Monday, December 2, 2024- 9am

Monday, December 2, 2024- 9am



Monday,  Decemeber 2, 2024- 9am

Monday, December 2, 2024- 9am

Lots To Read Today, many levels.
The Mineral Kingdom & Ray 7 (esoteric).
Travels, the astrology of today, questions, somone travelling somewhere (a pilgrim in search of beauty, the wisdom teachings,
Ray Lords, radiations & more.

Monday, a new week of things yet to be!
And…a last word on yesterday’s information on the Ages.
The Mystic & the Occultist.
The Age of Pisces & the Age of Aquarius – what we become.
The Pisces Age was one of developing faith & compassion & the expression of devotion. Pisces – humanity’s is the Mystic.

The Aquarian Age is one where humanity develops the ability to see the truth, cultivate a true science (physical & spiritual). It is the Age of Freedom & humanity becomes an occultist.
A White Magician.
Aquarius – humanity becomes the Occultist (the Knower).

Note the difference between the two.
Humanity as the world disciple must be both – the Mystic & the Occultist. These cultivated virtues are the purpose of my FB pages here in my writings & all the wisdom teachings presented as well as the astrology.

Today is Monday, December 2, 2024.
Our first Monday in Advent (something’s coming!).
Holly posted below what I was going to post today.
Honoring the Mineral Kingdom for the first week of Advent.
Thank you, Holly.

The Astrology Today.
This morning the Sag moon is v/c.
At 1:09pm (PT), the moon enters Capricorn (practical, grounded, structured via Saturn).
This helps us in the Mercury retrograde (see the degree in the chart for today below).
See also Jupiter’s retro degree in Gemini.

Retrogrades are important to notice, consider, know, & comprehend. Everything’s backwards, upside down inside out.
And we have another retro coming up – Friday’s Mars retrograde!

Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius.
We are travelers, pilgrims along the Way in Sag.
One of my family members is travelling to Europe for 10 days to see the German Christmas Markets, renouned throuout the world. In the multiple retrogrades (Mercury/Sag, Jupiter/Germini & Mars/Leo) her trip will be quite unusual, revelatory & surprising!
Here are links to the markets – quite extraordinary.

It takes a very brave person to travel across the sea in the midst of the coldness of winter to visit the markets of Germany in the snow!

Have fun, Sarah (Libra, who loves beautiful things & has a Christmas tree ornament collection among other beautiful things).


Venus/Uranus today in a trine – Capricorn/Taurus.
Things unexpected may occur w/ Uranus.
Venus/Uranus (5 & 7) in earth signs – Cap/Taurus (1, 3, 7, 4).

With Venus trine (harmony) Uranus – anything may happen as we tend to resources & money & what we value.
There could be a revelatory change or additional awareness of our values.
Like Sarah who values beauty & the Christmas season & all things festive. So she is acting on her values & going to places never been before to discover (Uranus) more beauty (Venus).
Sarah is Libra Sun. & Venus/Uranus are the rulers of Libra –

And so….
The mineral kingdom. Rays 1 & 7.
Each of the kingdoms (mineral plant animal human) has developed over time (still developing) an outstanding quality along with other divine attributes. Notes the assumption here of the mineral kingdom being “alive.” The mineral kingdom has the activity or nature of being static & inert (seemingly) & the quality of radioactivity or radiation. This is its beautiful divine expression. The goal of radiation is to pass thru all limiting substances. Radiation is Ray 1. The organizing principle of the mineral kingdom is done by Ray 7 (anchoring substance/forms on earth).
Human has specific work to do with each of the kingdoms.
With the mineral kingdom, humanity is to work alchemically & magically – what does this mean?
It is the process of transmutation & revelation.
And condensation, traformation by pressure.
From carbon to a perfect diamond – created in the mineral kingdom.
Ray 1 comes into Ray 7 & Ray 1 (fire) radiates into substance (mineral kingdom). Ray 1 comes into the mineral kingdom (Ray 7) & the mineral kingdom radiates (radon). It is the fire of Ray 1 that enters the mineral kingdom & produces radiation.

The mineral kingdom develops in three stages.
From static, to crystal (semi precious & precious stones) to radiation. There are seven mineral substances reflecting the seven Initiations of humanity. And only in the world cycle (Ages) when the 7th Ray is manifesting do these hidden changes in the mineral kingdom take place in the seven groups (of minerals). The 7th Ray increases the potency of the mineral kingdom & radiation & new substances appear. As the 7th Ray passes out of manifestation (cyclically), the mineral kingdom enters deeper into inertia.
Ray 1, the geometrical faculty of the Universal Mind of God, finds its most material perfection on the physical, 7th Ray plane, the mineral kingdom.
Uranus connects both Ray 1 & 7.

