Wednesday, November 27, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, November 27, 2024- 10am



Wednesday,  November 27, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, November 27, 2024- 8am

Sagittarius – the Traveler, the Pilgrim, the Goal (of Shamballa).
Sun trine Mars today – where are we going? What are we doing?
What are our desires & aspirations (all Mars questions).
Mars is Ray 6 – hopes wishes dreams visions, desires & aspirations. Trines are harmonious.
Sun in Sag, Mars in Leo – What are or desires & aspirations of
who we want to be in terms of creativity?

I will answer that question.
Then you can answer it too. Pondering upon it.
I am curious what you will write/respond.

My answer:
I want to open multiple schools – an Erdkinder for the teens.
An esoteric astrological college/university for adults; schools for the babies & young ones (Montessori for the little ones, Waldorf for the older ones); all housed in a village community garden forest glen. All beautiful, all protected.
What is your aspiration dream (Mars) that is your creativity (Leo)?

And so….
Today is Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
It’s Mercury’s day today. Ray 4 day.
Humanity learns under Ray 4 – finding, seeking, aspiring to harmony that is the heart of conflict & chaos, so many times which is the burning ground – how humanity learns, through deep suffering.

Today – Libra moon is void of course today.
From 1:14am – 421pm (PT) when the moon enters Scorpio.
– Libra is the sign that seeks harmony. It’s it the sign of balancing. Some lives are lived under the sign of Libra. There is a balancing occurring in that life – of karma, of love, of learning. It can be a lifetime of swings here & there. It can also be a lifetime of calmness & harmony. We have those lifetimes now & then to help us through the many lifetimes in which there is a deep & great learning, or a lifetime of destruction & suffering. There is compassion give to us in our lifetimes, thousands of them, in order to learn how to live in form & matter & then how to bring light to the form & matter.

Earth is a contemporary Mystery school, no longer hidden away, but in plain sight. Our work here is a contemporary School of Athens. Each one of us learning how to be a Teacher.

Sun in Sagittarius – the light that becomes a beam that leads the way to the foothills of Capricorn. In Sagittarius we are truly in the School of Athens, this is our sojourn, after the Call to Discipleship in Scorpio, into the Temple of Learning with the Teachers. Sagittarius is the 9th house of higher learning. It is the place where the lower mind (brain mind) is lifted up to the “upper room”, the higher mind of abstract thought. We must pass thru the Egoic Lotus, the triangle of the Soul, the Causal Body (see Constitution of Man), before entering the higher mind (two sub levels below the buddhic plane of intuition.

Upper Room
The higher mind is called the “upper room” which is where the Disciples would meet with the Christ for His Teachings, for the Last Supper & for Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit, Ray 3, appeared as tongues of fire – opening up the higher mind’s abilties so the disciples could understand all langauges – the languages of the tongue, the heart & the mind of humanity.

Sagittarius stages –
1. “Let food be sought – the seeking indiscriminately of all experiences in form & matter – a developmental stage which builds & strengthens the personality.
2. “I/we see the goal, we reach that goal, then we see the next goal ahead.”

Sagittarius is traveler – physically & spiritually – traveling the horizontal arms of the cross in form & matter. And later traveling up the ladder of the vertical arms of the cross – the Constitution of Man – seeking Shamballa (Capricorn).

Life is wonderfully filled with wonder each day. love, Risa

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6 + 7 =

Tuesday, November 26, 2024- 8am

Tuesday, November 26, 2024- 8am



Tuesday,  November 26, 2024- 8am

Tuesday, November 26, 2024- 8am

The world is wonderfully filled with everything wonderful.
Our season of gratitude is beginning along with our season (5 months) of retrogrades.
And so…
Today is our first Mercury retrograde day.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius (with Jupiter retrograde in Gemini). A wonderful non coincidence in the heavens! There are no coincidences actually. Everything in proper rhythmic order.
And so…
Mercury retrograde in Sag begins our season of retrogrades, which will continue thru May of 2025. Mars will retrograde Friday, Dec. 6, at 6 degrees Leo. Advent, along with our holidays along with the beginning of the new year – all in the retrogrades! It is a deeply internal time, preparing us for what is yet to be!

