Friday, October 25, 2024- 12pm



Friday,  October 25, 2024- 12pm

Friday, October 25, 2024- 12pm

Friday, October 24, 2024.
Two events so share with everyone.
1. The Aquarian Salon is tomorrow, Saturday, 10am (PT). I will post a link in the morning.
2. Joe Rogan on Spotify speaking with the true prez today.
It may be 3 hours long. It may or may not happen. We will continue to watch for it.

Link To Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify:

Link to Joe Rogan Experience on YouTube: (after the actual interview it will be on youtube)

Note the true prez astrology chart with transits
– Transiting Jupiter retro in Gemini in his 10th over his North Node. On his Path (of Discipleship) inviting the people to walk with him.
Gemini is communication. Jupiter is expansive – lots of something. Retrograde the inner reality. 10 house – to the world.

– Transiting Uranus at T’s midheaven – inf. w/ Rogan might be illuminating, innovative, unexpected – anything unusual.
Uranus/Jupiter at top of T’s chart – both are rulers of Aquarius (Age of Aquarius), what’s to come.
We are curious & want to listen.
It will be enlightening.

Note: Clif High talked about this interview between the two in 2009, he got in his data that this was a temporal marker.

Joe Rogan is like RFK, Jr. – a bridger, bridging in order to unify realities. Lots of Q followers listening to Rogan
He is speaking to a different audience, lots of young people.
Following astrology – looking at T’s chart again.
Gemini in 10th, Uranus at midheaven.
Broadcasting to the world.
Uranus in Taurus (midheaven) goes to Venus (Ray 5, the Truth) conj & Saturn (the Teacher) in Cancer (the people listening) in the 11th house (Disciples are too).
Mercury in Cancer (11th house), talking to the people (Cancer), to the masses of humanity. Mercury is the messenger.
Leo rising – the leader, leading with the intelligent heart and loving mind.
This interview can be a turning point, expansive, illuminating.
We will be listening. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

4 + 1 =

Thursday, October 24, 2024- 11am

Thursday, October 24, 2024- 11am



Thursday,  October 24, 2024- 11am

Thursday, October 24, 2024- 11am

Dionysus (god of chaos), Sibyls, Choice, & the 4th Quarter Moon – today is Thursday, October 24, 2024.
Jupiter’s day today, Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom day.

Reappearance Meditation day – walking the Pathway of Light with the Coming World Teacher, the Christ, also known as Maitreya.

Today’s astrology –
Leo (1/5/2) moon – gathering recognizing cultivating our creative gifts.
For later they will be called forth to build the new culture & civilization – the Aquarian Age, the activation point being Nov. 19th – when Pluto enters Aquarius.
Scorpio (4) Sun & Mercury (4) – Both Scorpio & Sun are Ray 4.

Chaos, Disorder to Order & Harmony –
It’s important to understand history.
Example – The Greeks knew about chaos – they called chaos Dionysus – the god of chaos, of wine, festivities, pleasure, the god of madness, of wildness – all of which are caled forth to denounce fear. His Roman name is Bacchus. The Greeks wrote of Dionysus as the god of disorder – which lays on the other side of order. Respecting both disorder & order – two sides of one coin.
From chaos, conflict & disorder a new beauty harmony & order emerges.
The Greeks knew that even though humanity is faced with disorder & with very difficult choices, even with war & strife & death, that the earth itself is beautiful.
That humanity must at times choose & perhaps the two choices seem to be not the best of choices, however, humanity must choose one good or the other good, one side or the other.
That both choices may not be the perfect solution.
That there IS suffering on our planet & sometimes the solutions to the problems are not perfect.
But to choose is what allows humanity to practice their freedom of self rule. The Greeks understood contradiction.
We stand in a state of this contradiction now as a humanity.
Which side will we choose?
Again – are our choices informed (mental knowing) or reactive (emotional lostness).

We have 13 days ’til the U.S. election on November 5th.
We (self & others) will vote on the new moon, Friday November 1st which is All Saints Day.
On Nov. 5th, election & voting day – the moon is in Capricorn – the sign of government, or humanity out & about in the world, making their presence felt.

Today’s Astrology.
Leo moon, Scorpio Sun & Mercury.
Fire & water – somewhat like the ancient sibyls (meaning: Divine Counsel) – ancient prophetesses who brearthed in the vapors from a magical chasm & spring in the earth – By inhaling “the breath (intoxicating psychoactive gases, at the juncture of two fault lines & a spring) of the god Apollo” the sibyl/prophetess received advice from Gaia, the goddess personifying the Earth. The Sibyl entered a state of trance and gained oracular power.

