Thursday, January 23, 2025- 7am

Thursday, January 23, 2025- 7am



Thursday,  January 23, 2025- 7am

Thursday, January 23, 2025- 7am

Reappearance Meditation today, Thursday.
It’s a complex day today in the heavens & on earth.
Jupiter’s day – love/wisdom day.
It’s a complex day in the heavens today.
And so the complexity is reflected here on earth too.
Under Aquarius (5) Sun, Scorpio (4) moon.
Thursday, January 23, 2025.
People are talking about the planets in the sky tomorrow night.
It’s NOT an alignment. It’s just that many planets are all able to be seen in the heavens, some with the naked eye, some with binoculars & telescopes. It is a semi unusual event.

But for today – here are the transits.
Moon sextile Mercury – talking about our emotions to a friend.
Moon trine Mars – harmonizing our actions.
Moon opposite Uranus – something unusual is happening that we will be make aware of.
Moon trine Uranus – the moon moves fast!
Moon trine Neptune – prayers work when there is difficulty.
Mars sextile Uranus – (Cancer/Taurus) – bringing change to our daily rhythms.
Mercury trine Uranus – sudden change in communication –
A v/c occurs with the Scorpio moon today from 4pm to 8:30pm (PT). Then the moon enters Sagittarius.
From Scorpio moon to Sagittarius moon – from the waters’ depths to the valleys, hills & meadows of the earth.
From reorientation to making a pilgrimage.
From the call to the Disciple to setting goals for the present/future. From Ray 4 to Rays 4, 5, 6.

Reappearance Meditation
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Graphic, Christ & angels assessing the best
astrological timing for His Reappearance.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 7 =

Wednesday, January 22, 2025- 9am

Wednesday, January 22, 2025- 9am



Wednesday,  January 22, 2025- 9am

Wednesday, January 22, 2025- 9am

True President as a Disciple (see below).
The Transits today in the heavens.
Scorpio (4) moon today, Aquarius (5) Sun & Pluto. (1)
January 22, 2025 – Mercury’s (4) Day, Wednesday.
Ray 4 day of Harmony emerging from conflict & chaos.
Very few transits & movements of the moon today.

The moon hiding within the folds of Scorpio in deep dark waters and hearing the call to Discipleship – the moon is the people.
Moon in Scorpio (4) =
– inconjuncts Jupiter (2) in Gemini (2)
– trines Saturn (3) in Pisces (2) &
– inconjuncts Chiron in Aries (1/7).

Inconjuncts are angles between planets/signs that are 150 degrees apart, their elements are uneasy with each other –

Gemini is air, Pisces is water & Aries is fire- the elements can bypass each other unless we bring in one of the Rays from the Big Dipper that brings about a harmonious connection.

Rays –
Scorpio/Gemini – Rays 4 & 2 – even rays.
Scorpio/Pisces – Rays 4 & 2 – even rays.
Scorpio/Aries – Rays 4 & 1 & 7 – even & odd rays.
We have to look at the rulers of Scorpio & Aries & their Rays – Scorpio’s rulers are Pluto (1) & Mars (6) & Mercury (4).
Aries rulers are Mars (4), Mercury (4) & Uranus (7).
How then does Scorpio moon & Aries come together?
It takes a thinking mind to sort it out.
We are al to be T/thinkers – cultivating our thinking minds.
Then we are able to reach the Soul.

Tomorrow’s transits are very complex.
Today we have a bit of rest.
Let us see what our tasks are today.
And complete them with ease & harmony, love & beauty.
At the end of the day we review the day.
And we see the day was good.
The beginning contains the end & the end contains the beginning.
This is the oroboros – a dragon, swallowing its tail, signifying wholeness or infinity.
Next week – Chinese New Year of the green wood snake begins.

Function of the Disciple – from book Telepathy, p. 5.
It should be borne in mind that the function of a disciple is to focus a stream of energy of some special kind upon the physical plane where it can become an attractive centre of force and draw to itself similar types of ideas and thought currents which are not strong enough to live by themselves or to make a sufficiently strong impact upon the human consciousness. In union is strength

About our true president as a Disciple.
This quote reflects what the true prez (a DIsciple) does every time he communicates. He says something over & over for humanity to finally hear & understand. Whatever he draws attention to in his communication, he strengthens it, then the masses are able to recognize it. His Uranus Sun North Node shocks people on purpose – it shocks people into awakening & then it attracts & magnetizes people –
Gemini (2) w/ Leo (Regulus, Ray 2, MAGA, MAGIC) Rising –
Ray 2 – love/wisdom in his communication.
And his Leo (loving leadership) rising.
The true prez is both the Dweller (points out what is needed) & the Angel of the Presence – Saturn/Venus.
He synthesizes what is needed, reaching into the Light & brings it down to meet the needs of humanity. Then a synthesis occurs.

