Wednesday, May 8, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, May 8, 2024- 10am



Wednesday, May 8, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, May 8, 2024- 10am

Today, May 8, 2024.
The Jewel in the Lotus – a bud in the heart, then an unfoldment of the bud’s petals, then full unfoldment – when the personality lifts itself in full surrender to the Light of the Soul.

Two symbols are taking form as the basis for the coming civilization – the lotus & the flaming torch. These appear in the dream life of the aspirant. These dreams happen in the Hall of Learning for aspirants. And in the Hall of Wisdom for disciples.
The first is on the emotional plane. The second is on the mental plane.
White Lotus Day.
May 8 every year – today May 8, 2024.
White Lotus Day celebrates Madame Helena BLavstsky, the first person to bring the Ageless & Ancient Wisdom teachings from the east to the west. From the Tibetan caves to the eyes & ears of humanity in the west.

White Lotus Day
In her will, HPB suggested that her friends might gather together on the anniversary of her death (May 8, 1891) and read from Sir Edwin Arnold’s The Light of Asia and from The Bhagavad Gita. Lotuses grew in unusual profusion one year later. Hence, May 8 became known as White Lotus Day.

White Lotus Day is a celebration of Theosophists (organization founded by H. Blavatsky – saying “there is nothing higher than the Truth.” May 8th celebrates the anniversary of the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society.

Lotus as Metaphor
White Lotus Day is a celebration that encourages meditation about the metaphor of the lotus. The lotus is born under the mud, growing through the water to achieve the surface, and therefore the air and the light of sun. This growth is identified with man’s life, born in earth but desiring the elevation to the air; representing his middle stage between animals and the ultimate reality.
The seeds of lotus contain (even before they germinate) perfectly formed leaves, a miniature shape of what they would become. This flower is often present in eastern religions, which were key influences in the Theosophical Movement.

Lotus (Gr.). A most occult plant, sacred in Egypt, India and elsewhere; called “the child of the Universe bearing the likeness of its mother in its bosom”. There was a time “when the world was a golden lotus” (padma) says the allegory. A great variety of these plants, from the majestic Indian lotus, down to the marsh-lotus (bird’s foot trefoil) and the Grecian “Dioscoridis”, is eaten at Crete and other islands. It was first introduced from India to Egypt to which it was-not indigenous.

“The Lotus, as a Universal Symbol”.

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8 + 15 =

Sunday, May 5, 2024- 9am

Sunday, May 5, 2024- 9am



Sunday, May 5, 2024- 9am

Sunday, May 5, 2024- 9am

Lucifer -the Light Bringer
Lucifer (luc – light) literally means Lightbringer,
The Lightbearer,
The Bringer of Dawn,
The Shining One,
The Morning Star (Venus).
Lucifer wanted the minds of men to be illumined.
Lucifer wanted the minds of men to be enlightened.
So they could become thinkers.
So they learned of dark & light.
And so humanity could awaken from the unconscious state
in the Garden of Eden.
We need new art on Lucifer. No longer depicted as a dark angel.
Lucifer is the Angel of Light.

Light. Luce. Lucifer – Light Bringer.
Understanding words.
Meanings & source.
Taurus – Venus –
Each sign & planet has a purpose, a keynote & a light.
Especially the sign of Taurus. And Taurus’s ruler, Venus.
Taurus is the sign of enlightenment.
Venus is the Morning Star.
Venus is Ray 5 – the ray of Truth, true knowledge, true science.
The Science of the heavens, which astrology teaches.

Taurus is Ray 4 of Love/Wisdom.
When we are enlightened, wisdom & love unfold.
Buddha is the Teacher of Enlightenment.
Following his teachings, we become enlightened.
The Buddha brought us the teachings that “light up the mind.”
Light contains information.
The Christ brought love. Two brothers working together.
Love, when applied with the light of the enlightened mind.
Produces even more light.

Taurus keynote on the Soul level.
“I see & when the Eye (Ajna diamond light center is opened & pouring out Light), all we see is Light.”

Lucifer -the Light Bringer
Lucifer (luc – light) literally means
Bringer of Dawn,
Shining One,
Morning Star.