The Seventh Ray Lord is taking control of the affairs of the Plan of God at this transitional time so as to stabilize the field in which Aquarius must work. What are the many names of the 7th Ray Lord.

Note when the 7th Ray came into manifestation.
When was that time. Who can tell us? And what was the
great cultural response to the 7th Ray cyclically coming into manfestation? The answer is in Esoteric Psychology 1 (blue books). Who can tell us?

Journal Notes –
Revelations During the Retrogrades.
A note to myself during the retrogrades, a revelation.
To order & organize my entire life, so I can focus entirely on the presentation of the Wisdom Teachings. So I can create a time in which everyone can be invited to the Ashram to learn. I would need help in this endeavor.

There is much to read here, much to integrate.
What did everyone who read today’s post find to be most interesting? This is to become a more active dialogue. Going beyond saying thank you & hearts. What in the writings did everyone find most interesting? Are there questions?
Retrogrades are times where revelations occur. Also questions. love, Risa

Christ offering the Diamond of the Soul.
What is your alter like? Post your advent altar of stones (precious, semi precious, plain), crystals & minerals, seashells
& bones.
Next week – the plant kingdom is added to our altars.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

12 + 10 =

Sunday, December 1, 2024- 4pm

Sunday, December 1, 2024- 4pm



Sunday,  Decemeber 1, 2024- 1pm

Sunday, December 1, 2024- 4pm

The Advent Wreath w/ Crystals.
Honoring the Mineral Kingdom.
Post #2 – Sunday evening. First night of Advent.
We remember each week of Advent honors one of the kingdoms
of Earth. The 1st week of Advent, we honor the mineral kingdom. So our Advent Wreath lit with Crystals.
All week long, the light shines thru the crystals.
We light our first Advent candle in the Ashram.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

12 + 7 =

Sunday, December 1, 2024- 9am

Sunday, December 1, 2024- 9am



Sunday,  Decemeber 1, 2024- 9am

Sunday, December 1, 2024- 9am

A Study of the Ages.
And today is Sunday, our first day of December.
It’s also the first Sunday in Advent (something to appear)!
Our preparations & our study.
A four weeks of preparing for Winter Solstice, for the “birth of the holy child” which means the Soul of humanity. It is a celebration of hope & beauty, the light in the darkness. Each week we light a new candle – we create an advent wreath with 3 violet candles & one rose colored candle, with a white round candle in the center.



Each week signifies a hope wish dream prayer (hope, faith, joy, peace – the Angel candle, also Prophets–Angels–Shepherds–Magi) for the new light (the Soul of humanity, the holy child) to appear. It is a beautiful ritual expecially for children. The final candle – Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All.

Constructing our Advent Wreaths today. Lighting our first candle tonight at sundown. As we contemplate the Ages.
Our (humanity’s) involution (the ladder into matter), & our subsequent evolution (the ladder of Return to Spirit).

Please post your Advent Wreaths everyone. In our School, we would all create our Advent wreaths, individually & in groups, & we would then show them in our gallery for everyone (the public) to see.

Today – Sagittarius Sun & Moon – we have great goals today.
And so….
Here in our school we study the many & multiple levels
of religious teachings – each religion tells us a story of humanity – and of the heavens (the Rays, signs, planets, etc) & point out & signify the ongoing developmental stages of humanity.
They also describe the teachings given to humanity by the World Teachers (appearing) during each Age.
Note: Ages are 2,500 years long (with 500 year overlaps).

The Religions.
Zorastrianism, HInduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, & the yet to be known as the Aquarian World Religion.
Note: the Islam religion (7 AD) – developed from both Judaism and Christianity, influenced by the cultural values of the Bedouin tribes of Arabia:
Judaism is considered the grandparent of both Islam and Christianity. Islam was influenced by the cultural values of the nomadic Bedouin tribes of Arabia.

The Ages (religions, teachers, laws): (this is humanity’s real history).
We are presently at the cusp (very beginning) of the Aquarian Age.
Each Age has 500 years of preparation beforehand.
We are still in the 500 years of preparation for the Aries Age.
However, at the end of the Ages & at their beginnings there is a blending.
We are mostly still in the Pisces Age (Ray 2 & 6), but with the strands of Aquarius (Ray 5 & 7 with the heart of Ray 2) coming in.
The Ages shift due to the presence of the Rays.

BC = Before the appearance of the Christ (0 or 1 AD).
AD = After the appearance of the Christ – or Anno Domini (in the year of the Lord). This is now also referred to as CE (Common Era).


Our Present Times
We are at the end of the Pisces Age.
The Piscean Age was/is from 0 AD to 2,000 or the overlap of 2,500 AD.
It’s preparation began 500 years before (500 BC), with the appearance of the Buddha (CHrist’s brother), the Teacher of Enlightenment, preparing the minds of humanity for his brother’s Appearance (the Christ in the form of Jesus).