He said his proudest legacy is a Peacemaker & Unifier. His Gemini & his Libra in his chart.

DK talks about the purpose of the three air signs – the mind of God – Gemini, Libra & Aquarius (in Esoteric Astrology).

Alas, those who cannot see or hear or understand the essence of our true president. love, Risa

Gemini – love/wisdom
Libra – harmony/balance.
Aquarius – humanity’s freedom.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

4 + 14 =

Tuesday, January 21, 2025- 10am

Tuesday, January 21, 2025- 10am



Tuesday,  January 21, 2025- 10am

Tuesday, January 21, 2025- 10am

New Executive Order – People Over Fish.

As it should be (read below).
Understanding the true president’s chart.
The Leader (Leo) & the Disruptor (Uranus).
Who loves the people (Cancer).

And so…
This is the 2nd day of our new government.
Bringing forth the Rule of Law.
A government for the people.

Today is January 21, 2025.
It is also the 2nd day of the Sun in Aquarius.
In the US chart, the moon is in Aquarius.
Sun/Moon – male/female, outer/inner work, radiating outward/& the receptive inner world. Working together for the new world unfolding.

The moon is the people. Our everyday life and livingness.

To understand the true president, everyone is tested to look beyond the personality levels (outer appearances) and be able to see the essence (inner spiritual heart) of the true president.
Those who cannot see that essence are not able to understand or recognize his true gifts – that of tending & caring for the people of our country & thus of our world.
The Hierarchy chooses certain people to do certain tasks in the world. They “see the need & respond to the needs of humanity.” The Hierarchy often chooses renegades, disruptors to lead the people. Disruptors often don’t look like what we expect. They act differently than we expect, different that what we are used to.
Disruptors are often the strong ones, they “hear” and “see” a different pathway. They are courageous, too. Having experienced all the 12 Labors of Hercules, they are equipped to lead a nation, a country and even the world. Alas, most people only react to the personality level of leaders. Without truly seeing the leader’s purpose, inner strength & task given to them. When one is a leader it is a state of Initiation. The Rod of Power touches them & they are given momentous tasks – to direct & guide the people in ways that help the people evolve. Many such leaders fail in their tasks for often the work becomes too great for them.
We look to the astrology of a leader. In the case of the true president, who has been the true president since 2016….one can see why he is a leader – Pres Trump’s rising sign is Leo – the lion, the leader – Maga – Regulus. His Venus (23 Cancer) & Saturn (25 Cancer) (Knowledge & the Rule of Law) conjuncts the US Mercury (24 Cancer) (communication) in Cancer (to the people) – the last full moon was at 24 Cancer. Everything he does is about the people – he is for the people – Cancer is the sign of massed humanity.
Note the chart below – a bi wheel.
The inner wheel is the United States.
The outer wheel is the true president’s chart.
Find Saturn & Venus in the outer wheel.
See Mercury in between in the inner wheel.

As for the the task of being a disruptor –
Uranus is the disruptor. North Node is one’s task ahead. Sun illuminates it all.
Look at the chart:
In the outer wheel (in the 1st house) find Uranus (17), North Node (20), Sun (22) in Gemini (Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom).
In the inner wheel find Mars (20 Gemini).
Mars is the one to ACTS – Mars also can be why people react to him. They get angry. Because they can’t see the inner person. They only see the outer person & react to what they perceive.
We see what we are. We cannot see beyond what we are.

More – Chiron.
In the outer wheel (5th ouse) find Chiron (14 Libra) & Jupiter (17 Libra). (remember the outer wheel is Prez Trump.
And the inner wheel is the United States.
In the inner wheel see US Saturn at 14 Libra.

Chiron is the wound that needs healing.
Saturn is the RULE OF LAW!

The structure & disciples of the Rule of Law.

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius is also the Rule of Law, the Law of Love.
Not only has this been deeply wounding & difficult for the true prez, but our country is deeply wounded & in disrepair.
It will be the true prez task to bring forth a new Rule of Law (Saturn) with also the Law of Love (Jupiter) to heal (Chiron) the United States and restore it to its original task – that of standing in the Light (of morality, values, truth) & lead humanity within & towards that Light.

The true president is to shine a Light into our world by his leadership in the experiment of freedom that the United States stands for.