The word Lucifer has no other meaning.
Historically and astronomically, the term “Morning Star” has always been applied to the planet Venus (gnostic Sophia).

Thus those who claim that Lucifer is the devil actually have no Biblical basis, no true knowledge, or authority for such a statement or belief. It is ignorance blinding them.

Jesus boldly proclaimed his identity with Venus, the Lightbringer in Revelation 22:16, where he says…..
“I, Jesus, am the bright and morning star.”
Translating this verse using Latin as in Isaiah 14:12, it would read “I, Jesus, am Lucifer.”
~ Helena Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled.

Note: Against the wishes of God Himself & most other of the Angels, Lucifer wanted humanity to Know Itself, Be Awake & Aware. Against the wishes of heaven, Lucifer, the Angel closest to God, made the decision himself to help humanity awaken. And so, Lucifer (story of Prometheus) helped “stole the fire from heaven” (fire is light, our minds are a fire, a light) in order for humanity to awaken & come to a state of awareness & enlightenment – light of the mind. 
For humanity to have a pathway of light on the involutionary arc (downward spiral into the Earth). 
We are now (18 million years later, to reorient our direction, from downward (involutionary arc) to upward (evolutionary arc) – step upon the Evolutionary Arc (back to heaven) & to identify with the (our) Solar Angel which is our Soul – the source of the light & the direction needed for our personality. This is Vulcan’s work, Ray 1 work, fashioning the lead of our personality into the golden chalice. love, Risa

1. Angel of Light, art by Salvador Dali, 1960.
2 & 3 – Involution/Evolution Pathways (into matter, return to heaven). At the very bottom is the Earth globe.
The area called Awakening is the Earth globe.
Where we are now in time & space.
We are in the very depths of darkness (furthest away from Heaven, our origins).
In between downward & upward.
This is where & why the choice is to be made now.
This farthest region away from heaven (the light), is why we have the Kali Yuga (we have 3/4 darkness & 1/4 Light).
The NGWS w/ the 10 Seed Groups are holding the Light for humanity.

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6 + 9 =

Tuesday, April 30, 2024- 7pm

Tuesday, April 30, 2024- 7pm



Tuesday, April 30, 2024- 7pm

Tuesday, April 30, 2024- 7pm

Heartbreaking, America in 2024.
Our country has been taken over.
By imported hate.
We see it on the news, protests at universities, all over the country.
Result of cultural Marsixm controlling the universities.
Protests at the universities, where many ignorant emotional young people are being controlled by outside T. forces.
Our country has been taken over.
Actually it was taken over for decades.
As were the universities.
When the classics were eliminated. When Marxism
came into universities.
T-rr–ist sympathizers walking the halls of our universities.
The forces of darkness have been teaching our children in the universities for years & years now.
53 of the 60 major colleges are being taken over.
Outside agitation has been leading the protests.
The protestors are not just the students (many of the children participating are being called emotional unaware idiots).
This was a pot on a hot stove that is now boiling over.
Foreign funding has funded & organized the protests
T-rr-ri–s are leading the protests.
It’s coordinated efforts from a very high level.
Many of the staff & prez of colleges support these people.
Certain cultures are intimidated, not allowed into classes.
This is not an organic protest.
Agitators agitating – it is a coordinated effort.
Propaganda ploy – support for t-rr–ism.
Columbia has had weeks of anarchy, insurrection.
Inmates running the asylum.
Columbia – seized by hateful agitators. Hammer wielding rioters, covered face, reciting Intifada – a holy war, violent uprising.
The protest movement has sided w/ the enemy & with t…..sts.
What we see in these protests is barbarism.
It is against civilization.
Words spoken – “Kill the J____s.
Death to Israel.
Return to the gas chambers.”
Hate filled anti semitic words.
An importation of hate, hatred & threat against certain people.
Groups are told to go out tomorrow, outside agitators, & cause
violence everywhere.
Violence used as a propaganda tool.
Although it is very difficult to see, watch, hear.
This is a darkness that has simmered underground for 60 years.
Now the darkness is in plain sight.
This is a historical Kali Yuga situation.
The university system in our country is over.
The gov wants to import people who hate our country.
And who are radicalized.

The oxen, the weather vane of our culture….
…wobbling now on one weak foot, is falling.

