Friday, December 13, 2024 – 5pm

Friday, December 13, 2024 – 5pm



Friday,  Decemeber 13, 2024- 5pm

Friday, December 13, 2024- 2pm

The night sky…
Jupiter, Aldebaran, Pleiades, moon etc.
The Geminids too, here & there.
And if you’re in Temecula, San Diego.
You might see the drones too.
Now on both coasts. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

11 + 15 =

Friday, December 13, 2024- 2pm

Friday, December 13, 2024- 2pm



Friday,  Decemeber 13, 2024- 2pm

Friday, December 13, 2024- 2pm

Standing Together in Spiritual Enterprise.
Reading about today’s events.
Friday, Venus’s day – Ray 5 day.
Sun & Mercury retro in Sagittarius – sign of Truth.
There is no religion higher than the Truth. (HPB).

Today, Friday the 13th (= 4). December 13, 2024.
8 days ’til winter solstice.
12 days ’til Christmas & Hanukkah.
18 days ’til the new year, 2025 begins!
How did we get here to the end of 2024?

Sunday is the full moon, Sag solar festival, 24 degrees.
Just after midnight (PT).
Cancer moon Sunday – & Mercury stations direct (7 degrees Sag).
It’s an important & busy day, Sunday.

Teachings in the Ashram today.
As drones fly around & are in formation above.
East & west coasts.
Reminders of the drama Orson Wells creates about the false invasion from Mars (many didn’t know it was a dramatization).
This time though we really see drones as big as SUV’s in the sky. What IS this technology & who hav created it?
Since we no longer have any government, & it’s been false anyway, we can’t get information from them. And the false media is saying “shoot them down!”

Realities as we know it is now in a state called the “melee.”
What is a melee?
And who’s in charge now?
Think this one out – With Pluto entering Aquarius – who is in charge? We’ve been preparing for these times?

Especially here on our FB page – hopefully everyone following the many years of our Work together here have developed their Thinking Intelligent Mind & Intuition – then the RainCloud of Knowable Things is available to us.

From the Tibetan to Disciples.
“We stand together in spiritual enterprise. All of you have voluntarily and without pressure stated your willingness to go forward into a more intensive spiritual life. This you must do in the freedom of your own souls and through the power of [8] your own intellects. You will follow such instructions as seem to you reasonable and right but – when you do choose to follow them – you will attempt to fulfill the requirements with exactitude.

You will analyze and question the requirements which from time to time come from me and you will accept no belief in their verbal inspiration. Language ever handicaps and limits. You will also be guided in your work by health and circumstance, and you will ever remember that Masters are made through the achieving of mastery and not through obedience to any person.

You will bear in mind that I, your teacher, am not constantly aware of your physical condition or daily doings. I concern not myself with the affairs of the personality and those misguided aspirants who claim that the Masters are forever telling them what to do and are guiding them in their personal affairs are still far from the grade of accepted discipleship.

You will remember that the light will shine into a mind that is self-controlled and free from the mental dominance of another mind. With these provisos clearly understood, let us pass on to the enunciation of certain principles and to a consideration of what it may be possible to do.” (end for today)

The purpose of the Spiritual Work is to direct & connect the personality with the Soul. And later, the Soul & personality with the Monad (spiritual world, God).

Sacred Triangle
Our fundamental pillars are study (learning, contemplation), meditation & prayer and service – a triangle. This triangular work allows us to advance towards a gradual expansion of awareness and Consciousness.

The inspiration for the the study of the Ageless Wisdom comes from the life and work of great Initiates, who have walked the path of Earth, becoming a living example of Love and Wisdom.

There is no religion higher than Truth.
(H.P. Blavastky)

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 2 =

Thursday, December 12, 2024- 11am

Thursday, December 12, 2024- 11am



Thursday,  Decemeber 12, 2024- 11am

Thursday, December 12, 2024- 11am

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – mother of the Americas.

Thursday – December 12, 2024.
Taurus (4) moon today, Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun.
A festival today – on our Reappearance Day.
Jupiter’s day today of Love & Wisdom – Ray 2.
Reappearance Meditation is below at the end.

Our Lady of Guadalupe festival day today.
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Mary has many mantles, many colors, is many metaphors, archetypes, stories – all providing humanity with many symbols

that lead humanity forward upon the Path of Return.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, also known as the Virgin of Guadalupe, is a Catholic title for the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her title (Our Lady of Guadalupe) refers to a series of four Marian apparitions to Juan Diego, a Mexican peasant, in Mexico, in 1531.

