Monday, October 7, 2024- 5pm

Monday, October 7, 2024- 5pm



Monday,  October 7, 2024- 5pm

Monday, October 7, 2024- 5pm

Post #2 – News/Notes – Monday afternoon/evening.
October 7, 2024.
Today is the year anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel (Israel’s 9/11) – the worst destruction against the Israeli people since the Holocaust. The kidnapped/hostages (101) still in captivity, four American. A tragedy, a devastation. Israel should do what it can to protect itself.

And then….
In NYC streets & at Columbia University today, protectors are supporting Hamas, the k-ll-rs.

Last week Elon was at the 2nd Butler presidential gathering.
Elon said….we need to vote for….
…..the only one to save our country.

Hurricane Helene has crippled the lands Helene raged thru.
Now Milton a Cat 5 about to make landfall in the same area.
Storm intensified to 180 miles an hour. Eye wall is powerful.
Milton covers all of Florida.
Florida being destroyed. Monies can be allocated if needed.

Helene’s devastation now exacerbated by another hurricane.
People not accounted for. Some people in the hills still not contacted. The government has given little help.
Onlly private organization & neighbors were the only ones to hep.
Gov. helicopters slow to respond. FEMA out of money.
We have told our students & friends to leave the area immediately.

There is a book called Paradise Lost. By John Milton.
Milton’s Paradise Lost – Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 12 =

Monday, October 7, 2024- 11am

Monday, October 7, 2024- 11am



Monday,  October 7, 2024- 11am

Monday, October 7, 2024- 11am

Our Prayer each day ’til the election (see below).
That humanity make the Right Choice & employ Right Action.
Today is Monday, October 7, 2024.
Sagittarius (justice & truth) Moon.
Libra (harmony & balance) Sun & Mercury.

Each day til the election of Nov. 5.
~Two days til Jupiter stations retrograde – Wednesday! 20 Gemini.
~Four day til Pluto stations direct, Friday, 29 Capricorn!
~Four nights til Yom Kippur, Friday night, Day of Atonement begins.
~Six (6) days til Mercury enters Scorpio – preparing us for Halloween!
~Seven (7) days til Christopher Columbus day – Monday, Oct. 14.
~Eight (8) days/sunsets til Sukkot – Jewish holydays of remembering the long 40 years walk i the Sinai desert – from Egypt/Taurus to Canaan/Aries Age.
~Nine (9) days til Libra solar festival at the time of the full moon – Thursday, Oct. 17th – 24 Libra.
~Fourteen (14) days til Sun enters Scorpio – Tues. Oct. 22.
~Twenty three (23) days til Halloween/Samhain. Thurs. Oct. 31.
~Twenty four (24) days til Scorpio new moon (10 Scorpio) & All Saints Day, both occurring Friday, Nov. 1.
~Twenty five (25) days til All Souls Day, Mercury enters Sagittarius – Friday, Nov 2.
~Twenty six (26) days til Daylight Savings time ends, 2am Sunday morning, Nov. 3.
~Twenty nine (29) days til the election. Nov. 5.

Our Prayer Each Day Together – for our country & people.

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (humanity, thinkers).
May the spirit of peace, understanding & cooperation be spread abroad.
May Goodwill on the part of all of humanity.
Be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
And so let this be & help each of us to know & to do our part in the world.

We reach up into the Light & bring it down to meet the need.
We reach into the silent Place
And bring from thence the gift of understanding.
Thus with the light we work
And turn the darkness into day.
And turn the darkness into day”
(from Glamour: A World Problem, p. 232-233)

Note the chart of the US below.
Pluto in the outer wheel so close to Pluto in the inner wheel.
9th house – Pluto in Capricorn – Pluto – the transformation of all structure (Cap) that no longer serve humanity. That no longer serves the good.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 4 =

Sunday, October 6, 2024- 8am

Sunday, October 6, 2024- 8am



Sunday,  October 6, 2024- 8am

Sunday, October 6, 2024- 8am

Free Will – a Divine Principle.
Right Choice, Free Will – the Will to Good.
Today is Sunday once again!
The days, weeks, months, years are a spiral of time.
Today is October 6, 2024. We have 30 days til the election.
I wonder how those in the devastated areas will be able to vote?
How will their voices & choices be heard?
Yesterday I wrote a lot & I hope everyone read ALL the comments under the post. They are important as they bring all of us to an awareness of things not spoken of in the public arena.
Now that we know these things, we cannot go back to being unaware & unawakened.
And now once again to the Vote – that it is a privilege to vote.
That our vote cast is our voice. In our republic, we are given the opportunity to have free will. Which is being destroyed by the F/Darkness. So it is even more important to stand up & vote.
It is using our FREE WILL.
When we have no mind, we have no free will.
When we are THINKERS, not limited by the ocean of our emotions….when we use the 7 levels of the brain mind, we have more & more free will. Here is a quote on Free Will from the Tibetan. It is from Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 639.