Jupiter continues to be retrograde in Gemini – humanity pondering on the issues – this that, here there.
May humanity make Right choice & take Right Action at the election.
Capricorn moon – humanity acts responsibly, takes charge, sets down rules & guidelines, is patient, knows right from wrong, good from evil. Knows what choices will help humanity thrive.



Today – Mars (6) sextiles Uranus (7) – a friendly transit.
Cancer/Taurus – water & earth – working together.
Anchoring (7) our hopes wishes dreams visions (6).
Our hopes wishes dreams nurture & nourish us.

Today is a Fourth Quarter moon.
Moon is 90 degrees past the last full moon.
Reflective light is decreasing, midnight rising of the mon, seen in the late evening hours, reaching highest point in the sky very early in the morning. The energy is that of disintegration, a drawing back, a time of reflection on what has been accomplished in the past weeks. We reorganize & begin to make plans for the new new moon.

Reappearance Meditation.
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we say to the Christ….

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.
Ohm Ohm Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Three World Teachers.
Christ Krishna Buddha.
Appearing to humanity at different
developmenatal stages.
Krishna – Taurus Age (500BC to 2,500BC).
Buddha – during Aries Age (2,500 BC to 0AD), appearing 500 years before Piscean Age (0 AD).
Christ (overshadowed Jesus – reincarnation of Krishna) – Pisces Age (0 AD to present). Christ, Piscean Teacher will also reappear as the Aquarian World Teacher during the Aquarian Age (beginning now) – his name is Maitreya. His precipitation begins next year.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

9 + 6 =

Wednesday, October 23, 2024- 9am

Wednesday, October 23, 2024- 9am



Wednesday,  October 23, 2024- 9am

Wednesday, October 23, 2024- 9am

Essential Divinity – Principle in the Aquarian Age.
Calling upon the Lord to bring forth His Darkness-Destroying Light, to illumine the minds of men (thinkers).
And so….
Today is Mercury’s day, Ray 4 day.
Harmony day. Disciples are the harmonizers.
Today is October 23, 2024 –
Countdown! – 14 days (including today) til the election.
I can feel the buzz in the air all over our country.
Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to the minds of men (the thinkers). May the spirit of cooperation & forgiveness be spread about. And help each of us to know & to do our part in our world.

Why I wrote about Arte Povera the last three days – the reality that a piece of art is selling for 80 million dollars & looking at the needs of humanity – this amount of money for an art piece feels morally reprehensible, unprincipled & corrupt. The disparity between the poor & the wealthy, as seen especially in the art world.

It’s like the disparity between the dark & light, left & right.
The disparity seeing Maria Schriver, Eminem, Obama, Mark Cuban, the Hollywood pack, the musicians (all bought & sold & captured), etc. etc. supporting the H campaign. They seem to have sold their souls, which makes them blind over time.
No, watching them, listening to them speak their hollow words…they feel & look like, they sound like the betrayers of the people. The betrayers. One can feel the cognitive dissonance, the hollowness when they speak.
The Tibetan wrote it’s the intellectuals who get lost in the lower mind & they cannot see the light. Or they are give themselves over to & are captured by the dark forces. It’s often money, prestige, compromise. Losing their morals & ethics.

This is what occurred in ancient Atlantean times. It became so dark, with the dark forces controlling humanity. Then the floods happened to purify the earth.
The Lord said after the floods – I will never create a flood again. I will not purify with water.I will use fire the next time, to purify the earth, should that Atlantean darkness fall upon the earth again. That darkness is in such plain sight now in our country.

The Astrology today – Wednesday, Mercury’s (4) day.
Cancer (3/7) moon with Mars (6) in Cancer.
Scorpio (4) Sun with Mercury in Scorpio.
Two water signs – the intelligence & active waters of Cancer.
The deep transformative yet testing martian waters of Scorpio.

The Nine Scorpio Tests have begun – & the vote on Nov. 5th is the biggest test our people & country have had since its founding.

We ask the Lord of the world, to illumine the minds of men (thinkers).
To bring forth His darkness-destroying Light!

From now till Winter Solstice – December 21st.
We stand under, work with, study, participate in the Principle of Essential Divinity.
What is this?
It is the recognition of….
Essential (essere – to be). Divinity (deus – deva).
To recognize that each of us is a god – a reflection of our Creator). Made in His image & likeness. Carrying within us a spark of Life itself that IS God.
The fiery spark of God within each human & within all the kingdoms on Earth.
That humanity needs God – this is the reason for Sukkot – the week long Jewish festival reminding the people how God tended & cared for His people for 40 years in the desert after being released from Egypt (slavery & the Taurus Age).
That humanity needs each other.
Expressing this need as love for God & love for each other.
And love for all the kingdoms on earth.
Intelligence & Will & Wisdom –
Divinity espressing itself as Will – the Will to Be, the Will to Love.
The Will to Serve. The Will to Know.
And to make Right Choice. And take Right Action.
Because we are Divine. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 3 =

Tuesday, October 22, 2024- 9am



Tuesday,  October 22, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, October 22, 2024- 9am

Today is Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
For the next two months, ’til December 20th, our focus is on
the Principles of Essential Divinity.
The spark of God within each of us that makes us Divine.
And so…
Countdown – including today, 15 days ’til the election.
Vote early – in person. Track your vote after voting.
Find out how on Google.
Dark Forces trying to flip the narrative again. Shifting the algorhythms.
Be ready for whatever occurs.

