Wednesday, October 2, 2024- 5pm

Wednesday, October 2, 2024- 5pm



Wednesday,  October 2, 2024- 5pm

Wednesday, October 2, 2024- 5pm

Post #2 – Rosh Hashanah begins. A two day festival.
The Jewish New Year.
We greet each other with the words – L’Shanah Tova – may we all have a Sweet New Year.
On the table…
Apple cake w/ honey & ruby red pomegranites.**
For the 1st night of Rosh Hashanah.
The Jewish new year, recognizing the magical creation
of earth & her kingdoms & her people.
The 7 days of Creation – we have not yet reached
the 7th day –
And so….a greeting – may the coming year be
sweet & kind, good & prosperous, peaceful & filled with Goodwill for everyone.
L-shanah tova to everyone.
Disciples participate in all of humanity’s religious
festivals. Each festival, each religion a developmental stage for humanity.
**Pomegranates, one-of-a-kind beautiful, mythical, symbolic and even Biblical fruit. Pomegranates are celebrated as part of the Rosh Hashanah meal as a symbol of abundance, knowledge and righteousness.

Joining with our Jewish brothers & sisters. And praying for peace in the MidEast, the solar plexus of the Earth. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 3 =

Wednesday, October 2, 2024- 11am



Wednesday,  October 2, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, October 2, 2024- 11am

Meditation Today Together in the Ashram Garden.

At the New Moon Solar Eclipse day today.
10 degrees Libra. At 11:49am (Pacific time).
Disciples reaching up into the Light today.
Bringing that down to meet the needs of humanity.

Tonight, at the sighting of the first star….the two days of Rosh Hashanah begins – the Jewish new year.
We offer each other apples dipped in honey…wishing everyone a sweet & prosperous, kind & good new year.

Sun in Libra, Moon in Libra –
Libra, the light that oscillates, moves up & down (in the scales).
Until a point of rest is achieved.

The new moon meditation today –
During new moon times, we support & uphold the endeavors
of the New Group of World Servers everywhere. We visualize ourselves in the Ashram Garden, some of us also in the “upper room”, all of us on the Buddhic plane on the Constitution of Man (plane of enlightenment, plane of pure love, gathered with the Hierarchy).

We consciously align with the rhythmic pattern of energy flow (Rays to creative imagination) we become a part of a planetary meditative process carried forward at all levels of consciousness. With great creative potential we are anchoring the seeds of the coming civilization (the new Aquarian era) and the seed of the new culture & civilization.
And so, we gather together in the Ashram (which is wherever we are), visualizing we are all in the Ashram Garden….


In Meditation – our creative work, using our creative imagination, our divine magical tool.

We recite the Soul Invocation together in the Ashram.

Then our GROUP FUSION Mantram.
I am one with my group brothers and all that I have is theirs.
May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.
May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.
May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.

We recognise our place, as a group, within the heart centre of the new group of world servers. Mentally extend a line of lighted energy towards the spiritual Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre; to the Christ, the “heart of love” within the Hierarchy; towards Shamballa, “where the Will of God is known”.

We ponder upon the planetary role of the New Group of World Servers – we stand mediating between Hierarchy and humanity, we respond to Hierarchical impressions. We stand together aligning Humanity, Hierarchy, Shamballa. We thus help to bring the Plan of God into existence.

We reflect on the seed thought of Libra –
“I choose the Way that leads between two great lines of thought.” Standing at the pinnacle of the triangle, seeing the two sides, integrating them, then choosing which path we will walk upon.

Right choice comes when we align with the Will to Good.

Why the seed thoughts?
Through the impression and expression of certain great ideas, humanity must be brought to the understanding of the fundamental ideals which will govern the new age. This is the major task of the new group of world servers.

Precipitation of Light.
From Ray 3 to Libra (3) to the heart of the Sun (2) to Venus (5), Uranus (7) & Saturn (3), to Shamballa (1), to Christ (2) at the center of Hierarchy (2), to the NGWS (where we stand), to men & women of Goodwill everywhere, to the hearts & minds of humanity (4) to the kingdoms, to the heart of the Earth (3).

We stand within the “One Life” and radiate the “Love of the One Soul” and see these working out in the world through members of the NGWS & men & women of Goodwill. We visualize these things. And so, together we build the “thoughtform of solution” to world problems. And create the Pathway of Light for the Coming World Teacher (Maitreya the Christ).

We visualize the five pointed star & the inlets & outlets.
Darjeeling, NYC, London, Geneva, Tokyo, Darjeeling & we include Luxor in our visualizations.
And from these places in our minds, we recite the Great Invocation. We visualize the hearts & minds of humanity, the kingdoms of the Earth irradiated with light and love and power & the Will to Good.

