Sunday, October 13, 2024- 8am

Sunday, October 13, 2024- 8am



Sunday,  October 13, 2024- 8am

Sunday, October 13, 2024- 8am

Returning to Goodness – Forgiveness.
“When we Forgive, we are likened to the angels.”
Our last day of the Days of Awe, today is our 2nd day of Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement.

Read the introduction for this week’s Night Light News –

It is about Forgiveness & being forgiven.

And so…
No matter our religion…
We can all forgive & ask forgiveness today.
Reaching into our hearts –
Then we become pure & loving – like the angels.
Asking & offering forgiveness from the heart…

Then…having heard our heart’s desires….
At sunset, G-d writes our name once again in the Book of Life. Or doesn’t.
What shall it be for everyone?

And so…
Returning to Goodness.
I ask forgiveness for any unskillfullness that may have hurt another.
And in turn, I offer forgiveness to all those whose actions and words, misunderstandings & behaviors affected me in such a way that I too felt hurt. From my heart to everyone’s heart.
Past, present & future.

And now we are free!

“When we forgive, we are likened to the angels.”

The Astrology Today.
A very complex day today.
A v/c morning. Just after noon time, moon enters Pisces.
A perfect sign for the last day of Atonement.
Atonement – At One Ment – notice the word’s meaning.

Today Mercury squares Pluto – a deep level of thought & communication. True forgiveness comes from the depths of our hearts.
Mars squares Chiron – our actions (Mars) can heal (Chiron) ourselves & others.

Our actions of forgiveness loosens the karma (consequences of unskillful actions) from our lives & the lives of others for lifetimes!
Forgiveness is both sacred & scientific!

Sun opposite Chiron & tonight a perfect ending of the day….
Sun trines Jupiter retrograde.
Sun nodding to the Love Wisdom with the benevolence of Jupiter. Sun streaming the benevolence of Jupiter into the world & into the hearts of humanity.
A perfect heavenly ending to our Sunday today, to our last day of forgiving & being forgiven.

Forgiveness….may all of us Forgive & be forgiven.

May all of us, our names be inscribed in the Book of Life…love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

8 + 4 =

Saturday, October 12, 2024- 10am

Saturday, October 12, 2024- 10am



Saturday,  October 12, 2024- 10am

Saturday, October 12, 2024- 10am

A Story Today
Saturday has arrived on this October 12, 2024 day – Saturn’s special day. This Saturday simultaneoulsly it seems we have both Pluto stationing direct (29 Cap) and the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur (Days of Atonemens) begins.
We all want to have our names inscribed in the Book of Life.
And so, a story.
Each day I have said in the quietness of myself and in the early morning & evening time –
“I ask forgiveness of anyone I have hurt, anyone who has suffered because of my words or actions or indifference or not knowing, anyone I misunderstood, ignored, didn’t understand.
I ask their forgiveness. And in turn I offer to all those who I experienced hurtfulness – I offer them forgiveness. I set all of us free.”
And so yesterday I realized I made an error with several people.
I didn’t complete a task that was needed and two people were affected by it. At first I didn’t tend to this situation. But as the morning wore on I realized I had a responsibility to both people. At first I was afraid to acknowledge truthfully my part in the situation. But as the hours unfolded I gratdually had a sense of strength come over me, a sense of truthfulness that seems clear and right. And I knew what I had to do (which before this time I would not have done so, I don’t think I had the clear strength & courage).
I contacted the two people and said straight out – this is my error, I didn’t not complete my responsibilities and I am sorry for that. I know this affects you and I take responsibility for it. And I apologize.
In the end both of the parties involved were kind. And that was good. But the real consequence was my sense of fulfillment, that I achieved something which was of great value, like a virtue had finally settled within myself. I felt a sense of dignity and honor in telling the truth – self respect, self worth, self esteem, too. The pride of achievement. But also, that there was no fear in me in telling the truth of my error, my lack of completing a task that affected other. What other words can I use to explain this?
Doing what was right, ethicalness, morality, bringing forth the virtue of truthfulness and not being afraid. Something I realized had formed inside of me that was good.

