Saturday, October 19, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, October 19, 2024- 12pm



Saturday,  October 19, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, October 19, 2024- 11pm

The Rainbow Bridge & Studying the Constitution of Man.
Today, Saturday, is Saturn’s Day – Saturn is structure.
Learning. Study. Saturn is the Teacher.
Saturn is Ray 3 – Divine Intelligence day.
October 19, 2024 –
Countdown – 17 days til Nov. 5 – voting & election day.
Yesterday was a Saturn teaching.
Lots of words & ideas to study.
About Free Will.
To have Free Will one must climb the ladder to the upper mental & one must have cultivated certain virtues & abilities.
The Forces of Darkness, when they manipulate & “capture” the minds of humanity, they focus on creating fear (emotional plane affected) and disturb & confuse the lower mind (4 sub planes on the mental plane) & humanity cannot rise up to the upper mind & to the plane of enlightenment.

Rainbow Bridge
The climbing of the ladder, the bridge to the Soul & higher mental plane mentioned in yesterday’s post is the Rainbow Bridge – a bridge from the personality (lowest dense physical plane) to the Soul (on the mental & buddhic planes).
This is seen in yesterday’s graphic – the planes (the different colors, which are also the different Ray colors) Part of that graphic is the Rainbow Bridge. This is the bridge between the personality & the Soul.
We create 1/2 of that bridge – by our seeking & our intentionality & our studies, meditation & prayers & by our dedication – from the personality –we can see this on the Constitution of Man chart – from below upward –
Find these on the Constitution of Man, beginning at the bottom – 1a. dense physical (3 sub planes on physical plane) to
1b. etheric/vital (4 sub planes on physical plane) to
2. astral/emotional (7 subplanes on astral plane) to
3a. lower mind (4 sub planes on mental plane) to
3b. triangle, Egoic (Soul) lotus –
the Causal Body surrounding & protecting the Soul to
3c. higher mind, abstract mind (2 sub levels of the mental plane) to
4. Buddhic plane (plane of pure love, plane of Enlightenment, the Buddha is here w/ all the angels, devas & masters). 7 sub levels to the buddhic plane.
5. Atmic plane (7 sub levels). Triangle of Spiritual Will.
6. Monadic plane (7 sub levels). Will to Good, Will to Love.
7. Logoic plane (7 sub levels) – Divine Mind (reflecting the Divine Mind of God).

The Astrology Today
Scorpio moon, Libra Sun & Mercury.
Later tonight….
Mercury (4) squares Mars (6)- Libra/Cancer –

– both Libra & Cancer are Ray 3 Divine Intelligence .
Careful everyone with communication tonight.

Studying, getting to know & understand the Constitution of Man, the 7 planes in which we as humanity live. Note: most of humanity lives on the lower three planes. We have a long way to go yet…climbing the Rainbow Bridge. We begin that climb with knowledge of that Bridge. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 1 =

Friday, October 18, 2024- 1pm

Friday, October 18, 2024- 1pm



Friday,  October 18, 2024- 1pm

Friday, October 18, 2024- 1pm

Informed? or Reactive?
How do we each interact with world?
How will we vote in the coming election?
Are we in the world as informed intelligent poised humans.
Or are we reactive.
Is our vote informed & intelligent?
Or is our vote reactive?
One choice is filled with the light of intelligence.
The other is not a choice. It’s a reaction.

We either have Free Will or we don’t.
Everyone thinks everyone has free will.
Although we are born with the capacity for Free Will.
Many don’t & have activated that Free Will yet.
What IS Free Will?
Free Will is a high mental capacity.
To have free will one needs to build the 7 level of the mind with true knowledge & with truth. This then creates within one Free Will which is intelligent direction, the ability to analyze, compare, contrast, discern & discriminate w/ no emotional reactions.
Then Free Will comes into play.
If not, then humanity is helplessly caught up & captured in the emotional lower mental planes with no capacity for free will. One perceives thru a veil of opinions, judgments, emotional reactions.

The question again….
Are we informed or reactive? Am I informed? Or reactive?
One answer/person is capable of activating & using the free will.
The other has no free will. Captured instead by the emotions
which creates reactionary choices which is NOT free will.
One must be intelligently informed to activate one’s free will.