The Ages – we will look at them in terms of 2000 year segments.
BC Ages understanding the overlaps.

10,000 BC – 8,000 BC – Age of Leo. Individuality began to dawn on the people. This was a golden Age. It was the very last of the Great Flood.

8,000 – 6,000 BC – Age of Cancer. Nomadic life began to set up settlements, create homes & gardens, the Mother exalted, a Matriarchical society, family & farming became important, the nurturing & nourishment of the people.

6,000 – 4,000 BC – Age of Gemini – writing began, glyphs, symbols, trade, cities, transportation, exchange, communication, information spread about, the Silk Road, skills, crafts & art developed (using the hands – Gemini). Zorastrianism, Persia.

4,000 – 2,000 BC – Age of Taurus – identifiying with the physical world, with the soil, the earth, the five senses, anchoring more into matter, construction of buildings, sturdy & long lasting (Taurus), working in nature, the natural world, gardens (Hanging Gardens of Babylon), beautiful feminine forms, worship of the bull & of gold. Egypt, Thracians, etc.
Note: this is the time the most ancient of people’s the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt.
The religion developed is Hinduism, the Vedic Teachings in India. The Teacher is Sri Krishna (incarnation of Jesus).

2,000 BC – 0 AD – Age of Aries – The religion is Judaism and the Ten Commandments, Moses, the great military cultures: Egyptians and Persians, the Hebrews, Trojans, Greeks, the Spartans, the Romans! Aries being a martial and masculine signs, put into power cultures which worshipped the perfect Male body and Male power -the rule of the stronger over the weaker! History from this age has the myths of mighty male heroes and warriors: Moses, Hercules, Spartacus, Alexander the Great, The law of “tooth for tooth, eye for an eye” became a mantra! Metallurgy developed, so did engineering, mathematics and logic–all under the rule of Aries. Worship of the Ram- stories from the Hebrews, Egyptians & Romans. The Hebrew people walking in the desert for 40 years, from Egypt (Age of Taurus, slavery) into the freedom of the Age of Aries (Canaan). Their god was Jehovah who is also Saturn.
The Teacher Moses, the Laws, the Ten Commandments.
The Religion – Judaism.
Moses & the Ten Commandments – the Teacher & the Laws. Aries, the Age of the Laws.

500 BC – appearance of the Buddha – to prepare humanity’s minds for the coming world Teacher (the Christ).
The religion of Buddhism flourished. Buddha, the Teacher.

0 AD to 2,000 AD – Age of Pisces – birth of the Christ Jesus, the religion is Christianity. Building of churches, their spires reaching up to the heavens, a place for the people to pray, to have hopes, wishes & dreams (Neptune), symbols of the fish, the catacombs, sacrifice, compassion, love, the Law of Love, kindness, turning the other cheek (note no longer an eye for an eye), forgiveness, empathy, at times bloody moments, a throw back to the Aries Age, however, also refined musical & artistic genius. Mystical aspirations, faith. Mysticism, experiencing God directly, higher worlds. Also maya & illusion, victimization, martrydom. Innocence & the power of God within. Christ, the World Teacher. Pisces Age – Age of Love & Compassion.
The Law given to humanity is the Law of Love, to Love one another. The Age of Love.

2,000 AD to 4,000 AD – Age of Aquarius – which we are just beginning now. Age of the people, of humanity, of truth & freedom, of pure reason & true science. Calls forth its opposite sign of Leo – where we cultivate our gifts, developing our creative individual self & talents – to stand with Aquarius & build a new world. Our Sun receiving the atmosphere of Aquarius – of things yet to be, a golden age. The opposite of this freedom also appears which we have seen & still see in our world (our country, the present government) – totalitarian dictatorships-(fascism, communism, marxism, corporationalism, etc).



The skillfulness of the Aquarian Age (it is our choice as humanity) – discovering inexaustible sources of free energy(even the sign of Aquarius depicts an electrical current), working with Nature and not against it, technology that displays & proves the spiritual nature of Reality and the higher dimension and technology that raises the vibration of human consciousness so we can connect directly via telepathy(Aquarius rules telepathy and clairvoyance), and most of all a sense of brotherhood, freedom, justice and equality. The feminine principle standing equal to the masculine principle.

The Teacher for the Aquarian Age is once again the Christ (Pisces World Teacher), who decided at the full moon of June 1949 to return to the Earth as the Aquarian World Teacher, as His work during Pisces was not complete. Humanity has not yet absorbed or integrated the Pisces Law – to Love One Another.
His precipitation begins in 2025, with the great 100 Year Conclave of the Hierarchy meeting to assess humanity’s ability to recognize & receive the Aquarian World Teacher.
The Teacher is the CHrist. The religion is a World Religion.
The Laws – the Aquarian Laws & Principles.

