Sunday, November 10, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 10, 2024- 8am



Sunday,  November 10, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 10, 2024- 8am

Another Lively Discussion,
In our Ashram/Temple of Learning.
Pisces Moon, Scorpio Sun – Discipleship waters.
Everyone is invited.
Our FB page is becoming a contemporary Salon!
And so…
Well, we have something again to read & discuss today. Another reaction to my writings. So what I am posting today is the original message/request that I change the way I write & what I write & the responses to that request.

I am grateful to the readers who write in resistance to my writings. They give me subject matter in which to then write about, share, discuss & then we all learn. You will note….
The original request to change & limit my writings is from Manuela who is in the Arcane School (interesting her request that I limit the esoteric teachings) & three responses to her message.

Note – In all of the message there are teachings for me, for you, for all of us.

And so let’s begin, on this Sunday (when I thought maybe we could rest a bit, but that’s not on the agenda).

Today is November 10, 2024 & it’s Sunday.
I would like people to respond.
What was of interest to you?
What did you learn by reading the responses.

The two responses so far are from Laura (in Ireland). And from myself. If there are more, they will be posted by the writers themselves in comments.

And remember where we are?
In our school, our Temple of Learning, our Hall of Learning, our College, our Esoteric University, our Ashram.
We are a contemporary reflection of the School of Athens (Socrates, Pythagoras, etc.). And a contemporary Mystery School where everyone is learning to have a voice & to become a teacher. And so, let’s begin….

The original message/request is from Manuela (note I’m grateful for her message as it creates a discussion among all of us, thank you Manuela).
From: Manuela María Pérez Companc
Sorry….I’m 42 / 43
…I’m in the Arcane School since I could enter > 18
What you wrote has nothing to do with the AS or the Tibetan
Trump , less
I’m not from USA
and it’s not of my interest , your president as yours , mine
But we can match with Esoteric Topics
Could you please , forget politics with the AS and the Tibetan Master ! ?
When you write on Astrology without politics ….you are Excellent …
Not with this dear Risa
Blessings and Love ❤️🙏❤️

From Laura (Ireland) – an extraordinary response (note, Laura went to the blue books (Alice Bailey, the Tibetan, the same books the Arcane School studies with their students).
In the Work we do here on FB (our Ashram School) we always go to, study & reference the blue books – as they are the most contemporary teachings for humanity at this time, before the 3rd level of teachings are given after the Reappearance.

Note – Every sentence on these posts is significant & a Teaching. And so to Laura – she has two responses.

From Laura:
(Dear M)….
You are asking Risa to forget politics Manuela María Pérez Companc. The Tibetan’s teachings do NOT exclude politics. Some of the NGWS in the world today are working in the field of politics (in the Ten Seed Groups).
We are living in the Kali Yuga, at the turn of a new age where politics has become one of the most important areas of life to scrutinise, discuss and educate ourselves on. Telling Risa to not write about it is the antithesis of all she stands for which is to educate humanity using astrology and the Tibetan’s teachings in a phenomenological way.
There are many of us here who are deeply grateful for the work she has done in particular in the last 10yrs. People have tried to silence her and tell her what she can, cannot, should, shouldn’t write, but she will not be silenced.
I am not from the US either. I am watching what’s happening politically there, are as millions of people all over the world, because we know what happens in the US affects the rest of the world.

(from) The Tibetan’s words from Education in the New Age Chapter II, The Cultural Unfoldment of the Race, page 62, 63