Anything less than this knowledge about the spiritual tasks of the true prez & the spiritual task of the United States…is blindness, ignorance & “seeing thru a glass darkly.”
Our present media knows nothing about astrology or the spiritual tasks given to each country & nation.
What we see in our media is the personality level of our world.
But there is a deeper essential spiritual purpose that only those in the Mystery Schools are aware of.

This is our Mystery School.

The Astrology today.
Aquarius Sun – Mercury/Pluto & Moon in Scorpio.
Thus I wrote about things hidden, the mysteries that are behind the scenes of the dramas played out in our world.
Aquarius Sun – the new era – the tool of Aquarius is Astrology.
Sun/Pluto & Scorpio – what we are seeing in our country is the reorientation of dark to Light, unknown to Known, unreal to the Real, chaos to Beauty unfolding. And now we all know…love, Risa

Our prayer each day.
From evil lead me to good,
From darkness lead me to light,
From death lead me to immortality.
From the unreal lead me to the real!
From the darkness lead me to the light!
From falsehood lead me to truth,
From darkness lead me to light,
From the unknown lead me to the known
From chaos lead me to beauty.

New Executive Order – Water – Putting people over fish.
As it should be.

Charts below.
Bi-wheel – US (inner wheel) & Prez Trump’s (outer wheel) chart.
Tri-wheel – US, Prez, Inauguration.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 1 =

Monday, January 20, 2025- 6pm

Monday, January 20, 2025- 6pm



Monday,  January 20, 2025- 6pm

Monday, January 20, 2025- 6pm

Evening – Inauguration Day.
Political Resurrection –
Real Government for Real People –
Executive Orders signed by the Commander in Chief.
At a desk at the Capital Arena.
The Social Media Practical Common Sense President.
His Administration is organized & the popular will is behind him.

Executive Orders Signed into Law on Day 1.
1. Revoke 80 Biden orders to save our border.
2. Regulatory freeze until we have control of the gov by the true administration.
3. Freeze on hiring except military until full control of true gov is achieved.
4. Address cost of living crisis.
5. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Treaty. Saving over 1 billion dollars by withdrawing.
6. Letter to the United Nations – withdrawing from Paris Climate Change.
7. Order for the restoration of Freedom of Speech.
8. Directive to Fed Gov ending weaponization of government which we saw in previous administration.
9. All Fed employees back to work in person.
More Ex ordersigned over the next several days.
10. “eliminate unnecessary administrative expenses and rent-seeking practices that increase healthcare costs” & “lower the cost of housing and expand housing supply.”

New frontier, the American Spirit.
Unending & continuous clapping & shouting USA by the people – for the true president & his Executive Orders.
The real people love the true president.
Smart people & businesses are joining him.
Now we don’t need to be afraid anymore.
A historic event – history in the making.
The true prez was saved by God to Make America Great Again.

Welcome Home (again) Mr. & Mrs President Trump.
From this moment on, America’s decline is over!
Nothing is impossible to do.
In America the impossible is what we do best.
From the Peacemaker & the Unifier, Pres. Trump.

Tonight Three Inaugural Balls –
1. the Liberty Ball.
Jason Aldean, Nelly, & the Village People.
2. Commander in Chief Ball for military family members.
Rascal Flatts and country music singer songwriter Parker McCollum
3. Starlight Ball – w/ Singer-songwriter Gavin DeGraw

After today, it’s Governing Time.
No more anything behind closed doors.
The day was exciting, the best we’ve had in decades concerning our Republic’s government. After Covid, lawfare, impeachment, etc. & those who created this are now disgraced.
Quick change of clothes – then onto the Inaugural Balls.
Dancing into the night!

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 15 =

Monday, January 20, 2025- 12pm

Monday, January 20, 2025- 12pm



Monday,  January 20, 2025- 12pm

Monday, January 20, 2025- 12pm

Inauguration – 12:01 pm – Washington DC.
The new power – the POWER WITH the people.
President Trump understands this.
Under the Light of Aquarius – the Light of Freedom.
And so…
The Golden Age of American begins right today.
A political Resurrection from the darkness bitterness poison of betrayal.

The true President said…
During each day of my administration I will put America first.
Our safety will be restored, rule of law will be rebalanced. Creating a nation that is proud prosperous & free. Returning to the presidency & sunlight is pouring over the world. America has an opportunity like never before.

The world is now witnessing the government of the United States. Much lay broken & in disrepair in our country (N. Carolina, Los Angeles, the fires still burning, many have no homes, etc.). Our education system, our health system are all broken. All of this will change & it starts today & it will change very quickly.