About Free Will & the Thinker.
Again the question because it is a question no one is asking.
And we aren’t taught about the Free Will.
However, the times are such that we must activate our free will so we can understand it, develop it & thus MAKE RIGHT CHOICES.
Without free will we often don’t make Right Choice.

And so…again.
What is Free Will?
Free Will is a state of higher mentality. It is the developed higher mind.
We have a lower mind & a higher mind. The higher mind is overlit by the Light of the Soul.
Free Will is a state that uses discrimination, discernment, truth, knowledge & intelligence – these then activate Free Will.
All of these are qualities that appear under the direction of
the Light of the Soul.
When one has developed the higher mind & the light of the Soul, one has self direction & is sovereign. One seeks & finds one’s purpose.
One becomes a server in the world. And later a Savior.

With activated Free Will, we become different from the animal kingdom/ When one has developed the thinking higher mind, we step out of the animal aspect of our being. We become human.
We self identify as human, as a server and as an intelligent human.

How do we do this?
We learn about ourseves. Most of us don’t know ourselves. We don’t know the self, our lower or higher self, our personality, our Soul, where we came form, what we are doing here, why we are here, what humanity really is or where we as a humanity are going? We are deeply blinded.

The study of astrology begins with the study of the self, which then creates self knowledge & then self direction. Which is a part of Free Will.
The study of astrology offers the tools of self discovery, a journey that is surprising & needed to progress forward into Free Will.

Note the two directions:
Humanity (the masses) is influenced from above downward (acts of God, no self determination, unconscious, lower mind focus, personality focus).
The intelligent self knowing self directed sovereign conscious person/seeker/disciple is directed from within, upward & outward.
Notice the two different levels of humans & the two different directions.
These last sentences are most important to comprehend.
And to identify with.

Are we informed or are we reactive?
Are we self directed or are we like a boat tossed by the waves, direction unknown?
In the first, we are able to make true intelligent choices.
The second, there is no true choice. There is only reactive emotional choices (automatic, no thought, no cognitive intelligent input).

This is our study today to ponder upon.
It continues below because the subject is so important.

And so…
Today is Friday…October 18, 2024.
Venus’s day. Ray 5 day – Concrete science & knowledge day.
Truth of the matter day.
Libra – the sign of choice – “Let choice be made.”
Real choice, intelligent choice has to do with free will.

Two Types – Unconscious & Conscious.
There is unconscious choice (emotional choosing, reactions).
This is from the reactive lower emotional mind (Kama Manas).
And there is conscious true choice (using the higher mind).
Humanity does not know about these things.
Nor does humanity understand Free Will.

What IS Free Will again?
Free will is given to humanity by the Hierarchy & by the Angels (Agnisvattas – Angels of Light). They gave humanity the Principle of the Mind, so humanity could use the mind for what is right).
Free Will is the INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGEABLE use of the mental principle combined with the illumined will.

Free will is not activated when one is emotional or when the mind is not developed. Free Will is an activity of the higher mind. Where there is no ability to discriminate or discern, there is no free will. There is only REACTION (emotional), which is not free will. Because free will is an activity of the higher mind.

So for many in humanity, there is NO Free Will.
And that may be a very controversial & surprising statement of truth.
Many are helplessly lost in the emotional lower mind called Kama Manas, where one may be able to add 1 + 1 & may be able to write & may be able to read & may have a simple way of analysis….on these lower planes of the emotional mental one does not have free will & is helplessly caught up in emotions & reactions.

And here is another…
Karma & responsibility are woven & interwoven in the subject of Free Will. Karma & our experiences in daily life are woven & interwoven. We don’t now much about karma either. That is for another day. love, Risa

Oh yes! How many days left to the Vote?
18 days ’til the election.
Where each of us are informed & make an informed
discerning non emotional, non reactive, discriminating
intelligent choice?

Libra is where we make our choices before entering the
decisive sign of Scorpio – sign of Discipleship, being called to Discipleship.

We use our Ray 3 mind of Divine intelligence to study, research & make our minds knowledgeable before the vote. So we can vote with Free Will.
Right Choice made when we align with the Will to Good.
Will is Ray 1…Libra is Ray 3 – the Will to make ourselves like the MInd of God, deeply intelligent, surrounded by love.