“There is a tendency among esoteric students, particularly those in the older Piscean groups, to regard any interest in the energies producing world events or which concern governments and politics as antagonistic to esoteric and [63] spiritual endeavour. But the newer esotericism which the more modern groups and the more mental types will sponsor sees all events and world movements and national governments, plus all political circumstances, as expressions of the energies to be found in the inner world of esoteric research; therefore they see no sound reason for excluding such an important aspect of human affairs from their reasoning and thinking and from the discovery of those new truths and techniques which may bring about the new era of right human relations. They ask: Why omit political research from the spiritual curriculum? They deem it to be of equal if not of greater importance than the activity of the churches; governments condition people and aid in the production of any current civilisation, forcing the masses of men into certain needed lines of thought. The churches and men everywhere need to learn that there is nothing in the entire world of phenomena, of forces and of energies, which cannot be brought under the control of that which is spiritual. All that exists is, in reality, spirit in manifestation. The masses today are becoming politically-minded, and this is viewed by the Masters as a great step forward. When the spiritually-minded people of the world include this relatively new area of human thought and its international activity within the field of their esoteric research, very great progress will be made.” Politics is a corner stone of how society works.

Again from Laura.
Re: Risa’s words…’So it seems appropriate to work phenomenologically in that what we see out in the world is worthy of study’. This is why those of us who are students of Risa’s teachings and the Tibetan are here.

From Risa:
And now for my response.
Manuela, this is Risa. Thank you for writing me regarding my daily work (& your request). And I must say….I’m stunned by your message & your request. First of all Politics is one of the Seed Groups. All of what is IN the world, has to do with the Ten Seed Groups. The real world is the inner esoteric world. Its outer clothing is the world of matter. And they are One! At some time you will see the world from this esoteric astrological lens. Combining what is IN the world of matter, with the astrology (heavens) & with the inner esoteric Ageless Teachings. Then the three become One.
As for our beloved U.S. president. He’s the leader of the world. He’s has been given a Great Work to do, protecting the people in our country & in turn, in the world. He is a Divine Disciple, the only one who can lead us back to Freedom (for our country & the world)….chosen to lead the United States in its divine task which is to “stand in the Light & lead humanity towards & within the Light.” Many who study the Wisdom Teachings simply quote from the blue books or hide away in studies, but they have a disconnect between the Tibetan’s writings & the world events at large. Your comments reflect this.
After 50 years of study & teachings of the Esoteric Teachings & all levels of Astrology, the stage where I am as a Teacher is one in which the profane & the sacred, the holy & the unholy, the heavens & earth, the people of the world, my country, your country, all leaders, all wars, all times of peace, & everything above & below ARE ONE. There is no differentiation. This is reflected in all of my writings.
I am ending my response with a statement that comes after my signature in all my emails so you can better understand what I find my work to be. I would have you read it because perhaps it gives a better understanding of what what I write daily & why.
My work is a deep state of creativity (with much preparatory work beforehand).
We all are called to a Great Creative Work.
May you also find your Great Creative Work to do. And may people recognize your Great Work with understanding & with gratitude. with love, Risa 🧡

My Writings (what/why).
Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions. ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview
~Risa – writer, editor, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist
Founder & Director…
The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, founded in 1990.
—a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings.
The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation.
~ Email:
~ FB – Risa D’Angeles
~ Web journal:
Daily studies posted on FB & Night Light News website.
Also see Risa’s writings on Truth Social, Substack & GAB.
—Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.

And so to my beloved readers…
This is how we are learning together.
It seems perhaps in our School here we are entering a new phase….that of discussions together.
We are grateful for each other & for everyone’s posts.

And so….questions to help each of us respond.
What would your response be?
What IS your response?
What are YOUR thoughts, ideas about this.
What did you learn from the posting above?
What was of interest to you?
Be kind always. love, Risa

Note the colors of this Roerich Shamballa painting.
Emerald Green – Ray 3 of Intelligence, human & divine.
The blue – love/wisdom.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 3 =

Saturday, November 9, 2024- 10am

Saturday, November 9, 2024- 10am



Saturday,  November 9, 2024- 10am

Friday, November 9, 2024- 11am

What is hate? What are the roots of hate?
Hate is a world poison. It is the outcome of unmet expected desires (not fear). Hate creates a deep separation between that which is good & that which is not good.
And so…
We are quite like the Athens School in Greece – the school/temple of learning of Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras & so many other minds exploring the ‘nature of being” (ontology).
And so…
Today, November 9, 2024.
It’s Saturday, Saturn’s day. Ray 3 day of Active & Divine intelligence. Always a day of learning. In India, this is the day of Brahaman.
And so…
Saturn is the Earth’s Teacher, offering us information, discipline & the structures we need to grow on this Ray 3 planet (Earth).

