Friday, January 24, 2025- 1pm
Friday, January 24, 2025- 1pm
My state of mind & heart.
On this Friday, Venus’s day – January 24, 2025.
I can’t take absorb listen to hear watch any more of the darkness that is the resistance that has been presented to humanity the past four years.
I can’t take listen to hear watch any more rage, mis perceptions, echo chamber beliefs, rantings, opinions, beliefs, politicization or polarization of anything anymore.
My body, heart & mind cannot bear to hear or watch any of what we have seen from the left in the past 4 years.
I cannot any more.
I have (we have) been a participant observer for the past 4 years.
Observing the darkness fall over humanity & our country.
People thus speaking & seeing thru a glass darkly.
Creating deep chasms, destruction & actually disbelief (at what I saw & heard).
It has/had purpose. Yes…
I absorbed the cruelty rage politicalization & severe polarities.
And now I cannot participate in listening or watching or hearing or remembering it anymore.
Those still participating (mass media is still ranting, attacking posts & emails sent to me , etc.) in the echo-ing of the past 4 years of mass media & its rants are now retrogressing (moving into the past).
They have moved nto a state of darkness.
As the Aquarian Age unfolds….they will be left behind.
For myself I cannot bear to hear listen to watch any of it anymore.
I am like a glass, filled to the top, overflowing – now pouring all of the past 4 years of darkness & evil out.
I cannot bear any of it anymore.
Maybe you feel the same way.
The past four years was like a death cult forced upon the people of our country. The darkness was allowed, it suffused all parts of our culture. It was ugly. Some of it still persists in some people minds. They still say the same things. They are lost & will be left behind.
I can’t bear any of it anymore.
Maybe some of you feel the same way.
There are two worlds now – the old & the new.
Moving forward now….into the new world. love, Risa