Free Will is given to humanity – however it comes with the responsibility to develop (into) that Free Will – then we are able to make true choices in all areas of our lives.
To have free will we have to have an informed intelligence Thinking mind that is knowledgable, learned, focused & active.
We don’t have free will when we choose from an emotional point of view. That is not fee will. This is an emotional reaction.
Free will is an action of the Higher Mind Principle, under the Light of the Soul.

Given free will we have the responsibility to learn about things, gain knowledge, seek the truth of all that matters, develop intelligence – then, be able to discuss, dialogue, listen, respond (not react) and to continually learn in order to develop discernment & discrimination.
This is the Right Use of the Mind.

Building the mind (there are 7 levels to the mind – 4 lower mind, 3 higher mind sublevels. True Free Will happens when we are focused in the higher mind (where the Soul resides). Under the Light of the Soul one bcomes a true Thinker (the task of our present humanity). Only after one becomes a true Thinker, can one truly choose.

Right Choice is made when we align with the Will to Good. Humanity cannot choose without true knowledge. Humanity choosing via resistance & from the emotional state of things, is not true choice.
The dark forces maniuplate the free will of humanity.
This is against evolution.
St. Germaine came to the Americas to implement brotherhood & free will – deciding, making right choice that help humanity choose.
Independence is a high quality of free will.
Independence & free will –
Fraternity on the flag of Venezuela is a thread of Master St. Germaine’s influence.
The development into the future of humanity –
Any manipulation (power over, will over another) is part of the dark forces, the lower mental o fhumanity, a shadow that must be recognized & overcome.
Earth is the planet of suffering – from which we slowly climb out of. This is due to Earth being the most dense. Due to this many great Beings from the solar system chose to be here on earth, to assist humanity. Earth is a planet of duality – light & dark, good & not good, Spirit & matter. It is through the interaction of the two sides, the tension results and from the tension we come to At-tension (attention). The attention is upon first the polarization, then the attention turns to how to harmonize the two sides.
Free Will means we need to act under the Rule of Law.
Then we are free.
There is a lower understanding of free will.
This is not free will. It’s a perversion.
We were given the mind to discern what is right & what is wrong, then choose, then we can have self rule. We are to become self ruled, following the inner rule of the Soul. Then we are independent.
Otherwise we are a child having a tantrum.
In the context of Ray 7 – self rule, being sovereign.
We need the understanding coming from the Light of the Soul. There are Rules of the Soul.
IN many countries, there are people o fGoodwill & Disciples working. They have Right Understanding. Above them who hold the top gov posisionts are the power mongers, who suppress the people. Disciples are not yet in roles of power because the people don’t yet have the ability to know what to choose.
Intellectuals are stuck in the lower mind w/ concrete thinking. They do not have intuition or understanding of what the Soul wants to tell them. The connection to the Soul is blocked. The simple plain people are often more sensitive, have the Goodwill. But they don’t have the will & communication skills to be leaders.
Many are aspirants, not yet ready to be leaders.
The sufferings we see in our country is the burning ground. From this burning ground, humanity learns how to climb the ladder of greater & greater knowledge & abilities to eventually become leaders.

Free Will is Ray 1. To use the Free Will given to us skillfully/spiritually (in its true sense), we need to align with the Will to Good (Ray 1 & Ray 2).
Free Will aligning w/ Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom.
Then Ray 3 of Right Action – the skillful action of free will comes forth. Then we are skillful.

The learning of skills is what humanity needs.
The skills of the Disciple.

The Tibetan teaching his students in the ’30s/’40s. The disciples were learning, being trained in collaboration. The results were the 10 Seed Groups – fields & projects where people people could participate in ways that develop humanity’s spiritual essence.

Free Will – one has to train the self, take over the discipline, work on the self, learn about the self, understanding the family is the first training ground.
In the Kali Yuga there is great ignorance. In the Kali Yuga there is so much darkness, so much suffering, so much sex drugs rock & roll & money – the rules & are manipulated & there is a flood of untruths & this keeps the people in dependency & in ignorance.
What is to be done?
Humanity and the children need the new education of the new Aquarian Age. That is the purpose of our FB page/group, college, Ashram here.
Love, Risa

Note the graphic below.
The 7 planes (on the Constution of Man/Geogrphy of the planes humanity lives in).
Looking closely at the graphic –
1. find the lower mind,
2.then the Manasic (this is higher mind,
3. then the buddhic/Soul level.
To have Free Will we need to have climbed the ladder from the physical/etheric, astral/emotional, lower mental & enter into the Manasic (higher mind, abstract mind) & then enter into the Buddhic Soul plane.

