Sunday, December 8, 2024- 10pm

Sunday, December 8, 2024- 10pm



Sunday,  Decemeber 8, 2024- 10pm

Sunday, December 8, 2024- 10pm

Secrets & Symbols of the Plant Kingdom.
Sunday – the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Monday – the 2nd week of Advent.
We light our 2nd violet candle.
It is the light of the plant kingdom.***
Monday – 2nd week of Advent.
December 8 (Immaculate Conception) & December 9, 2024.
Monday – Aries moon, Sag Sun.
Sunday Mercury stations direct at 7 degrees Sag.
And the moon is full – (1am Pactific time) – full moon which means it’s the Sagittarius solar festival at 24 degrees.
We see the goal, reach the goal & then the next goal appears.
Our eyes on the mountain tops of Capricorn, leading humanity to the Capricorn foothills.
We begin preparing for the festival on

The Plant/Vegetable Kingdom.
We light our 2nd Advent candle.
It is the light of the plant kingdom.
It is the perfume, beauty, color & growth towards
the light. The perfume/fragrance color & beauty.
This is their radiation & magnetism.
And the mystery & alchemy of this kingdom is that
it is in this kingdom that one first sees clearly the glory which lies ahead of humanity. The plant or vegetable/flower/trees (all plants) kingdom “conforms” to the pattern set in the heavens, produce below (on earth) that which is found above.
The secret of the plant kingdom are those hidden alchemical processes which enable the growth of the plant/vegetable/flow/trees/shrubs/grasses kingdom to draw their sustenance from the sun and. soil, and to “transform” it into form and colour.
Purpose – the purpose of this kingdom is Magnetism. That inner source of beauty, loveliness and attractive power which lures to it the higher forms of life, leading the animal forms to consume it for food, and the thinking entities to draw from it inspiration, comfort and satisfaction of a mental kind.
The plant kingdom is about water, touch, beauty and activity (rajas).
The plant kingdom’s secret is the secret of sacred perfume (which attracts).
Last week, we lit the candle for the mineral kingdom.
This week for the vegetable/plant kingdom.
Next week, the 3rd week, the rose candle week, for the animal kingdom.
The 4th week, the final violet candle, is the human kingdom.
Each of the kingdoms has a symbolic form where their secrets are hidden & conveyed to the intelligence of the Initiate.
1. The mineral symbo/secret – A diamond, blue white in colour.

2. The vegetable secret/symbol – A cube of sandalwood in the heart of the lotus.

Who will draw these symbols for all of us to see?
Three rays flow through the planet kingdom – Rays 2, 4 & 6.
What are these rays?
The united effect of these three rays, working in unison, has been to bring forth the fourth result, the perfume of the flowers, as found in the higher units of the vegetable kingdom.
In the vegetable kingdom the influence of Venus is predominant, & both Venus & Jupiter powerfully affect the world of forms.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

11 + 15 =

Sunday, December 8, 2024- 3pm

Sunday, December 8, 2024- 3pm



Sunday,  Decemeber 8, 2024- 3pm

Sunday, December 8, 2024- 3pm

Today’s post – watching the Sunday Mass at
Notre Dame – 

Spiritual Heart of Paris Awakens.
Notre Dame Mass at the Cathedral.
Sunday, December 8, 2024.
On the Feast day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary –

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 8 =

Friday, December 6, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 6, 2024- 9am



Friday,  Decemeber 6, 2024- 9am

Friday, December 6, 2024- 9am

Slowing Down for Jedi Training.
Today, Friday, December 6, 2024, at 3:33pm (PT), Mars stations retrograde at 6 degrees Leo. Mars retrograde joins Mercury & Jupiter retrograde. A deep inner focus begins.
I wrote about the Mars retrograde on my website Night Light News along with the signs – here is the link.\
We know that in retrogrades surprising things occur.
It’s a time of memories and of revelations.
Retrogrades are to be quiet retreat times.
The outer world can be out of focus, not quite real.
Our inner world is what is most important during retrogrades.
We call upon the silences in the retrograde to be lyrical.
To be harmonious. Let the time be delicate, light as a feather.
Let it be divine (the retrogrades).