Today & tomorrow, our last days of Sukkot.
The Sukkah is an art form, temporary homes in nature, open to the stars, made of everyday materials & items from the plant kingdom – citron, barley, wheat, willow, etc.
Those (strangers) who walk by the Sukkah are to be invited in, nourished & comforted. They may be angels.

Today – Tuesday is Mars day – Ray 6 day – visions, hopes, wishes, dreams (unskillful – fanaticism & emotional fervor, religious fervor that destroys one’s mental capacities).
Humanity was created on the 6th day.
The 7th Day hasn’t arrived yet. God is resting, watching, observing His Creations. How are we doing?

This last week I have been writing about specific things.
About the vote, how one comes to the vote (informed or reactive), and about the commercialization of art (Magritte’s painting selling for 80 million!) & the alternative to that commercialization – Every day art, celebrating the ordinary.
Today I am posting part 3 of the Arte Povera – people’s art.

And Matthew’s art – before his devastating accident. Matthew
cannot yet use his hands & he is still somewhat unable to see so he cannot pursue his art at this time. I will post his art today – he is a found art artist – which is part of the Arte Povera movement.
Matthew my son creates this art. He uses wrenches to create a sculpture. He uses every day found objects to create his art. Below is some of Matthew’s art.
Art of the Ordinary Use of Everyday Things.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 1 =

Monday, October 21, 2024- 10am

Monday, October 21, 2024- 10am



Monday,  October 21, 2024- 10am

Monday, October 21, 2024- 10am

Part 2 – Art & Everyday Living.
Today is Monday, a new week begins again.
So many things, events, people, experiences yet to be!
Life itself is art, play – we are called to the Art of Living.
Countdown! including today – 16 days til the election.
We will be voting on the new moon, November 1st.
New endeavors at new moon time.
Then we’ll celebrate the fact that we CAN vote!
Today’s astrology –
Sun in Libra, today is our last day of Libra.
Tomorrow, Sun enters the deep waters of Scorpio at 3:15pm (PT).
Hercules 8th task begins. We are Hercules.
Today, Gemini moon, then a v/c for 1 hour & 50 minutes, from 2pm to 3:50pm (PT) when the moon enters Cancer.
Life’s energies keep changing, shifting their color, light, rays, vibrations, affecting life on earth.
Light falling to earth from the stars & planets.
We are still in our Sukkahs – our temporary homes under the stars. Sukkot (our remembrance) ends Wednesday night.

Part 2 – Art Povera – Everyday Art.
The Arte Povera movement was at its peak between 1967–1972. The Japanese Mono-ha group focused on material rather than technological modernism.
Arte Povera influence is having a renaissance today in the works of contemporary artists such as the Brazilian artist Alexandre da Cunha. da Cunha takes concrete mixers, mops, wheelbarrows, and other “poor” materials and transforms them into elegant sculptures.
In Art Povre the object’s original designs and functions are rarely disguised.

Cunha’s words – All my work is about combining things and making them have a conversation, or sometimes an argument’
Ar·te Po·ver·a| ˌärtā ˈpōvərə | noun, style and movement in art originating in Italy in the 1960s combining aspects of conceptual, minimalist, and performance art, and making use of everyday, found, often to many worthless or common materials such as stones or newspapers, twigs, trees, etc.

Thus subverting the commercialization of art. This was/is a revolutionary spirit that infused & profoundly changed the art world.

The (Art of) Astrology, the Vote, The Old & the New, the Elements & the Choices.
As we move from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto in Aquarius (Nov 19), and as the new world of Aquarian unfolds, the art of humanity will come forth. It will be the art of & for & by the people. Aquarius is the sign of humanity & the sign of freedom.

The materiality we have seen in the marketplaces (specifically of art in this article) will be (is being) replaced, by the simplicity and the imaginative spirit of humanity itself.

The old ways will fall away as the new world emerges. This will occur with all the arts & science & all the endeavors of humanity. Right now we have no art, no music, no true sciences. We are in another Dark Age, the Kali Yuga Age. A Golden Age follows the dark age of Kali. Aquarians are always in the future, bringing the future into the present. This is occurring now, here & there.