My sense is the daily prayers concerning forgiveness in these Days of Awe, since Oct. 2 – Rosh Hashanah (Jewish festival of Creation) & now had, with the help of my Soul, somehow developed a strength within me that then was tested. And I passed the test. And I have a new sense of self identity (Aries north Node), a new sense of self (Aries) and I feel a sense of pride in this (Leo North Node w/ Pluto).

I wanted to share this with you.
No matter who we are & in whatever state of development we are in, every day there is a learning. A new sense of self emerges.

And so….
This morning in front of my desk outside of my large window on an elderberry tree a very young owl perched & remained on the tree branch for a long time. Behind the baby owl are golden autumn leaves…I saw a very ancient painting yesterday of devas (fairies) plucking leaves off a tree letting us know it’s autumn now. I am preparing for the next Aquarian Salon (Oct. 26). Its theme is the Soul & the personality –

The Astrology Today
Jupiter / CHiron (something heals.
Mercury / Neptune (something is refined made sacred).’
Aquarius moon – the new era unfolding.
Libra Sun & Mercury – something balances, comes to rest.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – we face inward more & more ’til February 4th.
Tomorrow a complex day, Mercury enters Scorpio –
An even deeper facing inward occurs.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 11 =

Friday, October 11, 2024- 9am

Friday, October 11, 2024- 9am



Friday,  October 11, 2024- 10am

Friday, October 11, 2024- 10am

Friday – October 11, 2024.
Geomagnetic storm occurring.
We can be affected physically emotionally mentally.

Pluto stations direct on its way to Aquarius, Nov. 19th.
Yom Kippur (Atonement) begins tonight at the seeing of the first twinkling star in the sky.

Aquarius Moon today, Libra Sun – air signs.
We think a lot today.
Especially with Jupiter retro in Gemini.
Mercury inconjuncts Uranus today – Libra (3)-Taurus (4).
What planet brings the two together – Libra & Taurus.
Over riding & calming the inconunct?
Who knows?

And so…
Countdown – 27 days til the election.
Day of Choosing – a Libra task.

There’s really no choice is there?
We know it’s always the outlaw, Robin Hood, who saves the people, saves the world.
We choose the outlaw….

There is really only one choice.
The one standing in the Light, leading humanity within & towards the Light.
The other one stands as a puppet of the dark forces.
Knowing nothing, doing nothing, it is not their job to do.
Leading the world in the Light.

The Intellectuals & the Elites.
The Tibetan said that there are people who are very intellectual.
Often self assured, they can be the “elites.”
They have intelligence and a brain, but they have not developed discrimination or discernment.
Love hasn’t been cultivated yet.
Love is discerning.

Or there are people who also very intelligent are locked into a false ideology, a false set of beliefs & they, although thinking of themselves as intelligent, are really not deep thinkers.
There are also those who are afraid, who are blinded to the dark forces, and there are those who are manipulated by our brothers on the left hand path.
All of the above do not have the mental capacity to discern right form wrong, good from bad, evil from the sacred, light from dark.

How does one make Right Choice?
How does one discern TRUTH from Untruth?
One must have the intention to stand within the WILL TO GOOD & the WILL TO LOVE – and be silent there.

This is a fiery triangle of high sacred mentality.
Then the right discernment, the right discrimination, the RIGHT CHOICE & the RIGHT ACTION comes forth.

When one stands with intention within the
& the WILL TO LOVE (Ray 2),
then WISDOM (Ray2)
flashes within the higher ind
& RIGHT ACTION (Ray 3) is taken.

For Humanity we say these words & invite all of humanity to join us today, Ray 5 day – which is the Ray of Venus, which is truth, true science, true concrete knowledge (no illusion, mayas or confusions). Just plain truth.