To write these down in one’s Esoteric Journal.
To know the different signs & their develomental stages for humanity, the Teachers & the Laws & Teachings.
To understand the spiritual development of humanity thru the Ages. And thus to understand ourselves in our present times.
Note: some people are still living in religions & ages past. We observe them, respect them & now we understand them.

Our Continuing Study.
As we create our Advent wreaths w/ candles today.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

7 + 15 =

Saturday, November 30, 2024- Saturday

Saturday, November 30, 2024- Saturday



Saturday,  November 30, 2024- 10am

Saturday, November 30, 2024- 10am

Performing a Great Work in our Creative Day today.
Saturday, November 30, 2024.
Tonight – a new moon. In Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) under the
light of Jupiter (2).
Sagittarius – the fire of heaven offered to Earth.
Prometheus, who stole the fire, saved by Chiron, the Centaur who is Sagittarius. Chiron the physician, the great healer.
Sagittarius governs the higher mind, able to rise above the realm of sense & into the sphere of pure reason & intuitive vision.
This is the buddhic plane (find it on the Constitution of Man).
The Buddhic plane is Ray 4. Note Sag is also Ray 4.
Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) & Jupiter (2).
Jupiter is Cosmic Law.
Sagittarius is at the edge of the star stream aiming at the great red star, Antares, gleaming in the heart of Scorpio.

Sagittarius new moon festival, 9 degrees, 33 minutes in the sign of the Archer. It occurs at 10:21pm (PT). Sun & moon in Sagittarius. “I/we see the goal, reach the goal & then another goal appears ahead.”
Sagittarius is a light beam. It guides the disciple towards the Light ahead, offering direction to the foothills of Capricorn.
The goal – learning with our Sagittarius Teachers so we can climb the mountain of Capricorn for Initiation (a greater expansive awareness of the cosmos).

Here is the meditation for the new moon.
During the new moon times, we uphold, support & recognize all the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).
And all the 10 Seed Groups.
During new & full moon times, a light is available for humanity that is not available at any other time. This light allows for an opening of the door for humanity to reach the Hierarchy & then to Shamballa, Where the Will of God is Known.

The Light of Sagittarius for the new moon meditation.

The new moon (Sun/Moon Sag) is opposite the US Uranus. See US chart w/ new moon below. Standing together as the NGWS in between the Hierarchy & humanity, radiating the light of Sag to to the hearts & minds of humanity. love, Risa

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1 + 8 =

Friday, November 29, 2024- 9am

Friday, November 29, 2024- 9am



Friday,  November 29, 2024- 9am

Friday, November 29, 2024- 9am

Today is the day after Thanksgiving.
What is everyone doing today?
Friday, November 29, 2024 – Friday is Venus’s day.
After a festival of some sort….
There is always a dropping down of energy after
a festival occurs. A picking up of the pieces of our lives.
A gathering of the parts of our lives & putting them together again. So what is everyone doing today?
Under the sign of Sagittarius – fire.
And also, today being Friday, under the light of Venus.
Sagittarius is Rays 4, 5, 6. Venus is Ray 5.
A colorful day today – with Scorpio moon continuing ’til late tonight. Scorpio is Ray 4 – harmony out of conflict & chaos.
The colors today – golden yellow (4), golden orange 5), turquoise sky blue (6).
Sagittarius Sun – our aspirations for service is the sign of the disciple who becomes the Knight on a white horse (the Prince of Peace) with a flaming sword of Archangel Michael.

Tomorrow is Sag Sun & Moon.
A new moon tomorrow – at 9 degrees 33 minutes Sagittarius.
Our new moon meditation in our School of Athens, with our Teachers, our sojourn with our Teachers, preparing in Sagittarius for Initiation in Capricorn.

And so….
We see the goal, we reach the goal, then we see & reach the next goal. Together. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 6 =

Thursday, November 28, 2024- 2pm

Thursday, November 28, 2024- 2pm



Thursday,  November 28, 2024- 2pm

Thursday, November 28, 2024- 2pm

Everyone Invited to the Table.
Thanksgiving day today.
Day of Gratitude – Mercury & Jupiter retrograde.
Scorpio moon. Sagittarius.
Meeting all together in the heart of the matter.
Heart to heart with everyone.
Everyone invited to our Ashramic table.
On this day of Gratitude.
Gratitude is scientific. It frees us, neutralized karma.
And leads to forgiveness.
A little poem for Thanksgiving today.
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliott

Love to everyone….Grateful for everyone
each day in our daily community & village of
learners. Risa


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