The color is emerald green, like the trees, shrubs, plants, gardens, grasses, leaves & all of the plant kingdom.
In the colors there are deep secrets.

And so….
In our Hall of Learning today in the Ashram, I am going to write about hate. A study of hate. The information will come from the Blue Books – the Alice Bailey/the Tibetan’s esoteric information blue books that outline the esoteric laws, the spiritual laws.

The Temple of Poseidon at Sunium (Cape Colonna) c.1834 Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Accepted by HM Government in lieu of tax and allocated to the Tate Gallery 1999

Hate Is An Interesting Subject.
We are seeing it everywhere these days in this Kali Yuga.
It is running rampant in our country especially & many who vote on the left for Harris did so because they hate the true president.
So it seems appropriate to work phenomonologically in that what we see out in the world is worthy of study.
And so….what is Hate? What is its nature, how do we define it, recognize it & how to we neutralize it?

It seems many of us are interested in the subject of hate as seen by the many, excellent, varied & thoughtful responses to the questions of hate speech. All the responses perfect, & they displayed the different ways we think, research & even the questions we ask.

First of all I am going to answer the question I posed. Why is hate speech NOT free speech? Many in their answers went to the legal aspect of speech, both free & hate speech. And that was good. However, very subtly I kept saying I am looking also for the esoteric spiritual answer as to why hate speech isn’t free speech & the answer would upend most of our thinking minds.
To answer the question as to why hate speech isn’t free speech.
Because the hater is not free within the self.
Because the speaker of hate is NOTE FREE within the self.
Therefore their speech IS NOT FREE!
This answer turns our minds around into thinking in a new way.
Not in a legal way. But in a way of turning it around to our own states of being, to our awareness, to where we stand in terms of how we each speak? From what center within us do we each use language, communicate, speak? That is the point of the original question.

Why is the person who uses hate speech not free?
Only when our personality (physical body, emotions, lower mind) (see the Contitution of Man) is directed by the Soul, are we actually free?
Free of what?
Of the dense physicalness of the waters of the emotions.
Of the confustions, illustions, distortions, mayas that do not let the light of truth pierce thru the lower mind. One who hates does NOT THINK. One who hates is drowning in emotions (water) & misuses the gift of speech (throat chakra) to throw energetic arrows to that which one hates. This is one who has no control. They are not free from the lower levels of the animal nature. They are not using their human faculties. They are within the animal nature of aggression. Again, they are not human & therefore they are not free. Their hate speech is not free speech. Their hate is an aversion, a repulsion, A WITHDRAWAL FROM HUMANHOOD. Their hate also breaks ne of the basic laws of the solar system. It negates unity, causes destruction & death.
Hate is the reslt of personality ignorance & mis applied desire.
It is NOT fear which many say it is. Hate is MIS APPLIED DESIRE (emotional waters of desire). Extreme ignorance & misapplied desires. Hate is aversion.

To hate is a complete separation from the other.
Hate is regarded as the only sin, the root of all other sins.
Hate is a sin against the Holy Spirit (Ray 3).
The excessive expression of hate so predominant in our world today has reached a new high especially in our country & it can only be counteracted by an equal & proportionate measure of Love & Goodwill.
If hate has to do with desire…that would be the next study. What is the nature of desire? Desires create attachments to desire’s outcomes. When the outcomes are not met, hate appears in those whose life’s energy is on the lower levels of awareness. There is NO awareness, no consciousness, no curiosity, no sense of Goodwill. There is only DESIRE. Desires not met = hate.
It is NOT fear as so many say (a glossing over of the reality).
Hate is the result of unmet desires.
There is a need to develop a balance of opposites.

