Sunday, November 19, 2023- 10am

Sunday, November 19, 2023- 10am



Sunday,  November 19, 2023- 10am

Sunday, November 19, 2023- 10am

Four Words Sound Forth.
From the Angels of the North, South, East, West.
On This Sunday –
November 19, 2023 – Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Sun.
Our last days of Scorpio – soon Sun in Sagittarius begins (next Wednesday).
Thanksgiving is Thursday, Advent is in two weeks!
For today –
Angels of the Four Corners of the Square.
And their Four Colors, Words, Sounds, Virtues & Tasks.
Creating the White Magician.

“At the four corners of the square, the four angelics…are seen. Orange they are, but veiled in rosy light. Within each form the yellow flame is seen and round each form the blue…

“Four words they utter forth, one for each human race, but not the sacred sound which bringeth forth the seventh. Two words have died away, four sound today. One sounds in realms so high that man can enter not as man. Thus are the seven words of man ringing around the square, passing from mouth to mouth.

“Each day of man (Sanskrit for “the thinker” – the Aryan – the Thinkers Life Wave), the words take form and different seem.

In…the words will be as follows:

“From out the North a word is chanted forth which means…be pure.

“From out the South the word peals out: I dedicate and…

“From out the East, bringing a light divine, the word comes swinging round the square: Love all.

“From out the West, answer is thrown back: I serve.”

This is a faint effort to express in English these ancient Atlantean phrases, older than Sanskrit or Senzar, and known only to a mere handful of the members of the present hierarchy. But in the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, are summed up the nature and the destiny of man, and it should be remembered that they do not stand for so-called spiritual qualities, but for potent occult forces, dynamic in their incentive and creative in their result. This should be pondered on carefully by all aspirants. We have, consequently, with these four, added to the first one, spiritual attainment, five of the qualifications of the white magician.” Treatise on White Magic, 546, 7, 8.

Thanksgiving, giving thanks is Thursday.
Advent begins in two weeks.
Two Sunday’s from now – December 3rd.
I am thinking about Advent & beginning preparations.
Gathering the circle of brass for the evergreens, gathering the
five candles (3 violet, 1 rose, 1 large central white candle).
I am thinking of these things this year in preparation.
Here are the words to be used on the first day of Advent.
Knowing these words is preparation, too.
The Tibetan reminds us….
Calling disciples and all seekers to….
‘A united attitude of love, of hopeful expectancy, of spiritual demand and of directed will…these are potent in their results and will bring to us all that is required..’ It also prepares the Path for the coming World Teacher. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

8 + 3 =

Sunday, September 3, 2023- 9am

Sunday, September 3, 2023- 9am



Sunday,  September 3, 2023- 10am

Sunday, September 3, 2023- 10am

Sunday – September 3, 2023.
Taurus moon today. Seeking comfort.
Virgo Sun & Mercury – seeking order & organization.
Virgo –

Seeking the hidden Soul in all things, the heart of the matter…which is what the Law of Spiritual Approach is.

In the early morning (Monday, tomorrow, Labor day), Jupiter (2) stations retrograde in at 15.35 Taurus.

Today – reading Night Light News – about Virgo.

Tonight & early tomorrow morning – in the sky…
Jupiter, Pleiades & the Moon.
Pleiades was our last solar system.
Matter imbued w/ intelligence.
Pleiades is Ray 3. Matter is Ray 3.
Ray 3 is intelligence. It is the Mother…
“I am the Mother, the Child, I God, I Matter, AM.”
I am the intelligence within all forms.
Night Light News – about Virgo.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

8 + 1 =

Saturday, September 2, 2023- 2pm

Saturday, September 2, 2023- 2pm



Saturday,  September 2, 2023- 2pm

Saturday, September 2, 2023- 2pm

Saturn’s Day today. Ray 3 Day.
Saturn is the Teacher.
Saturn tells us this.
On this day – Saturday, Sept. 2, 2023.
Aries Moon (who are we, Aries asks).

To understand everything, develop the mind, the Teachers tell us….

“To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
— Leonardo da Vinci

Study Astrology – begin with the astrology of the self, the then family, then friends, then events, then the world. Study the Wisdom Teachings. Then one becomes brilliant & develops a comprehensive understanding of Everything. One begins for the first time “to THINK.”