How do we climb this ladder? By study, which builds the mind rung & rung. Astrology activates & uplifts the lower mind to the higher mind, as Astrology is the study that begins with self knowledge, the knowledge of self which then become knowledge of one’s Soul & one’s purpose.

With the study of astrology then all other disciplines begin to make sense to us. These last statements are also controversial. However, they are what our school & college & Ashram are based on. love, Risa D’Angeles

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 5 =

Thursday, October 17, 2024- 11am

Thursday, October 17, 2024- 11am



Thursday,  October 17, 2024- 11am

Thursday, October 17, 2024- 11am

Libra – the Art of Harmony & Beauty.
Art Today.
Posting art today. It has a purpose.
The Art’s significance.
1. Frieze London – with art booths (like Sukkot)
2. The Soul – Vibration & Song of the Soul – the kingdom of the Soul makes or lives colorful!
3. A line of Light in neon to the Hierarchy & beyond during our Libra solar festival at the time of the full moon.
Art Booths look like Sukkot Booths. Today is the first day of Sukkot – living outside under the stars in little temporary houses made of the plant kingdom – an art form celebrating Jewish history of walking in freedom.
And so.
1. Frieze London (a contemporary art fair in London’s Regent Park) created delicate little structures (little booths) to display artists art – see below. The little delicate booths created a spaciousness set in place, booth after booth. So creative!
And so, I posted this “art booth” because it looks exactly like a Sukkot little booth or hut or temporary home during the harvest festival of remembering, led by Moses, we left Egypt (slavery, Taurus Age) & we walked in the desert for 40 years, as our life wave was purified, and many children were born on that long pilgrimage & we were fed by manna each morning, angels food, and our life-wave angel, Jehovah, protected us, & Moses died before along the way and Joshua led us into Canaan, Israel, the promised land.

 Note: Joshua was the scribe of Moses. Just before the Hebrew people entered Canaan, Moses died, the angels came & took his body away. Moses was told by the Lord to make Joshua the leader of the Hebrew people. According to the Bible, God instructed Moses to appoint Joshua as his successor before Moses died. Moses asked God for a replacement so that the Israelites would not be without a leader.
Joshua was a disciple of Moses and a general in the battle with the Amalekites. He led the Israelites in conquering Canaan after the Exodus from Egypt. One of his most famous achievements was toppling the walls of Jericho.
Joshua’s original name was Hoshea, but Moses called him “Yehoshua,” which translates to “Joshua” in English.
According to the biblical book named after him, Joshua was the personally appointed successor to Moses (Deuteronomy 31:1–8; 34:9) and a charismatic warrior who led Israel in the conquest of Canaan after the Exodus from Egypt.