The Forces of Darkness work to preserve hate in humanity. There is the seed of hate in all of humanity. And this seed of hate is stoked by the brothers on the left hand path. The F/D preserve this ancient crystallization of hate, luring those immersed in desire to lash out in hate towards all that lives. The F/D block the life giving love & goodwill within humanity & thus hate flourishes. Desires fostered by materialism & the F/D bring blindness to the people, & steadily feed the fires of hate, criticism, cruelty & of separativeness. The F/D cloak their efforts in fair words, in a false light. They lead even disciples to express hatred of persons and ideologies, fostering the hidden seed of hatred found in many.
They fan to fury the fear and hate in the world in an
effort to preserve that which is old and make the unknown appear undesirable, and they hold back the
forces of evolution and of progress for their own ends. These ends are inscrutable to many.

It is so easy to drift into the same habits of speech and thought (of hate) which we find around us and to discover ourselves participating in attack and the spirit of hate. We must guard
ourselves strenuously against this and say nothing which could inflame hate and create suspicion in
connection with any person, event, place of thing.
Thus we do not break the Law of Love.
There will be many to hate the new, the untried & the unknown.
Standing with a loving heart one is able to show love to all being (loving detachment) which then begins to stamp out hate & the sin of separativeness. This arrests the fires of hate & agression.
Intentions always for Goodwill arrests the fires of hate.
One must always be aware of the possibility of expressing hate.
Keep a close personal watch over every thought thought, every word said or written, so that nothing said or written
will have in it hate criticism judgment or bias of the wrong kind. Then all minds and hearts will be kept clear of any destructive
undesirable reactions.

On the other side of hate is love. And the Hierarchy, which calls to us. In the face of knowing about hate, we are to preserve the flame of love, keeping it intact, permitting no breath of hate to disturb the serenity of love or upset that inner poise which
will enable us to sound forth the clarion note of world understanding, that will rally all men and
women of goodwill to the aid of the Hierarchy. Thus we are the world disciples, & in the battle which we see in our world, we are together, triumphant. The Scorpio task.

Our study together. And so now we know more. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 8 =

Friday, November 8, 2024- 10am

Friday, November 8, 2024- 10am



Friday,  November 8, 2024- 10am

Thursday, November 8, 2024- 10m

Today is Friday, November 8, 2024.
Venus rules the day – Venus, Ray 5, sign of Truth, true science, true knowledge, true concrete reality.
The color is a golden orange.
And so….
The question I posed yesterday.
Why is hate speech not free speech?
Who can answer that question?
It has to do with inner freedom.
It has to do with which chakras in one’s body are being activated.
Which chakras does one live & act within?

The question of why is hate speech NOT free speech?
Who can continue to answer that question?
It is subtle & different than most everyone thinks.

The education of humanity must now change.
Part of that new education would define what freedom is.
What free speech is. What hate speech is.

Again, why is hate speech not free speech?
This is a needed & deeply ponderable question.

Two people have answered. I will post their answers after
others have responded.
One answer was “I don’t know, Risa.”
And that was an astonishingly truthful answer.
A wonderful answer.

When others attempt to answer my question I will post all the answers. This is our school, our college, our place of learning together. Where we all become Teachers.

Freedom to Write, Now & Then.
At a later time I will also post what it’s like now, after the election, & what it was before the election (the years before under the previous regime) to be a journalist, to not be able to tell the truth & to be fired. Me & Tucker Carlson & so many other journalists are speaking out.

But for now – the question – why is hate speech not free speech.