Know the Self the teachers tell us.
Follow the heavens – it holds all the colors, all the information one needs to understand the self/self, others & the world.
From darkness to light, from dark blue to blue, to red, golden yellow, golden orange, violet blue.
Three colors become four. Then seven colors.
A rainbow of colors. 1 – 3 – 4 -7 happens.
3×4=12 – planes of existence, 12 qualities.
The Sun brings 12 qualities throughout the year.
12 qualities – 24 qualities – then manifestation is complete.
12 new moons, 12 full moons – together 24.
From new to full to new again – preparing the qualities of virtues.
Over time, year after year, new & full moons fulfilled….
– the 12 petals of the heart open. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

4 + 11 =

Friday, September 1, 2023- 12pm



Friday,  September 1, 2023- 12pm

Friday, September 1, 2023- 12pm

Yoga of Happiness.
Yoga of Forgiveness.
National Forgiveness Day today.
Friday, September 1, 2023.
Aries Moon today – getting to know the self.
Venus’s day – Ray 5 Day – the color is golden orange today.
Our God came from Venus.
Venus is Earth’s elder sister. Always helping us.

The Yoga of Happiness.
Yoga – mean the/a Path.

Humanity is being called to “know itself.”
This is the North Node in Aries (1 & 6).
Aries is “self identity” – knowing the self.
How do we begin to work with the North Nodes in Aries.
The knowing of ourselves?
By pondering upon what makes each of us happy.
Talking about what makes us happy.
Then by the study of one’s astrology chart.
Which is the template for “knowing the self or self identity.”

Talking about what makes each of us happy.
“This makes me happy”, we say to everyone.
Why speak of one’s happiness?
Humanity is the throat chakra of the Earth.
Talking about what makes us happy actually MAKES US HAPPY!

The first way to the Yoga of Happicness is to ponder upon what actually makes us happy.
What makes us happy is a guide post.
What makes us happy is the path towards knowing about ourselves.
Happiness can lead to Joy can lead to Bliss.
Personality, to Soul to Spirit.
A triangle.
Within feeling happy is a thread of love.
Joy & Bliss.

What makes me happy?
What makes you happy?
If everyone concentrates on what makes them happy.
The entire earth is uplifted.
We use our imagination. We use our memories too.
Pondering upon what makes us happy.
Talking about what makes us happy.
Doing what makes us happy.
Actually uplifts the environments & people around us.
And them the world.

The Yoga of Happiness.
We can also begin with the Yoga of Forgiveness.
Forgiving all that we have done to others that may have hurt them.
Asking forgiveness of those whom we feel have hurt us.
Offering forgiveness, asking forgiveness.
Pain then is wiped away. Karma too. Like Magic.
Offering forgiveness helps us climb the ladder of the duality of pain & pleasure.
In between the two…after forgiveness in all its aspects.
Happiness appears.

How to forgive & offer forgiveness.
Just by doing it, saying it out loud, in thoughts, in words, in intentions.
Offering forgiveness to the self, to others.
Wiping the slate clean of the hieroglyphics of my pain & sorrow.
The pain & sorrow of others, too.

Yoga of Forgiveness begins w/ ourselves.
The it moves out into families, out into the world.
Everyone is asking for forgiveness, acknowledgment of hurt, of sorrow, of recognition, of Love.

Eight billion people living on our precious Earth.
Over 18 million years, we have evolved into one global village.
A million intricate strands, woven together, a grand tapestry.
The Tree of Life –
We are all unique, individuals – all 8 billion of us.
Disciples understand this.
Offering Forgiveness always.
Establishing the Yoga of Forgiveness, leading to the Yoga of Happiness, to Joy, to Bliss, to Love.

Today –
Our first day of September.
Autumn equinox is 22 days away – Sept. 22nd.
Sun & Mercury (4) in Virgo (2 & 6)
Venus (5) retrograde in Leo (1 & 5) – gathering our inner gifts.
Mars (6) in Libra (3) / Saturn (3) in PIsces (2/6)-
They are 150 degrees apart – an inconjunct which means the elements do not easily work or integrate w/ each other.
Air (Libra) & water (Pisces) – can produce steam.
We lift up to the Rays to see what harmonizes an inconjunct.
What harmonizes Mars/Libra, Saturn/Pisces?

