Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday, December 19, 2024



Thursday,  Decemeber 19, 2024- 1pm

Thursday, December 19, 2024- 1pm

Journey to Bethlehem.
Thursday, December 19, 2024. Jupiter’s day.
Winter Solstice is Saturday. The next step into
the very very first light of new season.
Our last days of Sagittarius (the point of light that becomes a beam of light, pointing the way to the foothills of Capricorn
(1, 3, &). From goats to unicorns in the midnight Sun.
Just after midnight, the new light of Winter Solstice begins on Satuday.

Today, the Reappearnce Meditation.
Reappearance of the Christ Meditation Day.
We stand close to the Christ, at the heart of Hierarchy.
Our meditation becomes a healing for all those in need.
In the light of our Soul, we hear these words, we understand them. Because we are people of Goodwill.

“People of goodwill can come together to make things better.”
These are good words.

Our Reappearance Meditation.
Standing together under the light of the Group Soul, facing the Christ with intention, dedication & Love, we say Reappearance Mantram together…

Forgetting the things which lie behind,
We will strive towards our highest spiritual possibilities.
We dedicate ourselves anew
To the service of the Coming One
And will do all we can
To prepare men’s minds and hearts
For that event.
We have no other life intention.

We sound the OM three times, dedicating the three-fold personality (triangle of the personality – physical body, emotions, lower mind offered to the triangle of the Soul – Will, Love/Wisdom, Divine Intelligence) to the work of Preparation for the Christ’s Reappearance on Earth.

May the power of the One Life
Pour through the group of all true servers.

May the love of the one soul
Characterize the lives
Of all who seek to aid the great ones

May we fulfill our part in the one work
Through self-forgetfulness,
Harmlessness, and right speech.

On our Way towards Bethlehem with Joseph (Ray 1) & Mary (Ray 3). Soon Ray 2 will appear. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

14 + 13 =

Wednesday, December 18, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, December 18, 2024- 11am



Wednesday,  Decemeber 18, 2024- 11am

Wednesday, December 18, 2024- 11am

On the Way to Bethlehem.
On the way to winter solstice.
To Christmas & Hanukkah – two festivals of light.
The stars form the guide – Great Bear, Pleiades & Sirius guide us.
They are the Hierarchy for humanity.
The Adept follows the stars, fishing the souls to restore them to the Pathway. Gates open wide, boat launches on the ocean, stars guide the boats, fishermen sails. Fishing of man. Ohm.

From the very night of time, as well you know, the period wherein the sun moves northward again has been regarded as a festival season; for thousands of years it has been associated with the coming of the Sun-God to save the world, to bring light and fruitfulness to the Earth and through the work of the Son of God to bring hope to humanity.

God in the flesh — availed Himself of this period and came to us in the dark of the year and initiated a new era in which light was to be the distinguishing note. This has been true from several angles, even from the purely physical, for today we have a lighted world; everywhere lights are to be seen and the pitch dark nights of olden times are fast disappearing. Light has also descended on the earth in the form of the “light of knowledge.” Today, education whose objective is to lead all men on to a “lighted way,” is the keynote of our civilisation and is a major pre-occupation in all countries. The removal of illiteracy, the development of a true culture and the ascertaining of truth in all fields of thought and of research are of paramount importance in all lands.

The message of the birth of Christ rings ever new but is not today understood. The emphasis during the Aquarian Age, the age into which we are fast entering, will shift away from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, and from the infant Saviour to the Risen Christ. Pisces has seen, during two thousand years, the spreading light; Aquarius will see the Rising Light, and of both of these the Christ is the eternal symbol.

Winter solstice to sunrise…the new light to the new world, the hew hope. watching the sunrise on the ocean each early morning. these hours stimulate creativity for the day. A time of quiet reflectivity – then the sunrise happens & electromagnetic waves come forth in the red & orange hues of the morning – they energize all the levels of the bodies on earth. this happens in a greater degree during winter solstice. Resets our circadian rhythms each morning at dawn. Each day’s sunrise corresponds to winter solstice.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn – which is about time – a new time, a new stimulation, a new day for humanity. Up the mountain of Capricorn, ascending into the spiritual realms. Sagittarius, 4, 5, 6. Capricorn 1, 3, 7 – anchoring all that came before it into the Earth, into the hearts of humanity. The Will (Ray 1) of God into the minds (Ray 3) of humanity & anchors (Ray 7) this creative knowing into the hearts & minds of humanity creating a new rhythm & creativity.

The reddish Rays of the Sun – life giving force for humanity each morning at dawn.

Entering a time of holiness now.
Three days before the Winter Solstice, the Doors of Initiation open. We stand together at those open doors, having prepared each day for this time of the year.
Ra – the Sun – RAdiation of light upon humanity, the new light.
with love, Risa 🌲🕎🌴💚

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 15 =

Tuesday, December 17, 2024- 9am

Tuesday, December 17, 2024- 9am



Tuesday,  Decemeber 17, 2024- 9am

Monday, December 17, 2024- 9am

All week this week – into the next.
Our Gallery –
On the Road to Bethlehem – the 1st Initiation for humanity (first glimmer of the Soul) – On the Way to Bethlehem, no place at the Inn, Winter Solstice occurs, the pre-light of the Solstice Sun before the holy birth.
Then Bethlehem & the Inn & the Manger & the Angels & the Star Sirius in the sky.
A journey that we all take – with its loneliness, its lows & highs, its teachings, its sorrows, shadows, lostness, difficulties, its points of light with love offered sometime here and there.
The journey is one we all take – sometimes alone, sometimes together. The journey towards the Light.