A mandate to reverse a horrible betrayal that took place in the previous administration. Giving people back their freedom. From this moment on, AMERICA’S DECLINE IS OVER! We will restore America’s strength & the journey to reclaim our Republic will not be easy.

I was saved by God to MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN (MAGA – the star in Leo called Regulus) (note Obama, Clintons, Kamala, etc. not clapping – they are the betrayers).
Jan. 20, 2025 IS LIBERATION DAY for the citizens of our great country. It is my hope that this will be the most consequential election in our country. Virtually every element of our society is supporting our new administration.

The popular vote was from the millions in our country. Today is MLK, Jr. day – & in his honor we will make his dream a reality! National unity is returning to American, confidence & pride & all we do will be inspired by excellence.

We will not forget our Constitution, our country or our God.
Today, signing Executive Orders that will bring back COMMON SENSE.

I will declare a national emergency at our Southern Border.
Sending troops to the S border to repel the disastrous influx.
All criminal cartels & gangs will be eliminated as I cite the
1798 rule of law. This is to defend our country from threats & invasions at a level never seen.
All members of my cabinet to defeat inflation & bring down costs & prices.

National energy emergency – using our own resources in our own country. Our own oil & gas. We will use & export our energy. This is our liquid gold & we will be a rich nation.
America will be again a manufacturing nation.
Revoke the Green New Deal & electric manufacturing, thus supporting American auto workers. Building autos again by the auto workers of American.

Overhaul trade system – tariff & tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens. External Revenue Service collecting tariffs from foreign sources so our country will be wealthy again.
Establish Dept. of Government Efficiency.
Ex. Order to stop all censorship & bring back Free Speech to America.
No more weaponizing of politics even again, restoring fair equal justice under the constitutional Rule of Law.
Bring Law & Order back to our cities.
End Gov. policy of DEI – creating a society that is color blind & merit based.
The official policy of US Gov. – there are only two genders – male & female.
Reinstate anyone unjustly expelled from military who refused to take the VX with full back pay.

Sign order to stop warriors subjected to DEI policies & experimentation.
Armed forces need to be to pursue one purpose – free to defeat America’s enemies & nothing else.
Dedicated to end wars & never enter new wars.
Legacy will be that of a PEACEMAKER & UNIFIER. My purpose as president.


Gulf of America (name changed from Gulf of Mexico).
Prez McKinley made our country rich thru tariffs & talent.
And gave us the Panama Canal – which was foolishly given away.

This giving away should never have been made. Our treaty was violated, we are severely overcharged & not treated fairly & now China is operating the Panama Canal.

Time for us to act with courage & vigor.
As we liberate our nation, we will lead it to new heights.
We will keep our children healthy & disease free.
We will be again a growing nation, build our cities & carry our flag proudly.
I will fight for the people & I will win for the people.
We will not fail form this day on. From this day the US of America will be an independent nation, dreaming boldly & nothing will stand in our way. Our Golden Age has just begun.
God bless America.

Music: God Bless America – Carrie Underwood.
Everyone singing together.

Benediction Prayers.
Rabbi, Pastor & Reverend – prayers of Benediction.
Prophet Jeremiah blessed the people = blessed are those who trust in God – & our nation says In God We Trust. Americans searching for meaning – we ask our Father to help us meet this moment via the President to choose the right & good, unite us with life, liberty, faith, morality, & justice.
Guide our schools to inspire the next generation to pair knowledge purpose wisdom truth & virtue. We pray for peace for the world’s people & a life filled with peace & plenty & may we rise to this moment so that God can trust in us, the American’ people. We are to be a Beacon of Light. May our nation merit the fulfilment of Jeremiah’s blessing & may be never cease to bear fruit. Let us say, Amen.

Our 46th & 47th is a miracle so American can begin to dream again & that we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men/minds are created equal. Judged may we be by our character. Use our 47th so we can sign with new meaning,
“My country tis of thee, sweet land where freedom rings.
Let Freedom ring from every state village hamlet in our country.
Free at last, free at last, thank you God.”

The sacred moment of this Inauguration we turn our hearts to God, with gratitude for the many gifts of our land, our freedoms, our strength, our spirit. We implore that your Love & Wisdom envelop the President & V. President. May their hearts be filled with understanding; may they be beacons of hope for the people. May each decision reflect the valued of justice & peace.

We seek your comfort for those who feel lost. In this transition, may your Light shine upon them. May we lift one another, supporting each other with kindness & empathy, strength to endure when clouds of uncertainty gather.