The Astrology
Mercury/Saturn – a quiet time as Mars retrogrades.
Aquarius moon till 4:oo pm (PT). A v/c begins then til after midnight.
Venus enters Aquarius tonight. Venus & Aquarius are both Ray 5.
A very intelligent time begins w/ Venus in Aquarius.
What are the names of the Lords of the Fifth Ray?
Who can tell us? love, Risa

Graphic – Mars Temple & astrology chart for the exact time of the Mars retro – west coast time. 

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 11 =

Thursday, December 5, 2024- 10am

Thursday, December 5, 2024- 10am



Thursday,  Decemeber 5, 2024- 10am

Thursday, December 5, 2024- 10am

Today, Thursday, December 5, 2024, is….
1. Reappearance Preparation & Prayer day, & –
(NOTE: the beginning of the precipitation of the World Teacher the Christ, His Reappearance is/was scheduled to begin in 2025, with the gathering of the 100 year Conclave of the Hierarchy to assess humanity’s state of acceptance of the Christ – the NGWS is very aware of this – therefore, this Winter Solstice, when we begin to prepare for Wesak (Buddha’s appearance at the May full moon, is most important as is the entire year of 2025 – we are the forerunners, the outpost of the Hierarchy & therefore our Reappearance Meditations each Thursday are deeply significant – Risa) 
2. the day before Mars stations retrograde at 6 degrees Leo –
(read more below) –
3. Sun & Mercury in Sagittarius – telling the story of one’s journey, beginning a journey or pilgrimage (in the retrogrades all that one expects on the journey changes!).
4. Moon in Aquarius – the future stands before us waiting for our Leo talents abilities & creative gifts to actually build it!
Under the Aquarian Laws & Principles.


Our Reappearance Prayer –
Today – our Thursday rhythms under Jupiter, Ray 2.
Love & Wisdom prevails today.
Walking together on the Path of Precipitation, also together in the Buddhic plane, we recite the Reappearance Mantram with the Christ.
On this our Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we hear these words from a great disciple.

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of our Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together three times.

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.
(we offer our personality to the Soul for direction).

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.
Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti

Mars stationing & Astrology
Today is the the day before Mars (Ray 6) stations retrograde at 6 degrees Leo. It’s important for everyone to, not only have one’s astrology chart always available, but to always look at the transits & especially this week find out where Mars retrograde at 6 Leo will be affecting us – looking at everyone’s chart – family, friend, the United States chart, etc, etc.) – to see what area of life will be affected by the Mars retrograde in Leo at 6 degrees.

Without one’s astrology chart, without a serious study of one’s astrology (self identity, purpose, gifts, timing, etc), & thus the entire study of astrology, one sees life through opinion judgment false interpretation criticism & actually “thru a glass darkly.”
Astrology is the language & tool of & for understanding of the Aquarian Age. Astrology as we know it here is everything!



Mars Retrograde
The Mars retro (6 Leo) is on the North Node (path forward) of the United States (6 Leo). See chart below.
Mars retro in Leo, is most important to humanity.
Mars is our desires & aspiration, it’s our hopes wishes dreams and visions. Retrograde Mars assess all these, before moving forward again in 11 weeks.
Mars retrogrades every 2 years, so this retrograde is significant.
What is Mars in Leo?
Who can tell us?

More tomorrow – love today- Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

2 + 5 =

Wednesday, December 4, 2024- 9am

Wednesday, December 4, 2024- 9am



Wednesday,  Decemeber 4, 2024- 9am

Wednesday, December 4, 2024- 9am

Dark Magicians not allowed here.
This field is protected.
We step aside, like Aikido, allowing the arrows of darkness to simply fly by…anchoring themselves into the earth for purification.
The Astrology Today & what’s in the Heavens.
Wednesday, Mercury’s day. Ray 4 day.