Read Night Light News before it changes Wednesday or Thursday. It’s about the “cleansing of the stables”, the Aquarian task, which is pertinent to our times now in our country.
And so…today is Tuesday, Mars rules, guards & guides us today.
November 26, 2024, our week & time & season of gratitude beginning.

Today’s transits.
Libra (3) moon, Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun, Rays 3, 4, 5, 6!
Venus (5) inconjunct retrograde Jupiter (2) –
In Capricorn/Gemini. Cap (1, 3, 7). Gemini (2).
Note the multiple Rays today in our world.
We can’t see them yet.
But we can know about them.
Early churches build the knowledge of these rays into their churches by installing stained glass for windows. Churches are healing centers, the Sun shining through the colored window panes/glass are the healing Rays from the Big Dipper with their healing properties. We have forgotten this.

So, with the multiple Rays today.
With Venus/Jupiter, With Sag & Cap & Gemini –
With Ray 3 of Libra – Active Intelligence/Actions.
Intelligent Love & Loving Intelligence.
We are willing (Ray 1) to anchor (Ray 7) into our worlds.

We display, offer, radiate intelligent love today and loving intelligence. A combination of radiatory (odd rays are the knowledge rays) & receptive (even rays are the love/wisdom rays) rays today.
The colors –
Ray 1 is white (containing all the colors).
It is also fiery ruby red.
Ray 2 is indigo blue.
Ray 3 is emerald green.
Ray 4 is golden amber yellow.
Ray 5 is golden citrine or topaz or a fire opal orange.
Ray 6 is sky or light sapphire or turquoise blue,
Ray 7 is amethyst violet.

Wearing these colors with purpose, wearing them in clothing or in gems & jewels, links us to the Seven Rays in the Big Dipper & to the planets, stars, Sun & Moon, to the Pleiades & to Sirius. Everything is under one or more of the Rays. In our school, should we ever have a real building on land, this would be a many month’s study, applying the Rays to history, to countries, nations, to events, to ourselves & our astrology. Someday…our contemporary School of Athens will appear in form & matter.
Til then…this is where we are. Together. love, Risa

Mercury Retrograde.
From yesterday – for those who did not read this yet.
Mercury stations & retrogrades this evening.
Monday evening, November 24, 2024.
Time – 6:42pm (PT). 8:42pm (CT). 9:42pm (ECT).
Sign & degree – 22.40 (23) degrees/minutes, Sagittarius.
How long? ’til December 15th.
Moves forward at what degree? 6 degrees.42 minutes (7) degrees Sagittarius.
In its retrograde shadow: ’til December 4, 2025.
Where are the Mercury retro/direct degrees in Sag in everyone’s chart (area of life)?
Notice – Jupiter, Sag’s ruler, is retro in Gemini.
And Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, is retro in Sagittarius!
A perfect opposition!
The heavens lend Earth its magic!
See chart below. love, Risa

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3 + 10 =

Sunday, November 24, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 24, 2024- 8am



Sunday,  November 24, 2024- 8am

Sunday, November 24, 2024- 8am

Retrograde Season Begins tomorrow.
Mercury retrogrades tomorrow, Monday night, Nov. 25th.
Retrogrades –
A time of inner spiritual preparatory work.
For the new era ahead.
And so…
Today is Sunday, November 24, 2024.
Day of rest & day of preparation for tomorrow’s Mercury retrograde & for Thursday’s Thanksgiving – giving thanks, having appreciation, offering gratitude which are all nurturing ways of celebrating Thanksgiving –