Let the Forces of Light bring enlightenment to humanity.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May men (thinkers) of Goodwill meet in a spirit of cooperation.
And so let it be & help us to know & to do our part in the world. Ohm Shanti.
Together…always. Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

9 + 6 =

Tuesday, October 1, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 1, 2024- 9am



Tuesday,  October 1, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 1, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Deep study today.
A Prayer today & a study of the new moon solar eclipse.
A long read & study today – Learning in our Ashram College.

What is here?
1. “Let the Forces of Light Bring Illumination to humanity.”
2. Libra new moon solar eclipse in the houses of our astrology charts. What does that mean? A list for the 12 houses is below.
3. A Prayer each day ’til the vote is both cast & counted. 34 days ‘tl the vote is cast.
4. Preparing for the new moon solar eclipse tomorrow.
5. Understanding 2025 – what it means & the US’s part.
6. Today is Oct. 1, 2024 – Tuesday – Mars, Ray 6 day.
7. Libra Sun, Virgo moon – then Libra moon.
8. The comet tomorrow – along with new moon solar eclipse & Rosh Hashanah!
9. The Kingdom in both realms – heaven & earth is busy!

And so…
The 1st of the Great Invocation being recited (see below).
It is our prayer each day ’til the vote is cast & counted WITHOUT INTERFERENCE (s it was in 2020).
The president chosen for our country(USA) & for it’s spiritual task is most important for the years 2025 onward.
2025 is a pivotal year for humanity & the earth.
It has to do with the Christ’s Reappearance as the World Teacher.

Regarding the Reappearance of the Christ –
2025 is the Year of the Forerunner –
– the year of the 100 Year Conclave of the Hierarchy when the assessment begins as to humanity’s preparedness & when the Christ should precipitate into the Earth directing humanity into the new Aquarian Era.

As the US’s spiritual task for the world is to “stand in the light & lead all of humanity into & within that Light, the right choice for the presidency of the United States for the years 2025 onward is most important. What will humanity in our country choose?
Each of the two choices (the two candidates) has deep significance.

We either move forward into the light with one candidate.
Or fall back into darkness with the other.
It is humanity’s choice. Thus our prayers for humanity’s enlightenment to make the Right Choice.

No wonder the F/Darkness have stalled all education, health & productivity here in the US, confusing & manipulating the minds of humanity to such an extent that 1/2 of our country’s people can no longer see, understand, discern, discriminate or think clearly anymore. Creating the pandemic, the weather wars, the destruction, taking over the government.

For those of us who understanding these things…
The prayer “Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind” is most important to be recited at this time.
Everyone is invited to join in – the prayer is below.

Praying for our Republic, our people, our country & for the true president to come forth.

Our Daily Prayer ’til the Vote.
Joining in together each day.
Using our creative imaginations and our voices (our divine magical gifts) to lift humanity to the Light where Truth leads to Right Choice & Right Actions.

“Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to humanity.
May the Spirit of peace be spread about.
May men (thinkers) of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be and help each of us to know & to do our part in the Work of each day.”

The Astrology Today.
Today is Tuesday, the first day of October.
Thirty four (34) days til the vote (Sept. 5) is cast & counted.
Today is Libra Sun, Virgo moon (for part of the day).
There will be less than an hour’s v/c this afternoon.
At 2:39pm the moon will be v/c ’til 3:20pm when the moon enters Libra.
Then we are on our way to the new moon solar eclipse of tomorrow – which occurs at 11:49am (PT).

A new moon solar eclipse – 10 degrees Libra.
Where is that (10 Libra) in everyone’s astrology chart?

Solar eclipses – something essential in our lives simply stops.
It is no longer available to us. Its purpose is complete.
Now something new comes forth. This falling away, no longer available can be subtle or it can be in plain sight.

How will the new moon solar eclipse affect each of us?
First new moon means we can begin to make new plans.
New Moon in Libra – the subject of the new plans has to do with relationships with others, with bringing harmony & balance into all interactions. We can have that as an intention at the Libra new moon.

The Solar eclipse in Libra (Ray 3, Divine Intelligence) means something that is Libran (balanced, harmonious) has fallen away or will fall away – Libra is our relationships, our value within relationships, how we value the “other” in our lives.

Looking at our Astrology Charts.
The Solar Eclipse New Moon & our Personal Lives.
With our astrology charts in hand we look for where 10 degrees Libra will fall – this is where the new moon solar eclipse will occur, the area of life that is affected. I will go thru the houses here.
If the new moon solar eclipse falls in this house, we assess the following –

1st house – a new self identity comes forth, the old one falling away. Personal growth, strengths, risk taking, self confidence. With Libra it is a call to self harmony & balance within the self.