Watching this.
Knowing this.
The university system has destroyed itself from within.
We now need to create the new education for the new era, the new environments for learning.
Re-opening the Mystery Temples & Schools. The university system in our country is completely dissolved. It will not recover.
The university system has destroyed itself from within.

We are squarely in the Kali Yuga – when the dark forces, pure evil forces are in plain sight & allowed to be seen. Risa

Addenda: Young ignorant students – called Useful idiots (used by &) for professional violent agitators. They have no cognizance of the true situation. The creme de la creme, our future leaders – they know nothing. And they are being manipulated by the Forces of Darkness. Tomorrow is May Day – Socialists Groups Day – Marxists Leninists Day – May Day has been a focal point for demonstrations by various socialist, communist and anarchist groups since the Second International. May Day is one of the most important holidays in communist countries such as China, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union countries. May Day – a dangerous day tomorrow. No moral clarity is occurring here. It’s the destruction of our country.

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7 + 1 =

Sunday, April 28, 2024- 3pm

Sunday, April 28, 2024- 3pm



Sunday, April 28, 2024- 3pm

Sunday, April 28, 2024- 3pm

Something new tomorrow.
As the new week begins.
We will have a little quizlet – questions on the past week.
There are questions & multiple choice answers.
Esoteric wisdom teachings and astrology & the mysteries should be more fun.
Tomorrow, Venus (5) enters Taurus (4)- the illumined mind.
Venus, Ray 5, Taurus, Ray 4.
There is harmony (4) when we have true knowledge & truth (5).
May everyone’s illumined mind enjoy the quizlet tomorrow.
Venus like to have fun. So does Taurus.
We may dream more tonight.
Mars joins Neptune tonight. Mars/Neptune in Pisces.
See you all tomorrow! love, Risa

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15 + 15 =

Wednesday, December 20, 2023- 1pm

Wednesday, December 20, 2023- 1pm



Wednesday,  December 20, 2023- 1pm

Wednesday, December 20, 2023- 1pm

A deep study today – Mercury’s day.
December 20, 2023 – the day before Winter Solstice.
Aries Moon, Venus/Uranus (unexpected information).
Almost last day of Sagittarius Sun.

Today – day before the new light.
Preparing for tomorrow night’s winter solstice.
A Teachings on Winter Solstice – for contemplation.
Below that – decoding the Truth.


Solstice & Equinoxes – Days of Consecration
Since ancient times, fire rituals have been performed on solstice/equinox days; at the present time they are mostly lost. Many people do not know the meaning of the solstices and equinoxes and do not pay attention to the change of energy. There are religious festivals around these cardinal points; We are to understand the qualities of time, otherwise we only vaguely participate, do meditations just because it’s a solstice or an equinox time.
However, we are to understand their inner sacred significance, in order to conduct inner work with a deep sacred & holy intention.

The festivals take place according to the solar calendar and not to the lunar calendar: the Sun stands for the light of awareness, consciousness, the Sun is stable, the moon creates moods and vagaries.

Days of Initiation
The three days – the day before, during and the day after the solstices/equinoxes – around the nodal points are regarded as days of initiation, if we understand what is happening on the Earth in relation to the Sun and in relation to ourselves. The transformations available are not possible through a theoretical understanding or a routine ritual, but only if we attune ourselves to the greater Plan and reduce the everyday on these days.
Then the corresponding unfoldments happen.

These days are festivals of consecration; therefore simplicity is recommended and that we do not exhaust ourselves in objectivity. There is no need for special food or new clothes. The inner meaning is that on those days we receive spiritual food and the subtle garments of the body of light. Gradually we build a golden and a diamond body.

The Northern and the Southern Course of the Sun
Seen from the Earth, there is a northern and a southern coursing of the Sun. The axis of the Earth performs a tilting motion and we experience it as the apparent movement of the Sun from north to south & south to north.
For 6 months, from Capricorn to Cancer, the Sun moves northward. Spiritually, it means the ascent of the soul from the depths of matter.
December 21st is regarded as the day of birth of the Light, the Light of the World, the birth of the holy Child who became the Savior.

Initiations happen at the solstices & equinoxes. Initiations beyond planetary Initiations.