Jesus as Joshua in a previous lifetime – According to Edgar Cayce, the man, Jesus, underwent many many incarnations or past lives (as we all do) before he became Jesus of Nazareth who later was overshadowed by the Christ.
Past Lives Jesus was formerly Adam, Enoch, Melchizedek, Joseph (not his father), Joshua (of Moses time), Asaph, Jeshua, and Zend. Later, after his death he was Apollonius of Tyana (15 – 100 AD), first century Greek philosopher, teacher, NeoPlatonist & known as a the most famous miracle worker of his day. Read more –
Past lives of Jesus that Cayce mentions.
1. Enoch is found in the Apocryphal Book of Enoch. He is briefly mentioned in Genesis (5:15-24).
“The Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers into materiality and Enoch’s heavenly sojourns, as well as his transfiguration into the angel Metatron.” The Book of Enoch is considered by some a sacred book.
2) Melchizedek was a priest-prophet during the time of Abraham (Father of the Hebrew people, the first human to appear after the floods of Atlantis took the people to the Gobi Valley where under the Manu humanity was recreated). He is also mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls – discovered in 1947 at the Qumran Cave near the Dead Sea), and the Nag Hammadi Codex texts found in Upper Egypt in 1945, along with other Gnostic (occult, hidden wisdom teachings) gospels.
3) Joseph, son of Jacob, became the priest of Egypt. There are many parallels between the life of Joseph and that of Jesus.
4) Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land. One of Joshua’s roles was as a scribe of Moses.
5) Jeshua, high priest who helped organize the Israelites’ return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (as recounted in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah). Cayce writes it was Joshua who compiled and translated the book of the Bible.
8) Zend was the father of Zoroaster, the founder of the Zoroastrian religion (religion during the Taurus Age).
9 As Jesus, from Nazareth, son of Mary & Joseph, overshadowed by the Christ, was the man who attained complete human-divine unity and therefore overshadowed by the Christ (Archangel from Sirius, in His mission as the Pisces World Teacher).
Note that Jesus is the Latinization of the Aramaic “Jeshua” or “Yeshua.” (end on past lives of Jesus).
Note the combining of the Jewish religion with the Catholic/Christian religion. In the Aquarian Age, all the religions will be combined into One Aquarian religion, the religion of the people. Note also that all the religions of humanity are stages of development for humanity, meeting the emotional/mental needs of a developing humanity. The Jewish/Christian religion is on the line between & combines between east & west.
2. Vibration – Song of My Soul – the Soul of each of us has a vibration, a movements, a sound, a color – that of Will to Good, Will to Love, Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intellgence. It vibrates under one of the seven Ray stars of the Big Dipper.
3. Line of (neon) light – in the new & full moon meditations, we send a line of Light to the Hierarchy, to the heart of Hierarchy which is the Christ & to Shamballa to the Lord of the World, Where the Will of God is known. We then align all the kingdoms with this Light – humanity, the NGWS (where we stand), Hierarchy, the Christ & Shamballa.

Full Moon Meditation Great Invocation.
We reach into the Light of Libra & bring it down to meet the needs of humanity – this is the task of the NGWS.
As I write this little owl babies have perched on the limbs of the elderberry tree in front of my desk. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 2 =

Wednesday, October 16, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, October 16, 2024- 11am



Wednesday,  October 16, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, October 16, 2024- 11am

A Festival. The Astrology Today.
A Full moon Libra Festival. Choice.
Choice & the entrained mind.
A prayer for humanity’s enlightenment.

Sukkot, a five day festival, begins tonight at the sighting of the first star. Building all week a temporary shelter made of plants.
Sukkot –
A Festival of remembrance of a long 40 year walk thru the desert. Tomorrow – a full moon in the sign of Libra, the sign of making a choice – of choosing.
So much happening in the heavens & then on earth.
All the time.

And so….
Today – Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Tonight – Sukkot (temporary little houses) begins – the Jewish festival of remembrance.
The walking in the Sinai desert for 40 years.
Purifying the life wave called humanity (the Hebrew people,
the Chosen people).
Sukkot is the making of temporary houses remembering that long pilgrimage from Egypt (place of slavery) & the Age of Taurus.
To Canaan, Israel – land of milk & honey & the Age of Aries (Age of the Laws – the 10 Commandments).
It is a beautiful festival – building temporary shelters out of the plant kingdom.

Tomorrow, Thursday – our Group’s birthday – 26 years since we opened our Esoteric & Astrological Institute in a small crooked, sideways little white building, with a big window in the from & a Baptist church next door with all their singing & a Buddhist Center on the other side & down the street a Yoga Center.
It was a very special little sideways building.
423 Center St. at the corner of New Street & Center Street & our landlord was Dr. Elmore (can you believe that name? Why am I writing that about the name. Who knows?).

Anyway….and so…
Tomorrow is the full moon Libra Solar Festival –
24 degrees, 35 minutes Libra – sign of choice.
Where is that in everyone’s chart?
It is where we make most important choices.
And we see the outcome of our choices.
“Let choice be made”
“We choose the Way, the make Right Choice that leads to Right Action.”

And so….
Mercury’s day today – Ray 4 (harmony from conflict) day.
Harmony emerging from conflict & chaos day today.

Humanity is Ray 4, learning through conflict & chaos, thru the burning ground (Leo’s fires) that creates suffering that awakens humanity to thoughts of Goodwill & Right Relations & the fact that the Soul exists, a new kingdom appearing on earth for humanity.

Today – Libra Sun & Aries moon.
Aries – a new cycle, a new moon, new endeavors with Aries. North Node is in Aries – which means all of humanity is being given the time to find ourselves, to identify to ourselves who we are, where we came from, why we are here, & what our purpose is. North Node (the Path) in Aries (self identity).