Today – Tuesday December 17, 2024.
Our last days of Sagittarius – Saturday is Winter Solstice.
Shifting from Rays 3, 4, 5 to Rays 1, 3 & 7.
Note the many knowledge radiating Rays.
Note the one Love Ray.
Today the Cancer moon is v/c from 10:33am – 3:39pm (PT).
Then the moon enters Leo – the heart of the matter.

The lights we place in the windows, the lights on the christmas tree, the candles lit on the menorah – all signifying a light in the darkness, showing us the way ahead. These are lights along the path that give us hope. We then, each of us become that light. Becoming like the holy child, the Light for the World. love, Risa

Bringing the ritual of Christmas down into the body.
Mary – matter, receptive, the feminine principle.
Joseph, the radiating force, the masculine principle.
Pineal/pituitary, the manger, 3rd ventricle, marriage bed.
The stable, the manger.
Holy Child – awakening to a new light.
Regeneration of the body – in the lower body, the light rising up the kundalini – the sacredness of sex, sacrum, fluids, the unity of the M/F – bringing the story of the Holy Birth into the body itself.
Tables turn, time tables frames, planetary adjustments.
Right angels established, accounts squared up.
Angles are the angels, geometrical formations, the devas related to the body, the centers. Squares, the right angles, an angel at each point of the square. Be pure, focus, serve, love.
Bringing heaven to earth. Reaching into the light, bringing it down to meet the needs of humanity.
Importance of light on the physiology of the body.
Optic thalamus – part of the body of light.
Optic nerve – symbol of the Antahkarana (DK).
From dark to Light.
How light enters our body. Then….
We become the Light of the World.

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

13 + 15 =

Monday, December 16, 2024- 12pm

Monday, December 16, 2024- 12pm



Monday,  Decemeber 16, 2024- 12pm

Monday, December 16, 2024- 12pm

Advent Journey of Mary & Joseph.
The light within the animal kingdom.
This week – today is Monday – December 16, 2024.
A new week begins of things, events, ideas, people yet to be!
It’s the last week of Sagittarius before Sun enters Capricorn.
We prepare this week for Saturday’s Winter Solstice, Dec. 21st, when the Sun enters Capricorn – & the dark shifts to light.
The new light for the new year begins. A paradox.

At the beginning of this week each of us begins to ‘look for the inn, the place of repose, a retreat.” Mary & Joseph, in the ancient story, walking towards Bethlehem.

Everyone this week, whether aware or not, is preparing for the new light. In the bible, the Piscean story, this is the time when Joseph & Mary are searching for a place of rest, a place of peace & quet & solitude in which the holy child can be born. They end up in a stable with the animal kingdom, as the village of Bethlehem (Place of Bread, of nourishment) is busy & full with visitors.

A star is forming in the sky & the Magi are being alerted to begin their journey westward & the Sun is soon at the end of its southward journey (reaching the Tropic of Capricorn about to turn northward) & something new & startling & filled with light is about to occur. And there is expectancy in everyone’s hearts this week. We all feel it.

Under the Cancer moon we nourish & nurture this expectancy. Under the Sagittarius Sun, our last week of Sagittarius, we lead humanity to the foothills of Capricorn. And lead humanity up the mountain, til we get to the midnight Sun of Solstice & of Christmas, three days later. A journey of hope & happiness & joy.

Saturday – after midnight, Sun enters Capricorn. Yuletide begins.
We begin our contemplation on the Laws of Right Human Relations. When the Christ returns He will teach humanity about the Law of Right Human Relations & how to have happiness. Everything is in relationship to everything else. Relationship is everything. Astrology teaches us all about relationships. Astrology is the relationship between humanity & the heavens & each other. And this contact & knowledge of all…releases love, the Law of the Piscean Age. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

12 + 5 =

Sunday, December 15, 2024- 10am

Sunday, December 15, 2024- 10am



Sunday,  Decemeber 15, 2024- 10am

Sunday, December 15, 2024- 10am

The Rose Colored Candle, signifying Joy at what is to arrive.
Tonight at sundown we light the rose colored candle.
Signifying Joy – & the light in the animal kingdom.
Theirs is the quality of devotion to humanity.
The 3rd Sunday of Advent is the Sunday of Joy.
Joy is the quality of the Soul. Happiness is a quality of the personality.
This candle, rose in color, is the Light in the Animal Kingdom too.
Tonight at sundown we light the rose colored candle.
At Mass today – the priest wears rose colored silken robes.
We wear that color too today.

“Consciousness sleeps in the stone, dreams in the plant, awakes in the animal and slowly becomes aware of itself in man.”
There is a fifth kingdom – that of the Soul.