Kali Yuga Prayer –
Lead us O Lord, from darkness to Light.
From the unreal to the REAL.
From untruths to the TRUTH.
From death to Immortality.
From blindness to Sight.
From chaos to Beauty.

What is beauty?
Plato says Beauty is what organizes the elements,
provides humanity with harmony & tells humanity that
the Soul is Good. love, Risa

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6 + 3 =

Thursday, October 10, 2024- 10am

Thursday, October 10, 2024- 10am



Thursday,  October 10, 2024- 10am

Thursday, October 10, 2024- 10am

Today is Thursday – Ray 2 day.
Love/wisdom day – our ways of serving others.
Continuing with our Days of Awe – our days contemplating
asking for & offering Forgiveness.
“May Forgiveness on the part of all be the keynote at this time.”
Forgiveness is a wise act – it releases love.
And so…….

Our Reappearance Prayer
Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti

Today Thursday…
It’s Ray 2 Love/Wisdom day today, Jupiter’s (2) day.
October 10, 2024 today!
Countdown – 27 days ’til the presidential election!
We pray each day….
“Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (the thinkers) in our country.”
Praying for Right Knowing, Right Choice, Right Action.
Praying for the well being of our people & our country, our true president & our Republic. Praying for the future to be one in which humanity in our country can thrive. Praying for Goodwill to enter into the minds of our people – which creates Right Relations, Right Knowing, Right Action & Peace in the hearts of everyone. We pray….

And so….
Now with Jupiter retrograde (a turning inward), we too turn inward.
Jupiter is a social planet (along with Saturn).
When a social planet retrogrades it is like a turning inward.
It turns back – reviewing the past.
So we “turn inward” too. And review our past.
Jupiter retrograde during our Days of Forgiveness helps us ask for forgiveness & offer forgiveness on a deep spiritual knowing level.

Understanding these things is part of understanding both astrology (study of the heavens as it influences Earth & her kingdoms) & understanding ourselves – our behaviors, needs, hopes, wishes, dreams, actions, past, present & future, etc.

Yesterday’s post was a study of Jupiter retrograde in Gemini.
Did everyone look at their astrology charts to see where Gemini is, the degrees 21 – 11 Gemini? To find the area of life touched by the Jupiter retrograde?

Today, Thursday.
So today, is our Reappearance Meditation Day.
Reciting the Reappearance Mantram, walking with the Christ on the Pathway of Light that we create with our visualizations.

The Astrology today.
Capricorn moon – we are practical, hard working today.
Venus touches in with Jupiter (Scorpio/Gemini) and with Chiron (Scorpio/Aries) – In all three signs, Mercury is the light that shines through them.
Mercury is the Light of the Soul. This is esoteric information.
Also the next Aquarian Salon is October 26th – 10am Pacific Time. The theme is the Soul & Personality – deeply unknown & misunderstood concepts.

Tomorrow –
Pluto stations direct at 29 Capricorn.
In the evening, at sunset it’s not only the beginning of Shabbat (Day of Rest in the Jewish religion) but it is the first night (of two days & night) of Yom Kippur. I wrote about this on Night Light News.

We pray for the people in Florida & N. Carolina & the states that experienced the hurricanes.

Also, there is a call to those who can travel to the these states affected by the hurricane to help the people & to also help with the vote. Does anyone have more information about this? If so please post it. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

15 + 6 =

Wednesday, October 9, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, October 9, 2024- 11am



Wednesday,  October 9, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, October 9, 2024- 11am

Wednesday – Mercury’s day, Ray 4 day.
Harmony emerging from conflict & chaos day.
Mercury is the Light of the Soul.
And so….
Jupiter retrogrades.
Jupiter, Ray 2, planet take a backwards spin.
Turning inward, realigning our visions, goals, dreams.
Reordering our thoughts & communication, in order to cultivate love, and then even more love (Ray 2).
This is the wisdom of Jupiter (Ray 2).

