Tuesday, January 28, 2025- 10am

Tuesday, January 28, 2025- 10am



Tuesday,  January 28, 2025- 10am

Tuesday, January 28, 2025- 10am

A story, a Study Today, & questions, etc.
Who will respond?
I sit at a desk in the mornings, in front of an open window, overlooking a large yard with oak & cedar trees & on the other side of the yard is a large meadow. Beyond the meadow is a river that people float on in the summer. Sometimes, when the rainfall is big, the river overflows into the meadow.
This morning, in the yard bordering the meadow I saw a silver fox.

And so today – after a moon v/c…
The Moon enters Aquarius today at 11:31am (PT).
Joining Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Aquarius.
Today is Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
Tomorrow, Wednesday (4:36am), is the new moon in Aquarius.
At 10 degrees Aquarius –
Where is 10 degrees Aquarius in everyone’s astrology chart?
That is where something new has the opportunity to come forth. What would that something new be for everyone? Note the house 10 degrees Aquarius is in. That area of life is being vitalized.

There is an invitation for newness (new thinking, new intelligence, new everything new) there.

Question: What newness would everyone want in that area of life?

That area of life is also where the new era unfolds, the new Aquarian Age w/ its Aquarian Laws & Principles.
That area of life is where we each can be “waters of life for a thirsty humanity.”

The Work we do here daily is deeply esoteric.
Esoteric means things hidden. My writing each day brings what is hidden forth so that we may understand.
What I write here offers both a mystical (feeling level) & occult (mental, intelligent) level of learning.
This is our College, our Temple of Learning.
It offers knowledge, secrets, intelligence, love, wisdom which lead to Right Thinking & then Right Action.
Right Knowledge leads to Right Love & then to Right Action.

And so…
Today is Tuesday – January 28, 2025.
Tuesday is governed by Mars, Ray 6 of visions, hopes, wishes, dreams, desires & aspirations. It’s also religion.
Ray 6 flows thru Mars & Sagittarius.

On Tuesdays (due to Ray 6) we contemplate what our visions, hopes, wishes, dreams, desires & aspirations are.

Ray 6 Influencing Other Things.
Thus we learn more about them, their actions & purpose.
Everything & everyone is influenced by the 7 Rays in the Big Dipper. Including & study the Rays is Esoteric Astrology.

The Catholic Church.
The emotional & lower mental Ray (from a star in the Big Dipper) of the Catholic Church is Ray 6.

The United States.
The United States has Mars (Ray 6) in Gemini (Ray 2).

The True Prez.
He has Mars (6) in Gemini & South Node & Moon in Sagittarius (4, 5, 6).

Even rays are Love Rays. Odd Rays are Intelligent Rays.
The chart of anything (person, place, thing, event, date in history, the beginning of something) offers us a glimpse into the personality, purpose, function, essence of that something.
The chart of the US tells us about the people in the United States, too. Because we are magnetized to that which we already are & to the purpose of wherever we live.
In the chart of the US where we have Sagittarius rising, we also have Ray 6 – Sagittarius receives & distributes Rays 4, 5, 6.

In terms of the true prez chart & Mars.
Mars is ACTION – When we study a nation & its leaders we construct the chart of the nation & the chart of the leader & then we see how they interact (the planets, signs, stars, Sun, moon, rising, Mars, etc.).
If we look at the true president’s chart – (outer wheel) & we find Mars in his chart. Then we see how his Mars interacts or joins with planets in the US chart….we get a look at the purpose of his leadership in the United States.
Find the Mars (in Gemini) of the United States (in the inner wheel).
Find the true prez’s Mars in Leo (the the outer wheel).
Connect the planets/signs also by numbers (degrees).
What do you see?

Astrology, its study & application, is the language of the Aquarian Age. It is the language & tool that the young ones, so many lost, will come into the Temple of Learning, enter the Temple of Knowledge, then the Temple of Wisdom, step by step.
Astrology is the Aquarian tool of learning about the self, which leads to recognition of the true Self (the Soul).

Going back to the question of what our hopes wishes & dreams are? What are mine?
The Gate is open. It is protected by the Tylers (what are Tylers)?
Who knows?

Every morning & evening while communicating with the Devas, I now say to them – Please build the community, Findhorn West. We will teach humanity there. Teach humanity the foundations of the Wisdom Teachings (Astrology).
We will teach humanity the Art of Living.
We will teach the children.
We are/will be the pioneers of the new culture & civilization.
We will do this in community & in person.

