Saturday, September 28, 2024- 1pm

Saturday, September 28, 2024- 1pm



Saturday,  September 28, 2024- 1pm

Saturday, September 28, 2024- 1pm

Today, Saturday, Saturn’s day.
Ray 3 day – Intelligence day.
Today is September 28, 2024.
We are coming to the end of September.
And there are 37 days ’til the election.
In the sky is a comet –
Comets are harbingers of things to come.
The comet is called A3

From Earth Sky News –
On Sunday morning, the moon will lie close to the star Regulus, the Heart of Leo the Lion. Notice the pattern of stars in the shape of a backward question mark; this pattern is called the Sickle. Monday and Tuesday morning, the moon will move closer to the sunrise and to Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3).

Read more –

In October, comet A3 could become one of the brightest comets in years. Comets are harbingers of things to come. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 3 =

Friday, September 27, 2024- 3pm



Friday,  September 27, 2024- 3pm

Friday, September 27, 2024- 3pm

Post #2 – Friday
Hurricane Helene
This storm, Hurricane Helene, is not due to climate change.
It’s weather w-r fare. W–pon- ized weather.
Weather modifications creating Hurricane Helene.
Ravaging the southeast.
Florida, N Carolina (Ashville flooded), S. Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Southern Appalachian, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee Valley, Illinois, Ohio, etc.
Many millions displaced, w/out power, water, sewage.
Hospital patients & staff stranded.
So many states affected.
Homes on fire, rising flood waters, roads underwater.
People still needing to be rescued.
People still stranded inside homes & on rooftops.
So many towns flooded.
Some towns cannot be entered yet.
First responders, police, fire depts. etc. overwhelmed.
Ongoing flooding disaster thruout the south east.
Rivers flooding towns, more rain in the forecast as well as tornados. Dozens lost their lives in four states – 40+ people.
It’s a catastrophic wave of destruction across multiple states.
And why now? 38 days before the vote?
When people have lost their homes, when their towns are underwater, with such damage across such a large portion of our country – when people have lost everything & are in survival, they don’t think about voting.
Weather w-r-fare, weather manipulation.
D–th & destruction.
it’s not climate change. We are not fooled by false talk.
Port strike imminent – so much occurring in our country. A strike beginning Oct. 1st can shut down our supply chain. Does everyone have food set aside, meds, water, essentials?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 10 =

Friday, September 27, 2024- 10am

Friday, September 27, 2024- 10am



Friday,  September 27, 2024- 10am

Friday, September 27, 2024- 10am

A People That Can No Longer Think!
What is the outcome?
Pondering this today – under…
Leo moon & Libra Sun & Mercury.
Regulues, the heart of Leo – the star of the White Magicians.
Magic,, Magha, Maga, Magicians.
Libra – sign of harmony & peacefulness & balance.
Mercury – reciting today & everyday til the election, the prayer for humanity (see below).

And so.
Leo Moon, Libra Sun/mercury – the messenger.
On this Friday, September 27, 2024.
Thirty eight days ’til the election on Nov. 5th.
Can’t wait to vote!

Next Wednesday we have a solar eclipse new moon at 10 degrees Libra – Something essential falls away.
It’s also Rosh Hashanah as the evening on Wednesday begins.
At the sighting of the first star in the heavens.

Today is Friday, Ray 5 day.
Truth, true science & true knowledge day.
Helping people to cultivate thinking.
When humanity has truth, true science & true knowledge offered & available, then we as a people are able to develop true thinking, have true knowledge, make Right Choices, Right Decisions & take Right Action.
All of which are needed for our country at this time.
Now & on voting day.
However, humanity’s minds in our country (& worldwide) have been manipulated by vast untruths which have been allowed to proliferate during this Kali Yuga time.
Kali Yuga – where there is only 1/4 light (truth) available & 3/4 darkness (no truth, false teachings, a time where the F/Darkness are in plain sight & their false teachings are propagated by the false media & this has purpose as humanity must begin the cultivate a discerning & discriminating mind).


False truths create confusion, disparity & casts a shadow over the minds of humanity. Within the false truths the words subliminally foster hatred, cruelty & the result is mental & emotional destruction. And at times, killing of other human beings.
As the false truths are spoken over & over, humanity becomes hypnotized by untruthsd. And humanity’s thinking & discerning mechanism, caught by hatred, begins to disappear til it drops away. We are in this situation in our country at this time.

The purpose of the darkness in the Kali Yuga (when the dark is ALLOWED TO BE SEEN) is a test for humanity. The text is whether humanity can see thru the darkness, not be caught by the darkness & cultivate discernment & discrimination.

