (promise of a new light in the world for humanity, the Light of the Soul). Our journey ends on Epiphany, Monday, January 6. Epiphany means “to manifest, to show forth, to tell the world the ancient prophecy that a world savior was fulfilled.” Epiphany day is under the light of Pisces – sign of saving the world. Epiphany signifies something new is revealed to the world.
In those long-ago days, 2000 years ago, the Three Magi Astrologer Kings informed the world that the prophecy of the birth and appearance of the Piscean World Teacher was fulfilled.
In our time now, at the beginning of the Aquarian Age, there is also prophecy that the Aquarian World Teacher will appear to direct and guide humanity into the new era. Note: at each New Age, the World Teacher appears. This year 2025 is said to be the year the “precipitation” of the Aquarius World Teacher begins!
We are thus quite like the Three Magi Astrologer Kings, preparing for the Aquarian prophecy to be fulfilled. So we can tell the world. We have been building up to a crescendo these years leading up to 2025. The energy of the times has intensified and is severe. For decades, the reappearance of the Christ, the Avatar and Aquarian World Teacher, has been anticipated by the faithful in both hemispheres. The stage is now set.
The gifts we bring to the holy child (the Aquarian World Teacher) are not frankincense, gold or myrrh. The gifts we offer are ourselves – our talents, gifts and abilities, cultivated during Leo for this time now – to help save humanity, bringing goodwill and peace to the earth and helping inaugurate the new Aquarian era of freedom for humanity.
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