Today is December 4, 2024.
Ray 4 – Humanity seeking harmony from confusion conflict & chaos.
Complex day today – multiple moon contacts.
Moon in Sagittarius until 3:34pm (PT). Then a 5 hour moon v/c.
Til 8:21pm (PT, when the moon enters Aquarius.


Today –
Mercury (4) opposite Jupiter (2).
Sun (1/5) square Saturn (3).
Venus (5) sextile Neptune (6).

Mercury (4) opposite Jupiter (2) (Sag/Gemini).
Wherever Jupiter is, something expanding & occurring.
Something loving & wise too as Jupiter is Ray 2.

Oppositions mean there’s something over there somewhere with information (Mercury) needed that will expand (Jupiter) our lives. It may be in shadows at first (retrogrades).
However, it’s very important for love & freedom & direction are involved.



In Retrogrades – we become a bit like Virgo – where inner information is revealed in detail. We are able to organize the information, assess & dissect it, understand it better in the retrogrades.

This last information about retrogrades is most important.
Some people are afraid of retrogrades.
But retrogrades reveal so much information only appearing during retrograde times.
And so, note, both Mercury & Jupiter are retrograde – so interesting!
Note Mercury is in Sag retro.
Jupiter is in Gemini retro.
Jupiter rules Sag & Mercury rules Gemini!
This is an integration of energies!

Venus (5) sextile Neptune (6) (Cap/Pisces). Capricorn helps Pisces with structure & Pisces helps Capricorn to loosen up a bit. They love each other & are friends.
The intelligence of Venus. The refinement of Neptune.
Sextiles are friendly.


Sun square Saturn – squares offer us a challenge, a new direction, an anchoring, a choice.
Sun in Sag (4, 5, 6) & Saturn (3) in Pisces (2/6) –
Sun illuminating the journey (Sag) & the direction (Saturn) offered that helps to save (Pisces) humanity.
Calling each of us to serve (educate via Goodwill) humanity.
Note the many Rays flowing thru this transit.

The Moon today – touches in with Chiron, Uranus, Neptune Venus Aquarius & Pluto. The moon is busy today.
And so then are we.

In the sky & upcoming!
In the sky – Moon Venus Castor/Pollux & the Beehive.
Friday – Mars retrogrades at 6 degrees Leo.
Where is that sign & degree in everyone’s chart.
Mars retrograde is significant…


And so…December Calendar –
1. in our first week of Advent.
2. Dec. 6. St. Nicholas Feast Day, Mars stations retrograde at 7 degrees Leo.
3. Neptune stations direct – Dec. 7.
3. Pearl Harbor Day & Letter writing day – Dec. 7.
3. Immaculate Conception of Mary – Dec. 8. – 2nd Sunday of Advent, honoring the plant kingdom – faith is the 2nd candle.
4. Santa Lucia feast day, Dec. 13.
5. Full moon festivals, Sagittarius solar festival – Dec. 15.
3rd Sunday of Advent – the rose colored candle, joy, honoring the animal kingdom.
Also – Mercury stations direct 6.42 degrees Sag.
6. We begin a study for 2 months of Right Human Relations – Dec. 20.
7. Winter Solstice – Yule, Sun enters Capricorn – Dec. 21.
8. 4th Sunday of Advent – violet colored candle, Love, honoring the human kingdom.
8. Christmas Day – lighting the central white candle on the Advent wreath – Dec. 25.
Hanukkah begins Christmas evening.

So now we know & prepare together. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

4 + 11 =

Tuesday, December 3, 2024- 11am

Tuesday, December 3, 2024- 11am



Tuesday,  Decemeber 3, 2024- 11am

Tuesday, December 3, 2024- 11am

What is Advent?
Emanell, a reader asked me what is Advent?
And so, when there is a question, there is always an answer.
And so today I will write what Advent is – and what I write is a blending of Christian/Catholic mystic information along with the more occult astrological esoteric information.
The mystic (devotion, Pisces) must become the occulitst (knowledge, Aquarius). The secrets of the Christian faith, shrouded in symbols & devotion, faith, hope & visions, are revealed when we explain them astrologically/esoterically.
That is one of the purposes of our school here on FB.
The mysteries of Pisces are revealed in Aquarius.