Virgo (2/6) Moon today, Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun today.
Virgo is Rays 2/6 & Sagittarius is Rays 4, 5, 6.
Offering Love, Harmony, Intelligence & Service to one another.
That’s what the rays are today.
And so…
Later today Night Light News will be updated.
Since Pluto entered Aquarius it feels like everything has changed.
Or not working, or shifted, or emptied itself our, or is blank or we can’t do it anymore, or the feeling of “let’s go” becomes more & more apparent. It will be, is beginning to be a whole new world now, new vibrations, new element, new everything.
But for a while as the new begins to make itself known, we will have retrogrades – to remember things before everything dissolves & transforms. We will begin with Mercury retro tomorrow night (23 Sag). Then Mars retro follows next Friday, December 6th (6 degrees Leo). In December Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune (for one week) & Chiron will be retrograde. And we will being the new year 2025 with these retrogrades.
Mars will retrograde (6 Leo) til February 23rd (back to 29 Cancer).
Then Venus will begin its retrograde (March 1 – April 15, 2025).
The degrees for Venus Retro are from 10 Aries back to 24 Pisces.

Simultaneously to the Venus retro….& in the same signs & degrees, a most interesting situation!
Mercury begins its first 2025 retrograde March 14 – April 6 2025.
From 9 Aries to 26 Pisces.
I will write more about these celestial retrograde events as they occur. For now, the information is that we are entering a long retrograde state, stage & zone of remembrance. Before we being to zoom forward in the spring (May) of next year.
The retrogrades are good for humanity – retrogrades are times of assessment, of reflection & contemplation, a time of releasing that which is no longer necessary or usable. And these retrogrades help us gaze in into the past. Discern what is useful & good from our past & then as the retrogrades becomes direct again, we bring all that is good, & offer it to the present future, to the new era we are all responsible for creating.

And so how is this useful now?
For those who have their astrology chart, we can chart the retrogrades on our charts – locating the signs & degrees & then the areas of our lives where the retrogrades will be affecting us.
Then we don’t resist the changes or reflections, we understand them, their function & purpose & we begin to WORK WITH the Lords of the stars, planets, Sun & moon.

And so it is! love, Risa

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10 + 15 =

Saturday, November 23, 2024- 11am

Saturday, November 23, 2024- 11am



Saturday,  November 23, 2024- 11am

Saturday, November 23, 2024- 11am

“Three things remain with us from paradise: stars, flowers, and children.”

-Dante – the Divine Comedy 

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14 + 5 =

Friday, November 22, 2024- 11am

Friday, November 22, 2024- 11am



Friday,  November 22, 2024- 10am

Friday, November 22, 2024- 11am

A Time For Greatness.
It was then (during JFK’s presidency).
And it’s also A TIME FOR GREATNESS NOW too!
If the people awaken, are able to rise up together & take action.
If the people understand the true prez & his cabinet.
It’s purpose & direction for the people.
It’s a spiritual story I’ll tell another time.
For today though….
Today is….
A day of remembrance in our history. November 22, 1963.
The day our president, our last true president, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas (his Pluto line).

Today is Friday, November 22, 2024 – Venus’s day.
The Leo moon is v/c ’til 3pm (PT) when it enter Virgo.
Quotes & definitions & clarifications today.
Sun in Sagittarius – the zodiacal sign of Truth, Justice & Temperance.
Mercury in Sagittarius, too. Venus in Capricorn.
Venus sextiles Saturn today – the two rulers of Capricorn.
Venus (5), Saturn (3) – knowledge rays precipitating down into the minds of humanity today.

And so….Quotes from John F. Kennedy.
1. Being of Service:
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country”
2. Knowledge:
The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.”

3. Freedom:
“If freedom is to survive and prosper, it will require the sacrifice, the effort and the thoughtful attention of every citizen.”

4. Serving the Public:
“I have pledged myself and my colleagues in the cabinet to a continuous encouragement of initiative, responsibility and energy in serving the public interest. Let every public servant know, whether his post is high or low, that a man’s rank and reputation in this Administration will be determined by the size of the job he does, and not by the size of his staff, his office or his budget.

