Tuesday, December 31, 2024- 11am
DAILY POSTINGSTuesday, December 31, 2024- 11am
Triangles – symbol for delta – it means change.
In times of change. Last day of the year.
Before a new year begins!
In the heavens – one bright sparkling star in the sky above.
Sirius – the Blue Lodge.
And a triangle forming – Sirius, Jupiter, Mars.
Today is under the Light of Virgo (Rays 2 & 6).
The mother the father & the child – another triangle.
The six pointed star – under the Light of Virgo.
All the virtues of Virgo – a six pointed star – personality lifted up to the Soul – becoming a Soul infused personality.
The vision of a new healing community for humanity.
Using all of our gifts in our group.
We know O Lords of Love & Life about the needs of humanity.
Touch our hearts with love, understanding & offer us resources.
So we may love & give & love & give & love & give again.
End of the year, seeking home.
We are traveling from place to place looking for home.
An old reality (2024) being left behind, a new reality yet ahead.
Journeying from east to west, to the ocean.
A tornado, a flood, a fire, then illness.
Continuing our journey. We will being our travels home
tomorrow, January 1, 2025.
2025 = 9 = ending = Initiation.
Everything a symbol.
The Adept
Gates open wide. boat launched, star guides the boat.
Fishing for men/seekers.
The Adept is like a boat in a river.
The Adept moves per the currents of time.
Like a river joining a ocean, forming deltas.
The life of an Adept joins the Great Life, becomes a planetary worker influencing man live in all parts of the glob.
All is unlimited. The distant stars guide.
The Great Bear, Sirius, Pleiades guide the Adept.
The stars are Hierarchy, reflected on earth, guide humanity.
Hunter to king to saint to Hierarchy.
One work, fishing souls sailing in life fishing for souls
restoring them. The Adept is the fisher of men.
Star guides boat. Fishermen sail fishing for man.
This has been our journey, we went to the ocean.
Each step of the way difficult, preparations for Initiation.
We had to be creative, adaptive. It magnetizes and radiates
out to the world, helping others searching for the path/Path
find their Way.
Today is December 31, 2024.
Capricorn Sun & Moon.
Tomorrow is Aquarius moon, perfect for the
first day of the new year. Aquarius, the new era,
the sign & time of freedom for humanity.
In the sky during the night.
Sirius Jupiter Mars
Sirius is the brightest star in Earth’s night sky. The name Sirius means sparkling or scorching in both Latin and Greek.
The planets Jupiter can at time seem as bright – or brighter than – glittering Sirius! As 2024 ends and 2025 begins, Earth, having passed between Jupiter and the Sun (on December 7), brought Jupiter planet closest to Earth for this year. Jupiter is always bright, but it’s especially bright right now. Jupiter shines more brightly than Sirius at this time.
Meanwhile, Earth will pass between Mars and the Sun on January 15-16. So Mars is bright now, too, and very red in color. Bright red planet Mars is roughly the same brightness as Sirius.
Locating Sirius
Look for three prominent stars in a row. These are the three stars of Orion, also called the Three Magi Astrologer Kings. They have the same size and brightness. These stars form the Belt of the constellation Orion the Hunter. Orion’s three stars always point down & to the left to Sirius.
Note also, Betelgeuse & Rigel, the two stars above & below Orion.
As we stand on earth & locate the stars & planets in the sky, we are invited to introduce ourselves to them. Then are great Lords, doing their work in the heavens for humanity. When we make their acquaintance they always respond.
A happy last day of the year to everyone.
Gathering the days of 2024 into a bundle of gratitude.
And offer all that was good in 2024 to 2025.
2024 was called the Time of the ForeRunner.
2025 is called the Time of the Precipitation.
We gather the time of Mithras, the time of Aries, the time of Pisces & see all that has been good. And offer it to the future.
We are the Adepts.
As a new world begins…love, Risa