And so…today is Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
Sagittarius Sun – the journey. Pilgrim on the Way to the Light.
Capricorn moon – our destination under Sag – towards the Light Supernal, to Initiation. (note these words used in the explanation of Advent).



The question – What is Advent?
It is a Catholic/Christian month/season of preparation – the 4 weeks before Christmas – each week signifying the contemplation of a virtue.

Advent signifies days set aside of preparation for the birth of the Holy Child (Christmas – Catholic/Christian), which esoterically is Winter Solstice (astronomy), the birth of the new light – when the Light of Capricorn, at the Tropic of Capricorn begins its ascent northward (astrologically).

Advent is a latin word that means “something’s coming.”

Christmas is a Mystic Christian Initiation – the “new light” is the holy child, Jesus, (light for the world), born to Mary & Joseph (the prototype Holy Family – Rays 1, 2, 3).

Advent (the days before Christmas) is a journey in the darkness (our last days of the dark half of the year) towards the Light. Christmas is the feast in Mystical Christianity.
Winter Solstice is the events noted in Esoteric Astrology as the Sun leaves Sag & enters Capricorn. The journey (Sag) towards the mountain & sign of Initiation (Capricorn).

Advent begins the 4 weeks before Christmas/Winter Solstice – in the sign of Sagittarius – sign of the pilgrim, the traveller with a goal ahead.
In Sag we are on our way towards the new light (Winter Solstice, the holy child, Christmas). The light of Sag, a beam of light, leads the Way.

The journey in Sag (the journey) to the sign of Capricorn, which in esotericism is the Gate of Return, the Gate of Initiation.

The Sun’s rays by Winter Solstice have traveled southward to the Gate of Capricorn, to the deepest level of the Earth (& to the lowest level in our bodies).
At Winter Solstice, the radiance of the Sun shines forth, deep in the Earth (deep within our bodies), & this light is called the Midnight Sun. This solstice new light completely permeates the Earth – (& our bodies, minds & hearts).
It is the Capricorn Light Supernal.

Note I am using both Christian/Catholic words & Esoteric (occult) words/ideas. Blending them. The mystical & occult.

As in all celebrations, there is preparation.
In the Advent journey one is called to cultivate purity – both of food & drink by also to be “pure of heart.” Purity of body, emotions, mind. Calming the desire body in contemplation – in the purification process we become more sensitive to the subtle realms around us. We have a greater receptivity to Soul & Hierarchy impressions given to us. We nourish our bodies with the pure fruits of the earth. Our days are centered on the good, on Goodwill, on Truth & on Beauty.
This then personifies the character of the Holy Mother, the Divine Mother of Jesus. Mary is the spiritual prototype & divine type-pattern (awakened spiritual feminine principle) for all women.***

Advent’s Four Weeks of contemplation are Four Degrees of Preparation via the Virtues (& colors & kingdoms).
Hope, Faith, Joy, Love are the themes, one for each week.
We deepen our contemplation through the four weeks prior to Winter Solstice/Christmas (& we note this year Hanukkah begins the evening of December 24, Christmas night & this is significant and joyful to know).

The Four weeks (each one lit by a candle each Sunday night) signifies the calling of the lower nature in our bodies to rise up to meet the “light.” Thru purification & preparation, we raise the spinal spirit fire from the base of the body to the heart (Jerusalem – city of Peace) and to Bethlehem (house of Bread – nurturing all of humanity w/ the “bread of life” which the holy chld signifies). Mary (Ray 3) & Joseph (Ray 1) are the illumined feminine & masculine principles, and their unity creates the Holy Child (Ray 2 which is Love).
These forces are interwoven & at Christmas time, due to our preparations during Advent, the pineal & pituitary (head centers) are charged & our head & body becomes illumined.

The symbol of the “manger” into which the Holy Child is born (the new light for the world) is the 3rd ventricle in our brain where the two glands (pituitary/feminine & masculine/pineal in harmony/wedded – are connected.