Our Present Times
Today in our times, our present true president will continue his legacy, bringing forth the Rule of Law & cleaning the fetic swamp (Hercules’ Aquarian task). And it takes a strong courageous fearless leader/Leo (he has Leo rising, Mars in Leo) to do the job.
Quotes from JFK that are reflected in our present true prez actions, as he de centralizes the Dept of Education (another swamp of wokeness) & allows the counties of each state to be responsible for the education of its children. And the same with abortion – that each state is now responsible. But really, it’s each woman who is responsible for the care & well being of her body first.
Centralization – a globalists cadre with POWER OVER all the people.
DE-Centralization – giving the people in each state & county over themselves. The people make the decisions among themselves & thus what is cultivated is POWER WITH each other.

The true prez with his cabinet are like the disciples around the Christ. Each had a different task to do. The tasks they did were based upon their expertise, abilities, talents & what they were passionate about. Each disciple was one of the signs of the zodiac which represents the Tasks & Labours of Hercules.

Mercury retrogrades Monday – 23 degrees Sagittarius.
Retrograding til Dec. 15 – back to 7 Sagittarius.
Best to do ALL holiday shopping this weekend.
Everyone knows why by now. love, Risa

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6 + 12 =

Wednesday, November 20, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, November 20, 2024- 10am



Wednesday,  November 20, 2024- 10am

Wednesday, November 20, 2024- 11am

Note: to read the entire column please go to Risa D’Angeles FB page or Night Light News –
Leo Moon today, Scorpio Sun.
Fire & water. They can create a steam.
Leo & Scorpio. The waters of Scorpio give way to the Fires of Sagittarius (Sun enters Sag tomorrow just before noon (PT).
Scorpio (water) offers to Sagittarius (fire) all the disciples it has cultivated, called forth & gathered after the Nine Tests have been passed.
Water & fire –
Like Pisces (water), who offers Aries (fire) all the talents of the 11 previous signs so Aries (fire) can “create all things new.”
The Earth is precipitated waters of life.

And so, today is Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
It’s Ray 4 day – ruled by Mercury (4). Harmony at the heart of conflict & chaos. Reaching the state of harmony is also a test of Scorpio (4). There is so much to learn & know together.
Today Leo moon – always under Leo – we cultivate our gifts talents abilities in preparation for when Aquarius (Leo’s opposite sign) calls our gifts forth to help create the new culture & civilization. We are as disciples very aware of this, especially as Pluto has now entered Aquarius. We are to build the new era together, which is part of the new cabinet in the new government that is about to be.

So today is our last day of Scorpio (Ray 4).
And tomorrow the Sun enters Sagittarius (Ray 4, 5, 6).
We leave the Lords of Scorpio & enter into the Halls of Learning with the Sagittarius Lords, the great professors of the zodiac.
We begin a sojourn with our Great Teachers (like the Teachers in the School of Athens). After Sagittarius we travel to the foothills of Capricorn, and begin our journey upward – a long journey to the top of the Capricorn mountain, entering the gate of the Light Supernal. But that is a month from now. At Winter Solstice, when we begin preparations for Wesak.

For now….let up ponder upon the following:
Hearings in Congress about the UFO sightings. Are they real or not real? Perfect to listen today as Pluto entered Aquarius. What will they pull? Alien invasion? This is coming out before the inauguration. It’s a massive disclosure – talking about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (another way to say UFOs). Yes the gov has been in contact w/ off planet technology – summing it up – talking about ships able to travel thru water, think about the military, the navy all they’ve seen in the sky & from out of the water.

Telling us yes there are aliens, there are space ships, yes we’ve explained technological inf. w/ the off planet people. Project Blue Beam is holograms, ability to create projections into the sky that is not real – projecting massive ship (UFO) to put people into fear possibly….gov has technology that can manipulate people – disclosure – the fact that it is even being talked about perhaps it has to do with the new Golden Age we will enter – every day is a new day – did we jump time lines, what world are we living in now? and more…..we have to listen to the hearings & come to our own conclusion. To Listen – – Risa

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