The Animal Kingdom.
In nature we can distinguish five kingdoms: mineral, vegetable and animal kingdom; the human kingdom; and the kingdom of the souls – these kingdoms are expressions of the soul of all things, or the soul of matter, or the Soul of the World (Anima Mundi, expressing
itself in ascending levels of form, energy, intelligence and consciousness in the five
kingdoms of nature, and further & higher still).
There is an ascending chain of kingdoms in the process of evolution (unfolding consciousness).

The Animal Kingdom.
An embryo mentality begins, a step up from the plant kingdom.
“In the animal kingdom a third energy/response appears; in increased
signs of sensation similar response in the
vegetable kingdom, but an addition of intellect, or embryo mind. Instinct begins in all animals and the word comes from the same Ray 5. When the power to instigate (initiate) begins within any animal
form it is a sign that an embryo mentality is beginning to manifest.”
Rays 3 (intelligence) & 6 (domestication & devotion).
Their expression is instinct & domesticity.
They function in the solar plexus.
They are, as is all the kingdom, an experiment – leading to divine lucidity (a mystery in all the kingdoms).
Ray 5 comes into play – it allows the merging of the animal with the human, the upliftment of the animal kingdom into the human kingdom when the door to the human kingdom opens.
The animal kingdom is a response to the elements fire & water.
The incoming 7th Ray will refine the animal bodies. It will bring about a closer relationship w/ animals & humans. & it will radically change the animal forms.
3rd Ray producing the emergence of instinct.
Note: there is instinct, intelligence & intuition developed in humanity. Humanity is 1/2 animal, 1/2 Spirit. Much of humanity is still in the instinctual stage. With right education, humanity develops intelligence. With spiritual study, meditation & service, humanity develops intuition. We cannot skip a stage.
Back to the Animal Kingdom.
Ray 3 develops the nervous system, brain & five senses, used in instinctual response.
Ray 6 is also an influence in the Animal Kingdom – the ability to be domesticated, trained, be devoted, & the power to love (which emerges in humanity). There is an intricacy of nerves & sensory centers & the plexus, force center, spinal column & brain in the animal (which humanity shares). An organization of response, which is the densification of the etheric web or body of light around the dense physical body. This is the life giving intelligent integration of energies to meet emergencies.

Today – Sunday December 15, 2024.
Today – full moon Sagittarius Solar Festival –
Day of Dedication & Safeguarding – the full moon was early this morning at 1:02 am (PT).
Moon enters Cancer after a short v/c.
Mercury stations direct this afternoon.
Before we go into the Astrology – on our Advent Wreath as we light it this evening at sundown, the start of a new day – we light the Light of the Animal Kingdom.

Sagittarius Seed Thought (Soul).
“We see the goals ahead of us, we reach those goals, then we see our next goals.” What are they for everyone?
Each month in our esoteric solar festival (new & full moons) journal, we write out the seed thoughts & we respond to them.
What are everyone’s goals? What has everyone achieved in terms of goals? What are the next goals to achieve?

Today –
The Gemini moon is resting & v/c in the morning.
Entering Cancer at 11:21am (PT).
Mercury (Ray 4) turns stationary direct at 12:56 am (PT).
At 7 degrees Leo.
We also write in our Retrograde Journals.
Knowing the degrees of the Mercury retrograde.
What happened during this retrograde of Mercury time?
What events, revelations, thoughts & ideas were experienced?

Our full moon day – the last full moon, solar festival of 2024.
Our next festival, before the new year, is the new moon, December 30th at 10 Degrees Capricorn.
These are our last days of Sagittarius. Sun enters Capricorn next Saturday, December 21, at 1:21 am (PT). Then it’s Winter Solstice & the new light begins for humanity. love, Risa

Contact Risa with questions or comments...

6 + 14 =

Saturday, December 14, 2024- 11am

Saturday, December 14, 2024- 11am



Saturday,  Decemeber 14, 2024- 11am

Saturday, December 14, 2024- 12pm

Saturday, Saturn’s day, Ray 3 day.
Intelligence from the Mind of God day.
December 14 2024. – Reminds me of Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2025, two months from now.
A lovely Gemini moon today – communication. Ray 2 day.
Sagittarius (4, 5, 6) Sun & Mercury (4) –
It’s seven days til Winter Solstice – when the new light begins.
When disciples & the Hierarchy prepare for Wesak 2025.
Eleven days til Christmas & Hanukah – feast of the Lights (two developmental stages of humanity).
So many festivals ahead!
And after Christmas the 12 Days of/After Christmas, walking with the Three Magi Astrologer Kings towards Epiphany.
There is always something that is good.

Tomorrow after midnight is the full moon – the last full moon of the year 2024. The solar festival of 24 degrees Sagittarius.
In the afternoon after noon time, Mercury stations direct – 7 degrees Sagittarius (4, 5, 6).
Humanity is called to reflect & work within the patterns of the heavens. The heavens guide us.
This calls for humanity to study astrology (of self, of others, of events in the world – Astrology is everything) & the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. The purpose of our Work here together.
Together – love, Risa

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2 + 14 =

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