The “holy child” or the “new light of solstice” is “birthed” in the 3rd ventricle & this new light/holy child radiates outward. This light then illuminates our entire body & we become a Temple of Light.

Thus during Advent we prepare for a cosmic event, preparing our bodies and emotions and mind to be able to receive this new light, which is the Capricorn Light of Initiation.

Two things to say about this – These are mysteries, hidden & shielded in history in time and in matter.

Humanity is given these mysteries in the form of stories which are symbolic. As the Aquarian Age unfolds more & more of the Pisces Mysteries, which are Mysteries of Initiation, will be explained. They are unveiled when we study & understand astrology & the Wisdom Teachings.

So, when we understand Advent (during Sagittarius – the goal, we see the goal) as preparation (for Capricorn – Initiation) & when we understand the significance of Christmas (holy child), Winter Solstice (new light, new season) and the sign of Capricorn (Sagittarius is Capricorn’s preparation), we become like the shepherd in the fields watching their flocks and they saw a star above (Jupiter) and angels appeared to direct them to the manger (radiation of light).
We are those shepherds when we understand the story of Christmas & when we prepare thru the weeks of Advent.
We are led to follow our Star (the Soul) & at Winter Solstice a new birth takes place within us.

And after Christmas (12 days of Christmas, the Journey to Epiphany) we become the Three Wise Men from the East, the astrologer kings. The shepherds, the Wise Men signify different levels of discipleship.

And so…
Our preparations during Advent – contemplation, purification – creates around ourselves a spiritualized etheric golden sheath – a purified dsire body, a spiritualed mind, a radiant body of light. This is the golden wedding garment which each disciples must be clothed in at the Capricorn Initiation (the Rod of Power held by the Christ) & in the Presence of the Christ (who overshadowed Jesus). Due to our spiritual preparations, we carry a vase of perfume, our body emitting a divine fragrance of every gathered flower of the world.

Advent occurs during Sagittarius – sign of high idealism and the strengthening of spiritual aspiration. Sagittarius is the sign of music which floods the worlds with joy.. We attune to this muic as preparatory work. The desire & mental envelopes of the Earth are being cleansed, & this is carried by our great celestial Beings. Michael is slaying the dragons, Michael, Archangel in the Hierarchy of Light. Our preparations during Advent prepare each of us for the downfall of radiance, of Light at Winter Solstice. A downpour of heavenly forces & in each of us the holy child, the new light is born in our hearts. For this cosmic event to occur, we thus have Advent, the time of preparation for the “new light.” Advent is thus a very holy season of preparation.

***This is why I write that all women have the ability to choose when to be pregnant or not. And that power belongs to them. When women realize their innate power, they will not depend upon any government to make decisions for them. In the Aquarian Age, women will understand this & stand equal to men & they will have cultivated their power & it will be recognized as such by the world. Mary, the World Mother is the prototype for the Divine Feminine in all of women.

Also about Advent.
The Four Kingdoms – the spiral of Life.
Mineral, plant, animal, human, angelic, etc.
We honor the four kingdoms of earth, each of which has a purpose –
The mineral kingdom (read about this yesterday), the plant kingdom (beauty/fragrance), the animal kingdom (devotion & service), the human kingdom (the Thinkers, redeemers, saviors). This latter information is esoteric.

Advent Verse
The first light of Advent is the light of Stones,
the light that in crystals, shells, and bones.


The second light of Advent is the light of Plants,
the light that lives and grows, that blossoms and enchants & has fragrance.

The third light of Advent is the light of animals,
the light that feels and moves and serves in devotion, in creatures great and least.

The fourth light of Advent is the light of Man (the Thinkers, humanity), the light that thinks and dicerns and wills, that seeks to understand and to love.

Are there any questions? love, Risa

Graphics – altars of stone.
There are many ways to honor the mineral kingdom of stones, crystals, bones and shells.
Even mountains – the painting is from 1872, Sunrise in the Sierras, A. Bierstadt.

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