Humanity is the World Server (Aquarius) & Savior (Pisces).
Our task is to “reach into the Light, become the Light & bring that Light into the World.”
Those of us living in the United States are given that direct task.
The United States has the task of “standing in the Light & leading humanity & all the countries & the world towards & into the Light.”

That is why the Forces of Darkness are so intent upon destroying our country, our people, our freedoms, our liberties, our Constitution, & our Rule of Law. That is why the border has been open for the past 4 years & why the VP was put in place to be the next false prez.

Humanity under Libra is asked to make a choice for our country & our world.

The Silent Watcher is watching our country & peoples.
Watching & listening.
As are the Lord of the World (Sanat Kumara) & the Hierarchy (the inner world government).

It is 20 days ’til the Nov. 5th election.
This election is occurring in the midst of a great battle –
Between the Light & the dark, the true prez & the false one.
What will humanity choose in the upcoming election?
Who will humanity choose?

The Great Ones, watching, cannot intervene, as that would affect the karma of humanity. And humanity needs to learn that humanity itself is the World Savior. We are the world’s savior.
Humanity makes Right Choice when aligned with the Will to Good.
The entrained mind, the captured mind, cannot ascertain wht the Will to Good is. Because it is a high spiritual level of knowing.
The entrained minds, stand with the Brothers on the Left Path, cannot understand the Will to Good & the Will to Love. Because they are captured by in the emotional plane.
This is the plane of polarization, of resistance, of non thinking. This is the area where one is slumbering & not able to make discern & discriminate Light from dark. One then choose the false light. There are consequences to this choice. A pralaya begins to occur for those who make this choice.

Everything is a learning, everything a developmental stage.

We call forth the Forces of Light to illuminate the minds of men (the thinkers). Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May those of Goodwill meet in a spirit of cooperation.
And so let it be. And help us to know & to do our part for the salvation of our country, our freedoms & our world.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

1 + 7 =

Tuesday, October 15, 2024- 10am

Tuesday, October 15, 2024- 10am



Tuesday,  October 15, 2024- 10am

Tuesday, October 15, 2024- 10am

A complex day today in the heavens.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
First, the countdown!
21 days ’til the Nov. 5 election! Exciting times indeed!
Also – upcoming –
Tomorrow at sunset is Sukkot – Jewish festival of constructing temporary housing outside under the stars, remembering the long long 40 year walk from Egypt (Taurus Age) to Canaan, Israel (Aries Age). A lovely & beautiful nature festival/celebration.
Sukkot ends next Wednesday evening, Oct. 23.

Libra Festival Full Moon
Thursday is the full moon (timing mechanism) festival – the Libra solar (Sun) festival at 24.35, degrees/minutes. Where is 24/25 degrees of Libra in everyone’s chart? That is the area of life illuminated by the light of the Libra Sun/Moon (reflecting Libra’s light).
This is the area of balancing, of harmonizing.
It may also be an area wherein choice needs to be made.

Libra’s keynotes:
“Let choice be made.” (personality building learning & opportunity).

“I choose the Way between two great lives of force.” (Soul keynote)
I see the two realities, I understanding the two, & I make my choice between the two.
In my free will I have the ability to choose.
And so “I choose.”
We know that Right Choice is Made When we Align with the Will to Good. Saturn assists us.

The Astrology Today
Pisces Moon, then Aries moon in the afternoon.
From water to fire – from ending to beginnings.
Venus trines Neptune today – Scorpio (4) /Pisces (2/6) – two waters combining.
Ray 5 & Ray 6 – the scientist & the mystic chat together today.
Sharing their information.

We stand in Confidence today & in Aspiration.
Preparing for the full moon Libra Sun festival on Thursday.
4:26 am – Thursday morning, Pacific time.

It is also our Esoteric Group’s 26th birthday.

26 years in the Ashram….love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 1 =

Monday, October 14, 2024- 9am

Monday, October 14, 2024- 9am



Monday,  October 14, 2024- 9am

Monday, October 14, 2024- 9am

Understanding Christopher Columbus Day.
A disciple of Master Count St. Germain.
Understanding history esoterically.
Monday, October 14, 2024.
Monday, a new week begins once more.
Time is a spiral! Ruled by Saturn, the time keeper.
And so…
Today is Monday October 14, 2024 –
Christopher Columbus day today in the U.S.
Thanksgiving Day in Canada.