So again I say to the devas, the builders…they listen, & then they go about their Work – build the community now. It is time. love, Risa

Charts below:
1. Today’s Chart – note where most of the planets converge, house & signs.
2. US chart w/ true prez’s chart. Study their connections.
What do you see?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 5 =

Monday, January 27, 2025- 4pm

Monday, January 27, 2025- 4pm



Monday,  January 27, 2025- 4pm

Monday, January 27, 2025- 4pm

Sadly anti semitism is still with us.
Why is that?
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The anniversary of the freeing of the people in Auschwiz.
Auschwitz survivors mark Holocaust Remembrance Day 80 years after liberation. We are told over & over…
“Do not forget….do not forget.”
Today, January 27, 2025 – 80th anniversary of liberation of the prisoners of Auschwitz (a Nazi run death camp) by Soviet troops at the end of World War II. 7000 people were liberated. in gas chambers. Germany’s Nazi regime also targeted Poles, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, gay people and disabled people for elimination.
Many world leaders attended the ceremony.
Survivors laid a wreath at the so-called “Death Wall,” where shooting executions took place. Some of the survivors wore blue-and-white striped scarves, the colors of the prisoner uniforms they were forced to wear at the camp.

We will not forget…

So many weren’t taught, deny it & anti semitism has been
supported these last four years. Why is that? How could that happen? Why is that?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 3 =

Monday, January 27, 2025- 10am

Monday, January 27, 2025- 10am



Monday,  January 27, 2025- 11am

Monday, January 27, 2025- 11m

Things Yet To Be!
And so…
Mercury enters Aquarius today, Monday, a new week.
January 27, 2025 –
Mercury (4) enters Aquarius (5 & 7) tonight.
What is the sound, what are the communications of Mercury in Aquarius?
We listen to the young ones & we will know.
What the young ones are saying & are interested in.

The sights & sounds of Aquarius.
That is the theme of my next Aquarian Salon on February 8th.
What is the sound of Aquarius?
Mercury will tell us if we listen, if we watch our thoughts & hear others talk.

Aquarius is the sound of the new era, of things of wonders of opportunities yet to be!
A new creative time as Aquarius invites its shadow side of Leo to participate – Leo is our creative identity, our creative selves.

And so…
Today is Monday, Aquarius Sun & Capricorn Sun & Mercury.
Mercury is in Capricorn today ’til it enters Aquarius this evening at around 7pm (PT).
Saturn rules both Capricorn & Aquarius (ancient ruler before Uranus appeared in the heavens).
The moon is busy today – sextile Saturn (structure), opposite Mars (still retrograde!!!), trine Uranus (al things new).

1. Wednesday is the new moon – 10 degrees Aquarius.
We will have Sun, Mercury, Pluto & the new moon in Aquarius!
On new moon day.

2. AND – it’s also the Lunar New Year, Chinese New Year of the green wood snake. A very transformative year is ahead!
We know this already from the shifting of the outer planets from water & earth to air & fire. Life accelerates this year, swiftly moving into the new era.

3. Thursday, the ruler of Aquarius (& Aries), Uranus, stations direct!
This too accelerates our movement into Aquarius.
Uranus is all things new, unexpected & sudden!
New rhythms, new archetypes for the new era.
Uranus receives & distributes Ray 7 which anchors the new archetypes of the new age/era of Aquarius.

4. Next Saturday, February 2 (Aries Moon) is Candlemas Day.
Candles are blessed at Mass, the candles used throughout the year ’til next Candlemas Day.
In the Catholic Churs it’s the Baptism of the Holy Child in the Temple. And it’s Purification Day for Mary, a sacred bath is drawn for Mary, a ritual bath (of living waters) for all new mothers after the birth of a child. The Hebrew word for this sacred bath is Mikvah (collection of water), for cleansing & bathing & purification.


February 2nd is the day in between winter & spring! Which means it’s a cross quarter day. It’s Groundhog day. Imbolc (Celtic festival of Light in the Darkness).

For those who still have their Christmas trees up…we dismantle the Christmas ornaments & create a Candlemas/Valentine Tree.
Some actually do this in their homes! It’s quite lovely!

More as the week unfolds. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 8 =

Sunday, January 26, 2025- 9am

Sunday, January 26, 2025- 9am



Sunday,  January 26, 2025- 9am

Sunday, January 26, 2025- 9am

Night Light News – journal of astrology, esotericism, the rays & Wisdom Teachings.
Night Light News is updated.
It’s about Aquarius – the waters of life for a thirsty humanity.
The “waters’ are the precipitated cosmic waters, the electrical energies that vitalize humanity.
Humanity is thirsty for them – the NGWS are to gather & disperse them. The Light within the NGWS is to be part of the “waters
that flow down for a thirsty humanity.”
Calling all New Groups of World Servers.
Under Aquarius.