The overcoming & manipulation of humanity by the dark forces previously occurred in Atlantean times. The dark forces controlled the emotions of humanity to such an extent that the human race was entering into a state of degeneracy. The result was the Great Flood.

Now the F/Darkness have settled in the United States. They have captured not only the minds of humanity but have taken control of ALL the endeavors & needs of humanity – food, soil, family, farms, commerce, government, children, education, science, the weather, media, corporations, art, music, film, religion, words, technology, economics, etc. etc.
And much of humanity, now controlled & manipulated, have become blinded. The falsity having clothed itself in a false words (like joy) & in a false light.

This is now a crisis that has created a vast polarization in our country.
Crisis & Polarization – which then sweeps humanity into a questionable future. The test for humanity is what will our future be? That future in contained in the two presidential candidates.
One is a Disciples & of the Light.
The other is controlled by the dark.
It is up to humanity in our country to discern the difference.
And thus to create what future we will live in.

This is a test for humanity in our country.
It is the greatest test since the founding of our country.

We pray each day that the outcomes of the vote be one in which humanity can thrive. If not, our country will be destroyed.

We recite the following Great Invocation each day for humanity & our country. Everyone is invited to join us each morning….

“Let the Forces of Light
Bring Illumination to mankind (the thinkers).
Let the Spirit of Peace (an ongoing process)
Be spread abroad.
May men (intelligent thinkers) of Goodwill everywhere
Meet in a spirit of truth & cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of everyone
Be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
And so let it be & help us to know & to do our part (where we live, in our towns & villages & cities, in our country & in the world.”
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti
Love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

8 + 11 =

Thursday, September 26, 2024- 11am

Thursday, September 26, 2024- 11am



Thursday,  September 26, 2024- 11am

Thursday, September 26, 2024- 11am

Today is Thursday, September 26, 2024.
Jupiter’s day, Ray 2 day of Love/Wisdom.
Our Reappearance Meditation Day.
Preparing for the Lord of the World’s Reappearance as the Aquarian World Teacher. And preparing for next year’s 2025 Conclave (meeting), the 100 year meeting of the Hierarchy.
2025 is the Year of the Forerunner.

In our Thursday meditative rhythms we work together, aligning Shamballa, Hierarchy, the Christ/Maitreya (World Teacher), the NGWS, men & women of Goodwill & all of humanity & Earth’s kingdoms. All in alignment in our creative imagination.


Sun in Libra – sign of balance, of harmony & of legislation, the Rule of law.
Mercury entered Libra early this morning.

Moon in Cancer ’til this afternoon when the moon has a 35 minute v/c. At 3:47pm (PT), the moon enters Leo.

Today – our Thursday meditative rhythms.
Under the Light of Jupiter (2) & Libra (3) – Intelligent love & loving intelligence.
We use our creative minds, our visualizing tool of the mind.
This is the “magical” divine mind.
When we recite the Reappearance Meditation.
Our visualizations do two things:
1. creates thought forms of solution for humanity’s problems.
2. helps create the Pathway of Light for the Coming World Teacher. We walk with Him each day on that Pathway of Light.

And so….to our meditation together in the Ashram.
We recite the Reappearance Mantram together.

Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say these words spoken by a Great Disciple….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.

Our rhythm in Ashramic work today.
In preparation…love, Risa

Soon to be posted – understanding of #24. Shamballa’s number.
For now we ponder on 2025, the Conclave, the Time of the Forerunner, & the Reappearance of Christ, the World Teacher.
lead us from knowledge to realization to wisdom.
Lead us to Love & to Oneness. Ohm. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

3 + 12 =

Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am



Wednesday,  September 25, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, September 25, 2024- 10am

How & what & why I write.

Do you have questions?
Writings for the new mind, the kindergarten mind.

We are ALL in kindergarten here.
Including me….
And so….
Yesterday I asked a question.
What is the number of Shamballa?
There was a reason I asked it & the clues were in the actual text.
When reading my posts one must become a deep observer.
And be used to questions. And not knowing the answers.
And so….Teresa answered the question I posed about Shamballa.
Shamballa is the number 24. The clues were in the date yesterday. Who noticed that?

And so…an explanation…
How do I write here on FB?
When I write here about the Wisdom Teachings & astrology, I try to write as simply as possible. I attempt to make the information into a story & make the wisdom teachings & astrology not so complex so that people remain interested, can learn more, and don’t turn away.
My writings here are therefore for the kindergarten mind.
That is the new mond, the innocent pure mind.
I too have a kindergarten mind & if something is too complex for me I can’t integrate it. I can turn away.
Therefore, my writings here are focused on simplicity with at times a bit more complexity than usual thrown in.
Sometimes I ask questions that hardly anyone knows the answer to.
That’s OK. Because someone here on our FB page knows the answers (like Teresa who posted the number of Shamballa which is 24). I will post questions & someone will know the answers & they will post it & then we all learn.
Questions are good.
Not knowing the answers is good too.
Someone in our community here knows the answers.
Challenges are good too. And curiosity.
They all help us think more. We become THINKERS together here.
The Socratic method (asking questions) is the best method of learning.

