Sunday, February 2, 2025- 10am

Sunday, February 2, 2025- 10am



Sunday,  February 2, 2025- 10am

Sunday, February 2, 2025- 10am

Candlemas – celebrating the return of Light.
Against the dark our candles shine.
In the dark a candle lit.
It’s Candlemas – the light growing more & more each day.
Moving towards spring!
The Story of Jesus presented in the Temple for Baptism.
And what St. Simeon said – read at the end below.

Today is Sunday, day of rest, contemplation & study.
February 2, 2025 – Candlemas Day. The Ashram is filled with candles to be blessed for use in the upcoming year.
Candlemas, the cross quarter day between winter’s cold & warm spring rains.
It is also, in the Catholic Church, the Baptism of the Holy Child.
Mary & Jesus & Joseph were Jewish.
So Mary, after the birth of her son, entered the temple for a sacred bath given to all women who gave birth. The holy sacred bath is called a Mikvah.
So today is also called Purification Day.

Candlemas marks the moment in time (day) between winter solstice and spring equinox (cross-quarter day). Like a spring festival of preparation, we turn over the soil and begin to prepare it biodynamically. We sort our seeds, call forth their life-force, thus securing our future food supply. The Light is returning. We feel hope.

February 1 & 2 are St. Brigid’s Days. We bake multigrain breads, weave crosses of wheat or oat stalks. The crosses, hung in our homes, protect from fires and lightning. We make corn dollies from dried (soaked in water) corn sheaves, offering the dollies as gifts.

In the Catholic Church, Candlemas, 40 days after Christmas, marks the end of Epiphany. On this day, the holy child and Mary are presented in the Temple. Mary is bathed (Mary was purified in a ritual – a mikvah – bath of sea-salt water) and the holy child (Jesus) is recognized as the promised and long awaited one – the “Light of the world.”

We, too, bathe ourselves in salt and sea water. And become the “Light of the world” for thirsty humanity (Aquarian task).

Candlemas is a fire festival, acknowledging the Sun’s rising light creating the rising of the sap (fires) in the plant kingdom. In the Catholic churches today, beeswax candles are blessed to be used throughout the year for light & protection. These rituals anchor into our little world the Light of Life. They connect us to the Earth and to the heavens. We come into balance on this cross-quarter day. We prepare through knowledge.

Candlemas Day, Baptism by water day. Purification Day.
The blessing of the candles day.
It’s also the Celtic Imbolc & groundhog day.
Aries moon today – Aquarius Sun – fire & air today.

February 2nd each year is a multi-festival day. The day our Christmas trees become Valentine’s trees.
And the question today – will winter last?

Tomorrow, a study of the true prez chart.
So we may have deeper understanding of the man, his leadership & his purpose. Knowledge & understanding unfolds Love. Risa


as the Holy Child is Presented in the Temple.
First Sorrow:
The Prophecy of Simeon
From the Gospel according to St. Luke:

When the days were completed after the birth of Jesus it was time for Baptism & for Mary’s sacred bath of purification according to the Law of Moses. And so they took the holy child up to Jerusalem to present Him in the Temple. And there was a holy man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was devout, awaiting the prophecy to be revealed (the consolation of Israel which the people did not accept), and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the prophecy fulfilled & see the Messiah of the Lord.

And so Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents. Mary & Joseph, brought in the child Jesus to perform the custom of the Law (Baptism) in regard to Him, Simeon took the Child into his arms and blessed God, saying:
“Now, Lord God, you may let your servant die in peacefor my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You prepared in the sight of all the peoples. This Child is a Light for revelation to the Gentiles, and in this Child is the glory & release for your people Israel”.

The child’s father and mother were amazed at what was said about their Child. And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His Mother:
“Behold, this child is destined to do great things for the many in Israel, and He is to be a sign that will be contradicted; people will deny & crucify HIm…and you yourself, O Mother, a sword will pierce, so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. (Luke 2:22-35

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7 + 3 =

Saturday, February 1, 2025- 9am

Saturday, February 1, 2025- 9am



Saturday,  February 1, 2025- 9am

Saturday, February 1, 2025- 9am

A new day unfolds.
Our prayers continue for all the sudden fiery events
that have occurred these past weeks.
A Baptism of fire seems to be continuing in our country.
Prayers to comfort those in need & those suffering.
Prayers for our new government too that it will bring forth
the Rule of Law & Common Sense for our country & people.