And so….
Jupiter stationed retrograde early this morning, Wednesday, October 9, 2024 –
Jupiter stationed (is still for a while), turning back at 21 degrees Gemini.
Question for study:
Where is 21 degrees Gemini in everyone’s chart?

Jupiter retrogrades right thru the new year of 2025 (along with Mars retro) – it will be an interesting year.
– Jupiter retrogrades back to 11 degree Gemini by February 4, 2025. Jupiter is retrograde for four months! A long time for this Ray 2 planet, allowing each of us to cultivate love & gather wisdom, all of which are needed at this time.

Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius – & Sag is about the truth.
When we have the truth, love happens and wisdom.
Just what’s needed during these times of darkness.

So, where is Jupiter from 21 degrees to 11 degrees in Gemini for everyone? Gemini is also Ray 2 – and it’s about our thinking, our communication, our walking about in neighborhoods talking with neighbors, being friends with everyone.

Jupiter retrograde allows us a respite from the outer world.
It’s like entering an ashram or sangha or vast library where for four months we can rest in the intelligence of the cosmos the all the gods.

Wherever Jupiter is, the area of life in our charts, there can be an excess of something.

During Jupiter retro – we pull back from anything excessive.
This allows for contemplation, introspection, then assimilation.
We turn inward, looking at the past year, reorganize our thinking (Gemini), realign our visions, hopes, wishes & dreams.
We also realign our goals. What are they?
In retrogrades we assess our goals. And then they may change.

Friday – At sunset Yom Kippur begins (for 2 days).
Remembering our Forgivenesses – asked for & offered.
Then we & everyone is free.

Pluto turns stationary direct at 5:34 pm (PT) at 29 Capricorn.
All the darkness & manipulations of the government & the Forces of Darkness manipulations continuing to (needing to) come to light. For its purification.
The list, too, & everyone on that list (Hollywood, Wash DC, politicians, music industry, etc.) scrambling to protect themselves. Too late, everyone!

Pluto soon to enter Aquarius (enters Nov. 19) & the whole world begins its deep & everlasting change into the new era.

We have joy in the presence of each other.
In the presence of everyone & everything around us.
We live in Paradise. love, Risa


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14 + 10 =

Tuesday, October 8, 2024- 8am

Tuesday, October 8, 2024- 8am



Tuesday,  October 8, 2024- 8am

Tuesday, October 8, 2024- 8am

Tawdry vs.Intelligent.
(Lots to read today. Controversial, too!)
The times are exciting when one knows astrology!
And so…
News & Notes –
– a tawdry podcast vs. an intelligent conversation with intelligent people.

The intelligent conversation:

Countdown – 28 days ’til November 5th – election day.
What will humanity choose?

It’s so Libra (sign of choosing) right now!
Libra tells humanity it’s time to choose which path
you will follow – what future do you want to live in?
Unfortunately, the dark forces are alive & well manipulating realities. So humanity has to put on their discriminating & discerning hats to see thru the propaganda.

And humanity cannot choose with their emotions.
Nor choose based on gender or race or beliefs.
Humanity must choose with their higher mental abilities – their higher minds – the THINKING mind.
See thru the tawdriness, which is dark, & find the essential light.
The choice is so clear!

There was a film called One Sings the Other Doesn’t.
The two candidates are like that film.
One is of the Light.
The other is of the darkness (a puppet of the dark forces).
One is intelligent. One is not.

Krishna to Arjuna – the Teacher to the Student.
“You (humanity) must choose,” says Krishna (world teacher) to his student Arjuna (humanity), “which side you are on!”
Humanity’s choice determines the future of our country.
What will humanity in our country choose?

Lead us O Lord, from darkness to Light.
From the untruths to the Truth.
From the unreal to the Real.
From chaos to Beauty!

It’s so ASTROLOGICAL (I write these words especially to people who tell me to stay with astrology! – that is a limiting idea about astrology!
THIS IS ASTROLOGICAL – as astrology is everything!