(ending of) Pluto in Capricorn as Pluto enters Aquarius (November 19th).
Capricorn is very different from Aquarius.
While both are ruled by Saturn – the elements are different, the vibration is different.
Capricorn (earth) is the depths of materiality – Capricorn is an earth sign, its opposite is Cancer, water.
Aquarius is the element of air – it’s opposite is Leo, fire.
Next year we will move from the elements of earth & water, to air & fire.
Uranus will move from Taurus (earth) to Gemini (air)!
A whole new world of ideas, thoughts, the imagination & creativity will emerge.

An example of this (old & new) already here today is the election.
The old & the new in plain sight.
On the side of the old, the side of materiality, is Mark Cuban (his focus is himself & his endeavors & he supports the left & Harris who are puppets of the old elitist regime & ways of controlling humanity).

The new side of reality is Elon Musk – he supports humanity, creativity, imagination, space, stars, the truth, X/freedom of speech & children. And the true prez (who is a Disciple).

The old & the new – presented side by side for humanity to see & to choose from.
“Let choice be made,” says Libra.
Two choices – two candidates, two ways of thinking, to realties, & two ways of choosing.
Reactive or informed. Which one do we each identify with?
end of Part 2. Love, Risa

Note: The Mary Cassatt painting, Mother & Child, mother with sunflower is referenced in yesterday’s post.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

12 + 11 =

Sunday, October 20, 2024- 3pm

Sunday, October 20, 2024- 3pm



Sunday,  October 20, 2024- 3pm

Sunday, October 20, 2024- 3pm

Sunday – Part 1 – Art Povera (Everyday Art).
Art Notes on a Sunday Afternoon
Note: Our Astrological Esoteric College is a college of arts & sciences.
“To exist from outside the system amounts to revolution.
At the Corner of Curiosity.
Celebration of the Ordinary
Everyday Enchantment.
Arte Povera – everyday art.
A Revolution in art.
Using everyday found objects as art.
Combining familiar workaday objects.
Guerilla art,
Spirit of Radical Art – charting a revolution that changed the nature of art & the art world!

Note: A different kind of study today. Our Astrological Esoteric Institute is also a college of the arts & sciences. Everything is a source of art.
Sunday, Oct 20, 2024 – Sunday is the golden day. Golden as in the Sun, as in a sunflower.
Notes on Art today – a study.
I consider or Esoteric Astrological Institute/College as a place for the study of the arts – along with a study of the heavens, the earth, all sciences & art & all the endeavors of humanity.
But especially art. Sometimes lots of art.
The Astrology & the Esoteric Teachings in art, as art.
Art as a daily life creative pursuit.
Art using the imagination

In Europe a Magritte painting just sold for 80 million dollars.

Art Povera: In reaction to this exorbitant price, Paris artists are celebrating what is called Art Povero – which is the Art of Everyday Simple Things – it is a revolution in the art world. Art Povera

1) Arte Provera’s literal translation is “poor, everyday, found” art. Meaning everyday objects in everyone’s life – looked at, recognized, arranged – is art.
2) The movement – using commonplace or discarded materials often arranged artfully with an artist’s eye and represented without alteration. Materials used by the Arte Povera artists included soil, rags, twigs and polystyrene.
3) Arte Povera began in the 1960s. With the use of simple everyday items, the seeing eye saw a new type of visual beauty & complexity. It inspired many to become artists.
4) Arte Povera is common place items repurposed.
contemporary moment and the developing future
practice that engages with global political, economic, social and ecological change.
experiment and collaborate

Instead of the 80 million for the Magritte & the environment around these exorbitant prices (many are money laundering along with more extreme nefarious actions), one considers what is an ethical art practice & what would an ethical world of art?

Arte Povera challenges(d) artists to think more critically about their practice and the responsibilities an artist has in their choices of materials and symbolism. And the purpose of art.

Arte Povera’s literal translation is “poor” or “impoverished” art. The movement used/uses commonplace or discarded materials often arranged and represented at times without alteration. Materials used by the Arte Povera artists included soil, rags, twigs, everyday items in everyday use. And so often discarded items. The artists uses these materials to challenge and disrupt the values of the commercialized contemporary gallery system. (like the price of 80 million for a Magritte painting)

Another art movement, similar to the Art Povera is the Japanese Mono-ha art movement (School of Things). Also using natural materials, presenting them as real art in every day living.

(end of part 1 – more to come in following days)
love, Risa

Note: the first painting below is Magritte’s painting – The Light. Selling for 80 million dollars this week.
Following Magritte’s painting is Arte Povera – daily items as art.
1. a gust of wind w/ papers flying everywhere.

2. a tumbleweed, home for a doll & birds.

3. Twigs in line on a wall.

4. Metal sculpture.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

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