Today is St. Brigid’s Day – February 1, 2025.
St. Brigid’s Day – 400 AD. An advanced disciple, Initiate. Healer, set up a monastery, a nunnery, created a religious order. She kept a flame alive, that fame is kept alive today, & the people in Ireland visit that flame & visit St. Brigid’s well. Today, the people make holy crosses from rushes (plants) in remembrance of the healing gifts of St. Brigid. The holy flame is in Kildare, Ireland. Near Dublin.



St. Brigid’s Day is the Celtic festival of Imbolc, a cross quarter day between winter & spring – it heralds the return of spring – February 1. The Celtic Goddess Brígid was regarded as a goddess of healing and the ancient Celts acknowledged her on this day as the day that signaled renewal, new growth, and escape from darkness.



And so, today is a new day – Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Tomorrow is Candlemas Day – gathering our candles today.
To take them to Mass to be blessed.
Lighting our candles all day on Candlemas Day.
The Light in the darkness – the calling in of springtime.

And so…today….
Saturn’s Day – Ray 3 day – day of intelligence.
The first day of February, 2025.
Pisces moon today until 2:06pm (PT). Then the Pisces moon enters into a time of quiet – a void of course until 5:10pm (PT).
Then the moon enters Aries – sign of initiating all things new.
The Sun is in Aquarius, Saturn & Uranus ruled.
Today Moon/Venus/Neptune (Rays 4, 5 & 6).
Venus – what we value, our resources, what we love.
Neptune – things gently falling away, creating a newer higher refinement within. Both are at 27 degrees Pisces.
Where is 27 Pisces in everyone’s chart? What area of life?
This is an important transit to be aware of.

The Retrogrades
Mars (20 Cancer) & Jupiter (11 Gemini) remain retrograde.
Mars ends its retrograde February 23.
Jupiter ends its retrograde in two days (February 3).
Uranus is no longer retrograde & is beginning to slowly move forward out of its retrograde.
Uranus is at 23 Taurus. It will be moving out of Taurus & entering Gemini July 8th.
The outer planets this year shift from water/earth to air/fire.
This accelerates our growth, livingness & evolution forward.
The Aquarian Era is quickly unfolding.

The next Aquarian Salon is next Saturday, February 8, 2025.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 10 =

Friday, January 31, 2025- 6pm



Friday,  January 31, 2025- 6pm

Friday, January 31, 2025- 6pm

Another tragedy occurring.
Surreal fire, crash, explosion, plane crash again!
Friday early evening, Philadelphia. 6pm.
Another plane (6 people aboard plane) involved & explosion occurs.
Something catastrophic happened in flight!
Lear Jet (stable & safe aircraft) – departing from NE Philadelphia Airport, en route to Branson, Missouri.
Plane disappeared from radar 30 seconds after take off.
Plane falls from midair, then quickly crashes down.
Explodes like a bomb.
Happened about 6:00/6:30 pm East Coast Time.
Fell on row homes.

Small plane fell out of sky – crashes near open strip mall in NE Philadelphia. It looked like an asteroid, a missile falling.
Traveling with medical patients on board.
A medical flight.

Two doctors, two pilots, one patient & one family member on board. Med flight. Medical planes often carry oxygen.
Departing NE Philly airport, plane filled with fuel.
Plane falls on dense area, near open air Roosevelt Mall.
Highly trafficked roadway.
Near Cottman Avenue and Bustleton Avenue.

Lear Jet hits ground, explodes, falls like a rocket at 90 degree angle, falling near dense large open air shopping mall.
Restaurants, Macys, Dunkin Donuts, Ross, etc.
Multiple buildings on fire.
Chaos, fire, jet fuel, gas lines broken. Flames all over the ground, near, fire balls everywhere. Medical oxygen tank found on

the ground 1/4 mile away from wreckage.

