Saturday, February 8, 2025- 7am



Saturday  February 8, 2025- 7am

Saturday, February 8, 2025- 7am

Aquarian Salon – Aquarius, astrology, art.
– code gam – 839 0016 8325

Presentation on Aquarius & Questions:
What is the sound of Aquarius.
What is the sound of Uranus?
Who are the innovators, who is a disruptor?
Who is carrying out the 11th Labor of Hercules?

When/Where is the Salon?
Today –
On zoom – at noon (Pacific time) today – the Aquarian Salon.
A gathering & gallery of thoughts, symbols, ideas, people.
Also, Night Light News talks about the salon

The Astrology Today.
Aquarius Sun, Mercury (communication) & Pluto today.
Cancer moon – beauty nurtures & nourishes us, as do gatherings of people talking & discussing together, learning astrology, gazing at art together.
Join us everyone – love, Risa

The link – – code gam – 839 0016 8325

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 6 =

February 7, 2025- Friday

February 7, 2025- Friday



Friday,  February 7, 2025- 12pm

Friday, February 7, 2025- 12pm

Invitation to the Aquarian Salon tomorrow, Saturday.
Today, Night Light News is posted.
It’s about the Aquarian Salon tomorrow, Saturday.
Everyone is invited to join us for discussion, art & astrology.
And so….
Today is February 7, 2025 – Friday, Venus’s day, Ray 5 day.
Concrete science & true knowledge (Ray 5).
The color of Ray 5 is a golden orange.

Today is complex – Sun/Mars, Venus/Pluto, Sun/Chiron.
Lots of talk today – Gemini Moon.
Chatter chatter chatter about Sunday’s Super Bowl.
Chiefs & Eagles.
Lots of chatter & anticipation about Sunday’s Super Bowl.
Chatter about its location, the prez, the film Sum of All Fears.
At the Super Bowl we are usually presented with a dark satanic ritual. Celebrities, music, musicians at half time, displaying to humanity in plain sight its enslavement. “Til the people awaken.

Anyway & In the meantime….
The Aquarian Salon is tomorrow, Saturday – astrology, art, wisdom teachings, discussion, music, etc. Join us everyone. – code gam – 839 0016 8325

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 12 =

Thursday, February 6, 2025- 8am

Thursday, February 6, 2025- 8am



Thursday,  February 6, 2025- 8am

Thursday, February 6, 2025- 8am

The Transformer, the Innovator.
Understanding the US President’s Chart & his Actions.
See & follow the chart below –
Today – Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Aquarius.
Pluto is the Transformer. Which the US prez is.
Transformer, innovator, disruptor, communicator.
And so…
Understanding the actions of the President of the United States.
We look at the position the leader is in, not his personality.
We look at his actions. We look at his astrology chart.
We know what the Aquarian task is for Hercules, the Labor of Hercules that the president of the US is undertaking.
We are thus intelligent onlookers, able to understand what we are seeing.

The task for Hercules under Aquarius is to “cleanse & clear the “Augean stables” – so that the village & townspeople (the US, Gaza, etc.) can be cleansed & cleared and return to common sense & to natural living.

Pluto in Aquarius – transforming that which was dark & unlivable into that which is filled with light – cleansed & cleaned.

This is what the true president of the United States is presently doing. With all of his mandates & Executive Orders. Bringing common sense to the US & thus to the world.
He is offering this to the United States & also to the Palestinian people – cleansing & clearing Gaza too. He is a “builder.”

The president of the US is following the Teacher’s directions – to cleanse the “Augean Stables” which in our present time is the United States. Looking at, understanding the actions of the true president.
Using the astrology chart for understanding.
We can understand this by understanding the president’s chart.

In his 10th house (leadership house, work in the world, a world leader) we see the sign of Gemini (sign of ideas, communication).
Gemini is the communicator – he talks all the time, talks to the people, shares with the people, has conversations.

His planets in Gemini are Uranus (innovation), North Node (the Path ahead), & Sun (illumination) in Gemini.
Gemini is also the sign of the hands – he uses his hands (in mudras) when he speaks. And his work is in building (which uses the hands).