Tibetan the Blue Books, Ponder on This has a really excellent section on Free Will- page 123…

The future of our country is based upon the people. Our awareness, our discernment, our discrimination, our ability to THINK, our choices & our actions. When we think of these things, we come to freedom of choice. Then there is making the Right Choice.
Right Choice occurs when we align with the WILL TO GOOD.

“The Hierarchy- because of the divine principle of free will in humanity- cannot foretell how men will act in times of crisis; the Hierarchy cannot enforce the good way of life against normal human desire, for this good way of action must come from out of the very depths of human thinking and feeling, and must emerge as a free and non-supervised endeavor; the Hierarchy may not make those possible steps which will prevent men from making mistakes, for it is through those mistakes that men learn “by the means of evil, that is good is best”, as your great initiate-poet has has expressed it.”

This is our Guidance from the Hierarchy.
The Will to Good creates Goodwill creates Right Human Relations creates peace beauty harmony balance love.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 7 =

Saturday, October 5, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, October 5, 2024- 12pm



Saturday,  October 5, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, October 5, 2024- 12pm

THE VOTE: The Choice.
Right Choice is made when we align w/ the TWO CANDIDATES – ONE OF LIGHT, THE OTHER OF THE DARKNESS.
AND SO…Saturday, October 5, 2024.
NOTE: To read all comments posted today, Oct. 5, the conversation after meditation this morning in the Ashram, please go to Risa D’Angeles FB page –

Saturn is the Lord of Time & the Teacher.
Countdown – 31 days till the election on Nov. 5th.
These are precious days. Days to ponder, to think to choose.
We have the gift of choice.
Let us think of our days in this way.
Days of freedom, freedom of choice & opportunity.

And so…
Because we, humanity, in our country (USA) have been given
the ability to think clearly & the free will to choose what type of country we want to live in….it is incumbant upon ourselves to have true knowledge & awareness so that our votes & choice on Nov. 5 (or whenever we vote – we will vote on Oct. 20th in the morning as the doors open for voting), is the vote that allows our country & peoples to live in freedom and to thrive.

There are two candidates.
1. This candidate stands between the people & the Forces of Darkness as a protective shield. This candidate stands for freedom & for the people.
2. This candidate IS A SPOKESPERSON for the Forces of Darkness – part of the totalitarian regime, a puppet to the New World Order/globalists. This candidate stands for enslavement of the people.

The division is clear & in plain sight.
However, it is only those who are awakened & whose eyes are open, those who are not captured or enslaved by the false light who can clearly see the difference. Those whose eyes are open are able to stand in the clear light & choose the candidate who IS OF THE LIGHT.

It is a clear choice.
Right Choice is made when we align with the Will to Good.
One sees the duality of Right & Wrong –
And chooses the Right – Right choice is made when we align with the Will to Good. Saturn tells us this. Saturn is exalted in Libra.

Why we vote:
This vote this year on Nov. 5 is the most important event in our country since the founding of our country.
Voting is a privelege.
Voting (especially for Disciples) IS OUR PART TO DO.
Vote because it’s a privilege to live in a democracy and a right that comes with being in a democracy.
It’s Right Action to vote.

Why would any American not vote when so many of our ancestors risked their lives to give us that right?
Voting is important to democracy even under the best of circumstances. But this year’s presidential election — regardless of our partisan leanings — is likely to be the most important in our lifetime.

We want our name accounted for in the Book of Life.
So we want our names also on the vote – in our country for our people. Voting is doing our part in the world & in our country.
We are to be responsible for our country. It is our duty to vote.

We must choose which side of the battle we are on.
It is the Krishna/Arjuna challenge.
Arjuna could not remain a pacifist & had to choose which side of the war (between family members) he would fight on.
We are Arjuna – & we need to make our choices.

There is a great battle in the United States between the Republic & the Corporation of the United States.
We are choosing between surpporting the Republic (original Constitution & founding of our country) or the Corporation called the United States.

One of the candidates represents the Republic (the true prez) who is encouraging everyone to vote.