Sun/Mars & Venus/Uranus.
Sun opposite Chiron – t square into Mars in Cancer.
We want to heal the wounds. We feel impatient.
Need to move about a lot, take a long drive, see new things.
However, somehow we feel held back, challenged.
Pisces moon – swimming in holy waters today.
Earth itself, its matter is precipitated waters.
Venus/Uranus – a bit of impatience, an inner shaking.
Venus opposite Uranus – something attempting to integrate.
Oppositions tell us there’s something “over there” somewhere, summoning us to recognize it, embrace it, integrate it.
What would that be for everyone today?
Also, care with money, finances, resources.
Tend to them carefully.
We find ways to calm ourselves.

What’s happening today?
Always there is something occurring! Always a surprise.
Things yet to be!

Today is Christopher Columbus Day.
He discovered lands that the European people didn’t know existed. He thought he was in India.
Behaviors of people in previous times are different than behaviors of people in our times. We don’t judge or criticize.
We take int consideration the different times. We observe.
We understand.

Columbus & Master St. Germain & the North American continent.
Work in the American Continent

Due to the pioneering work of a great disciple Columbus, the Aryan (Sanskrit for “The Thinkers) life wave found
the continent of N.& S America (new lands for Europe, as they did not know they existed). Columbus was a disciple of Master Jesus and Master Count St. Germain. Columbus, a very religious & devotional person, and was guided by St. Germain to discover the N & S American continents.

It is St. Germain’s work that enabled the discovery of American continent. The two continents, North and South America, have been ancient most lands (Lemurian lands). They were connected to the east, during the last period of Lemurian civilization (18 million years ago) and the early period of Atlantean civilization. Lemuria has been the land of Gods (where human was first created – the lands in the Pacific, the west coast of N & S America), when The Sons of Will, Son of Yoga & the Sons of Fire descended from higher cosmic circles and appeared on to this
planet Earth. Together they created what is now humanity (18 million years ago) on this Lemurian land. It was like a hot house of growth, humanity a young seedling, tended & cared for in order to grow & thrive.

As humanity grew, Master Count St. Germain (MCSG), along with a team of Great Beings, began to work in & for the American continent. MCSG protects the American continents as a father & as a Teacher. There are also many devas and many intelligences, who work with him, protect our continent, other continents & the entire planet. all overseen by Masters.

Among the Hierarchy of Teachers/Masters, MCSG was entrusted with the N & S America, their peoples & their development. MCSG has been working in America ever since the 17th century, contributing to the growth, liberty & freedom of humanity thruout this cycle of time.

It is/was MCSG’ disciples who brought, sought for, fought for & established the freedoms for our United States as well as to the many areas in North and South America.

Initially, when the Master CSG first worked, he opened many Masonic Temples. Masonry means an activity of building. Esoterically it is the building of oneself into a Sacred Temple.
Learning Centers.
The disciples of the Master CSG are Masons of esoteric orders. They carry/carried the energy of freedom and liberation to many lands and they work/worked out the gradual extinction of imperialism. This land of America was won for the people through
intentional Masonry (sacred building by Masters & devas).

Examples of disciples & lands:
St. Martin was a great mason who brought freedom to Argentina.
Don Pedro, another mason, brought freedom to Brazil.
To the entire northern part of South America, freedom was brought through the leadership of Simon Bolivar. He was also a great mason.
George Washington (the U.S. first American president, Feb. 22nd, his birthday, a Pisces, sign of the savior, Pluto ruled) was a mason of 33 degrees.
Abraham Lincoln was also a mason and a disciple of the MCSG.

The Master CSG has been playing a significant role in both the American continents to inaugurate freedom from authority, and freedom from the misuse of power and rule.
He was behind the construction of the Statue of Liberty – the symbol of the light of freedom for the United States today.
The noble objectives of liberty & freedom & experimentation, including the discovery of new lands, were brought about through the disciples of Master St. Germain. (this includes Christopher Columbus.)

And so, now we know (more).
And do not need to be reactive on this day.
Or make it any other day. It is just what it is & was.
Today – love, Risa

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