Fostering unity & belonging. We hold to the goodness of all of humanity & with God’s guidance our future is filled with promise & prosperity. We lift our hearts in gratitude to the beloved parents of President Trump. May they shield their son in his work of making American great again. Emblazoned in our heart – we stand tall, proud, because we are Americans & we kneel to God & to God alone. Amen.

National Anthem
The true President is saluting as the song is sung.

O Say Can You See, o’er the dawns early light.
So proudly we hail….
The land of the free & the home of the brave.

Now the flags are all the way up. No more at half-mast.
Applause – we did it everyone!
The true president is now in office once again.

I Donald J Trump….I do solemnly swear that I will support & defend the Constitution against all enemies bear true faith & allegiance & take this obligation freely & will faithfully discharge duties of office so help me God.
21-gun salute –
Sound of the trumpets.

Song –
Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on
Glory, Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded forth the TRUMPet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on, HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON!

45th & 47th President of America – Donald J. Trump.
Watching him I see the Hierarchy within & around him.

Welcome back home, Mr. President.
The people’s president – common sense president.
The Inauguration – January 20, 2025.
Indoor swearing in ceremony – at the Basilica.
Then at a desk at the Capital arena – signing Executive Orders.
Biggest political comeback in history.
Putting the true prez back into the White House.
Eight years after his first election, the true prez is back.
St. John’s Cathedral, the Basilica, Blair House, tea, the White House, the black limousine, the cabinet of magical workers, etc.

The American people voted for this prez.
Those on the outskirts will be left behind.
Inauguration occurs inside (not outside) at the Rotunda –
Due to the severe cold & for safety purposes.
The US Supreme Court Justice walked into the Rotunda.
As we watch – two phrases from the true prez.
The Likes of which we’ve never seen (anything like this – the comeback, & all the obstacles, & his encradle strength of leadership.

Another statement – a woman in the cold said – “I want God to keep him safe & keep his warriors safe (the team he put together).
Fierce patriotism – we now have a true leader w/ plans & team to make our country great again.
Trump family gathered.
The minute the Executive Order are signed there will be a legal presentation of the Right of Law.
The policies of the previous administration, lack of transparency, lack of honesty, crimes against America, destroying the people & country, are eliminated. Hopefully the pre emptive pardons of B are turned around. From a lamentable prez to a President of Facts, of Common Sense & the Rule of Law creating a future of hope and truth that lies ahead for the people.

The Inauguration is just the beginning of the new story for America. Coming out of censorship of the previous censorship.
The people of America no longer prisoners of war under the previous administration.
Music – O America –
O, America you’re calling
I can hear you calling me:
You are calling me to be true to thee
True to thee’ I will be

O, America no weeping
Let me heal your wounded heart
I will keep you in my keeping
Till there be’ a new start

And I will answer you, and I will take your hand
And lead you’ to the sun:
And I will stand by you’do all that I can do
And we will be’ as one

O, America I hear you
From your prairies to the sea
From your mountains grand, and all through this land

You are beautiful to me

And’ O, America you’re calling
I can hear you calling me:
You are calling me to be true to thee
True to thee’ I will be
And I will answer you, and I will take your hand
And lead you’ to the sun:
And I will stand by you’ do all that I can do
And we will be’as one

O, America you’re calling’
I will ever answer thee.

The true president walking alone.
Followed by Melania, the first Lady.
The true president walks out – what a moment!
To the cheers of everyone in the room saying USA USA!
He looks as if he is in prayer often with his eyes closed.
Turning to Vance, VP & chatting for a moment.
250 years of Democracy – leaders promising to be faithful & guardians of our country. The 60th Inauguration on MLK, Jr. Day. Upholding freedoms liberties equal justice under law in our Constitution.

Prez Kennedy who worked in the Basilica – said In a democracy every citizen holds office, is in a position of responsibility – they do not seek malice but are of generosity of spirit & to stand ground whole finding common ground.” Democracy is our shelter from the storm.

The People’s House is the Rotunda- where the spirit of freedom is held in the Inauguration. The power of our country is in the hands of the people from all levels & walks of life. We call upon God to bless our nation.

Endurance, perseverance thru time. Our US founders wrote the Constitution to guide humanity in life liberty & pursuit of happiness. Our democracy allows for change & to chart our own destiny – the purpose of democracy. Seize opportunities, while staying true to founding principles.

Today the 60th Inauguration – setting our own national course.
The past years have been trying – & we humbly strive to lead the world towards greatness which our founders envisioned for all of us. We celebrate our founders’ vision & the right & wisdom of a free people to make their own choice.