Uranus in Gemini: He is quick, he is a disruptor, an Innovator, bringing new thoughts & ideas into the world. It’s a whole new (Uranus) conversation (Gemini), with new innovative (Uranus) ideas (Gemini).

Thursday today, Gemini (2) moon day.

The True President has Gemini at his midheaven.
He has Sun Uranus
Thursday is ruled over by Jupiter, Ray 2.
Love & Wisdom guard, guide & rule the day on Thursdays.
We recite the Reappearance meditation today.
Preparatory prayers for the Coming World Teacher.

Mercury in Cancer in the 11th – He talks (Mercury) to the people (Cancer). He talks to the masses of people (Cancer) & the people all over the world hear him.
Saturn & Venus in Cancer –
Saturn in Cancer – Bringing forth a new structure & the Rule of Law (Saturn) to the people (Cancer). He says “I will build (Saturn) a new city in Gaza for the people (Cancer). And make it beautiful (Venus) for the people). I will also tell the people (Cancer) all that I am accomplishing so there is transparency & the people (Cancer) have knowledge (Venus).

Pluto in Leo – the Transformer (Pluto) as a leader & (Leo) from the heart (Leo) of the matter. The transformations (Pluto) will be creative (Leo). I will use all my gifts & talents (Leo) to bring forth a transformative change (Pluto).

Mars in Leo – My actions (Mars) are creative (Leo) & they come from the heart (Leo). I love you & I love our country, the true president says.

Mars in Leo – This is actually an alchemical situation. His Mars leadership highlights the personality/ Martian aspect within people – the people who are Ray 6 (regressive, angry, unable to see the truth, are the echo chambers, are captured by the Dark Forces & untruths) are activated & we see it in our country – the violence against him, the resistance, the polarization.

Those who are on the Soul level are not activated by the prez’s Mars – they understand his actions & welcome them.

Leo rising – the rising sign is one’s Soul purpose.
Leo rising -the Soul purpose of this person is to be a Creative Leader that loves what he does & shares it with the people.

Look at his 2nd house – this is the house of values.
His Values –
Four planets in Libra (Ray 3, Divine Intelligence) – he says he wants to be a peacemaker. He values being a peacemaker.
Libra is the Peacemaker, the ambassador that goes to all nations’ leaders & makes peace with them.

And so now we know a bit more about the U.S. president & we can understand more as we observe him as president of the United States.

Turning to Today, Thursday.
Today is a rather calm day – the moon resting in between its trine to Pluto (1 – white/red) (2:34am) & its joining Jupiter (2-indigo blue) (6:16pm) this evening.
How will we live out our day today under Aquarius Sun (golden), Mercury (4) & Pluto, Gemini moon, Mars (6) in Cancer (3/7), Venus (5) in Aries (1 & 7).
The kingdom, from all the Rays flowing thru the signs & planets, …the Kingdom of Earth is very colorful (each day)!
See colors of the Rays below.
In our classrooms we would color w/ the color of the Rays the transits to our astrology charts. Then the colors flowing into our earth became very apparent to each of us.

Reappearance Meditation.
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say the Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.

May we have right observation, right understanding, right action.
May we understand & love more. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 4 =

Wednesday, February 5, 2025- 7am

Wednesday, February 5, 2025- 7am



Wednesday,  February 5, 2025- 7am

Wednesday, February 5, 2025- 8am

A STORY – A resistance. statement. A response. A teaching.
And questions for all of us to hear, to research, to know & to realize.
About the Aquarian Age & the leadership positions (a sacred job/task) in our world.

And so…
Aquarius Sun, Mercury, Pluto. (depth of discussion today).
Mars retrograde – inner contemplation of what is presented.
Taurus moon – things are revealed.
Mars in Cancer – the truth nurtures & nourishes us.

Today is Mercury’s day, Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Mercury is Ray 4 – a harmony that emerges from conflicts.

Note: upcoming.
The Aquarian Salon is this Friday, February 8th. Everyone is invited. It’s about the Aquarian Age, what is it?