And today is Wednesday, Mercury’s day – Hermes day.
Both are the messengers of the Gods.
Today, September 24, 2024 – Libra Sun.
Mercury today opposite Neptune –
And Mercury trine Pluto – Mercury on a sojourn into the realm of the outer planets – refining (Neptune) our minds. Transforming (Pluto) our minds. Helping us to become THINKERS.

Thinking on these words today. love, Risa
Does anyone have any questions?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 5 =

Tuesday, September 24, 2024- 2pm

Tuesday, September 24, 2024- 2pm



Tuesday,  September 24, 2024- 2pm

Tuesday, September 24, 2024- 9am

Today is September 24 2024.
Everything has a number.
Even Shamballa has a number.
What is Shamballa’s number?
I have asked this question before.
What is Shamballa’s number?.

What is Shamballa?
And where is it located?

Humanity’s History

Eighteen & a half million years ago the great Teachers of the life waves of humanity, is seeing that humanity had developed the spark of a mind, decided to have a center, a headquarters for the mysteries, in the dense physical planes (etheric, subtle physical, unseen realms) of the earth. The purpose was to meet the needs of the awakening humanity which meant to teach the sacred mysteries so humanity would not be so alone & would come to know its origins (humanity still doesn’t know them today!).

A band of Adepts & Chohans arranged themselves (arrived on earth) on the physical plane at first at a center in S. America called Ibez (Peru) & later in the Mayan regions. Later, they expanded to Asia (Mongolia, Gobi region – at that time it was a green valley) & established another great center. This center was/is called Shamballa.

The establishment of the Center for the Mysteries was also the founding of the Hierarchy (inner world Teachers, Masters & inner world government directing the education of humanity).

Eighteen million years ago, in the Lemurian lands (Pacific Ocean, California, Mexico, South America, islands in the Pacific), early humanity was given the first spark of mind. This was a great “Crisis of Individuation,” the great awakening for humanity and this spark of the mind needed tending and caring for and to be given knowledge & educated. Thus the S. American center of the Mysteries & Teachings was established.

Before this, humanity lived in a state of unawareness. It was humanity living in the Garden of Eden.

Thus, the first center & headquarters for the teachings of the mysteries in the Lemurian lands, in S.American (a center called Ibez), branching out later into the Lands of the Maya. The sacred temple ruins we see in S. America are remnants of these sacred Mystery Temples.

Later, another branch of the Mysteries was established in Asia, in Mongolia, deep in the Gobi desert. It is this latter center that still exists today. It is the center where the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Day, Lord Sanat Kumara who is from Venus presently resides. And it is called Shamballa.

Shamballa cannot be seen by the human eye. Shamballa exists on the etheric levels, the subtle physical. Shamballa, established in Asia, called the HImalayan branch & here the Indian adepts resided.

Shamballa makes its appearance (actually intercepts humanity’s livingness) when there is great need. It occurred only two times.
1. when the spark of the mind was instilled in ancient humanity.
2. in Atlantean times when the struggle between the Lords of Light & the Lords of Material Expression (rampant now in our United States), when the battle became so difficult for humanity that Shamballa caused a great flood to occur to purify the earth from the darkness created by the Lords of Darkness (misuse of emotional energy).

There were those of humanity who had not succumbed to the dark Lords, the Lords of the Left Hand Path. And they needed to be saved from the floods.
This is when Noah’s Ark (the story) appears. Gathering the male & female of each species into the Ark as the rains came (it rained & flooded the earth for thousands of years).
Humanity & the species both male & female, were taken in safeguarding to Shamballa, to the Gobi region for safeguarding of the race (a sacred term that means LIFE WAVES). There the Manu, the creator of the life waves, allowed all the species to flourish once again. So humanity was re-created again & all the species rested and grew in strength & were educated until the floods were over & humanity was once again to populate the earth with the other species.
This is when Abraham in the bible appears in the land of Ur.
End of this segment of our history.
I suggest everyone get a children’s illustrated bible. One that has beautiful artistic pictures (not comics). And begin to read it. Everything in it is real & symbolic & hides the ancient mysteries.
That is one way to understand the bible.
From children’s books.
Everything in the bible is symbolic – a treasure of mysteries about humanity’s journey to earth & back home again.
love, Risa

Again, what is the number of Shamballa?

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 13 =

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