In the heavens today – Sun & Mercury in Sagittarius (4, 5, 6).
Taurus (4) moon. Venus opposite Mars (6) (Aquarius/Leo).
Mercury (4) sextile Venus (5) (Sag/Aquarius).
Note the Rays today – blending & reflecting the Rays of Sagittarius.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
(the Great Ones appear to humanity when there is a need within humanity. Mary is part of the feminine Hierarchy).

The appearance of Our Lady (Mother Mary) to Juan Diego, a widower who lived in Mexico (near Mexico City. What is the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe & Jan Diego?
A miracle occurred as Juan was on his way to a nearby barrio (village) to attend Mass in honor of Our Lady. Juan was walking by a hill called Tepeyac when he heard beautiful music and the sound of song birds. A radiant cloud appeared, and within it stood an Indian maiden dressed like an Aztec princess.

She began to speak with Juan in his own language and sent him to the bishop of Mexico, a Franciscan named Juan de Zumarraga. She said Juan was to ask the bishop to build a chapel in the place where she appeared.
Juan did speak with the bishop. At first the bishop didn’t believe Juan & asked for a sign. Juan returned to the radiant Lady, telling her of the bishop’s request. Upon hearing the bishop’s request, the Lady made roses appear & gave them to Juan which he held in his tilma (cape). When Juan met with the bishop again, he opened his tilma and the roses fell to the ground. On the tilma where the roses had been was an image of Mary exactly as she had appeared to Juan at the hill of Tepeyac.
The bishop built the church as requested. It is now the cathedral of Our Lady in Mexico City. It stands today as a symbol of Mary & the miracle on the hill of roses. All over Mexico people travel to this Mexico City cathedral. Let us join them today.

Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe is, with her golden skin, is the patron saint of all the Americas and its people.

Pope John Paul was dedicated to Our Lady.

Sagittarius Sun & Mercury.
We comprehend the goals ahead. We reach those goals.
We communicate about them. We see the next goals to be achieved. The Hierarchy impresses us each step of the Way.

Honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe today.
An altar filled with roses.
We stand under the Light of Sagittarius.
And Rays 4, 5, 6.
We communicate (Mercury) our ideals & goals (Sag).
On our white horse, bow & arrow in hand.
Leading humanity to the foothills of Capricorn.
With our eyes on the mountain peaks of Capricorn.
love, Risa

Our Meditation
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention. Ohm Ohm Ohm.
love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

4 + 7 =

Wednesday, December 11, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, December 11, 2024- 11am



Wednesday,  Decemeber 11, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, December 11, 2024- 11am

Prayer at the of the text today. To recite together.
Today – moon squaring planets today.
What ARE the square for?
What are at the four points of the Square?
Four colors, four angels, four words, etc.
What are they?
Only the White Magicians Know…
And so…
Standing at the Four Corners of the Square.
At each corner Four Angels, four Colors & Four Words.
Be Pure, Dedicate, Love & Serve.

Today & everyday, now that we know of them.
We stand with the angels, knowing of them.
We utter the four sacred words.

Today, Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
Taurus (4) moon today, Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun & Mercury. (4)
Lots of squares today with the moon –
Moon square Pluto (Ray 1 – will, transformations).
Moon square Venus (Ray 5 – intelligence love based on truth).
Moon square Mars (Ray 6 – hopes, wishes, dreams visions, desires & aspirations).

Squares are good – they call us into a new direction & ask us to anchor there. I am presently in a new place, a new direction seeking to anchor here – & it would take a miracle for this to occur.

Also today…Lots or Ray 4 today.
Moon (4) inconjunct Mercury (Ray 4 – harmony thru chaos & conflict, the seeds of harmony seeking to emerge, giving us time to discover this, when we do, when we realize within conflict & chaos is harmony, a new level, then our behaviors are directed toward the resolution of conflict & chaos & we become that harmony. We become the Harmonizer(s).

Squares in astrology offer us a challenge to move in a different direction. They anchor a new realities. Look at the square – we are unable to move forward in the same direction, we have to turn 90 degrees – taking a new path forward.
At the points of the squares we find the Four Angels.

“At the four corners of the square, the four angelic… are seen. Orange they are, but veiled in rosy light. Within each form the yellow flame is seen and round each form the blue…

“Four words they utter forth, one for each human race, but not the sacred sound which bringeth forth the seventh. Two words have died away, four sound today. One sounds in realms so high that man can enter not as man. Thus are the seven words of man ringing around the square, passing from mouth to mouth.