Air Ambulance, Air Rescue jet.
Parts of the plane scattered everywhere.
Huge explosion, gas lines, houses, cars on fire.
Large field expanding city blocks! Overwhelming fumes.
Row homes, gas lines, people in the homes, etc.
Mass casualty event. Mass response.
Smoke everywhere. Fire departments, police, are people inside
home needing medical attention. Priority is saving lives.
Some fatalities on the ground.

Praying for the people involved…people in need, people helping, responding, etc.
Sean Duffy (Libra) being kept busy in his new job as Secretary of Transportation.

The explosion was earth-quakish, the plane hit the building, it exploded & the sky lit up. It was caught on camera. Catastrophic event! A ring doorbell captured the explosion. It was like a bomb or missle fell on the earth.
Again FTSP & FAA will investigate.
No flight recorder on the Lear.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 5 =

Thursday, January 30, 2024- 7am

Thursday, January 30, 2024- 7am



Thursday,  January 30, 2025- 7am

Thursday, January 30, 2025- 7am

Tragic Collision –
Music & prayers for those who have died.
Gregorian chant, in Requiem (remembrance).
For those in need.
For God Has Sent His Angels To Those In Need.
Those who have died & those left behind on earth.

From Rescue to Recovery Mission. We pray for them.
As we pray with intentions of love for those in need, we declare help & that help is established & the Lord of the World & the Great Comforter hears our prayers. And thus the Light shines on all those in need & brings comfort to them.

“Come, Holy Spirit, Creator come, From your bright heavenly throne! Come, take possession of the souls who have departed, Give them comfort & peace & make them all your own.”

Regarding the terrible crash, the military helicopter that rose up & its blades hit & broke into three the American airlines 5342 plane descending & only 400 ft. from touching down on its correct flight path.
Now we shift & pivot to the humans involved in the collision.
There are no survivors. A tragic tragic accident.
Let us focus on those who died & our prayers for them.
When humans die in a shocking moment, an explosion or anything that occurs that kills them suddenly, there can be a confusion as the people die suddenly. Suddenly last night, 9pm east coast time, 67 people suddenly died. There can be as I wrote confusion among the souls in the bardos (in between earth & heaven).

There is thus an emergency gathering of angels – both for the ones who suddenly died & for their families. Let us all pray for them with our prayers.

Our Thoughts & Prayers.
Our thoughts are very powerful. Human thoughts have effects.
Our thoughts influence other worlds & are far reaching.
Every one of our thoughts is alive, living & moving.

Combining our thoughts with feelings, creating prayers of love & compassion helps those who died, helps the angels help those who have died, & help the families involved in these deaths. If in our prayers we have love, that love serves all of life, especially the life that is called forth during emergencies, when love is most needed.

There is a Great Being called the Comforter.
This is the Holy Spirit (Ray 3), a great divine intelligence filled with Love.
Our prayers reach up to the Great Comforter to help those who died, to bring calmness to those in the bardos, & to help & care for the living (those who are still here on earth & connected to those who died). We pour out our hearts, our prayers like water, the Waters of life, for those who are suffering & for those who have died in this collision.

Let us pray.
As we awaken this morning, we set about a radiation of love to those who have died & to those who are in need, to those who are suffering, to those in shock. We thus create with our thoughts a spirit of blessings & care for all involved. Including all who are recovering the bodies, the news people, the investigators, etc.

We thus establish together from our hearts & minds & Souls a spirit of prayer & our prayers join with the angels & their angelic activity in the bardos. For God has sent His Angels to work on this behalf.

“Come, Holy Spirit, Creator Divine….Come from your bright heavenly throne! Take possession of the souls who have departed, offer them comfort & peace & make them all your own.”


Gregorian Chant, Requiem for those who died.
For contemplation, with & during prayer.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 12 =

Wednesday, January 29, 2025- 10am

Wednesday, January 29, 2025- 10am



Wednesday,  January 29, 2025- 11am

Wednesday, January 29, 2025- 11am

Messengers of Light We Are.
New Moon in Aquarius today.
Reading the Labours of Hercules, Gate 11. Aquarius.