The Story
I was speaking with a group about the 11th Labor of Hercules.
You remember it, yes? What that labor is?
Aquarius, the light that shines on earth & across the seas.
The light that purifies until the dark is gone?
Allowing the waters of life to pour forth for thirsty humanity.

The Aquarian Labor.
The labor 11th (Aquarius) Hercules had to complete – that of cleaning the “Augean stables” from the filth dung darkness & pestilence that had fallen upon a town & village & it was making the people ill because the king didn’t care about the people & the village & so the village & nothing could grow in the village & the people were dying.

The Teacher gave Hercules the task, the job (description), of cleaning up the town. And so Hercules set about cleaning the town by diverting two rivers that flowed around the town. He diverted the waters so they could flow into the “stables” (town, village) & the waters could cleanse & purify.

True Prez Accomplishing the 11th Labor.
In my talk I likened this “Aquarian labor the 11th”, the cleansing of the stables, to the work the true president is doing (quickly, swiftly), in our country, the U.S.) after the terrible work the “last king” & his cohorts did – cleaning up the destruction & selling off of our country, so our people & our country & our world can begin to thrive again. To be free (Aquarian quality).

Well, there was a swift reaction (not a response but a reaction!).
I was told quite severely not to mix politics with “precious sacred teachings.”

This was unsettling because I thought of the people involved in the reaction as esotericists, who (should) know there is no separation in all the many endeavors of humanity.
In terms of Politics & government – there is an actual spiritual & esoteric Seed Group called Politics!

I did not respond immediately.
I wondered for a day & a half what is the right response here? How DO I respond? What is needed here?
The answer is & could be quite complex. I didn’t want to meander about with my words. I wanted to be clear & succinct & esoteric.

Here is my response & the late questions posed.
Note: the questions at the end.
They are for all of us to answer, to research.
For all of us to know the answers. Because it has to do with the new Aquarian era & our time now.

It is also important to know that in terms of world leaders –
WHAT is to be respected?
What do we focus on? What do we observe?
The JOB that the leader is to perform.
We do NOT focus on the the personality of the leader.

My first questions.
1. what do you really feel, what do you really think of our U.S. president?
2. Isn’t everything precious & sacred?

3. Isn’t our world, what we see in our world, aren’t our leaders, isn’t everyone & everything “precious & sacred?”

4. Two Ways of Understanding Politics.
There are two ways of looking at the Wisdom Teachings & Politics. The old way & the new way. (White Magic, p. 633)
The old way has the Wisdom Teachings & Politics as antagonistic to each other. Everything is an “ideal” but the two realities cannot touch or be discussed together. They are separate (this is the Piscean, Ray 6 idealism way). It silences!

The NEW way – the Aquarian Way –
The Wisdom Teachings (whose foundation is the art & science & observations of the Astrological energies) are applied to all that we see in our world, to all leaders, events, countries, people. There is no separation. Everything is “precious”, everything interacting with everything else.
This is the Aquarian Way, Ray 7, anchoring a discussion, uniting the different realities, creating a new archetype of interaction Way – it allows for freedom of communication).

Specific Questions for the Aquarian Age.
I then offered these questions (below) to the Group.
And I post them here for everyone to read, study, research & answer.
Many of the answers have been posted in the Teachings here.
If everyone has read my posts each day, the answers are there & they are also in the blue books.

Questions to Ponder.

Why I refer to the US president – applying the Aquarian Labor to his actions. There is much to know esoterically in the answers to the questions below – which helps to understand my statement referring to the true prez & the Aquarian labor.

Do We All Know….

1, Why a person is given (world) leadership tasks? Especially leadership of a nation, of the world?