Invocation by Monsigneur. Dolan.
Be still & know I am God, supreme among nations & earth.
Remembering Washington & Lincoln, Patton – “Pray always, when fighting, when in the nights & days. Remembering MLK – w/out God all is ashes.” In God we Trust.

We pray on this Inauguration Day. For the president & for all the people. We call King Solomon for wisdom, to set men in holiness & integrity. Give our leader Wisdom from heavens so she may be with him & he may know your designs. Please God bless America. Amen.
Look what God has done after the last dark four years!

Let us pray – Bless the nation whose God is the Lord. Wisdom & might are His, he removed & raises kings, giving wisdom to the wise. Our Father, as Prez T takes office again we say thank you, O God. You saved his life. We pray for Prez T, give him your wisdom, bless him, bless the nation thru him & bless & protect Melania – we thank you for her beauty & grace.
We thank you for all the cabinet under Prez T – may they stand beside him, hold up his arms in the midst of battle. Stand still so we may reason before the Lord. We stand still & remember this great nation & its freedoms. We keep our eyes fixed on the Lord & America will not be great again unless we keep our eyes on You.

The Oath of Office.
I do solemnly swear that I will support & defend the Constitution against all enemies bear true faith & allegiance & take this obligation freely & will faithfully discharge duties of office so help me God.

Extraordinary morning in Washington DC.
Under the blue skies & Sun in Aquarius.
The new leadership begins.
The new Golden Age begins now!

Inauguration – 12:01 pm – Washington DC.
The Golden Age of American begins right now.
During each day of my administration I will put America first.
Our safety will be restored, rule of law will be rebalanced. Creating a nation that is proud prosperous & free. Returning to the presidency & sunlight is pouring over the world. America has an opportunity like never before.

The world is now witnessing the government of the United States. Much lay broken & in disrepair in our country (N. Carolina, Los Angeles, the fires still burning, many have no homes, etc.). Our education system, our health system are all broken. All of this will change & it starts today & it will change very quickly. A mandate to reverse a horrible betrayal that took place in the previous administration. Giving people back their freedom. From this moment on, AMERICA’S DECLINE IS OVER! We will restore America’s strength & the journey to reclaim our Republic will not be easy.

I was saved by God to MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN (MAGA – the star in Leo called Regulus) (note Obama, Clintons, Kamala, etc. not clapping – they are the betrayers).
Jan. 20, 2025 IS LIBERATION DAY for the citizens of our great country. It is my hope that this will be the most consequential election in our country.
Virtually every element of our society is supporting our new administration. The popular vote was from the millions in our country. Today is MLK, Jr. day – & in his honor we will make his dream a reality! National unity is returning to American, confidence & pride & all we do will be inspired by excellence.
We will not forget our Constitution, our country or our God.
Today, signing Executive Orders that will bring back COMMON SENSE.

I will declare a national emergency at our Southern Border.
Sending troops to the S border to repel the disastrous influx.
All criminal cartels & gangs will be eliminated as I cite the
1798 rule of law. This is to defend our country from threats & invasions at a level never seen.
All members of my cabinet to defeat inflation & bring down costs & prices.

National energy emergency – using our own resources in our own country. Our own oil & gas. We will use & export our energy. This is our liquid gold & we will be a rich nation.
America will be again a manufacturing nation.
Revoke the Green New Deal & electric manufacturing, thus supporting American auto workers. Building autos again by the auto workers of American.

Overhaul trade system – tariff & tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens. External Revenue Service collecting tariffs from foreign sources so our country will be wealthy again.
Establish Dept. of Government Efficiency.
Ex. Order to stop all censorship & bring back Free Speech to America.

No more weaponizing of politics even again, restoring fair equal justice under the constitutional Rule of Law.
Bring Law & Order back to our cities.
End Gov. policy of DEI – creating a society that is color blind & merit based.
The official policy of US Gov. – there are only two genders – male & female.
Reinstate anyone unjustly expelled from military who refused to take the VX with full back pay.

Sign order to stop warriors subjected to DEI policies & experimentation.
Armed forces need to be to pursue one purpose – free to defeat America’s enemies & nothing else.
Dedicated to end wars & never enter new wars.
Legacy will be that of a PEACEMAKER & UNIFIER. My purpose as president.
Gulf of America (name changed from Gulf of Mexico).
Prez McKinley made our country rich thru tariffs & talent.
And gave us the Panama Canal – which was foolishly given away.
This giving away should never have been made. Our treaty was violated, we are severely overcharged & not treated fairly & now China is operating the Panama Canal.