2nd house – a new set of values, a new financial picture, assets, income, etc. With Libra, the balancing of one’s income, finances & the reality of valuing the self. The self as valuable.

3rd house – communication, thinking, being curious, how we views our siblings, our town, village, neighbors. With Libra, using the magical tool of speech & language, to use this gift in ways that uplift, praise and recognize the good in others. Using the voice for words of Goodwill.

4th house – our home, nurturing & being nurtured, what attention does our home need, our gardens. Do we want to move? A parent’s health matters. With Libra, bringing beauty & harmony & color to our domestic environments & gardens.

5th house – our creativity & our children – choosing to be more creative, choosing to tend to our children with more care & love. Being entrepreneurial. With Libra – what we create will have a sense of balance & beauty to it. Lifting all that we create to the Kings of Beauty.

6th house – tending to the health of self & others, to small animals, caring for the purity of our food & water, bringing order to our daily lives. With Libra, our daily life environments, our health, the purity of our lives brings forth a balancing & a harmonizing. The Soul of harmony gestating with each of us.

7th house – restoring harmony & care & unity to personal relationships – happy wife=happy life (happy husband=happy life). Assessing goals in all relationships and interactions. With Libra, we offer happiness & joy to our partners. Unless we know the relationship will not work any longer, then we assess the best way to part.

8th house – a complex area of life – all things held together, joint finances, funds, inheritances, intimacy. The Call to Discipleship. Under Libra, we made our choice to move forward into the realm of Scorpio – we handle the 9 tests of Scorpio with balance & equanimity.

9th house – the higher mind – it awakens, seeking understanding, more learning, studies, ethics, morals, true justice, philosophy, religious conversations, pilgrimages (we may seek to go on one), searching for real truth, publishing. Goals. With Libra, we use loving intelligence wherever we are.

10th house – one’s work & recognition in the world – something shifts here – not good, not bad, just a shift in one’s career, one’s ambition shifts, too, performance at work, leadership abilities. A parent’s health. With Libra – we bring harmony & balance to our work world. Everyone learns this from us.

11th house – the humanitarian house, groups we belong to, friends, endeavors that better conditions of the world, Masonry, networks of the human spirit, knowledge, humanity itself, its care & well being. Community, cooperation & Freedom. With Libra, our gift to our groups is our sense of beauty, harmony, intelligence.

12th house – deep psychological & spiritual sides of life awaken, emerge in the light of day – dreams, hopes, wishes, visions. Fears, secrets, things hidden. Remembrances of things past. Religious needs. Religion itself. Sacrifice. With Libra – we bring an executive cardinal energy to deal with the complex issues of living as a spirit in form & matter. The two fish work together in harmony. love, Risa

For study.
What are the charts below?
First 2 are templates of houses & what area of life they signify.
3rd chart – is today’s chart of the heavens.
4th chart is the USA & transits.

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5 + 2 =

Monday, September 30, 2024- 6pm

Monday, September 30, 2024- 6pm



Monday,  September 30, 2024- 6pm

Monday, September 30, 2024- 6pm

In the Ashram Kitchen.
Also, east cost ports may close tomorrow.
I’ve been writing about preparing for this for months.
Be aware…
Today – Monday, September 30, 2024.
30 days hath September.
April June & November.
All the rest have thirty one!
But February’s twenty eight.
The leap year, which comes once in four.
Gives February one day more.”

Today – Sun/Mercury in Libra – Moon in Virgo – a new moon is soon – Wednesday of this week, Oct. 2nd.

And so we have 35 days till November 5th – the most important election in the history of our country since its founding.

Wednesday, October 2, new moon, solar eclipse. Libra new moon at 10 degrees Libra. This 10 degrees Libra will be activated in 2025 when Venus retrogrades at 10+ Aries (March 1 – April 12).

The evening of the new moon solar eclipse is Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year. And the 10 Days of Awe (& Forgiveness) begin!

Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini next Wednesday – Oct.9th.
Pluto retrogrades in Cap, Friday, Oct. 11th.
Friday evening, the Jewish celebration of Yom Kippur beings (two days). On these days G-d, having assessed us for the past year, writes (or doesn’t) our name in the Book of Life. It is our choice (under Libra).