2. The astrology of the US president (Trump) & how it interfaces w/ the US astrology chart?

3. The Spiritual Task of the United States?

4. When the World Teacher appears, what is He coming for?

5. The difference between the Piscean way of viewing politics & the Aquarian Way of viewing politics?

6. When, in the course of 2500 years, the true unity of the Aquarian Age will come forth?

7. What is the first thing that must happen as we enter the atmosphere of the Aquarian Age?

8. What Leo’s tasks are concerning the creation of the new era, the Aquarian Age?

9. The specific task of the Aquarian Labor of Hercules?

10. The Spiritual Seed Group called Politics? Its purpose?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 4 =

Tuesday, February 4, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, February 4, 2025- 8am



Tuesday,  February 4, 2025- 8am

Tuesday, February 4, 2025- 8am

Thank you God for most this amazing day.
For the leaping greenly spirits of trees, etc.
(see graphic below)

What is posted here today?
1. My Gratitude to everyone.
2. A study of Ray 6 – skillful & unskillful ways we demonstrate
Ray 6 in our lives.
3. The Astrology Today – Jupiter & Venus, etc.
4. What we are reading each morning.
We are reading each morning a message/page from the book
Call of the Trees. by Dorothy Maclean, co founder of Findhorn.
5. The serigraph (graphic) is by Corita, the poem by e.e.cummings.

And more today….
A Study of Ray 6 today – Mars, Ray 6 rules the day.
February 6, 2025 – Tuesday – Mars day.
And so,

Gratitude rising up from my heart.
To my readers, to my ability to write.
To our true president, to all questions asked.
Gratitude for knowledge of astrology, f
or the Wisdom Teachings,
the blue books of the Tibetan & Alice Bailey.
And Gratitude to those Teachers (Helena B, etc.) who came before Alice. And to all the Masters of Wisdom.
They prepared the Way for us. As we prepare the Way for
those who come after us.
Gratitude is the great healer.

And so…today, February 4, 2025, Tuesday.
Mars overseeing our day today.
Mars, Ray 6 – asking us what are our desires & aspirations, hopes, visions, wishes & dreams. These are the “Poets of emotions.”

Mars & the Signs
Mars flows through Aries (all things new):
Scorpio (tests that lead to Discipleship):
& Sagittarius (the pilgrim on the Way to Shamballa).

Mars – Ray 6 of Devotion.
Virtues & Vices of Ray 6.

Skillful –
Aspiration, hopes, wishes, dreams, visions, devotion, love, tenderness, care, compassion, loyalty, reverence, etc. Seeing the needs & responding to the need. Mars is like an arrow, directed towards a goal, reaching that goal, seeing the next goal.

Unskillful Ways of Demonstrating Ray 6.
Fanaticism (concerning anything especially religion), fiery anger, deception, impatience, separations, concretization of & being stilled & caught in the past, not moving forward, etc.

Special Virtues:
Devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, reverence.

Vices of Ray:
Selfish and jealous love, over-leaning on others, partiality, self-deception, sectarianism, superstition, prejudice, over-rapid conclusions, fiery anger, bigotry, inquisitor, idolatry, lack of sympathy.

Virtues to be acquired:
Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, serenity, balance and common sense.

Ray 6 is the Ray of devotion. Those on Ray 6 are full of religious instincts and impulses, and of intense personal feeling; nothing is taken equably. Everything is either perfect or intolerable; friends are angels, enemies are very much the reverse; one’s view, in both cases, is formed not on the intrinsic merits, but on the way others appeal to them, or on the sympathy or lack of sympathy which they show to their favorite idols, whether these be concrete or abstract, for a Ray 6 person is full of devotion, devoted to a person or to a cause.

A Ray 6 person has & adores a “personal God,” an incarnation of Deity. The best type on Ray 6 makes the saint, the worst type, the bigot or fanatic, the typical martyr or the typical inquisitor. All religious wars or crusades have originated from sixth ray fanaticism. A Ray 6 person is often of a gentle nature, but can quickly flame into fury and fiery wrath. One laid down their life for the objects of their devotion or reverence (their ideals), but will not help those outside of their immediate sympathies. As a soldier, a Ray 6 person hates fighting but often when roused in battle fights like one possessed. Never a great statesman nor a good business person, but may be a great preacher or orator.

The sixth ray person will be the poet of the emotions (such as Tennyson) and the writer of religious books, either in poetry or prose. Devoted to beauty and colour and all things lovely, but one’s productive skill is not great unless under the influence of one of the practically artistic rays, the fourth or seventh. A Ray 6 person’s music will always be of a melodious order, and can often be the composer of oratories and of sacred music.