Time for us to act with courage & vigor.
As we liberate our nation, we will lead it to new heights.
We will keep our children healthy & disease free.
We will be again a growing nation, build our cities & carry our flag proudly.

I will fight for the people & I will win for the people.
We will not fail form this day on. From this day the US of America will be an independent nation, dreaming boldly & nothing will stand in our way. Our Golden Age has just begun.
God bless America.

Music: God Bless America – Carrie Underwood.
Everyone singing together.

Benediction Prayers.
Rabbi, Pastor & Reverend – prayers of Benediction.
Prophet Jeremiah blessed the people = blessed are those who trust in God – & our nation says In God We Trust. Americans searching for meaning – we ask our Father to help us meet this moment via the President to choose the right & good, unite us with life, liberty, faith, morality, & justice. Guide our schools to inspire the next generation to pair knowledge purpose wisdom truth & virtue.
We pray for peace for the world’s people & a life filled with peace & plenty & may we rise to this moment so that God can trust in us, the American’ people. We are to be a Beacon of Light. May our nation merit the fulfilment of Jeremiah’s blessing & may be never cease to bear fruit. Let us say, Amen.

Our 46th & 47th is a miracle so American can begin to dream again & that we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men/minds are created equal. Judged may we be by our character. Use our 47th so we can sign with new meaning,

“My country tis of thee, sweet land where freedom rings. Let Freedom ring from every state village hamlet in our country.
Free at last, free at last, thank you God.”

The sacred moment of this Inauguration we turn our hearts to God, with gratitude for the many gifts of our land, our freedoms, our strength, our spirit. We implore that your Love & Wisdom envelop the President & V. President. May their hearts be filled with understanding; may they be beacons of hope for the people. May each decision reflect the valued of justice & peace.

We seek your comfort for those who feel lost. In this transition, may your Light shine upon them. May we lift one another, supporting each other with kindness & empathy, strength to endure when clouds of uncertainty gather. Fostering unity & belonging. We hold to the goodness of all of humanity & with God’s guidance our future is filled with promise & prosperity.

We lift our hearts in gratitude to the beloved parents of President Trump. May they shield their son in his work of making American great again. Emblazoned in our heart – we stand tall, proud, because we are Americans & we kneel to God & to God alone. Amen.

National Anthem
The true President is saluting as the song is sung.

O Say Can You See, o’er the dawns early light.
So proudly we hail….
The land of the free & the home of the brave.

Now the flags are all the way up. No more at half-mast.
Applause – we did it everyone!
The true president is now in office once again.

I DJ Trump do solemnly swear….
21-gun salute –
Sound of the trumpets.
Song – Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on
Glory, Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

He has sounded forth the TRUMPet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on, HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON!

45th & 47th President of America – Donald J. Trump.
Watching him I see the Hierarchy within & around him.

Welcome back home, Mr. President.
The people’s president – common sense president.
The Inauguration – January 20, 2025.
Indoor swearing in ceremony – at the Basilica.
Then at a desk at the Capital arena – signing Executive Orders.
Biggest political comeback in history.
Putting the true prez back into the White House.
Eight years after his first election, the true prez is back.
St. John’s Cathedral, the Basilica, Blair House, tea, the White House, the black limousine, the cabinet of magical workers, etc.
The American people voted for this prez.
Those on the outskirts will be left behind.
Inauguration occurs inside (not outside) at the Rotunda –
Due to the severe cold & for safety purposes.
The US Supreme Court Justice walked into the Rotunda.
As we watch – two phrases from the true prez.
The Likes of which we’ve never seen (anything like this – the comeback, & all the obstacles, & his strength of leadership.
Another statement – a woman in the cold said – “I want God to keep him safe & keep his warriors safe (the team he put together).

Fierce patriotism – we now have a true leader w/ plans & team to make our country great again.
Trump family gathered.

The minute the Executive Order are signed there will be a legal presentation of the Right of Law.
The policies of the previous administration, lack of transparency, lack of honesty, crimes against America, destroying the people & country, are eliminated. Hopefully the pre emptive pardons of B are turned around. From a lamentable prez to a President of Facts, of Common Sense & the Rule of Law creating a future of hope and truth that lies ahead for the people.

The Inauguration is just the beginning of the new story for America. Coming out of censorship of the previous censorship.
The people of America no longer prisoners of war under the previous administration.