Prayers Today – Safeguarding the Light of Aquarius.
Today – Wednesday January 29, 2025.
Mercury’s Day today – Ray 4 of Harmony.
Its full moon day today, day of safeguarding the Light of Aquarius. 10 degrees Aquarius.
New moon days we safeguard & uplift the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers. Our prayers today together.
The Light of Aquarius is the waters of life for thirsty humanity.
This light flows through the NGWS.
We become the Light of the World – this is the Light of Christ,
~the Light of the Soul.
Radiated upon humanity & the kingdoms.
In the Light of our preparations today, we recite these Mantrams together.
“I am a messenger of Light.
I am a pilgrim on the way of love.
I do not walk alone,
But know myself as one with all great Souls,
And one with them in service.
Their strength is mine.
This strength I claim.
My strength is theirs and this I freely give.
A soul, I walk on Earth.
I represent the ONE.”
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, p. 140)
“I know the Law, and towards the goal I strive.
Naught shall arrest my progress on the Way.
Each tiny life (devas, solar petries) within my form responds.
My Soul has sounded forth that call, and clearer day by day it sounds.
The glamour holds me not.
The Path of Light streams clear ahead.
My plea goes forth to reach the hearts of men.
I seek.
I try to serve your need.
Give me your hand and tread the Path with me.”
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, p. 265)
“I strive towards understanding.
Let wisdom take the place of knowledge in my life.”
“I strive towards co-operation.
Let the Master of my life, the Soul,
And the One I seek to serve,
Radiate light through me onto others.”
(Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 140)

Patience skill in action persistence.
Serving the world, making oneself holy.

During new moon Saturn & Uranus are present.
Uranus stations direct tomorrow, Thursday.
23 degrees Taurus, on its way to enter Gemini this year.
What new realities will we bring forth?
What do we bring to the present future for the new era?

Reading the Labours of Hercules.
The cleansing of the stables (the town, village, the state, the country by the true president).
So the waters of life can flow into our country & our world & into the hearts & minds of humanity.
Careful everyone. Understand all of this.
So not to be left behind. love, Risa

Reading the Aquarian Labours of Hercules.
Understanding the Aquarian Task.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 13 =

Tuesday, January 28, 2025- 5pm

Tuesday, January 28, 2025- 5pm



Tuesday,  January 28, 2025- 5pm

Tuesday, January 28, 2025- 5pm

Post #2 – Tuesday.
White House Today, Jan. 28, 2025.
Leader in the House is home again.
Finally a true leader (prez) & messenger (press sec) in the White House.
First Press Conference of the new administration.
Serving the American people.
Press Conferences today – previous 4 years of obfuscation is no more. Present day WT press conferences have opened the doors – Axios, Breitbart & others (less traditional/ alternative news sources) invited to have seats in the Press Room
New press messenger/secretary – Karoline Leavitt (27 years old) – vowed & dedicated to truth & total transparency.
Everything was asked, everything was discussed in this first press conference. Observing what happened, Karoline did a great job with all hands up, multiple question/topics, her excellent intelligent responses.

Also, anyone can apply to be a media writer (social media, podcasts, bloggers, etc.) – as long as they write about the government policies. It’s a “new media seat.”
Everyone has an opportunity to get their questions into the press room. Thus a diversity of viewpoints covering the news in the White House. Covering the real news of the day. A press briefing can be asked from afar. Our country is diverse & we have lots of issues & questions, ideology & thoughts to the press room.

A culture shift (of truth & transparency) happened today in the White House press room.
Armed with Truth & FACTS. Very clear on the prez’s agenda & happy to bring forth the Rule of Law.

News & Notes:
About drones – they were OKed by the FAA.
About migrants – all illegals in our country have broken the law.
300 Executive Orders have been signed so far. Signed in the first 100 hours.
DOJ fires top prosecutors who were/are not to be trusted.
More than fired. They were told to get out of the building.
They were the prosecutors who participated in the investigation & prosecution of the true prez. 10+ career officials fired.
They were terminated. They are not trustworthy prosecutors. They tried to “kill the king.” It’s a true shake up.
Fired is Jack Smith’s team. All career prosecutors who used & abused the law. A move in the shock & awe campaign. Used the law inappropriately following a fraud agenda.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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