The Astrology today –
It’s quite a free day today actually.
The moon is pretty much resting…in the sign of Aquarius.
Which IS the sign of humanity’s freedom.
Astrology, when one knows it, is everything!
It sets us free! love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 8 =

November 6, 2024- Wednesday

November 6, 2024- Wednesday



Wednesday,  November 6, 2024- 7am

Wednesday, November 6, 2024- 7am

Witnessing History!
A Red Wave.
Humanity Chose!
What a night, right everyone?
We did lots of work internally beforehand.
Didn’t we?
And so the outcome? – there was a big red wave!
Humanity chose. Humanity the world Server.
Humanity the world Savior!
Good job everyone!
And now we move forward into freedom.
Lots of repair work to be done.
We will do it together with the true president.
love, Risa ❤️

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

10 + 1 =

Tuesday, November 5, 2024- 6pm

Tuesday, November 5, 2024- 6pm



Tuesday,  November 5, 2024- 6pm

Wednesday, November 5, 2024- 6pm

Watching, listening.
They are watching & listening, too.
Also, watching & listening is the inner world government, the Hierarchy. The United States, created by the Hierarchy as the first country based on freedom of the people.
May we live up to, match, even surpass, the strength & courage of our original signers. Risa 🇺🇸

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 9 =

Tuesday, November 5, 2024- 4pm

Tuesday, November 5, 2024- 4pm



Tuesday,  November 5, 2024- 4pm

Tuesday, November 5, 2024- 4pm

Mantram of Unification – reciting it all day today.
Because….& in case….on this election day…Nov. 5, 2024.
Whenever Darkness..
threatens to overpower the lamp of wisdom,
divinity comes down & adequately manifests
as a Master..
The Master strengthens the power of the lamp
so that it continues to shed the light of love..

Mantram of Unification today.
Tuesday, Election Day, 2024. November 5th.
The day we all have been waiting for!
The Lamp of Wisdom held high for humanity today.
And the recitation of the Mantram of Unification.
To unify & harmonize our people in the United States.

The souls (minds, hearts) of all of humanity are one.
And we are one with them.
We seek to love, not hate;
We seek to serve and not exact due service;
We seek to heal, not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form, and life and all events
And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time.

Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
Let love prevail. Let all of humanity, the people in the U.S. love.
And let us see the “love that underlies ALL the happenings of our times.”

And so…
On this most rich moment in our U.S. history.
If we are here today in the U.S., then we were made for these times. We were “called” into these times.

And so…
Today, February 5, 2024, Tuesday, Mars (Ray 6) rules, guards & guides our day today.
We either have vision of the future as a golden age, or we destroy the future’s freedoms. Again, humanity’s choice.
Today, Capricorn moon – the people are called to be practical.
Scorpio Sun – the people are called to discipleship.
To choose wisely, to choose with intention & intelligence.
Not to choose the personality level.
But to choose from the level of the Soul.
How do we choose rightly?
When we align with the Will to Good.

And so…
Today is the day we have all been waiting for.
The final day of voting.
What will humanity in the United States choose?
A leader of & for the people & for a free world?
Or a puppet controlled by a globalist regime?

We will watch the vote carefully.
Astrology charts in hand, which offers meaning & context & understanding after the fact.
And we will observe all proceedings as well as the outcome.

For those who haven’t voted yet. It’s a privilege to vote.
A Divine right in the land of freedom.
Voting is part of using our free will & our minds, which are all equal. Under our flag, which is the spirit of the people.

Visualizing voting with the flag in a vertical position.
The flag of peace. And in a horizontal position – the flag of war.
We are both – in a war & attempting to establish peace.
And therefore, today let us recite the Mantram of Unification.
For all of humanity in our country as we attempt to vote, to sustain our freedoms, to respect the Bill of Right, the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence.

Whenever Darkness..
threatens to overpower the lamp of wisdom,
divinity comes down & adequately manifests
as a Master..
The Master strengthens the power of the lamp
so that it continues to shed the light of love..

As disciples, we hold our lamp up high for humanity.
So the way is not so dark. So humanity can see clearly,
choosing wisely & rightly during this crossroads in time.
With love underlying all the happenings of our time.
love, Risa

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