Today is Sunday, January 26, 2025.
Capricorn Moon, Aquarius Sun, Mercury sextiles Neptue.
Venus sextiles Uranus.
Sextiles are friendly aspects.
They are here today – gone tomorrow.

Aquarius – the waters of life for a thirsty humanity.
Time has cycles, it offers opportunities & limits.
Time is Saturn.
Saturn is the ancient ruler of Aquarius.
It joins with Uranus as the present day ruler of Aquarius.
Saturn says….time’s up!
It’s time for the new era, time for the New Age, time for Aquarius now. – there is therefore an urgency of time occurring now.

And so…
Night Light News is updated.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 4 =

Saturday, January 25, 2025- 8am

Saturday, January 25, 2025- 8am



Saturday,  January 25, 2025- 8am

Saturday, January 25, 2025- 8am

Stargazing –
– a Parade of Planetary Lords Appearing!
Today – January 25, 2025 –
And so….tonight –
Six planetary Lords arrayed in the night sky!
Mars (6) Jupiter (2) Venus (5) Saturn (3) Neptune (6) & Uranus (7) (the last two seen only by telescope).
After sunset – in the west is Venus/Saturn.
Slightly to the south is Jupiter in the horns of Taurus.
And then there’s red Mars under the twin stars of Gemini.
They are appearing now in late January.
We have another “appearance” in February.
Mars Jupiter Venus & Saturn (Neptune & Uranus hidden).
(Venus & Saturn are quite close to each other – over the nights they will separate. Saturn is a pale yellow, very tiny next to Venus).
This is an astronomical event – With a telescope we can see
all six of the planets.
They appear appear as if on a curve across the sky.
This is not unusual, it happens now & then.
It’s NOT a once in a millennia – careful of the hype around this sky event.

This January line up is part of larger events occurring February
& March.
Astrologically a world in change as seen in the heavens.
2025 is a game changing year.
As the outer planets change signs & elements.
And the Precipitation of the World Teacher is beginning.

Planets lined up around the sun on the same plane (eliptic).
The night sky has its seasons – we see the stars & planets in the winter better due to the cold air holding less moisture. The sky is quiet & we see the stars & planets more clearly.

Go outside after sunset or sometime between sunset & dawn.
And look up – locate the planets & say hello!
Make their acquaintance. They are worlds and Lords, each with a purpose (understanding them via the Rays).
Enjoy the Planetary Lords display this winter 2025.
Tell them your name. Make contact with them heart to heart.
Mind to mind. Soul to Soul. And they will respond.

The Astrology Today
Saturday, Saturn’s day.
Ray 3 day – Active Intelligence Day today.
Sagittarius moon – Aquarius Sun – Rays 4, 5, 6 today.
Venus (5) trine Mars (6) today – Pisces/Cancer – a very watery, filled with feelings, nurturing, deeply felt, ardent, fervent, enthusiastic, impassioned day today!
How will we display this?
How will others? We observe…
Then tonight we have a party with friends to observe the
heavens together. And we all make the acquaintance of the planetary Lords. What will they say to us in response, I wonder?
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 15 =

Thursday, January 23, 2025- 7am

Thursday, January 23, 2025- 7am



Thursday,  January 23, 2025- 7am

Thursday, January 23, 2025- 7am

Reappearance Meditation today, Thursday.
It’s a complex day today in the heavens & on earth.
Jupiter’s day – love/wisdom day.
It’s a complex day in the heavens today.
And so the complexity is reflected here on earth too.
Under Aquarius (5) Sun, Scorpio (4) moon.
Thursday, January 23, 2025.
People are talking about the planets in the sky tomorrow night.
It’s NOT an alignment. It’s just that many planets are all able to be seen in the heavens, some with the naked eye, some with binoculars & telescopes. It is a semi unusual event.

But for today – here are the transits.
Moon sextile Mercury – talking about our emotions to a friend.
Moon trine Mars – harmonizing our actions.
Moon opposite Uranus – something unusual is happening that we will be make aware of.
Moon trine Uranus – the moon moves fast!
Moon trine Neptune – prayers work when there is difficulty.
Mars sextile Uranus – (Cancer/Taurus) – bringing change to our daily rhythms.
Mercury trine Uranus – sudden change in communication –
A v/c occurs with the Scorpio moon today from 4pm to 8:30pm (PT). Then the moon enters Sagittarius.
From Scorpio moon to Sagittarius moon – from the waters’ depths to the valleys, hills & meadows of the earth.
From reorientation to making a pilgrimage.
From the call to the Disciple to setting goals for the present/future. From Ray 4 to Rays 4, 5, 6.

Reappearance Meditation
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Graphic, Christ & angels assessing the best
astrological timing for His Reappearance.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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