For the body to assimilate the solstice & equinox light, it needs food filled with light – fresh vegetables and fruits that have received a lot of sun rays, also fresh water and juices. With good food the body tissue becomes finer and finer and we can build delicate but powerful bodies.
The Scriptures therefore propose that from solstice on we re-organize our diet, breathe consciously and deeply and absorb the Sun’s rays through the body. This allows for a better flow of prana and we build a lightweight, light-filled house to live in it as a soul. It is as if we are entering anew into the forms of our body. Our homes should also be pure, filled with light and clean.
Ascent & Descent of the Sun God –

The Sun seeds in our bodies reflect the movement of the Sun.
At the winter solstice, the Sun seed is reflected in our solar plexus. It begins to move up to the Soul (equator in our body), at Winter solstice. At Spring time the Sun seed is at the heart center within our bodies. At Summer Solstice, the Sun seed is at our Ajna Center.

Thus the sun’s rays enter & vitalize our bodies. We are divine beings. Our Sun is our Teacher & our Direction.
The first 4 degrees in Capricorn/ Cancer are of particular importance. Note: the day after Christmas, Dec. 26th, the full moon solar festival is 4+ degrees Capricorn.
These degrees are called “returning again” and “dwelling” degrees. We invoke the Lord of Light into ourselves & by doing so, He comes to dwell again in our hearts.

The Heavenly Man acting through the Solar God (Sun), is the original model of livingness and we are his copies (humanity made in the image of God). When the Sun’s light enters into us, this archetype of God is strenghened in our inner sanctum, the heart lotus. Its electromagnetic impulse shapes our form according to his shape.
As the Sun moves into us and we in him, the solar Plan is executed through us. This is the Initiation that we receive at both the Cancer & Capricorn solstices. We contemplate on the Solar God of Light within us.

Day of Saturn, the day before the Solstice.
Deeper Teachings – Rule of Law, Saturn.
Sacred into our present day understanding.
For those who can hear.
The Day Before Winter Solstice.
Decoding Cosmic Events occurring in today’s world.
Everyone is asked to do research on the Executive Order of Dec. 21, 2017.
What is an Executive order?
An Executive Order is an issued (laws) written signed directive by the President, managing the operations of the Federal government.
The day before Winter Solstice is considered Saturn’s (time of darkness) day. And so, today (December 20) is Saturn’s day, the day before the Winter Solstice.

Saturn is the Rule of Law.
Astrologically a drama is enacted on the day before Winter Solstice. It is spiritually the bringing down of Satan (darkness)…the fight against the dragon/shadow.
Satan is our shadow/dweller. If we have light within us, we also have shadow.
History – Dec. 20, 2017, signing of Ex. Order.
The true prez signed an Ex Order the day before Winter Solstice & it became effective Winter solstice, 2017.
Sun/Son at 0 degrees (& Saturn/Satan, the shadow – Sun/Saturn were both at 0 degrees Cap.
The Sun/Son of Light meets the dragon of darkness.
The Light met the dark & the dark was vanquished.
This is the esoteric understanding reflected in outer events, seeing the spiritual practicality & knowing of it.

Big picture – the energies of the heavens are potent. Disciples understand the inner potency of the energies, utilize & thus anchor them. Thus we work with & align with the F/Light.

Decoding the cosmic events – into our daily lives.
So that we can understand.
Astrology, when practiced daily, brings forth our intuition.
In the times we are entering, flooded w/ AI (artificial intelligence), flooded w/ information & often untruths.
It will be our intuition that we must rely on.
We develop our pathway to the intuition via the study & application of Astrology.
It will come down to basic survival.
And the ability to create the new era.

Using astrology daily guides us thru mis information.
Living through the greatest time in the history of our country since its founding. We are the villagers (disciples) of the new era.

As things move forward, we wlll see more & more of the Dark forces using mis information to confuse & separate.
Pushing a separation between the unawakened & the Patriot movement. Putting a fork in the wheel, so everyone will fall off. Humanity needs discernment & discrimination of what is the truth & the untruth? It is humanity’s test now.

Everything is in code. love, Risa

Graphics – Waiting, poised for Solstice.


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