“Each day of man the words take form and different seem.
And… the words are as follows.

“From the North a word is chanted forth which means… be pure.

“From the South the word peals out: I dedicate and…

“From the East, bringing a light divine, the word comes swinging round the square: Love all.,

“From the West, answer is thrown back: I serve.”

This is a faint effort to express in English these ancient Atlantean phrases, older than Sanskrit or Senzar, and known only to a mere handful of the members of the present hierarchy. But in the thoughts of purity, dedication, love and service, are summed up the nature and the destiny of man, and it should be remembered that they do not stand for so-called spiritual qualities, but for potent occult forces, dynamic in their incentive and creative in their result. This should be pondered on carefully by all aspirants.

Prayer for comfort in these changeable times.
Recited each day, each morning, each evening, every morning.
O Lord, O Mother, O Sustainer, O Lord of the World.
and also my Soul…
With your blessed love…anticipate my every need.
Sustain me according to Thy Will.
So I can become stronger & whether the seasons of my life.
with love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

5 + 9 =

Tuesday, December 10, 2024- 11am

Tuesday, December 10, 2024- 11am



Monday,  Decemeber 10, 2024- 11am

Monday, December 10, 2024- 11am

Everything slows down.
Even though Mercury is beginning to slowly move forward,
it’s still very slow moving, not getting up to speed til after the 1st week of January 2025. Mars remains retrograde til February 24,2025 & Jupiter also ’til Feb. 3, 2025. Uranus is also presently retrograde (’til 24th January 2025). Notice how things are going in one’s personal life & in everyone else’s. Are things, events, interactions, movements, every day life – are they simple, easy & harmonious? Retrogrades have us looking inward instead of outward, so our trajectory has changed no longer in the world but in our inner lives. This creates a bit of stumbling about, of doing things over & over, of crisscrossed communications & at times impatience & irritation, frustration & not knowing what is occurring. But we know what is occurring. Adaptions is cultivated.
The Astrology today – Aries Moon, Sag Sun trine Chiron. We may hear stories of sadnessess & woundings & emotional hurts. We listen only.

Mercury Mars & Venus interact in the heavens this week.
Personal interactions harmonizing.
Sunday is the full moon – Sagittarius solar festival, last full moon of the year – 24 degrees Sagittarius Sun.
Mid day, Mercury stations direct at 7 degrees Sag remaining in its shadow til January 6 – Epiphany.

We see what our tasks are today, completing them with each & harmony & grace. And so at the end of the day, reviewing the day, we see that the day was good. We have Goodwill which created Right Human Relations. And there was peace. love, Risa

Graphic: Devas of Air on the Sun – offering prana to humanity & Earth’s kingdoms. Remember, this Advent week is the light of the plant/vegetable kingdom.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

9 + 4 =

Tuesday, December 10, 2024- 11am

Tuesday, December 10, 2024- 11am



Monday,  Decemeber 10, 2024- 11am

Monday, December 10, 2024- 11am

Everything slows down.
Even though Mercury is beginning to slowly move forward,
it’s still very slow moving, not getting up to speed til after the 1st week of January 2025. Mars remains retrograde til February 24,2025 & Jupiter also ’til Feb. 3, 2025. Uranus is also presently retrograde (’til 24th January 2025). Notice how things are going in one’s personal life & in everyone else’s. Are things, events, interactions, movements, every day life – are they simple, easy & harmonious? Retrogrades have us looking inward instead of outward, so our trajectory has changed no longer in the world but in our inner lives. This creates a bit of stumbling about, of doing things over & over, of crisscrossed communications & at times impatience & irritation, frustration & not knowing what is occurring. But we know what is occurring. Adaptions is cultivated.
The Astrology today – Aries Moon, Sag Sun trine Chiron. We may hear stories of sadnssess & woundings & emotioanal hurts. We listen only.

Mercury Mars & Venus interact in the heavens this week.
Personal interactions harmonizing.
Sunday is the full moon – Sagittarius solar festival, last full moon of the year – 24 degrees Sagittarius Sun.
Mid day, Mercury stations direct at 7 degrees Sag remaining in its shadow til January 6 – Epiphany.

We see what our tasks are today, completing them with each & harmony & grace. And so at the end of the day, reviewing the day, we see that the day was good. We have Goodwill which created Right Human Relations. And there was peace. love, Risa

Graphic: Devas of Air on the Sun – offering prana to humanity & Earth’s kingdoms. Remember, this Advent week is the light of the plant/vegetable kingdom.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

3 + 4 =

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