The method of healing for Ray 6 would be by faith and prayer.

The way of approaching the Path would be by prayer and meditation, aiming at union with God.

How to use this information.
Look at one’s astrology chart.
Find the house/area of life where Aries, Scorpio & Sag are.
Then begin to observe how one acts in these areas of life.
This is a real study of one’s actions, behaviors, emotions, mental abilities, etc. Knowing the signs, having one’s astrology chart, gazing at one’s chart, understanding the areas of life in the chart, understanding the Rays. This is esoteric astrology in real life.

The Astrology Today Tuesday.
Comforting Taurus moon.
Jupiter (Ray 2) stations direct at 11 degrees Gemini.
Venus (5) enters Aries (1 & 7) – True knowledge (5) helps us create (1) & anchor (7) our thoughts & creations.
Sun, Mercury, Pluto in Aquarius – the new era illuminated, talked about, discussed, deepening within us.
Mars remains retrograde til the 24th of February.
Then Venus retrogrades.
All the retrogrades preparing us for things yet to be.
We prepare first with knowledge of these things.

Everyday we are in school together. This is our college, university, our temple of learning together. Our Ashram. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 10 =

Monday, February 3, 2025- 9am

Monday, February 3, 2025- 9am



Monday,  February 3, 2025- 9am

Monday, February 3, 2025- 9am

Decoding the Grammys.
They don’t have the right hertz** – they use the lowest vibration possible – lowering humanity’s vibration.
We pray for/with humanity to awaken & recognize what is being offered to humanity –
Prayer –
Lead humanity O Lord from darkness to Light.

Sex Magic, Sex Ritual – the Grammy messaging to the masses.
Everything has dual expression on Earth.
Ray 7 Ritual Magic – creating either dark or White Magic.
Forces of Materialism use Ray 7 for death & destruction.
Forces of Light use Ray 7 to anchor beauty into form.
What we saw in the Grammy’s last night.
The Magician, Ray 7 – important to recognize Ray 7.

And so…
What we saw in the Grammys last night.
The lowest level of Ray 7 – sex magic, ritual, ceremony, (dis)order, darkness, death. No art is left.
The lowest vibrations – Ray 7 is mass ritual.
Ray 7 is the Magician (highest order) & also the Lord of Death (lowest order).
Exposing the darkness through their use of color, sound & symbols. In plain sight!

And so today is Monday, February 3, 2025.
A new week begins – of things yet to be.
And so….
I changed direction as to the subject of my post today.
Everything we see out in the world has an influence upon us.
And it always becomes a lesson in observation.

And so…
Watching dark (sex) magic last night in the Grammys – huge mass ritual to affect our consciousness to remain in INVOLUTION – the outcome being unconsciousness, sleight of hand & death.
Deep manipulation with symbols, sounds, colors.
Triggering what in humanity?

Death is on our minds these days.
There have been terrible recent deaths in our country.
The planes falling from the sky – the many who died in the plane crashes (in the Potomic & in Philadelphia).
Explosions & fire, death to the people.
The news media blaring its false information.
We are awash in darkness. Showing the explosions over & over.
Activating trauma in the masses.

And so back to the Grammys – the dark magic of sex.
The colors red & black. Dante’s Inferno & Purgatorio.
Movements depraved & staccato.
Sex/death rituals at the Grammys – leading to the next mass ritual for humanity – Feb. 9th, the 59th Super Bowl!

And so…
We watched the Grammys last night – Hollywood & the music industry – the dark rituals continue in our Kali Yuga times.
The only part of the Grammys last night was Herbie Hancock’s piano. Otherwise, much of it, including most of the singers, was darkly discordant & cacophonous sounds, colors (black & red), smoke, & movements, quite like a satanic ritual.
There was no art or music or harmony or real talent.

In between the ages, there IS NO ART available.
There is no new creativity. Art falls into darkness.
In the new era, new art forms will come forth.
They are not apparent yet.