Music – O America –
O, America you’re calling
I can hear you calling me:
You are calling me to be true to thee
True to thee’ I will be

O, America no weeping
Let me heal your wounded heart
I will keep you in my keeping
Till there be’ a new start

And I will answer you, and I will take your hand
And lead you’ to the sun:
And I will stand by you’do all that I can do
And we will be’ as one

O, America I hear you
From your prairies to the sea
From your mountains grand, and all through this land

You are beautiful to me

And’ O, America you’re calling
I can hear you calling me:
You are calling me to be true to thee
True to thee’ I will be
And I will answer you, and I will take your hand
And lead you’ to the sun:
And I will stand by you’ do all that I can do
And we will be’as one

O, America you’re calling’
I will ever answer thee.

The true president walking alone.
Followed by Melania, the first Lady.
The true president walks out – what a moment!
To the cheers of everyone in the room saying USA USA!
He looks as if he is in prayer often with his eyes closed.
Turning to Vance, VP & chatting for a moment.

250 years of Democracy – leaders promising to be faithful & guardians of our country. The 60th Inauguration on MLK, Jr. Day. Upholding freedoms liberties equal justice under law in our Constitution.

Prez Kennedy who worked in the Basilica – said In a democracy every citizen holds office, is in a position of responsibility – they do not seek malice but are of generosity of spirit & to stand ground whole finding common ground.” Democracy is our shelter from the storm.

The People’s House is the Rotunda- where the spirit of freedom is held in the Inauguration. The power of our country is in the hands of the people from all levels & walks of life. We call upon God to bless our nation.
Endurance, perseverance thru time. Our US founders wrote the Constitution to guide humanity in life liberty & pursuit of happiness. Our democracy allows for change & to chart our own destiny – the purpose of democracy. Seize opportunities, while staying true to founding principles.

Today the 60th Inauguration – setting our own national course.
The past years have been trying – & we humbly strive to lead the world towards greatness which our founders envisioned for all of us. We celebrate our founders’ vision & the right & wisdom of a free people to make their own choice.

Invocation by Monseigneur Dolan.
Be still & know I am God, supreme among nations & earth.
Remembering Washington & Lincoln, Patton – “Pray always, when fighting, when in the nights & days. Remembering MLK – w/out God all is ashes.” In God we Trust.

We pray on this Inauguration Day. For the president & for all the people. We call King Solomon for wisdom, to set men in holiness & integrity. Give our leader Wisdom from heavens so she may be with him & he may know your designs. Please God bless America. Amen.
Look what God has done after the last dark four years!

Let us pray – Bless the nation whose God is the Lord. Wisdom & might are His, he removed & raises kings, giving wisdom to the wise. Our Father, as Prez T takes office again we say thank you, O God. You saved his life. We pray for Prez T, give him your wisdom, bless him, bless the nation thru him & bless & protect Melania – we thank you for her beauty & grace. We thank you for all the cabinet under Prez T – may they stand beside him, hold up his arms in the midst of battle.
Stand still so we may reason before the Lord. We stand still & remember this great nation & its freedoms. We keep our eyes fixed on the Lord & America will not be great again unless we keep our eyes on You.

The Oath of Office.
I do solemnly swear that I will support & defend the Constitution against all enemies bear true faith & allegiance & take this obligation freely & will faithfully discharge duties of office so help me God.

Extraordinary morning in Washington DC.
Under the blue skies & Sun in Aquarius.
The new leadership begins.
The new Golden Age begins now!

Graphic – Statue of Freedom.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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Sunday, January 19, 2025- 11am

Sunday, January 19, 2025- 11am



Sunday,  January 19, 2025- 11am

Sunday, January 19, 2025- 11am

Post #2. Wreath of the Unknown Soldiers.
Wreaths of flowers & vines today…
Offered by the true Prez, true VP, & gold star families.
To those who have died – the Unknown Ones.
In Ritual –
Rituals bring heaven to earth & offer earth to heaven.
Rituals have power & might & purpose.
They call down heaven, they offer Earth to the heavens.
And touch the hearts of humanity.
Ritual is Ray 7 –

Laying wreaths at the tombs of the Unknown soldiers.
Wreaths are a circle. Signifying the circle of Life.
Life & death – they are the same.
One externalized, the other internalized.
All is simply different levels & states of energy & Light.
Wreaths are a symbol in its circular form, of light and death
meeting – the Ourabouris – the heavenly snake.
Life & death – both Adventures.
One internal & spiritual, the other external & in matter.
They are One.
We feel this when Taps is played by the single trumpet.
A sound heard all over the land today. яндекс

Taps – (listening)


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