**The above poem is a traditional mnemonic** verse that helps people remember the number of days in each month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

**a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something,

In the Ashram Kitchen.
Yesterday, Sunday, in the Ashram Kitchen.
We harvested from our small kitchen garden.
First there is harvesting (cutting) then there is cleaning.
Then there is what to do with the harvest?
Harvesting can be a lot of work!
We had chives, parsley, basil, marigolds, mint, arugula & tomatoes to harvest. Lots of green!
I made chicken stock, tabbouleh, & fried mushrooms.
I wanted to make curried potatoes & cauliflower (aloo gobi). But I didn’t have the energy. The tabouleh & stock took a lot of time.
For the tabouleh I had no cilantro unfortunately. I used the basil.
And it was good.
Recipe – no measurements.
Except the bulgar wheat (1 cup bulgar in1 cup of boiling water, soaking for an hour). Lots of greens chopped up.
I chopped by hand. I will not do that again.
I will use the Cuisinart next time. It took all day to chop.
And my kitchen became disorderly.
So…the recipe….
Into the soaked bulgar (mix it w/ a fork after the soaking).
Add, lots of parsley leaves (using the long stems in soup).
l ots of chives, lots of mint, green onions (if no chives),
garlic, basil leaves, olive oil, lots of lemon juice, lemon rind,
salt & pepper. Taste it. Does it have enough salt, garlic & lemon?
Chill for at least an hour.

Today I can feel the beginning chill of autumn.
I am making potato, kale, white bean soup with the stock made yesterday. Here are the ingredients. I saute them first.
Saute, onion, celery, garlic, carrots, kale, parsley, potatoes, salt, pepper, tomato paste (a Tablespoon). Add all to stock. Add white beans (I have canned cannellini beans). I will add herbs – basil, tarragon, thyme, onion powder, garlic granules, & I will add Better Than Bouillon chicken soup base. Simmer for an hour or two. Serve with bisquits or sour dough. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 4 =

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 11am

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 11am



Sunday,  September 29, 2024- 11am

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 11am

Post #2 – Sunday – Michaelmas Day.
Words celebrating Archangel Michael from the true president today.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Archangel Michael is the archangel who arrives with a flaming sword. He stood with the Christ in the Graden of Gesthemane.
His work is to protect humanity & to stand in the forefront of the battle between the Forces of Light & the Forces of Darkness.
Archangel Michael stand within & lead us in the Light.
St. Michael slayed the dragons with his fiery sword.
During St. Michael’s Day, we call forth the strength to overcome our own inner dragons (out of control personality, expectations based on desire, anything that is unskillful within our behaviors, thoughts, actions, words, etc.).
Michael offers 4 gifts to humanity: strength, courage, the will to do good deeds, and love.
Children in Waldorf schools celebrate Archangel Michael Day.
love, Risa

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1 + 6 =

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 9am

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 9am



Sunday,  September 29, 2024- 9am

Sunday, September 29, 2024- 9am

Autumn’s beginning rhythms & energies, signs, sounds, tones, colors, activities, celebrations & festivals.
Night Light News is updated – it’s all about Autumn.
And so today is Sunday once again – in our spiral of time.
Today is our day of rest.
Sundays –
Preparing for the new week ahead.
When anything could occur, endless possibilities & opportunities.
So today we rest while reviewing the past week.
What were our hopes wishes & dreams?
While also being aware of the week ahead.
What are our hopes wishes & dreams?

Today Virgo Moon, Libra Sun – sounds like a new moon is soon.
Today Mars trines Saturn – we can move forward with plans & agendas – everything unfolding in time.
Wednesday, Oct. 2, is new moon solar eclipse – 10 degrees Libra.
Wednesday evening is Rosh Hashanah –
The 10 Days of Awe begin. from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur.
From celebrating creation to Day of Atonement.
Rosh Hashanah – Jewish festival of the new year….thoughts of forgiveness & reconciliation. 2 day festival.

Wednesday, Oct. 9 – Jupiter retrogrades 20 degrees Gemini.
Jupiter remains retrograde thru the new year of 2025. Joining Mars who will also be retrograde as the new year begins.

Friday, October 11, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, 29 degrees.. On its way to entering Aquarius November 19th.

Friday at sunset, Yom Kippur – Days of Atonement, Forgiveness. So that G-d can write our names once again in the Book of Life.

Monday, October 14, Columbus Day.
Wednesday, October 16, the Jewish festival of Sukkot begins at sunset – building our temporary homes in nature under the sun & moon – remembering out long 40 years walk from Egypt to Canaan.

Thursday, Octobet 17 – Full moon, Libra solar festival 24 degrees.

Disciples understand that all religions are the different developmental stages of humanity.
Religions are the ways humanity, far away from our origins, from heaven, from the heavenly realms, can connect with the heavens, “calling in the the light & bring it down to meet the needs of humanity.”
Religions are humanity’s safeguards & protections.
Disciples are aware of & celebrate all religious festivals.
love, Risa

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