Mars (6) rules Aries (1 & 7). A focus on self identity.
What is the structure (Saturn) of energies that make each of us up? Who are we asks Aries? love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 15 =

Friday, July 28, 2023- 9am

Friday, July 28, 2023- 9am



Friday, July 28, 2023- 9am

Friday, July 28, 2023- 9am

A Persephone State of Mind – Mercury/Pluto.
Then Mercury shifts to Virgo.
And – what we can see In the evening, night & early dawn skies.

Today – Friday – July 28, 2023.
Venus rules the day, Ray 5 –
The color of golden orange.
Sun, Mercury & Venus in Leo today.
Then Mercury shifts into Virgo – at 2:31pm today (west coast time).
Notice the shift in conversations, subjects, etc.

Leo (1 & 5) Mercury (4) we talk about ourselves & our creative endeavors. We seek praise, recognition.
Virgo (2 & 6) Mercury (4) – we talk about health, service, small animals, the Madonna, etc.

Moon (4) is in Sagittarius today – Rays 4, 5, 6.
Golden yellow, golden orange, rose blue.
The Kingdom is colorful.

We began the day w/ MercuryPluto – a Persephone state of mind.
Mercury & Regulus can be seen in the night sky tonight.
Regulus, at the end of Leo & beginning of Virgo.
Regulus – the royal stay in Leo (progressed to Virgo).
The MAGA star which means Magic – White Magic, the star of all disciples on the Path.
Words have meaning, outer meaning & inner meaning.
Disciples know both meanings.

Sky News
Mercury/Regulus – shortly after sunset.
Three meteor showers are occurring.
Return of Orion the Hunter, the Three Kings.
Orion, the three stars, can be seen eastward at dawn.
EarthSky News calls Orion the “ghost of the shimmering summer dawn.”
Constellation Scorpius can be seen.
See the night sky below.

Every star & planet has a story & a Lord that protects us & oversees our evolution. They all work together for humanity’s well being. It’s good to get to know them. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

8 + 8 =

Saturday, June 17, 2023- 3pm

Saturday, June 17, 2023- 3pm



Saturday, June 17, 2023- 3pm

Saturday, June 17, 2023- 3pm

Saturn stations retrograde today.
New Moon day – Gemini new moon.
Saturday, June 17, 2023 – Sun & Moon in Gemini (2).
Meditation tonight at the time of the new Moon –
At new moon times –
Upholding & strengthening the hand arms & endeavors of the New Group of World Servers.
Gemini – Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom.
Gathering the Ray 2 Love/Wisdom from a star in the Big Dipper.
We visualize Ray 2 flowing into Gemini, down into Mercury (4), Venus (5), Earth (3) (a triangle).
Into Shamballa (1), into the heart of Christ (2), into Hierarchy (2).
Into the NGWS (4) & into the women & men of Goodwill, into the intellectuals, into the minds & hearts of the masses of humanity & into the kingdoms of Earth.

Gemini’s Keynote – I the Soul recognize my personality self & in the waning of that personality self I the Soul grow & glow..


I am one with my group brothers and all that I have is theirs.
May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.
May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.
May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.


We recognise our place, as a group, within the heart centre of the new group of world servers. Mentally extend a line of lighted energy towards the spiritual Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre; to the Christ, the “heart of love” within the Hierarchy; towards Shamballa, “where the Will of God is known”.


Hold the mind focussed for a few moments on the planetary role of the new group of world servers mediating between Hierarchy and humanity, responding to hierarchical impression and meditating the Plan into existence.


Reflect on the seed thought above – the Gemini seed thought.
Through the impression and expression of certain great ideas, humanity must be brought to the understanding of the fundamental ideals which will govern the new age. This is the major task of the new group of world servers.


Visualise the precipitation of the will-to-good, essential love, throughout the planet, from Shamballa, through the planetary heart, the Hierarchy, through the Christ, the new group of world servers, through all men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world, and finally through the hearts and minds of the whole human family.


Consider the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one Soul” are working out in the world through members of the new group of world servers, so building the “thoughtform of solution” to world problems.


As the Great Invocation is sounded, visualise the irradiation of human consciousness with light and love and power:

From the point of Light within the mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


This morning Saturn, Ray 3, became stationary retrograde at 7 degrees Pisces. Saturn remains retrograde till Nov, 3, when it stations at 0 Pisces. Where are 7 degrees to 0 degrees Pisces in everyone’s chart? What does Saturn represent? On the personality build & the Soul levels? Who can answer that question? This is our esoteric astrological art & science college. We are all students here, learning from each other.
And today, Saturday, is Saturn’s day. love, Risa

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