Forces of Materialism – how they utilize the arts at the Grammys last night.
What we saw.
Hands & limbs waving in a group like Dante’s Inferno!
People huddled together (a group), writhing together.
Chaos & cacophony – the lowest level of Ray 7.
Black Magic.
The word “cacophony” is Greek for “bad sound.”
I had to look away so it didn’t penetrate into my emotional field.
Ray 7 is Ceremony – Ceremonial order & ritual.
The stars & planets & Rays are NEUTRAL when they enter the Earth.
How the stars, planets & Rays affect people DEPENDS UPON THEIR/OUR STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

Ray 7 – groups working together either for ill or for the good. Offering something to the world. Either destructive or creative.

The highest manifestation of Ray 7, one becomes a White Magician, bringing forth new archetypes for the new Aquarian Age. This is a training ground for White Magicians, the NGWS, tending & caring for, educating humanity.

On its lowest level, workng with unconscious, barely awake people, the outcome of Ray 7 is Black Magic, the manifestation of which was seen last night at the Grammys. It continues an oppressive slave like, cult like ritual system. There is ambition, greed, deceit, selfishness, darkness, with an emphasis on SEX (in great amounts, as sex is deep magic, & the dancing & music portrayed this). Overall it was deeply dark. And DEI was honored!

Hollywood has become irrelevant including much of the music industry. Again, in the between the Ages, there Is No Art. Only the darkest levels of art are displayed. This is part of the Kali Yuga, where darkness is allowed to be seen so humanity can see the dark as well as the light & make their choice.

Everything has a dual expression. Including the Rays.
A higher expression & a lower expression is manifested through the people.

Ray 7 – Ceremonial Order: This ray, in its higher expression, represents the application of spiritual will (Ray 1), unconditional love (Ray 2), and enlightened understanding (Ray 3) to create divine order and structure in the world.
Ray 7 – Ceremonial Order & RITUAL: Ray 7, in its lower expression, represents oppressive cultish, sex, manipulative, systems or ambition (Ray 1), manipulation (Ray 2), greed & deceit (Ray 3).
The darkness (& ritual) was so obvious!

We need to be aware of what energies are coming in, how the energies come in, when, & how we manifest them.
Ray 7 is the Magician – either White Magician or the Dark Magician. We are either building toward & creating Beauty.
Or we are building towards Death & creating destruction.

The award shows are rituals stimulating the sacral level within humanity, stimulating humanity thru sex magic (lowest level of manifestation of Ray 7). Ritual brings heaven down to earth. Rituals either create & lift up or they destroy. Thru words & sounds, vibrations, colors, numbers, etc. to create a reality in form.

The Magician in Tarot – the Magician uses their tools – use the elements, the four elements – fire earth air water – when we look at the outer events – Hollywood, Grammys –

Think on these things.
ICE (#17) – Ice skating, spending freeze, freezing assets, hiring freeze. Plane was an Eagle. Super Bowl Philadelphia Eagles, etc.
Mass consciousness triggered on unconscious levels. A war we are in & it’s heightening, cards being played, factions fighting, a capture from DSinse, very telling – we think we are doing nothing wrong, don’t worry, it’s very apparent that its beyond a war for our minds – F of Materialism use numbers symbols words colors to create a vibration which controls the lower devas & thru these the F/Darkness manipulate humanity into further Involution. White Magicians do the opposite, they communicate with the Solar Devas, lifting humanity up to Life & Beauty & anchor life & beauty into form. Everything is a Creation – whether dark or Light.

Dark Forces activate the personality creating separation & death.
White Magicians brings the Soul into manifestation – live & beauty.

Lead us O Lord – lead humanity O Lord
from darkness to Light
from the unreal to the Real
from death to Immortality
from chaos to Beauty.

Ray Lord – task of Divine Manifestations, making all the Rays appear on Earth. He rides in & out of rapid work in a fast cycle. He builds using Ray 2 cooperation thru the power of thought, thus cooperating with Ray 5.
Tomorrow I will list the 23 names of the Ray 7 Lords.

Tomorrow, then…love, Risa

**Hertz is a measure of frequency; specifically, it indicates how many cycles of a periodic phenomenon occur per second, with one hertz equaling one cycle per second.

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8 + 10 =

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