Conversation in the Ashram this morning after meditation:
Read all comments below. Everyone reading & listening we come to knowledge together. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 3 =

Friday, October 4, 2024- 11am

Friday, October 4, 2024- 11am



Friday,  October 4, 2024- 11am

Friday, October 4, 2024- 11am

There is much to read & study today.
Many things of interest.
Friday – Venus’s Day – Ray 5 day of Truth.
The Fifth Ray Lord – the Revealer of Truth.
The Fifth Ray Lord is Master Hilarian, is the Master Teacher of Truth. Venus & Ray 5 & the Fifth Ray Lord.
Hilarian is the Master of the Temple of Truth.
He is the Master of Truth & Spiritual Healing.
He lives in Crete, Greece.

Venus is Ray 5 – True concrete science & knowledge.
Truth, (true) science, (true) knowledge of everything.
And so, today….Friday is Ray 5 day.
The Fifth Ray Lord overseeing Earth today.
The Fifth Ray Lord is also called the Three Fold Thinker.
Helping humanity to “think.” The task of the Life Wave called the Aryans – thinking humanity.
It is good to study the Names of the Seven Ray Lords.
Read in the blue book Esoteric Psychology 1 (AAB).

Today, October 4, Scorpio Moon joining Venus in Scorpio.
Sun & Mercury in Libra.
Mercury joins Saturn – for a conversation today – Libra/Pisces.
Libra/Mercury asks Pisces/Saturn for direction to the Path.
And Pisces says…be careful – there are many false teachers along the way/Way. Pray for discernment & discrimination that the true teacher is recognized. And don’t kill the Buddha alone the way.
Mars in Cancer – what is on the stone in the Ashram Kitchen today? Peppers to be roasted, corn to be cut off the cob, polenta & chili to be made.

Rosh Hashanah
Today is our 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah & tonight Rosh Hashanah ends. However, we remain in the Days of Awe – considering our standing with the Lord of the World & with each other. Offering forgiveness, asking forgiveness. offering love to the world around us. The days ahead lead to Yom Kippur (2 day celebration), Friday, Oct. 11th, when we are judged as to our goodness & G-d writes our names in the Book of Life.

Today – Friday – October 4, 2024.
31 days ’til the Nov. 5 election.
Friday is Venus’s day – Ray 5 day.
Interesting – the vote is on Nov. 5th.
We call in Master Hilarian, the 5th Ray Lord of Truth.
To illumine the minds of humanity.
So Right Choice based of Truth is revealed.

Truth & true science & concrete knowledge day.
Truth & real science leads to the building of concrete
knowledge in our lower brain/mind. True knowledge leads to wisdom which leads to right choices & right actions.
The F/Darkness have stopped this process from occurring in humanity so their vision is clouded & there is no discernment & discrimination.
Instead of using the Thinking MInd, humanity, when the mind is given false information that one believes, one falls back down into the emotional plane where there is no thinking, there is only reaction, resistance – all the unskillful traits then appear – that of lying, cruelty, hatred – which creates deep chasms of separation leading to destruction of the spirit of humanity.

The vote on Nov. 5th needs the Thinking MInd, the discerning mind, the discriminating mind to discern the Truth from the Untruths, the light from the dark, the real from the unreal. It is humanity’s great test here in our country.

The emotional ones will choose the dark candidate, the darkened path, which leads our country into destruction.
The Thinkers will choose the candidate who holds up the Light for humanity – they are on or will choose the Path of Light, leading our country with the Light of Life – a Light our country is to share with all other countries. The US is to stand in the Light & lead all of humanity into that Light.

Right choice – how is it made?
When we can see the Truth, discern the Truth, & when we are able to align with the Will to Good.
Those who cannot “see” cannot descipher what the Will to Good is. They have been “captured” by the darkness which is covered by a glittering false light.

Venus is the elder sister of the Earth.
Venus is Ray 5 –
Our God, externalization of our Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days came from Venus with three other Kumaras 18 million years ago. They remain with us for the next 18 million years of humanity’s development. They reside in Shamballa.