It’s about Libra! Sign of choosing, of choice!

– Libra is Ray 3 – the ray of politics, money & sex.
It’s all there for everyone to see in plain sight.
All the money, the greed, the politics led by money & greed, the false power, the sex – it’s all about sex, too!

Wait ‘tl the “list” comes out!

Libra comes in during these times of transition.
It’s between Virgo (purity) & Scorpio (discipleship).
Humanity is to be the World Disciple.
World Disciples make the Right Choices.
Libra offers humanity two choices.
In these days before the election… humanity can ponder upon the choices offered.
One tawdry, a sad puppet. One of the Light.

Election Day
November 5th is Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Sun.
The people are the moon. Capricorn is Rays 1, 3 7.
Ray 1 is Will. Ray 3 is intelligence. Ray 7 is anchoring the choice humanity makes.

Two Choices – Crocodile/swamp or Mountaintop.
Which will humanity choose?
Capricorn is the sign of the crocodile in the deep dark swamps.
Or the mountain top, disciples/humanity standing under the Light Supernal.
These will be the two choices for humanity on election day.

And so….
Today is Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
Mars rules the day today.
Mars – Ray 6 – it can be hopes, wishes, dreams, visions & Right Actions & Right Choices for the good, which creates the future.
OR Ray 6 can also be fanatical suppressive actions that keep us locked in darkness & falsehood – actions by the Dark Forces, the brothers on the left hand path, the forces of retrogression, the Atlantean Forces who are cruel destructive & misuse power & have no love –
We see this in clear sight in the face body actions of the two candidates.
And so…
Another day in paradise (on the precipice of being lost).

Two Realities, Two Candidates.
Here we are on Tuesday, another day of tawdry headlines & shows showing the VP (so tawdry) laughing – choosing to place herself on a tawdry, unintelligent, tasteless, vulgar, trashy, crude podcast appearance.
It’s actually unbelievable to think this person is running for president in our country. Placed there by an equally tawdry group of people, the Founders must be turning in their graves at what they/we are witnessing!

Then there’s the other candidate – supported by the space man (providing StarLInk to the Hurricane victims), a genius and a thoughtfull intelligent man. Here (link) he is talking with TCarlson – & he has lots to say – he talks about the loss of religion in our country, the woke mind virus, the false beliefs creating a holy war, what happens if the other candidate wins, the purpose of the open borders, and more – here is the link.

Open the above & follow the links.

The Astrology Today – complex.
Sagittarius moon – Libra Sun & Mercury – fire & air, an intelligent day today. Goals (Sag) & harmonious thinking (Libra).

Venus trines Mars (Scorpio/Cancer)- Intelligence guides our actions today. Depths of feelings. Scorpio understands others actions. Scorpio is very discerning. Right discernment is nurturing.

Mercury trine Jupiter (Libra/Gemini) – intelligent love & loving intelligence brings harmony to our day today (& our choices).

Mercury opposite Chiron (Libra/Aries).
Right thinking & Right Choice by humanity will either exacerbate the wounds of humanity & our country or bring a healing forth.
Again, humanity’s choice (however, the true citizenry in our country is being over run by non citizens who are being told they can vote – & this can destroy the election results.

How can we help our country & our citizenry?
We call for Divinity to bring illumination to the people in our country. We stand with the Forces of Light, holding our lamps up high. We recite the following mantram/invocation each day so that it resonates within our hearts & minds & into the hearts & minds of our citizenry everywhere in our country.

Gayatri – Hymn to the Sun.
Oh God! Thou art the Giver of Life.
Bestower of truth and happiness.
Remover of pain, illness & sorrow.
Remover of darkness & ignorance.
Oh! Creator of the Universe.
We pray that humanity receive thy supreme darkness-destroying light,�
We ask that You guide humanity’s intellect to the Light.
Able to see the Truth, move in the Right Direction….
Have Right Choice & thus take Right Action.
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti

The times are exciting when one knows astrology!
love, Risa

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