Of Note: Gathering of Minds.
Interesting gathering just occurred – great news!
The true prez met w/ Jack Kruse, RFKJr., & Nicole Shannahan – they talking with the true prez about the extreme & critical national health emergency humanity in our country is in – due to unhealthy effects of cell towers, cell phones, 5/6G, etc. etc.
It’s all about Light – the Light of Life itself being diminished. When the true prez is once again the prez things will change, humanity will be alerted, the technology shifted from destroying humanity to enhancing humanity. love, Risa

I don’t know much about Greece. I didn’t know Crete was an island. Looking at the maps I can learn more. And researching Crete. It’s very ancient, filled with myths & so interesting!
Here is a bit of Crete history.
Crete is where the Minoan civilization flourished.
It’s where the Palace of Knossos is located.
Crete was the birthplace of the Greek god twins, Apollo and Artemis, who protect Crete & Greece.
The minotaur (bull), Theseus & the golden love story & thread of Ariadne.
The author Kazantzakis (1883) & the painter El Greco (1541) came from Crete.
In the Labours of Hercules, King Minos is referenced. King Minos is mentioned to be in Crete. There is much to learn. In our school/college, Ashram University we would ask students to do research on Greece & Crete & present their studies, then we would all learn together.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 5 =

Thursday, October 3, 2024- 11am

Thursday, October 3, 2024- 11am



Thursday,  October 3, 2024- 11am

Thursday, October 3, 2024- 11am

Bodhisattva Prayer on our Reappearance Day.
Thursday, October 3, 2024.
Countdown – 32 days ’til the vote Nov. 5th.
“May the Forces of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (thinkers). May the Spirit of Peace be spread about. And may humanity meet in a spirit of cooperation & Godwill.”

We invoke the Lord of the World to enlighten humanity, to eliminate ignornace within humanity & to bring forth to humanity the darekness destroying light.

Today is Thursday, when we recite our Reappearance Mantram.
Jupiter’s day, Ray 2 day, Love/Wisdom Day.
Christ is Ray 2, Hierarchy is Ray 2. Ray 2 flows thru Sirius, thru Leo & Aquarius, Virgo & Pisces. Ray 2 is the color blue – which is our sky. The color of our sky tells us our task (in this 2nd solar system) that we are to develop Love & Wisdom. Love which the Christ anchored on Earth from Sirius. And the wisdom the Buddha taught when he appeared 500 years before the Christ appears (500 BC). The Christ & the Buddha are brothers. They both wear the robes of Krishna.

On this Reappearance Day we will recite the Bodhisattva Prayer, which perfectly prepares us for the Christ’s Reappearance, the reappearance of the World Teacher (Christ, the Piscean World Teacher to reappear as the Aquarian World Teacher – next year, 2025 the Year of the Forerunner & the 100 year Conclave of the Hierarchy).

And so, the astrology today.
Libra Sun, Mercury & moon – we balance & harmonize everything in our lives, making that choice to do so.
Tonight, Mercury /Saturn – Ray 4 & Ray 3. We harmonize our thoughts & speech. We are the Harmonizers.

Before reciting the Bodhisattva Paryer, let us climb the Constitution of Man (COM) (Jacob’s ladder with the angels) ’til we reach the Buddhic plane – the very center of the COM where all the Masters, Teachers, the Buddha, angels & devas reside. This is the Plane of Enlightenment. (See graphic below). As disciples, we take the hands of humanity & lead them up the Jacob’s ladder so they can participate with us & learn.

The Bodhisattva Prayer is what the Dalai Lama resites each morning upon awakening. Let us recite this prayer with him and with each other in the Buddhic plane.

Today Thursday – Libra Sun & Mercury, South Node & Juno. Harmonizing ourselves, our thoughts, mind, words, with others, etc.

Bodhisattva Prayer.
We ponder upon each word.
We create willingness & intentions & identity
As Disciples with this prayer.
We stand in the Ashram & within the Hierarchy.
And recite this prayer within our Group.
We are Bodhisattvas** together.

Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity
“May I be a guard for those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened.”

**Bodhisattva –
Definition – bo·dhi·satt·va, noun
(in Tibetan Buddhism) a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to remain on the Earth & save suffering beings. In Buddhism, Bodhisattva is the Sanskrit term for anyone who has generated Bodhicitta, a spontaneous wish and compassionate mind to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. Bodhisattvas are a popular subject in Buddhist art.

Bodhisattva –
Below…the word written in different languages
We can draw these in our Esoteric Journals.
This is our art for today.

Sanskrit: बोधिसत्त्व
Tibetan: བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་དཔའ་; (byang chub semsdpa)
Pali: बोधिसत्त
Thai: โพธิสัตว์; phothisat
Japanese: 菩薩; (rōmaji: bosatsu)
Korean: 보살, 菩薩; (RR: bosal)
Khmer: ពោធិសត្វ; (Pothisat); (UNGEGN: Pothisat)

Love to all beings – north south east west…above & below…Risa

Christ & Buddha – the Brothers.
Christ & Buddha gazing at the Solar Logos, for direction as to the timing & precipitation of the Christ’s Reappearance.
Christ & Buddha in conversation w/ the Sun.

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